Psychology audiobooks
By: Cruz Matthews & Gary Dankock
Narrated by: Sarah Owens & Rory Young
Length: 2 hours 7 minutes
Abridged: No
This book contains 2 short titles that all relate to philosophical and theoretical ideas. They are the following books:
Title 1: Skepticism has been criticized, ironically, and optimism has been glorified beyond all reason. There are sub-cults in the self-help industry that will judge anyone who questions the claims of gurus, and there are many... Read more
Personality Disorders
By: Sid Van Roy, Lee Randalph, David Kelvins, Dwayn...
Narrated by: Doug Greene, Wes Grant, Brandon Sukhu, J.A. Lyd...
Length: 7 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a big combination of a series of books. There are 8 titles, which are divided into following themes:
Theme 1: What is cognitive behavioral therapy? How is it used? What can you achieve with such a form of treatment? These and many other questions will be answered in this guide. Other topics will float to the surface, such as its use for... Read more
By: Dave Farrel & Cory Hanssen
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas
Length: 2 hours 5 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem 2 títulos neste livro, que são os seguintes:
Livro 1: Muitas pessoas subestimam o valor da consciência e da consciência quando se trata de aprender. Manter as informações nesse grande cérebro pode ser um desafio, se você não aplicar os métodos certos para fazê-lo.
Livro 2: Ser capaz de se concentrar é realmente importante para sua... Read more
Psicología Oscura: Lo que necesita saber sobre la manipulación, la PNL y el comportamiento humano
By: Neil Morton & Heath Metzger
Narrated by: Luis Trumper
Length: 6 hours 22 minutes
Abridged: No
Si siempre ha deseado aprender más sobre la "Tríada Oscura" y cómo protegerse de la manipulación, continúe leyendo...¿Es incapaz de protegerse contra la manipulación?¿Desea deshacerse de las técnicas no efectivas mientras intenta resolver la cuestión del control y la manipulación mental?Algunos de los temas y preguntas cubiertos en la primera... Read more
View audiobookEnfocar
By: Dave Farrel, Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Juan Daniels, Agustin Cammisa & Melina Gordillo
Length: 3 hours 27 minutes
Abridged: No
Hay 3 títulos en este libro, que son los siguientes:
Título 1: ¿Es posible entrenar tu cerebro? ¿Puedes ser más inteligente o mejor capaz de recordar cosas? Sumérgete en el reino de las infinitas posibilidades, algunas de las cuales te serán reveladas en esta guía rápida. Se abordarán varios temas, como los juegos de entrenamiento cerebral, los... Read more
Personality Disorders
By: Derrick Halfson, Lucy Hilts, David Kelvins, Dwa...
Narrated by: Rory Young, Lily Northfield, Brandon Sukhu, Dou...
Length: 41 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: No
You are in luck! This is a giant combination of a series of books. 45 short books, to be exact, which are divided into the following topics:
Topic 1: Personality disorders can be challenging. I personally know people who have some kind of disorder. It’s different when you interact with them. Not every moment, but the difference is in the... Read more
By: Noah Jeecks & Devon Hales
Narrated by: Dean Collins & Doug Greene
Length: 1 hour 29 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 2-book bundle, consisting of these books:
Book 1: Magicians and mentalists trick us. They make us believe something or show us something that will distort our perception of reality. It’s an art, and it can be fun and mysterious. In this short guide, you will learn some of the greatest techniques these masters use.
Book 2: How does... Read more
By: Cruz Matthews, Gary Dankock, Hector Janssen & P...
Narrated by: Sarah Owens, Rory Young, Doug Greene & Sarah Ma...
Length: 3 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 4-book combo with the following topics in it:
Topic 1: In this book, you will find information about five different philosophers, some of them well-known, others less. But all of them had a significant impact on the ancient world and how people thought, as well as some of our modern-day ideas. The first in line is Marcus Aurelius, a... Read more
By: Lindsay Baines, Betty Fragment & Gregory Haynes
Narrated by: Chloe Jacobson, Sarah Margrave & Sarah Owens
Length: 2 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: No
These 3 titles are included in this book bundle:
Book 1: How do you get over a breakup? It may sound simple when you hear about all kinds of tips, but it’s never easy. Everyone who has gone through it, knows that.
