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Self-Improvement audiobooks

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Way of the Wolf by Jordan Belfort
Way of the Wolf
Jordan Belfort
Way of the Wolf by Jordan Belfort

Way of the Wolf

By: Jordan Belfort

Narrated by: Martin Valdeig

Length: 9 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Zum ersten Mal öffnet der »Wolf of Wallstreet«, Jordan Belfort, sein Playbook und gewährt damit Zugang zu seinem exklusivem System – demselben System, mit dem er für sich selbst, seine Kunden und seine Verkaufsteams massiven Reichtum geschaffen hat. Bisher war dieses revolutionäre Programm nur über Jordans knapp 2000 Dollar teures Onlinetraining... Read more

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The Happy Giraffe Budget by Nigel Bloomfield & Laura Bloomfield
The Happy Giraffe Budget
Nigel Bloomfield & Laura Bloomfield
The Happy Giraffe Budget by Nigel Bloomfield & Laura Bloomfield

The Happy Giraffe Budget

By: Nigel Bloomfield & Laura Bloomfield

Narrated by: Alex Freeman

Length: 3 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

If you have failed at budgeting before, if just seeing the word "budget" makes you feel anxious, worried, and even shameful, then maybe you aren't the problem. Maybe it's the budget you used that is broken. We are here to fix that. There's a way to budget that is simple, empowering, and that can even add happiness to your life. The Happy Giraffe... Read more

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La brújula de la autocuración - El libro de la autoayuda: Cómo seguir conscientemente tu voz interior para despertar tu confianza primigenia paso a paso y sanar a tu niño interior by Marlene Nanninga
La brújula de la autocuración - El libro de la autoayuda: Cómo seguir conscientemente tu voz interior para despertar tu confianza primigenia paso a paso y sanar a tu niño interior
Marlene Nanninga
La brújula de la autocuración - El libro de la autoayuda: Cómo seguir conscientemente tu voz interior para despertar tu confianza primigenia paso a paso y sanar a tu niño interior by Marlene Nanninga

La brújula de la autocuración - El libro de la autoayuda: Cómo seguir conscientemente tu voz interior para despertar tu confianza primigenia paso a paso y sanar a tu niño interior

By: Marlene Nanninga

Narrated by: José Félix Rivas

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Lees la palabra "autocuración" y te sientes escéptico y un poco curioso? Tu mente dice "No", pero tu instinto te dice "¡Sí, lo eres!". Es una pequeña lucha interior para encontrar la confianza primigenia que todos perdimos un poco y cada vez más en algún momento de nuestra infancia en el sistema en el que crecimos. En este libro puedes esperar... Read more

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Your Healthy Lifestyle: A Meditation Collection to Eat Clean and Lose Weight by Kameta Media
Your Healthy Lifestyle: A Meditation Collection to Eat Clean and Lose Weight
Kameta Media
Your Healthy Lifestyle: A Meditation Collection to Eat Clean and Lose Weight by Kameta Media

Your Healthy Lifestyle: A Meditation Collection to Eat Clean and Lose Weight

By: Kameta Media

Narrated by: Kameta Media

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Busy schedules, stress and the convenience of junk food make it hard to lose weight and keep it off.
If you’re left feeling disappointed by these setbacks, you’re not alone.
This meditation bundle is designed to clear your path towards sustainable weight loss via powerful weight loss meditations.
These meditations can help you:
• Reconnect with your... Read more

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Entrenar la fuerza interior y la fuerza de voluntad: Cómo encontrar una vida autodeterminada y feliz sin bloqueos internos con un entrenamiento mental eficaz by Cornelius Berger
Entrenar la fuerza interior y la fuerza de voluntad: Cómo encontrar una vida autodeterminada y feliz sin bloqueos internos con un entrenamiento mental eficaz
Cornelius Berger
Entrenar la fuerza interior y la fuerza de voluntad: Cómo encontrar una vida autodeterminada y feliz sin bloqueos internos con un entrenamiento mental eficaz by Cornelius Berger

Entrenar la fuerza interior y la fuerza de voluntad: Cómo encontrar una vida autodeterminada y feliz sin bloqueos internos con un entrenamiento mental eficaz

By: Cornelius Berger

Narrated by: José Félix Rivas

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Hay personas que tienen un plan preciso de cómo van a alcanzar sus objetivos de forma coherente y no dejan lugar a dudas de que realmente lo harán. No dejan que nada les detenga, ni los contratiempos imprevistos ni otros obstáculos. Encuentran una solución a cada problema y crecen a partir de los retos a los que se enfrentan. Otras personas, en... Read more

