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Body, Mind, & Spirit audiobooks

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New release
Liebe & intime Beziehungen | Wer, wo, warum in sozialen Medien | Humor | Bildung | Altern - Eliza Nicholsbys "Was Sterne flüstern" by Eliza Nicholsby
Liebe & intime Beziehungen | Wer, wo, warum in sozialen Medien | Humor | Bildung | Altern - Eliza Nicholsbys "Was Sterne flüstern"
Eliza Nicholsby
Liebe & intime Beziehungen | Wer, wo, warum in sozialen Medien | Humor | Bildung | Altern - Eliza Nicholsbys "Was Sterne flüstern" by Eliza Nicholsby

Liebe & intime Beziehungen | Wer, wo, warum in sozialen Medien | Humor | Bildung | Altern - Eliza Nicholsbys "Was Sterne flüstern"

By: Eliza Nicholsby

Narrated by: Yvonne Goldsteen-Maybaum

Length: 3 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Liebe & intime Beziehungen | Wer, wo, warum in sozialen Medien | Humor | Bildung | Altern - Was Sterne flüstern".
Sonne, Aszendent & Mond - Planeten - Häuser - Chiron - Lilith - Mondknoten - Medium CoeliLüften Sie die Geheimnisse intimer Beziehungen und erfahren Sie, was männliche und weibliche Sternzeichen wirklich wollen. Was sind ihre... Read more

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New release
Sleep Hypnosis for Anxiety, Overthinking and Depression by Sleep School
Sleep Hypnosis for Anxiety, Overthinking and Depression
Sleep School
Sleep Hypnosis for Anxiety, Overthinking and Depression by Sleep School

Sleep Hypnosis for Anxiety, Overthinking and Depression

By: Sleep School

Narrated by: Mehreen Imran

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

Are you struggling with anxiety, overthinking, or depression? It's time to let go of the mental clutter and reclaim your peace of mind. "Sleep Hypnosis for Anxiety, Overthinking, and Depression" is a transformative audiobook designed to guide you into a state of deep relaxation, promoting healing through positive affirmations. As you listen,... Read more

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New release
Limpieza espiritual: La guía definitiva para la protección psíquica, reiki, formas de limpiar sus chakras, aura, y elevar su vibración by Mari Silva
Limpieza espiritual: La guía definitiva para la protección psíquica, reiki, formas de limpiar sus chakras, aura, y elevar su vibración
Mari Silva
Limpieza espiritual: La guía definitiva para la protección psíquica, reiki, formas de limpiar sus chakras, aura, y elevar su vibración by Mari Silva

Limpieza espiritual: La guía definitiva para la protección psíquica, reiki, formas de limpiar sus chakras, aura, y elevar su vibración

By: Mari Silva

Narrated by: Fabio Persa

Length: 4 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Descubra los secretos de la limpieza espiritual y transforme su vida.¿Se siente espiritualmente agotado y agobiado por la energía negativa?¿Quiere aprender a protegerse a sí mismo y a sus seres queridos de las energías tóxicas?¿Le cuesta encontrar una conexión más profunda con su yo espiritual?¿Está buscando una conexión más profunda con su ser... Read more

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New release
Nature’s Symphony Of Serene Water Flow Ambiance For Anxiety Relief, Deep Relaxation & Restful Sleep by Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony Of Serene Water Flow Ambiance For Anxiety Relief, Deep Relaxation & Restful Sleep
Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony Of Serene Water Flow Ambiance For Anxiety Relief, Deep Relaxation & Restful Sleep by Cedar Skye

Nature’s Symphony Of Serene Water Flow Ambiance For Anxiety Relief, Deep Relaxation & Restful Sleep

By: Cedar Skye

Narrated by: Cedar Skye

Length: 6 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the ultimate relaxation experience with Nature’s Symphony of Serene Water Flow Ambiance for Anxiety Relief, Deep Relaxation & Restful Sleep. This captivating audiobook is designed to transport you to a serene haven where the gentle sounds of flowing water provide a perfect backdrop for achieving profound anxiety relief and deep... Read more

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New release
Café der Begegnung by Diana Rutz
Café der Begegnung
Diana Rutz
Café der Begegnung by Diana Rutz

Café der Begegnung

By: Diana Rutz

Narrated by: Diana Rutz

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Du betrittst ein Café. Heute bitte keine Begegnungen, denn so überdrüssig und viel sind mir all diese Menschen geworden. Ich sehne mich nach wirklicher, echter Begegnung. Keine Plänkelei des Alltags über das Wetter, die Arbeit und dem StandartSatz "Wie gehts Dir?" Warum, warum fragt keiner wie ich mich fühle? Was ist denn eine... Read more

