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Body, Mind, & Spirit audiobooks

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Die Macht des Bewusstseins - Abridged by Audana Verlag
Die Macht des Bewusstseins - Abridged
Audana Verlag
Die Macht des Bewusstseins - Abridged by Audana Verlag

Die Macht des Bewusstseins - Abridged

By: Audana Verlag

Narrated by: Ralph Schicha

Length: 2 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dieses Hörbuch beinhaltet die deutsche Übersetzung eines Buches von Neville Goddard. Originaltitel: The Power of Awareness Übersetzt: Die Macht des Bewusstseins Im Bewusstseinszustand jedes Einzelnen finden wir die Erklärung für die Erscheinungen des Lebens. "Ich bin" ist die Realität, an die wir uns immer wieder zu wenden haben, wenn... Read more

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New release
Das Gesetz der Annahme - Abridged by Audana Verlag
Das Gesetz der Annahme - Abridged
Audana Verlag
Das Gesetz der Annahme - Abridged by Audana Verlag

Das Gesetz der Annahme - Abridged

By: Audana Verlag

Narrated by: Ralph Schicha

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dieses Hörbuch beinhaltet die deutsche Übersetzung eines Vortrages von Neville Goddard. Originaltitel: The Law of Assumption Übersetzt: Das Gesetz der Annahme. Unsere Annahmen bestimmen unsere Lebensumstände. Eine Veränderung unserer Annahmen führt unmittelbar zu einer Veränderung unserer Lebensumstände. Gesundheit, Glück und Wohlstand... Read more

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New release
Das Gebot und die Verheißung - Abridged by Audana Verlag & Marco Looso
Das Gebot und die Verheißung - Abridged
Audana Verlag & Marco Looso
Das Gebot und die Verheißung - Abridged by Audana Verlag & Marco Looso

Das Gebot und die Verheißung - Abridged

By: Audana Verlag & Marco Looso

Narrated by: Ralph Schicha

Length: 3 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dieses Hörbuch beinhaltet die deutsche Übersetzung eines Buches von Neville Goddard. Originaltitel: The Law and the Promise Übersetzt: Das Gebot und die Verheißung Dieses Hörbuch möchte Ihnen anhand wahrheitsgemäßer Begebenheiten aufzeigen, wie die Realität durch die Vorstellung erschaffen wird. Sobald der Mensch das Rätsel der... Read more

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New release
Das Gebet - Die Kunst des Glaubens - Abridged by Audana Verlag
Das Gebet - Die Kunst des Glaubens - Abridged
Audana Verlag
Das Gebet - Die Kunst des Glaubens - Abridged by Audana Verlag

Das Gebet - Die Kunst des Glaubens - Abridged

By: Audana Verlag

Narrated by: Ralph Schicha

Length: 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dieses Hörbuch beinhaltet die deutsche Übersetzung eines Buches von Neville Goddard. Originaltitel: The Law and the Promise Übersetzt: Das Gebet, die Kunst des Glaubens Dieses Hörbuch ist ein Versuch, Unsichtbares in den Bereich des Sichtbaren zu bringen, indem es die Bedingungen aufzeigt, die für ein erfülltes Gebet gelten. Gebete... Read more

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Coming soon
Die Macht unserer inneren Selbstgespräche - Abridged by Audana Verlag
Die Macht unserer inneren Selbstgespräche - Abridged
Audana Verlag
Die Macht unserer inneren Selbstgespräche - Abridged by Audana Verlag

Die Macht unserer inneren Selbstgespräche - Abridged

By: Audana Verlag

Narrated by: Ralph Schicha

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Dieses Hörbuch beinhaltet die deutsche Übersetzung eines Vortrages von Neville Goddard. Originaltitel: Mental Diets Übersetzt: Geistige Diät. Jeder Mensch spricht zu sich selbst. Dieser Gewohnheit kann sich niemand entziehen. Wir können dies ebenso wenig abstellen, wie wir auf Essen oder Trinken verzichten können. Die Art und... Read more