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Nach der Schule: Relaxt in Deine Zukunft by Paul Langenfeld
Nach der Schule: Relaxt in Deine Zukunft
Paul Langenfeld
Nach der Schule: Relaxt in Deine Zukunft by Paul Langenfeld

Nach der Schule: Relaxt in Deine Zukunft

By: Paul Langenfeld

Narrated by: Paul Langenfeld

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

"Was machst Du denn jetzt?" Deine Zukunft nach der Schule ist Dir unklar – das stresst Dich? Vielen jungen Menschen geht das so. Mir damals auch. Du willst wie meine Klienten relaxt und mit mehr Zuversicht in Deine Zukunft nach der Schule blicken? Da bist Du hier richtig! Dich erwartet ein intensives Mitmach-Programm, aus dem Du mit mehr... Read more

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The Secret to Manifesting Your Dream Life by Edward E. Kingsley
The Secret to Manifesting Your Dream Life
Edward E. Kingsley
The Secret to Manifesting Your Dream Life by Edward E. Kingsley

The Secret to Manifesting Your Dream Life

By: Edward E. Kingsley

Narrated by: John Broussard

Length: 1 hour 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you feel like your dreams are just out of reach? Ever wonder why some people seem to effortlessly attract what they want? What if the universe is waiting to fulfill your desires?Dive into "The Secret to Manifesting Your Dream Life: Learn How To Use The Power Of The Law of Attraction." This transformative audiobook unlocks the mysteries of one... Read more

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Train Inner Strength & Willpower: How to Find a Self-Determined and Happy Life Without Inner Blockages With Effective Mental Training - Incl. The Best Tips & Exercises by Cornelius Berger
Train Inner Strength & Willpower: How to Find a Self-Determined and Happy Life Without Inner Blockages With Effective Mental Training - Incl. The Best Tips & Exercises
Cornelius Berger
Train Inner Strength & Willpower: How to Find a Self-Determined and Happy Life Without Inner Blockages With Effective Mental Training - Incl. The Best Tips & Exercises by Cornelius Berger

Train Inner Strength & Willpower: How to Find a Self-Determined and Happy Life Without Inner Blockages With Effective Mental Training - Incl. The Best Tips & Exercises

By: Cornelius Berger

Narrated by: Casey Wayman

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: No

There are people who have a precise plan of how they will consistently achieve their goals and leave no doubt whatsoever that they will actually do it. They don't let anything stop them, neither unforeseen setbacks nor other obstacles. They find a solution to every problem and grow from the challenges they face. Other people, on the other hand,... Read more

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Mindfulness para niños: Cómo educar a tu hijo con entrenamiento de atención plena y ejercicios de concienciación para que se convierta en una persona agradecida, tranquila y segura de sí misma by Marieke Buschmann
Mindfulness para niños: Cómo educar a tu hijo con entrenamiento de atención plena y ejercicios de concienciación para que se convierta en una persona agradecida, tranquila y segura de sí misma
Marieke Buschmann
Mindfulness para niños: Cómo educar a tu hijo con entrenamiento de atención plena y ejercicios de concienciación para que se convierta en una persona agradecida, tranquila y segura de sí misma by Marieke Buschmann

Mindfulness para niños: Cómo educar a tu hijo con entrenamiento de atención plena y ejercicios de concienciación para que se convierta en una persona agradecida, tranquila y segura de sí misma

By: Marieke Buschmann

Narrated by: José Félix Rivas

Length: 1 hour 10 minutes

Abridged: No

La atención plena está actualmente en boca de todos y muchas personas están experimentando un cambio que las aleja de la vida acelerada y las acerca a la desaceleración y la conciencia. Los adultos están empezando a meditar y a experimentar su vida cotidiana de forma más consciente y a ser más conscientes de sí mismos, de sus cuerpos y de sus... Read more

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369 Manifesting Journal: Law of Attraction and Manifestation Book. Discover the Secrets to Manifest Your Dream Life Through Guided Techniques and Exercises by Ethan Harper
369 Manifesting Journal: Law of Attraction and Manifestation Book. Discover the Secrets to Manifest Your Dream Life Through Guided Techniques and Exercises
Ethan Harper
369 Manifesting Journal: Law of Attraction and Manifestation Book. Discover the Secrets to Manifest Your Dream Life Through Guided Techniques and Exercises by Ethan Harper

369 Manifesting Journal: Law of Attraction and Manifestation Book. Discover the Secrets to Manifest Your Dream Life Through Guided Techniques and Exercises

