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Cancer-Free, Third Edition by Bill Henderson
Cancer-Free, Third Edition
Bill Henderson
Cancer-Free, Third Edition by Bill Henderson

Cancer-Free, Third Edition

By: Bill Henderson

Narrated by: Tom Weiner

Length: 8 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Cancer-Freeis the untold story of an antioxidant breakthrough known to shrink tumors and force cancer of all kinds into remission. And you don't need a doctor to get it.A cancer diagnosis always causes fear. Most of us have seen relatives and friends destroyed by conventional cancer treatment. Now, thanks to a new wealth of information, you can... Read more

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The All-Pro Diet by Tony Gonzalez & Mitzi Dulan
The All-Pro Diet
Tony Gonzalez & Mitzi Dulan
The All-Pro Diet by Tony Gonzalez & Mitzi Dulan

The All-Pro Diet

By: Tony Gonzalez & Mitzi Dulan

Narrated by: Chris Gonzalez

Length: 4 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Gain strength, stamina, and energy like a pro!  For years, professional football player Tony Gonzalez fueled his game-day performances and workouts with a host of popular (and unhealthy) foods like burgers with bacon and cheese, deep-fried chicken wings, shrimp drenched in butter, and steak at least three times a week. When you’re constantly... Read more

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Cole...I Love You to the Moon and Back by Aaron Dean Ruotsala
Cole...I Love You to the Moon and Back
Aaron Dean Ruotsala
Cole...I Love You to the Moon and Back by Aaron Dean Ruotsala

Cole...I Love You to the Moon and Back

By: Aaron Dean Ruotsala

Narrated by: Aaron Dean Ruotsala

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Aaron Dean Ruotsala, 24-year-old husband, father, business owner, and pilot shares a true story about a heart-wrenching experience he calls the best and worst experience of a lifetime. This story will provoke you to laughter, tears, and cause you to examine yourself and your role as a human on this temporal journey. His prayer is that all who... Read more

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A Sunny Day / Ein sonniger Tag by Hypnosemusik Deutschland
A Sunny Day / Ein sonniger Tag
Hypnosemusik Deutschland
A Sunny Day / Ein sonniger Tag by Hypnosemusik Deutschland

A Sunny Day / Ein sonniger Tag

By: Hypnosemusik Deutschland

Length: 30 minutes

Abridged: No

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Mysteries of Food Cravings by PBS NewsHour
Mysteries of Food Cravings
PBS NewsHour
Mysteries of Food Cravings by PBS NewsHour

Mysteries of Food Cravings

By: PBS NewsHour

Narrated by: PBS NewsHour

Length: 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Health correspondent Betty Ann Bowser talks to author Dr. David Kessler about overeating and what is behind people's cravings, the subject of his new book, The End of Overeating. Read more

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The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley
The Doors of Perception
Aldous Huxley
The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley

The Doors of Perception

By: Aldous Huxley

Narrated by: Rudolph Schirmer

Length: 2 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

The critically acclaimed novelist and social critic Aldous Huxley describes his personal experimentation with the drug mescaline and explores the nature of visionary experience. The title of this classic comes from William Blake’s The Marriage of Heaven and Hell: “If the doors of perception were cleansed, every thing would appear to man as it... Read more

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Counterclockwise by Ellen J. Langer
Ellen J. Langer
Counterclockwise by Ellen J. Langer


By: Ellen J. Langer

Narrated by: Sandra Burr

Length: 7 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

If we could turn back the clock psychologically, could we also turn it back physically?For more than thirty years, award-winning social psychologist Ellen Langer has studied this provocative question, and now, in Counterclockwise, she presents a conclusive answer: Opening our minds to what’s possible, instead of presuming impossibility, can lead... Read more

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Diet Myths that Keep Us Fat - Abridged by Nancy L. Snyderman, M.D.
Diet Myths that Keep Us Fat - Abridged
Nancy L. Snyderman, M.D.
Diet Myths that Keep Us Fat - Abridged by Nancy L. Snyderman, M.D.

Diet Myths that Keep Us Fat - Abridged

By: Nancy L. Snyderman, M.D.

Narrated by: Nancy L. Snyderman, M.D.

Length: 5 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Get the real skinny on fat.