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New release
Sounds of Relaxing Campfire Evenings Mixed With Piano Overture Rhythms for Calm Nights, Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye
Sounds of Relaxing Campfire Evenings Mixed With Piano Overture Rhythms for Calm Nights, Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief
Cedar Skye
Sounds of Relaxing Campfire Evenings Mixed With Piano Overture Rhythms for Calm Nights, Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye

Sounds of Relaxing Campfire Evenings Mixed With Piano Overture Rhythms for Calm Nights, Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief

By: Cedar Skye

Narrated by: Cedar Skye

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the ultimate experience in tranquility and wellness with "Sounds of Relaxing Campfire Evenings Mixed with Piano Overture Rhythms for Calm Nights, Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief." This unique audio journey is designed to help you unwind from the stresses of daily life and embrace true serenity.Immerse yourself in soothing background... Read more

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New release
Nature’s Symphony of Tranquil River Sounds & Birdsongs in Tune With Piano Rhythms for Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony of Tranquil River Sounds & Birdsongs in Tune With Piano Rhythms for Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief
Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony of Tranquil River Sounds & Birdsongs in Tune With Piano Rhythms for Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye

Nature’s Symphony of Tranquil River Sounds & Birdsongs in Tune With Piano Rhythms for Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief

By: Cedar Skye

Narrated by: Cedar Skye

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Step into a world of unparalleled peace and relaxation with Nature’s Symphony of Tranquil River Sounds & Birdsongs In Tune with Piano Rhythms. This masterfully curated audio experience combines nature's healing power and music, using innovative BMG 8D Audio to create a fully immersive journey. Unlock your emotional healing as you embrace the... Read more

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New release
Nature’s Symphony of Ocean Bird Serenity In Tune with Piano Rhythms for Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony of Ocean Bird Serenity In Tune with Piano Rhythms for Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief
Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony of Ocean Bird Serenity In Tune with Piano Rhythms for Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye

Nature’s Symphony of Ocean Bird Serenity In Tune with Piano Rhythms for Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief

By: Cedar Skye

Narrated by: Cedar Skye

Length: 6 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the ultimate escape into a world of calm and serenity with Nature’s Symphony of Ocean Bird Serenity In Tune with Piano Rhythms for Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief. Designed to help you unwind and achieve a state of deep relaxation, this audiobook offers an immersive sound experience. Through the gentle fusion of nature's calming... Read more

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New release
Wintersonnenwende by Nadine Mescher
Nadine Mescher
Wintersonnenwende by Nadine Mescher


By: Nadine Mescher

Narrated by: Nadine Mescher

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Das Vergangene loslassen, das Neue willkommen heißen. Mit dieser Meditation wird die längste Nacht des Jahres zu einer bewussten inneren Einkehr und Ausrichtung auf das neue Jahr. Die Meditation wird mit therapeutischen Klangschalen begleitet. Read more

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Coming soon
Die Macht des positiven Denkens by Manly P. Hall
Die Macht des positiven Denkens
Manly P. Hall
Die Macht des positiven Denkens by Manly P. Hall

Die Macht des positiven Denkens

By: Manly P. Hall

Narrated by: Herbert Schäfer

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Die Macht des positiven Denkens betont die Bedeutung von authentischem Optimismus, der auf innerer Stärke und emotionaler Stabilität basiert, anstatt auf Selbsttäuschung oder dem Ignorieren von Problemen. Es zeigt, dass positive Einstellungen tief in der Persönlichkeit eines Menschen verwurzelt sind und oft mit konstruktiven, freundlichen und... Read more

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New release
Nature’s Symphony of Serene Cave Echoes in Tune With Piano Rhythms for Inner Peace & Relaxation by Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony of Serene Cave Echoes in Tune With Piano Rhythms for Inner Peace & Relaxation
Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony of Serene Cave Echoes in Tune With Piano Rhythms for Inner Peace & Relaxation by Cedar Skye

Nature’s Symphony of Serene Cave Echoes in Tune With Piano Rhythms for Inner Peace & Relaxation

By: Cedar Skye

Narrated by: Cedar Skye

Length: 6 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover a transformative journey to inner peace and mental clarity with "Nature’s Symphony of Serene Cave Echoes In Tune with Piano Rhythms." This collection of carefully curated therapeutic sounds is designed to help you unwind, find tranquility, and promote deep relaxation. This audiobook blends the soothing melodies of ambient soundscapes... Read more

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New release
Nature’s Symphony of Tranquil Farm Soundscapes Mixed With Piano Rhythms For Deep Meditation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony of Tranquil Farm Soundscapes Mixed With Piano Rhythms For Deep Meditation & Stress Relief
Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony of Tranquil Farm Soundscapes Mixed With Piano Rhythms For Deep Meditation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye

Nature’s Symphony of Tranquil Farm Soundscapes Mixed With Piano Rhythms For Deep Meditation & Stress Relief

By: Cedar Skye

Narrated by: Cedar Skye

Length: 6 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the ultimate tool for wellness and mindfulness with Nature’s Symphony of Tranquil Farm Soundscapes Mixed with Piano Rhythms for Deep Meditation & Stress Relief. This unique audio experience blends the peaceful rhythms of nature with calming piano melodies, creating the perfect ambiance for those seeking to unwind and reconnect with... Read more

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New release
Supersticiones: La guía definitiva de supersticiones, señales, presagios, símbolos, adivinación, mitos, folclore e historia by Mari Silva
Supersticiones: La guía definitiva de supersticiones, señales, presagios, símbolos, adivinación, mitos, folclore e historia
Mari Silva
Supersticiones: La guía definitiva de supersticiones, señales, presagios, símbolos, adivinación, mitos, folclore e historia by Mari Silva

Supersticiones: La guía definitiva de supersticiones, señales, presagios, símbolos, adivinación, mitos, folclore e historia

By: Mari Silva

Narrated by: Fabio Persa

Length: 3 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Su guía esencial sobre símbolos, presagios, mitos y cómo desvelar los misterios de la superstición.¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez dónde y cómo surgieron sus supersticiones favoritas?¿Quiere saber más sobre la historia y los significados ocultos de estas creencias?¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez por qué algunas personas confían en las supersticiones... Read more

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New release
Nature’s Symphony Of Soothing Rainfall Soundscapes For Inner Peace, Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony Of Soothing Rainfall Soundscapes For Inner Peace, Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief
Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony Of Soothing Rainfall Soundscapes For Inner Peace, Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye

Nature’s Symphony Of Soothing Rainfall Soundscapes For Inner Peace, Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief

By: Cedar Skye

Narrated by: Cedar Skye

Length: 10 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Rediscover serenity and inner peace with Nature’s Symphony of Soothing Rainfall Soundscapes for Inner Peace, Deep Relaxation & Stress Relief. Immerse yourself in a world of tranquility where nature’s most calming elements—rainfall and white noise—combine to deliver the perfect escape from the stress of daily life. Designed for anyone seeking... Read more

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Coming soon
Monk's Minimalist Mindset by Yashomatinandana Dasa
Monk's Minimalist Mindset
Yashomatinandana Dasa
Monk's Minimalist Mindset by Yashomatinandana Dasa

Monk's Minimalist Mindset

By: Yashomatinandana Dasa

Narrated by: Jan Wolter

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Monks have understood that truely lasting happiness comes irrespective of material goods, comforts and commodities. Eventually, spiritual happiness (ananda) comes from the soul, part and parcel of God. The mind in this respect is like a wild lion, which is dangerous to encounter. One might be killed and eaten up by the obstinate mind, but there... Read more

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New release
Nature’s Symphony of Soothing Underwater Soundscapes for Deep Calm, Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony of Soothing Underwater Soundscapes for Deep Calm, Relaxation & Stress Relief
Cedar Skye
Nature’s Symphony of Soothing Underwater Soundscapes for Deep Calm, Relaxation & Stress Relief by Cedar Skye

Nature’s Symphony of Soothing Underwater Soundscapes for Deep Calm, Relaxation & Stress Relief

By: Cedar Skye

Narrated by: Cedar Skye

Length: 6 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Immerse yourself in a world of profound serenity with Nature’s Symphony of Soothing Underwater Soundscapes for Deep Calm, Relaxation & Stress Relief. This enchanting audiobook is designed to transport you to the peaceful depths of the ocean, where calming aquatic sounds and underwater relaxation music seamlessly blend to create a sanctuary... Read more

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New release
The goodness game by Bryan Driscoll
The goodness game
Bryan Driscoll
The goodness game by Bryan Driscoll

The goodness game

By: Bryan Driscoll

Narrated by: Donny Barnes

Length: 2 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

The goodness gameIn a world that can feel overwhelming, the goodness game is here to show you how small acts of kindness can leave a huge impact. This isn’t about grand gestures or monumental changes; it’s about the simple, everyday actions that will bring joy to others and yourself. That’s right; by helping others in need, you’ll notice just as... Read more

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New release
Ikigai: Japanese secret to long and happy life - Abridged by Francesc Miralles
Ikigai: Japanese secret to long and happy life - Abridged
Francesc Miralles
Ikigai: Japanese secret to long and happy life - Abridged by Francesc Miralles