By: Ethan Harper

Narrated by: DM Studios

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Unleash Your Inner Power with The 369 Manifesting Journal: Master the Law of Attraction and Manifestation in Your LifeHarness the power of visualization to shape your future. It's not just wishful thinking - it's a scientifically-proven method backed by neurology.The 369 Manifesting Journal is more than a book; it's a roadmap to a life of... Read more

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Chat GPT Bible - Travel Planning and Organization Special Edition by Lucas Foster
Chat GPT Bible - Travel Planning and Organization Special Edition
Lucas Foster
Chat GPT Bible - Travel Planning and Organization Special Edition by Lucas Foster

Chat GPT Bible - Travel Planning and Organization Special Edition

By: Lucas Foster

Narrated by: DM Studios

Length: 2 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

This comprehensive guide opens the door to a treasure trove of 200+ meticulously crafted secrets and prompts specifically designed for the travel and tourism industry. Each carefully curated secret is ready to be deployed and personalized, offering you the mystical key to unlock unprecedented efficiency and personalization in your travel... Read more

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Your Healthy Body: A Meditation Collection for Easier Weight Loss and Better Health by Kameta Media
Your Healthy Body: A Meditation Collection for Easier Weight Loss and Better Health
Kameta Media
Your Healthy Body: A Meditation Collection for Easier Weight Loss and Better Health by Kameta Media

Your Healthy Body: A Meditation Collection for Easier Weight Loss and Better Health

By: Kameta Media

Narrated by: Kameta Media

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Everyone knows that healthy habits lead to better health and sustained weight loss–but why is it so hard to do?
Distractions, temptations and stress play a part in steering you off course.
Here, you can unlock your potential for lasting weight loss and inner harmony with this comprehensive weight loss meditation collection.
This collection can help... Read more

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Addiction to Happiness by Phillip Milner
Addiction to Happiness
Phillip Milner
Addiction to Happiness by Phillip Milner

Addiction to Happiness

By: Phillip Milner

Narrated by: Carolyn Joy Simson

Length: 2 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

In Addiction to Happiness: A Memoir about Alcoholism, Depression and Joy, author Phillip Milner takes us on an exciting and adventurous journey through his life, from the time when he was 16 years old till now. Even today when people meet him and find out his life story, they are amazed at how he could have survived such ordeals. You will think... Read more

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It's Time for You to Shine by Jennifer S. Thomas
It's Time for You to Shine
Jennifer S. Thomas
It's Time for You to Shine by Jennifer S. Thomas

It's Time for You to Shine

By: Jennifer S. Thomas

Narrated by: Jennifer S. Thomas

Length: 55 minutes

Abridged: No

One of the most common claims of those suffering with anxiety is the feeling like you are missing out on truly living life to the fullest every moment of every day. Follow one woman's journey through trials and tribulations all the way to finding contentment and success after taking a leap of faith, testing her wings from 15,000 feet in the... Read more

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Rapid Weight Loss: A Meditation for a Slim and Healthy Body by Kameta Media
Rapid Weight Loss: A Meditation for a Slim and Healthy Body
Kameta Media
Rapid Weight Loss: A Meditation for a Slim and Healthy Body by Kameta Media

Rapid Weight Loss: A Meditation for a Slim and Healthy Body

By: Kameta Media

Narrated by: Kameta Media

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: No

The hardest part of losing weight is often maintaining consistent motivation and making sustainable lifestyle changes.
Then, there’s the fear of change. But without change, there is no progress.
Luckily, all of that can be made easier with this powerful visualization meditation.
This weight loss meditation can help you:
• Create clear mental images... Read more

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Start Right Here: A Meditation Bundle for a Healthier Body by Kameta Media
Start Right Here: A Meditation Bundle for a Healthier Body
Kameta Media
Start Right Here: A Meditation Bundle for a Healthier Body by Kameta Media

Start Right Here: A Meditation Bundle for a Healthier Body

By: Kameta Media

Narrated by: Kameta Media

Length: 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Maintaining healthy habits for sustained weight loss is hard.
It requires overcoming unhealthy patterns, staying consistent and committing to lifestyle changes.
Fortunately, you can discover a path to sustainable weight loss and wellness through this powerful meditation collection.
This collection can help you:
• Reconnect with and embrace your... Read more

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Evolution to Purpose by Bryan Hong
Evolution to Purpose
Bryan Hong
Evolution to Purpose by Bryan Hong