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Coming soon
Das Spiel des Lebens - Abridged by Audana Verlag
Das Spiel des Lebens - Abridged
Audana Verlag
Das Spiel des Lebens - Abridged by Audana Verlag

Das Spiel des Lebens - Abridged

By: Audana Verlag

Narrated by: Ralph Schicha

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Dieses Hörbuch enthält ausgewählte Passagen aus fünf Vorträgen von Neville Goddard in deutscher Übersetzung. Titel: Das Spiel des Lebens Das Leben ist ein Spiel, und bevor man ein Spiel spielt sollte man die Regeln kennen. Das Leben kann oftmals zu einer wahren Herausforderung werden. Um diese Herausforderung zu meistern, sollte man die... Read more

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Coming soon
30 godzin relaksu z dźwiękiem by Rasmus Broe
30 godzin relaksu z dźwiękiem
Rasmus Broe
30 godzin relaksu z dźwiękiem by Rasmus Broe

30 godzin relaksu z dźwiękiem

By: Rasmus Broe

Narrated by: Rasmus Broe

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Poddaj się kojącym właściwościom dźwięku. Rozweselający śpiew ptaków, łagodzący szmer wody, uspokajający szelest przewracanej kartki. Otaczające nas dźwięki mają ogromny wpływ na nasze samopoczucie. Zamknij oczy, rozluźnij mięśnie i zanurz się w kojącej fonosferze. Zakończ dzień masażem duszy przy pomocy uzdrowicielskich kompozycji... Read more

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New release
The Powerhouse of Meditation: From Stress To Vitality by Kath Reade
The Powerhouse of Meditation: From Stress To Vitality
Kath Reade
The Powerhouse of Meditation: From Stress To Vitality by Kath Reade

The Powerhouse of Meditation: From Stress To Vitality

By: Kath Reade

Narrated by: Kath Reade

Length: 3 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

The Powerhouse of Meditation is wonderful guide to meditation, mindfulness and spirituality. It is a wonderful resource for personal development and mental health by bestselling author, Kath Reade.Deeply experienced and inspirational to many in her meditations, songs and teachings, Kath has written this book to be both a meditation in itself and... Read more

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New release
Micro Meditations for Instant Balance by Mindful Spaces
Micro Meditations for Instant Balance
Mindful Spaces
Micro Meditations for Instant Balance by Mindful Spaces

Micro Meditations for Instant Balance

By: Mindful Spaces

Narrated by: Lucy Dwyer

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Experience the ultimate convenience of mindfulness with our Micro Meditations—your pocket full of balance for a busy world. Each quick meditation session is designed to reduce stress, improve focus & productivity and boost emotional resilience, making it easy to incorporate mindfulness into your day. Whether you’re at work, commuting, or... Read more

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New release
Spirit Tantra: Der Ratgeber für Einsteiger by Anne Durmaz
Spirit Tantra: Der Ratgeber für Einsteiger
Anne Durmaz
Spirit Tantra: Der Ratgeber für Einsteiger by Anne Durmaz

Spirit Tantra: Der Ratgeber für Einsteiger

By: Anne Durmaz

Narrated by: Yin Jen

Length: 3 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Spirit Tantra - Der Ratgeber für Einsteiger Dieses Buch ist in erster Linie für Interessierte Singles und Paare gedacht, die Tantra kennenlernen wollen und bisher noch wenig oder gar keine Erfahrung damit haben. Tantra hat viele Gesichter. Es ist ein spiritueller Weg für neugierige und offene Menschen, losgelöst von jeglicher sexuellen... Read more

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New release
Co-Creating with the Universe by Alan Cohen
Co-Creating with the Universe
Alan Cohen
Co-Creating with the Universe by Alan Cohen

Co-Creating with the Universe

By: Alan Cohen

Narrated by: Alan Cohen

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: No

God is already within you. Join Alan Cohen as he takes you deep into the wise, peaceful foundations of the Universe. Here, you are poised to manifest your deepest desires. Read more

