Body, Mind, & Spirit audiobooks
El abrigo del alma "A Coat for the Soul"
By: Raquel Saéz
Narrated by: Susana García
Length: 6 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: No
Cuando Raquel, siendo una niña, se mudó con sus padres a una nueva casa, fue para ella el comienzo de una
vida llena de experiencias espirituales y fenómenos paranormales. ¿Existe la muerte? ¿Qué propósito tiene el
alma en venir a la tierra? ¿Se comunican nuestros seres queridos al fallecer? ¿Qué son las almas gemelas?
Raquel aborda, a través de... Read more
The Authentic St. Germain
By: M. Doreal
Narrated by: Chas Mandala
Length: 17 minutes
Abridged: No
Among the figures occupying a prominent place in modern occultism is the so-called ascended master St. Germain. Much has been told, and a, greater amount surmised about this mysterious being - mysterious because the average student of occultism has had no opportunity to examine the records which give all that is actually known about this curious... Read more
View audiobookSpirits Speak: Techniques for Authentic Spiritual Communication
By: David Pedro
Narrated by: Edward Mone
Length: 1 hour 41 minutes
Abridged: No
Understanding the concept of spirits involves delving into a realm that transcends the physical and engages with the profound mysteries of existence. Throughout history, various cultures have portrayed spirits as intermediaries between the living and the afterlife, embodying a rich tapestry of beliefs and narratives that provoke curiosity and... Read more
View audiobookThink For Your Victim
By: Anthony Jones
Narrated by: Matthew Longmire
Length: 2 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: No
Thinking for Your Victim is a concept of different skill sets that emphasizes the act of putting oneself in someone else's shoes. Ultimately, these skills empower us to build on mutual respect, communication, and emotional awareness, enhancing our overall well-being and contributing to a more compassionate and connected society.Thinking for... Read more
View audiobook12 magische Rauhnachtsreisen mit deinem Krafttier
By: Christiane Krieg & Abbas Schirmohammadi
Narrated by: Christiane Krieg & Abbas Schirmohammadi
Length: 1 hour 2 minutes
Abridged: No
Willkommen zu unserer gemeinsamen Reise durch die Rauhnächte! Nutze diese magische Zeit zwischen den Jahren zum Loslassen von Blockaden, zum Krafttanken, Neuausrichten und Manifestieren. Dein persönliches Krafttier ist dabei immer an deiner Seite. Unsere Meditationen für die 12 heiligen Rauhnächte helfen dir, dein Potenzial zu entfalten und... Read more
View audiobook12 magische Rauhnachtsreisen mit deinem Krafttier
By: Christiane Krieg & Abbas Schirmohammadi
Narrated by: Christiane Krieg & Abbas Schirmohammadi
Length: 1 hour 13 minutes
Abridged: No
Willkommen zu unserer gemeinsamen Reise durch die Rauhnächte! Nutze diese magische Zeit zwischen den Jahren zum Loslassen von Blockaden, zum Krafttanken, Neuausrichten und Manifestieren. Dein persönliches Krafttier ist dabei immer an deiner Seite. Unsere Meditationen für die 12 heiligen Rauhnächte helfen dir, dein Potenzial zu entfalten und... Read more
View audiobookTiefenentspannung nach dem Herzinfarkt - Autogenes Training, Atemübung und Herzmeditation für ein gesundes Leben nach einem Infarkt (Ungekürzt)
By: Torsten Abrolat & Franziska Diesmann
Narrated by: Torsten Abrolat & Franziska Diesmann
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Mit einem Herzinfarkt ändert sich das Leben eines Menschen meist schlagartig. Neues Gesundheitsbewusstsein und besonders der Umgang und die Reduzierung von Stress im Alltag stehen ab dann im Vordergrund. SyncSouls hat genau dafür - für ein stressreduziertes Leben nach dem Myokardinfarkt (ebenso gut geeignet für Patienten mit Stent oder Bypass)... Read more
View audiobook12 magische Rauhnachtsreisen mit deinem Krafttier
By: Christiane Krieg & Abbas Schirmohammadi
Narrated by: Christiane Krieg & Abbas Schirmohammadi
Length: 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Willkommen zu unserer gemeinsamen Reise durch die Rauhnächte! Nutze diese magische Zeit zwischen den Jahren zum Loslassen von Blockaden, zum Krafttanken, Neuausrichten und Manifestieren. Dein persönliches Krafttier ist dabei immer an deiner Seite. Unsere Meditationen für die 12 heiligen Rauhnächte helfen dir, dein Potenzial zu entfalten und... Read more
View audiobookLos 10 mejores psicólogos de la historia
By: Oslos Molina
Narrated by: Oslos Molina
Length: 9 minutes
Abridged: No
Ya van varias décadas de investigación en psicología y el número de investigaciones acerca de nuestra manera de pensar, sentir y comportarnos ha crecido en número y en complejidad. Oleadas de experimentos, publicaciones y papers científicos han ido sedimentándose hasta crear una mole de teorías y conocimientos acerca de la psicología y la... Read more
View audiobookThe Best Seat in the Universe
By: Grahame Anderson
Narrated by: Ian Porter
Length: 9 hours 31 minutes
Abridged: No
Navigate life with The Best Seat in The Universe - the uplifting, life-changing story that has already helped tens of thousands of people discover it's never too late to change direction and improve your life.