Evolution to Purpose

By: Bryan Hong

Narrated by: Bryan Hong & Michelle Lee

Length: 6 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Many never find happiness at work. Will you?Why are so many people unhappy at work, if they choose the work they do? After teaching as a professor at the New York University Leonard N. Stern School of Business, The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and Ivey Business School in Canada, Bryan Hong shares his observations based on... Read more

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The Un-Tended Altar by Jen McCarty
The Un-Tended Altar
Jen McCarty
The Un-Tended Altar by Jen McCarty

The Un-Tended Altar

By: Jen McCarty

Narrated by: Jen McCarty

Length: 1 hour 49 minutes

Abridged: No

The altar is a vortex in our home, which is anchoring God's spiritual light in our space. The altar is a holy portal which truly can heal us.In this powerful sacred, and potentially extremely life-changing audiobook Jen McCarty shares the direct link between the internal altar and the external altar and how when we neglect our external altar,... Read more

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Life Skills for Future Success by Joelle H. Johnson
Life Skills for Future Success
Joelle H. Johnson
Life Skills for Future Success by Joelle H. Johnson

Life Skills for Future Success

By: Joelle H. Johnson

Narrated by: Ashlinn Romagnoli

Length: 2 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Looking back on everything you’ve learned, it seems some of the most important skills were overlooked.While mathematics and literature are necessities to understanding the world around you, not much of it can be applied to meal planning, self-care, or deciding on the right career. What about finding the right home? Or learning about what comes... Read more

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The Mind is a Powerful Place by Acelia Ace
The Mind is a Powerful Place
Acelia Ace
The Mind is a Powerful Place by Acelia Ace

The Mind is a Powerful Place

By: Acelia Ace

Narrated by: Acelia Ace

Length: 2 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

If you plant seeds, water them, and give them fertilizers; they will grow into healthy, strong plants.Everyday, we are bombarded with all types of messages. It doesn't matter who you are because these messages could come through the media, social interactions with people, and our surroundings in general.The messages you hear, influences your... Read more

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Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, and Codependency by Emily C. Walker
Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, and Codependency
Emily C. Walker
Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, and Codependency by Emily C. Walker

Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, and Codependency

By: Emily C. Walker

Narrated by: Shani Marisa

Length: 1 hour 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you trapped in a cycle of toxic relationships? Feeling manipulated or constantly doubting your reality? Unsure if you're the one at fault? Discover the strength to break free and find healing.
"Recovery from Narcissistic Abuse, Gaslighting, and Codependency: Guide to Overcome Trauma, Toxic Relationships & Anxiety for Women" is your... Read more

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El Éxito Te Pertenece by Onofre Quezada
El Éxito Te Pertenece
Onofre Quezada
El Éxito Te Pertenece by Onofre Quezada

El Éxito Te Pertenece

By: Onofre Quezada

Narrated by: Anonimo & Onofre Quezada

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

El éxito es un estado o condición de cumplir con un rango definido de expectativas. Puede verse como lo opuesto al fracaso. ​ El proceso de aprendizaje depende en su totalidad expresión del éxito.​ Implica hacer una predicción y poner atención al resultado de un acontecimiento. El éxito en una disciplina o una industria implica una normalización... Read more

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Grübeln stoppen & innere Blockaden lösen 2 in 1 Bundle by Andreas Steinberger & Barbara Schuster
Grübeln stoppen & innere Blockaden lösen 2 in 1 Bundle
Andreas Steinberger & Barbara Schuster
Grübeln stoppen & innere Blockaden lösen 2 in 1 Bundle by Andreas Steinberger & Barbara Schuster

Grübeln stoppen & innere Blockaden lösen 2 in 1 Bundle

By: Andreas Steinberger & Barbara Schuster

Narrated by: Johannes Langer

Length: 3 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Hast du manchmal das Problem, dass sich deine Gedanken ständig im Kreis drehen und es dir schwer fällt diese negativen Gedankenschleifen zu unterbrechen? Hast du das Gefühl, das dir unkontrolliertes Grübeln deine Lebenskraft raubt und deine Lebensqualität negativ beeinflusst?. Würdest du gerne Strategien und Übungen kennen lernen, um deine... Read more

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Want More? Just Start by Janny Tolman
Want More? Just Start
Janny Tolman
Want More? Just Start by Janny Tolman

Want More? Just Start

By: Janny Tolman

Narrated by: Janny Tolman

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Find more happines, more love, more connection, and more peace. Do you believe it is possible the answers lie within you, no matter what your circumstances are? That you can change your story? That you can elevate your life? Simply using coping strategies can soon be a thing of the past. This book will answer questions you didn't even know you... Read more

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