When it comes to losing weight, the false beliefs most of us cling to could fill a book–this one! As a medical doctor, medical journalist, and veteran of the diet wars, Nancy L. Snyderman knows better than almost anyone what really works and what sabotages your best efforts to shed pounds and keep them off. Do you... Read more

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A Guided Imagery Program to Heal Trauma by Jane Ehrman
A Guided Imagery Program to Heal Trauma
Jane Ehrman
A Guided Imagery Program to Heal Trauma by Jane Ehrman

A Guided Imagery Program to Heal Trauma

By: Jane Ehrman

Narrated by: Jane Ehrman

Length: 1 hour 45 minutes

Abridged: No

This audio program provides a series of guided meditations to aid in the healing and recovery from post traumatic stress. There are specific meditations to effectively manage intrusive thoughts, feelings, and images, reduce anxiety, and re-frame negative thoughts. This program provides the framework for developing insight, meaning, and personal... Read more

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Skinny Bastard by Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin
Skinny Bastard
Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin
Skinny Bastard by Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin

Skinny Bastard

By: Rory Freedman & Kim Barnouin

Narrated by: Hillary Huber

Length: 5 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Fed up with being fat? Good! That means you're ready to get ripped—and there's nothing mamsy-pamsy about wanting to look good.Hundreds of thousands of women have been inspired to get real about the food they eat after reading the best-selling manifestoSkinny Bitch. Now it's time for the guys to have a book of their own.Guys like the Milwaukee... Read more

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The End of Overeating by David A. Kessler MD
The End of Overeating
David A. Kessler MD
The End of Overeating by David A. Kessler MD

The End of Overeating

By: David A. Kessler MD

Narrated by: Blair Hardman

Length: 7 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Most of us know what it feels like to fall under the spell of food -- when one slice of pizza turns into half a pie, or a handful of chips leads to an empty bag. But it's harder to understand why we can't seem to stop eating -- even when we know better. When we want so badly to say "no," why do we continue to reach for food?

Dr. David Kessler,... Read more

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Adelgazar para siempre by Ana Martos
Adelgazar para siempre
Ana Martos
Adelgazar para siempre by Ana Martos

Adelgazar para siempre

By: Ana Martos

Narrated by: Adriana Sananes

Length: 4 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

La obesidad es un mal de nuestro tiempo que origina numerosas enfermedades y que afecta cada vez a un mayor numero de personas. Principalmente esta causada por una conducta alimentaria caracterizada por comer mal, sin control, sin placer y a destiempo. Cuando el origen de la obesidad esta causada por ese tipo de conducta alimentaria, esta no se... Read more

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Lustige Fußgymnastik für Kinder - Hörbuch by Christian Larsen, Bea Miescher & Spiraldynamik Holding AG
Lustige Fußgymnastik für Kinder - Hörbuch
Christian Larsen, Bea Miescher & Spiraldynamik ...
Lustige Fußgymnastik für Kinder - Hörbuch by Christian Larsen, Bea Miescher & Spiraldynamik Holding AG

Lustige Fußgymnastik für Kinder - Hörbuch

By: Christian Larsen, Bea Miescher & Spiraldynamik ...

Narrated by: Antje Von der Ahe, Robert Schoen, Carmen Maja A...

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Zart und duftig und dabei so stark, um uns durch ein ganzes Leben zu tragen - das sind unsere Füße. Leider verkennen wir allzu oft ihren Wert. Wir verstecken diese Wunderwerke der Natur in finsterem Schuhwerk und kümmern uns kaum um sie. Ersparen wir doch unseren Kindern dieses Schicksal! Dieses Hörbuch basiert auf der erfolgreichen, von Dr.... Read more

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Core Balance by Marcelle Pick
Core Balance
Marcelle Pick
Core Balance by Marcelle Pick

Core Balance

By: Marcelle Pick

Narrated by: Marcelle Pick

Length: 4 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

From the co-founder of Women to Women, one of the first clinics in the country devoted to providing health care for women by women, comes a whole new way to look at weight loss: Core Balance. Marcelle Pick draws upon decades of patient and personal experience to solve the mystery of stubborn, frustrating weight gain in women, whether you've just... Read more

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Hungry Girl: The Official Survival Guides by Lisa Lillien
Hungry Girl: The Official Survival Guides
Lisa Lillien
Hungry Girl: The Official Survival Guides by Lisa Lillien

Hungry Girl: The Official Survival Guides

By: Lisa Lillien

Narrated by: Lisa Lillien

Length: 1 hour 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Based on one of the most wildly popular, fastest-growing free daily e-mail subscription services, this Hungry Girl original audiobook is filled with survival strategies for anyone who wants to make guilt-free eating choices, anywhere, anytime. Learn how to "chew the right thing" from any and every restaurant menu, on airplanes and even from the... Read more