Everyone has a turning point in their life; I suspect you will not be an exception. Your life trundles along as normal until one day you... Read more
L.I.F.E. Secrets: Transform Your Health and Thrive Through Hidden Wellness Truths
By: Ronan Kestrel
Narrated by: Nick Porter
Length: 2 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: No
L.I.F.E. Secrets: Transform Your Health and Thrive Through Hidden Wellness Truths
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you ready to enhance your well-being and uncover the secrets to a vibrant life?
In search of a comprehensive guide that reveals essential insights for transformative health?
Your quest concludes here!
This audiobook... Read more
Transform Your Mind: Secrets to Unleash Your Inner Genius
By: Cyrus Pendrake
Narrated by: Nick Porter
Length: 2 hours 10 minutes
Abridged: No
Transform Your Mind: Secrets to Unleash Your Inner Genius
Are you eager to advance in your career and solidify your knowledge by successfully mastering the upcoming challenges ahead?
Searching for a thorough guide that encompasses all the essential elements to unlock your potential?
Look no further!
This audiobook serves as your ultimate... Read more
Transform Ordinary Lives into Extraordinary Adventures with Hidden Secrets
By: Soren Blackridge
Narrated by: Nick Porter
Length: 2 hours 38 minutes
Abridged: No
Transform Ordinary Lives into Extraordinary Adventures with Hidden Secrets
⭐⭐ A Simplified Guide with Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you eager to advance in your career and deepen your understanding by successfully navigating the path to extraordinary experiences?
Looking for an all-encompassing guide that equips you with everything you need to... Read more
Stop Smoking! Jetzt aufhören zu rauchen - 10 Minuten Affirmationen zur Rauchentwöhnung - Mentale Übung (Ungekürzt)
By: Torsten Abrolat & Franziska Diesmann
Narrated by: Torsten Abrolat & Franziska Diesmann
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Wie schwer es ist, die Sucht des Rauchens zu überwinden, weiß jeder Raucher, der schon einmal versucht hat aufzuhören und dann wieder rückfällig geworden ist. Die psychische und physische Abhängigkeit ist de facto beim Rauchern gegeben. Wie kann ich meinen Willen, wenn ich ihn denn fest habe, mit dem Rauchen aufzuhören, unterstützen und wie... Read more
View audiobookIch dein treues Ego
By: Brigitte Kaplik
Narrated by: Anja Wöhrmann
Length: 6 hours 27 minutes
Abridged: No
"In Zeiten wie diesen, in denen Themen wie Selbsterkenntnis, Liebe, Transformation und dergleichen immer mehr Menschen in ihren Bann ziehen, ist es Zeit mich um mein Überleben zu kümmern!", so die Aussage deines Egos. Humorvoll, sehr persönlich und überaus eindringlich, sowie absolut widersprüchlich möchte EGO dich von der Wichtigkeit... Read more
View audiobookThe Power of Positive Energy
By: Tanaaz Chubb
Narrated by: Cat Gould
Length: 6 hours 39 minutes
Abridged: No
From the founder of comes a guide to cultivating positive feelings and projecting positive energy.