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Healing Frequencies | Nervous System Regulation by Vibrational Therapy
Healing Frequencies | Nervous System Regulation
Vibrational Therapy
Healing Frequencies | Nervous System Regulation by Vibrational Therapy

Healing Frequencies | Nervous System Regulation

By: Vibrational Therapy

Narrated by: Vibrational Therapy

Length: 8 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover a Sonic Journey to Inner Harmony Are you seeking a natural way to alleviate stress and restore balance in your life? Dive into a transformative auditory experience designed to soothe your mind, rejuvenate your body, and awaken your inner peace. Why This Audiobook? ***** Therapeutic Soundscapes: Immerse yourself in carefully... Read more

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New release
My Altered States by Rick Strassman
My Altered States
Rick Strassman
My Altered States by Rick Strassman

My Altered States

By: Rick Strassman

Narrated by: Rick Strassman

Length: 9 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

“Every reader will find this account fascinating. A lively and intensely personal addition to the drugs-memoir genre.”—Kirkus Reviews

“You're such an important part of the psychedelic history.”—Joe Rogan Experience, episode #1854

• Recounts several dozen of the author’s experiences of drug and non-drug altered states of consciousness from birth to... Read more

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Anubis by Charlie Larson
Charlie Larson
Anubis by Charlie Larson


By: Charlie Larson

Narrated by: Joe Hempel

Length: 6 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Anubis is among the most recognizable gods of ancient Egypt. Is Anubis a relic of the past, or is he actively venerated now? Author Charlie Larson, a longtime priest and devotee of Anubis, answers these questions and more. Portrayed as either a black jackal or as a jackal-headed man, Anubis is Egypt's original Lord of the Dead. Anubis's domain... Read more

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How Premonitions Really Work by Martin K. Ettington
How Premonitions Really Work
Martin K. Ettington
How Premonitions Really Work by Martin K. Ettington

How Premonitions Really Work

By: Martin K. Ettington

Narrated by: Martin K. Ettington

Length: 2 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

I’ve already written a couple of books on prophecy and premonitions including my own experiences.But as an engineer I felt that I really had not fully communicated what I’ve learned about these abilities and how we can apply this knowledge to our lives.Thus the purpose of this book is to be as detailed as I can be about what premonitions are and... Read more

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New release
In Praise of Listening by Christian McEwen
In Praise of Listening
Christian McEwen
In Praise of Listening by Christian McEwen

In Praise of Listening

By: Christian McEwen

Narrated by: Christian McEwen

Length: 8 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

In her latest book, In Praise of Listening, Christian McEwen reflects on listening (silence, music, nature, prayer) in a series of thoughtful chapters, each one focused on a different theme. When an athlete speaks of "listening to his body," or a gardener describes herself as "listening to the land," when writers and artists explain that they... Read more

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Lose Weight And Detox Deep Sleep Hypnosis by Sleepy School
Lose Weight And Detox Deep Sleep Hypnosis
Sleepy School
Lose Weight And Detox Deep Sleep Hypnosis by Sleepy School

Lose Weight And Detox Deep Sleep Hypnosis

By: Sleepy School

Narrated by: Mehreen Imran

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you ready to transform your body, mind, and sleep? Lose Weight and Detox Deep Sleep Hypnosis is your perfect companion for unlocking the natural power within you to shed those extra pounds, cleanse your body, and experience deeper, more restful sleep.This audiobook uses scientifically-backed hypnosis techniques combined with relaxing sleep... Read more

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New release
Grow a New Brain by Alberto Villoldo
Grow a New Brain
Alberto Villoldo
Grow a New Brain by Alberto Villoldo

Grow a New Brain

By: Alberto Villoldo

Narrated by: Peter Straub

Length: 7 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Growing older is inevitable, but aging can be prevented, even reversed—but only when you upgrade your brain, using both ancient and modern science, to create psychosomatic health.