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One Less Thing to Worry About by Jerilyn Ross & Robin Cantor-Cooke
One Less Thing to Worry About
Jerilyn Ross & Robin Cantor-Cooke
One Less Thing to Worry About by Jerilyn Ross & Robin Cantor-Cooke

One Less Thing to Worry About

By: Jerilyn Ross & Robin Cantor-Cooke

Narrated by: Kirsten Potter

Length: 6 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

When it comes to having anxiety, women outnumber men two to one. Fluctuations in levels of estrogen and other hormones, as well as physiological factors unique to women, seem to cause us not only to experience anxiety differently at different times in our lives, but also to worry about different things in different ways. Now a pioneer in the... Read more

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Healing and Preventing Autism by Jenny McCarthy & Jerry Kartzinel MD
Healing and Preventing Autism
Jenny McCarthy & Jerry Kartzinel MD
Healing and Preventing Autism by Jenny McCarthy & Jerry Kartzinel MD

Healing and Preventing Autism

By: Jenny McCarthy & Jerry Kartzinel MD

Narrated by: Tavia Gilbert

Length: 9 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Since 2006, autism has become the leading disorder affecting children in the United States. As children continue to be diagnosed at epidemic rates and parents struggle to find help, a school of DAN (Defeat Autism Now) pediatricians has been pioneering therapies and treatments that help reverse the effects of autism. DAN doctors have discovered... Read more

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Ernährung - Abridged by Ulrike Gonder
Ernährung - Abridged
Ulrike Gonder
Ernährung - Abridged by Ulrike Gonder

Ernährung - Abridged

By: Ulrike Gonder

Narrated by: David Nathan

Length: 2 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sind unsere Kinder zu dick? Ist Vollkorn gesund? Und wie sieht es mit der Qualität unserer Lebensmittel aus, wie mit ihrer Belastung? Ulrike Gonder zeigt, wie Ernährung funktioniert und dass Essen mehr ist als bloße Nahrungsaufnahme. Und sie macht Mut zu mehr Gelassenheit bei Tisch. Sprecher: David Nathan Read more

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Krebs - Abridged by Klaus Kayser
Krebs - Abridged
Klaus Kayser
Krebs - Abridged by Klaus Kayser

Krebs - Abridged

By: Klaus Kayser

Narrated by: Torsten Michaelis

Length: 2 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Wie kommt es zum unkontrollierten Zellwachstum und was sind typische Ausbreitungsmuster und Symptome? Inwieweit ist Krebs erblich bedingt und welche Rolle spielen falsche Ernährung, Rauchen und andere Umwelteinflüsse? Übersichtlich und kenntnisreich bietet Klaus Kayser Antworten auf die wichtigsten Fragen und zeigt, was jeder Einzelne tun kann,... Read more

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Enough Already! - Abridged by Peter Walsh
Enough Already! - Abridged
Peter Walsh
Enough Already! - Abridged by Peter Walsh

Enough Already! - Abridged

By: Peter Walsh

Narrated by: Peter Walsh

Length: 6 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Does your life feel out of balance? Peter Walsh can help you tackle everything in your busy life.

Most of us are so overwhelmed by work, bills, and school and family commitments that we rush from person to person and place to place without ever feeling satisfied—sometimes giving one area of our lives too much attention and other areas not enough.... Read more

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Finding Equilibrium by Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish
Finding Equilibrium
Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish
Finding Equilibrium by Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Finding Equilibrium

By: Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Narrated by: Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Bestselling author Dean Ornish, M.D. writes another fantastic audiobook about health with Finding Equilibrium. Read more

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Eating with Ecstasy by Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish
Eating with Ecstasy
Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish
Eating with Ecstasy by Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Eating with Ecstasy

By: Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Narrated by: Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Length: 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Learn how to manage your eating and appetite with Dr. Dean Ornish's, Eating with Ecstasy. Read more

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Tranquility of the Senses by Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish
Tranquility of the Senses
Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish
Tranquility of the Senses by Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Tranquility of the Senses

By: Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Narrated by: Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: No

An audiobook from bestselling wellness and health guru, Dr. Dean Ornish. Read more

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Reframe Frustration by Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish
Reframe Frustration
Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish
Reframe Frustration by Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Reframe Frustration

By: Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Narrated by: Dean Ornish, M.D. & Anne Ornish

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

From the bestselling author of The Spectrum, comes Dr. Dean Ornish's Reframe Frustration. Read more

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