Positive energy creates positive outcomes. But how do you get the good vibes going? It all comes down to understanding and embracing the innate and energetic power of your soul.
With the guidance of Tanaaz Chubb, creator of... Read more
Not Sure Who Needs to Hear This, But . . . : WE THE URBAN
By: Willie Greene
Narrated by: Karen Murray
Length: 1 hour 52 minutes
Abridged: No
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • A collection of signature affirmations and empowering essays on self-love, inner peace, growth, and more from the founder of the popular Instagram and media entity WE THE URBAN.
"Be proud of your growth. This version of you has a lot less tolerance for the things you used to accept, and that is a beautiful thing."
Since its... Read more
The Corona Protocol
By: Paul D Corona M.D.
Narrated by: Ted Ryan
Length: 8 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: No
In "The Corona Protocol," Dr. Paul D. Corona, a dedicated medical doctor with profound compassion for human suffering, shares his remarkable journey to alleviate needless pain and misery. With a fervent commitment to relieving the anguish of those who endure unnecessary distress, Dr. Corona reveals a groundbreaking approach that marries modern... Read more
View audiobookThe Psychology of Wealth
By: Napoleon Hill
Narrated by: Robert G. Slade
Length: 16 hours 4 minutes
Abridged: No
A guidebook to success, featuring Napoleon Hill's two most popular books on the subject of prosperity and abundance
Napoleon Hill’s life-changing philosophy has inspired generations of readers, and his self-help titles have sold millions of copies around the world. Combining two of Napoleon Hill’s most popular books on the topics of prosperity... Read more
Break Free from Your Mind’s Prison: Conquer Negativity Now!
By: Orson Deepwood
Narrated by: Nick Porter
Length: 2 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: No
Break Free from Your Mind’s Prison: Conquer Negativity Now!
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you striving to elevate your career and enhance your understanding in order to break free from the limitations of negative thinking?
In search of a thorough guide that encompasses everything you need to transform your thoughts and... Read more
By: Owen Jones
Narrated by: Subhash Chander
Length: 1 hour 6 minutes
Abridged: No
In this manual, we delve into the world of massage therapy, offering a practical guide that explores various techniques, applications, and benefits. From Swedish and deep tissue massage to specialised approaches like sports massage and prenatal massage, we cover a wide range of topics to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of this... Read more
View audiobookLiebe & intime Beziehungen | Wer, wo, warum in sozialen Medien | Humor | Bildung | Altern - Eliza Nicholsbys "Was Sterne flüstern"
By: Eliza Nicholsby
Narrated by: Yvonne Goldsteen-Maybaum
Length: 3 hours 42 minutes
Abridged: No
Liebe & intime Beziehungen | Wer, wo, warum in sozialen Medien | Humor | Bildung | Altern - Was Sterne flüstern".
Sonne, Aszendent & Mond - Planeten - Häuser - Chiron - Lilith - Mondknoten - Medium CoeliLüften Sie die Geheimnisse intimer Beziehungen und erfahren Sie, was männliche und weibliche Sternzeichen wirklich wollen. Was sind ihre... Read more
The Power of Now: Insights on Finding Inner Peace
By: Vines Graener
Narrated by: Vines Graener
Length: 7 minutes
Abridged: No
Drawing from Eastern philosophies such as Buddhism, Wallace explores why people feel dissatisfied and discontent. His key argument is that we must let go of our desire for control and instead accept the inherent uncertainty and unpredictability of life.A significant portion of human unhappiness arises from being consumed by thoughts about the... Read more
View audiobookDreamcatcher
By: Joshua Peter Oed
Narrated by: Kellen Boyle
Length: 1 hour 47 minutes
Abridged: No
Imagine the people that mean the most to you suddenly died. Would you dream about them, and could you remember those dreams? Joshua has been capturing dreams of his late mother and brother for the past 22 years. He was born in 1979 and conceived through a sexual assault. His mother, Kathy, raised him as a single parent in the New York City... Read more
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