A healthy brain is the foundation for a healthier and more fulfilling life, and in Grow A New Brain, modern shamanic practitioner Alberto Villoldo reveals research and... Read more

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New release
Real Angels Don't Have Wings by Dr. Erika J. Chopich
Real Angels Don't Have Wings
Dr. Erika J. Chopich
Real Angels Don't Have Wings by Dr. Erika J. Chopich

Real Angels Don't Have Wings

By: Dr. Erika J. Chopich

Narrated by: Dr. Erika J. Chopich

Length: 2 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

In this inspirational book, Dr. Erika Chopich details a frightening and life-changing experience that occurred more than 30 years ago, that led her on a journey to connect herself and others to higher teachers, and to a wealth of information.

In Real Angels Don’t Have Wings, she shares the profound insights she gained from asking the right... Read more

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Desactivar Chakras by Refeser
Desactivar Chakras
Desactivar Chakras by Refeser

Desactivar Chakras

By: Refeser

Narrated by: Refeser

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Transforma tu espiritualidad y libera tu energía con este revolucionario audio de autosanación.¿Sabías que los chakras, tradicionalmente vistos como centros de energía vital, actúan como "enchufes" conectados a energías externas que drenan tu bienestar? Este audio desafía la visión convencional y te guía en un método único: desactivar y eliminar... Read more

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Las 100 Frases De Oscar Wilde by Oscar Wilde
Las 100 Frases De Oscar Wilde
Oscar Wilde
Las 100 Frases De Oscar Wilde by Oscar Wilde

Las 100 Frases De Oscar Wilde

By: Oscar Wilde

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Oscar Wilde nació en Irlanda en 1854 y murió en Francia en 1900, destacado poeta, escritor, dramaturgo y de reconocido ingenio que afloró a temprana edad. Curiosamente, el autor británico fue educado en casa hasta los 9 años, recibiendo una educación casera pero culta por parte de sus padres.Entre sus cualidades, Oscar Wilde se mostró interesado... Read more

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Coming soon
Theta-Wellen Meditation zum Einschlafen: Gleite sanft in den Schlaf by Raphael Kempermann
Theta-Wellen Meditation zum Einschlafen: Gleite sanft in den Schlaf
Raphael Kempermann
Theta-Wellen Meditation zum Einschlafen: Gleite sanft in den Schlaf by Raphael Kempermann

Theta-Wellen Meditation zum Einschlafen: Gleite sanft in den Schlaf

By: Raphael Kempermann

Narrated by: Raphael Kempermann

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Theta-Wellen sind langsame Gehirnwellen, die in Phasen tiefer Meditation und im REM-Schlaf auftreten. Sie ermöglichen es uns, unsere innere Welt zu erkunden, Kreativität zu fördern und unsere Selbstheilungskräfte zu aktivieren. Durch diese Meditation wirst du lernen, deinen Fokus von der Außenwelt abzuziehen und dich ganz auf dein inneres... Read more

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Dream Insights by Leila Wattson
Dream Insights
Leila Wattson
Dream Insights by Leila Wattson

Dream Insights

By: Leila Wattson

Narrated by: Sherry Helford

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Dreams have fascinated humans for centuries, often serving as windows into the unconscious mind. Ancient cultures viewed dreams as messages from the gods or as prophecies that foretold the future. In modern psychology, dreams are understood as reflections of our deepest thoughts, fears, and desires, offering insights that can be both profound... Read more

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Hekate the Goddess of Witchcraft by Melissa Smith
Hekate the Goddess of Witchcraft
Melissa Smith
Hekate the Goddess of Witchcraft by Melissa Smith

Hekate the Goddess of Witchcraft

By: Melissa Smith

Narrated by: Ellie Moon

Length: 3 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Have you felt the quiet call of Hekate, the goddess of witchcraft, boundaries, and transformation? Known as the Keeper of Keys and Guide of Souls, Hekate has stood at the crossroads of history and myth, offering wisdom to those navigating life's deepest mysteries. Her torches illuminate the unseen, her keys unlock the paths between worlds, and... Read more

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