Ikigai: Japanese secret to long and happy life - Abridged

By: Francesc Miralles

Narrated by: THE CORROSON

Length: 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life explores the age-old Japanese philosophy of finding one's "reason for being." Written by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, the book delves into how the people of Okinawa, Japan, achieve extraordinary longevity and happiness by embracing Ikigai—a balance of passion, mission, vocation, and... Read more

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New release
Journey To Ease And Grace by Tula Tzoras
Journey To Ease And Grace
Tula Tzoras
Journey To Ease And Grace by Tula Tzoras

Journey To Ease And Grace

By: Tula Tzoras

Narrated by: Tula Tzoras

Length: 3 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

In Journey To Ease & Grace, mentor and coach Tula Tzoras shares her transformative journey from struggle to serenity, revealing how you too can find ease and grace in your life by doing what you love. Though her inspiring story and practical wisdom, Tula provides you with a pathway to transcend the conditioned drama and struggle that so... Read more

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Coming soon
Meditationen bei Unruhe (ungekürzt) by Anna Scheinfrei
Meditationen bei Unruhe (ungekürzt)
Anna Scheinfrei
Meditationen bei Unruhe (ungekürzt) by Anna Scheinfrei

Meditationen bei Unruhe (ungekürzt)

By: Anna Scheinfrei

Narrated by: Roman Shamov

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Willkommen zu diesem Meditationshörbuch, das dir dabei helfen wird, innere Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit zu finden. In den kommenden Minuten wirst du angeleitet, dich in einen Zustand der Entspannung zu begeben und deine Gedanken zu beruhigen. Nimm dir diese Zeit, um bewusst in deine eigene Mitte zu gelangen und den Moment vollständig zu erleben.... Read more

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New release
The Power of the Stars- Coincidence or destiny? by Eliza Nicholsby
The Power of the Stars- Coincidence or destiny?
Eliza Nicholsby
The Power of the Stars- Coincidence or destiny? by Eliza Nicholsby

The Power of the Stars- Coincidence or destiny?

By: Eliza Nicholsby

Narrated by: Yvonne Goldsteen-Maybaum

Length: 2 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

The Power of the Stars- Eliza Nicholsbys Coincidence or destiny?
Love & intimate relationships | Who, where, why on social media | Humor | Education | AgingReflect | Question | DiscoverUnveil the mysteries of intimate relationships... and learn what the male and female zodiac signs truly desire. What are their hidden wishes and needs? What do... Read more

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Coming soon
Meditationen bei Unruhe (ungekürzt) by Anna Scheinfrei
Meditationen bei Unruhe (ungekürzt)
Anna Scheinfrei
Meditationen bei Unruhe (ungekürzt) by Anna Scheinfrei

Meditationen bei Unruhe (ungekürzt)

By: Anna Scheinfrei

Narrated by: Cynthia Taha

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Willkommen zu diesem Meditationshörbuch, das dir dabei helfen wird, innere Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit zu finden. In den kommenden Minuten wirst du angeleitet, dich in einen Zustand der Entspannung zu begeben und deine Gedanken zu beruhigen. Nimm dir diese Zeit, um bewusst in deine eigene Mitte zu gelangen und den Moment vollständig zu erleben.... Read more

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New release
Meditationen für die Stimme (ungekürzt) by Anna Scheinfrei
Meditationen für die Stimme (ungekürzt)
Anna Scheinfrei
Meditationen für die Stimme (ungekürzt) by Anna Scheinfrei

Meditationen für die Stimme (ungekürzt)

By: Anna Scheinfrei

Narrated by: Roman Shamov

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

Willkommen zu diesem Meditationshörbuch, das dir dabei helfen wird, innere Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit zu finden. In den kommenden Minuten wirst du angeleitet, dich in einen Zustand der Entspannung zu begeben und deine Gedanken zu beruhigen. Nimm dir diese Zeit, um bewusst in deine eigene Mitte zu gelangen und den Moment vollständig zu erleben.... Read more

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New release
Meditationen zur Streßbewältigung (ungekürzt) by Anna Scheinfrei
Meditationen zur Streßbewältigung (ungekürzt)
Anna Scheinfrei
Meditationen zur Streßbewältigung (ungekürzt) by Anna Scheinfrei

Meditationen zur Streßbewältigung (ungekürzt)

By: Anna Scheinfrei

Narrated by: Roman Shamov

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: No

Willkommen zu diesem Meditationshörbuch, das dir dabei helfen wird, innere Ruhe und Ausgeglichenheit zu finden. In den kommenden Minuten wirst du angeleitet, dich in einen Zustand der Entspannung zu begeben und deine Gedanken zu beruhigen. Nimm dir diese Zeit, um bewusst in deine eigene Mitte zu gelangen und den Moment vollständig zu erleben.... Read more

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