However, sometimes, relationships have erroneously been broken. Partners may have still been able to turn it into something that was... Read more
Ejercicio mental
By: Dave Farrel, John Adamssen, Cory Hanssen & Syri...
Narrated by: Juan Daniels, Matías Gallego, Agustin Cammisa &...
Length: 4 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: No
Hay 4 títulos en este libro, que tratan los siguientes temas:
Tema 1: ¿Qué son las funciones cognitivas? ¿Cómo funciona nuestro cerebro? ¿Qué hechos y mitos acerca de nuestras mentes existen, y cuáles deberían creer? Estas y muchas otras preguntas serán respondidas en este completo manual. También aprenderá sobre las diferencias de sexo... Read more
By: Dave Farrel, Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas & Suzi Martinez
Length: 3 hours 15 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem 3 títulos neste livro, que são os seguintes:
Título 1: O que são funções cognitivas? Como nosso cérebro funciona? Que fatos e mitos sobre nossas mentes existem por aí e em que você deve acreditar? Essas e várias outras perguntas serão respondidas neste manual abrangente. Você também aprenderá sobre as diferenças sexuais pertencentes ao... Read more
Aprender mais rápido
By: Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas & Suzi Martinez
Length: 6 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: No
Treino cerebral + aprendizagem acelerada
Existem seis títulos diferentes neste livro, que são os seguintes:
Livro 1: Mergulhe no reino de possibilidades infinitas, algumas das quais serão reveladas a você neste guia rápido. Vários tópicos serão abordados, como jogos de treinamento cerebral, videogames que podem estimular o tipo certo de atividade... Read more
By: Taylor Hench, Victor Higgins, Gregory Haynes, J...
Narrated by: Sarah Margrave, Rory Young, J.A. Lydick, Lily N...
Length: 4 hours 42 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 5-book combo. These are the themes that you will find:
Theme 1: What is so difficult about diagnosing bipolar disorder? What are possible solutions? These and many other questions will be answered in this book. Aside from this, clinical concepts will be discussed, as well as nutritional resources, the connection to autism, suicidal... Read more
By: Sid Van Roy, David Kelvins & Heather Foreman
Narrated by: Doug Greene, Wes Grant & Rory Young
Length: 2 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: No
There are three books in this bundle, which are part of the following themes:
Theme 1: Can video games help people with ADHD? Is suicide related to ADHD? How about emotional trauma? How does ADHD affect families and the way they function? Questions like these have been researched and put together in this book. You will learn about many aspects of... Read more
Mental Illness
By: Victor Higgins, Jennifer Wartz, David Kelvins, ...
Narrated by: Doug Greene, Wes Grant, Brandon Sukhu, J. A. Ly...
Length: 11 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: No
Fortunately for you, this is a book with 13 different topics. They are the following topics:
Topic 1: Some disorders are interesting or a little difficult to handle. Others are downright scary. In this book, you will learn about both: The less threatening ones and the psychopathic ones that increase the risk of criminal activity. Some disorders... Read more
Win Your Ex Back
By: Lindsay Baines & Betty Fragment
Narrated by: Chloe Jacobson & Sarah Owens
Length: 5 hours 44 minutes
Abridged: No
There are 6 titles in this book, which are about the following topics:
Topic 1: How do you get over a breakup? It may sound simple when you hear about all kinds of tips, but it’s never easy. Everyone who has gone through it, knows that.
However, sometimes, relationships have erroneously been broken. Partners may have still been able to turn it... Read more
Métodos de aprendizaje
By: Dave Farrel & Cory Hanssen
Narrated by: Juan Daniels & Agustin Cammisa
Length: 6 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: No
Hay seis títulos en este libro, que son los siguientes:
Libro 1: ¿Te gustaría tener una mejor memoria?
¡Entonces no busques más! En esta guía, se le darán varias respuestas sobre cómo hacer esas cosas. Por ejemplo, cubriremos la importancia de memorizar cosas para aumentar la capacidad de su cerebro para retener información.
Libro 2: para que... Read more
By: Jenny Hashkins & Stephanie White
Narrated by: Sherra Swapp & Kip Ferguson
Length: 4 hours 54 minutes
Abridged: No
There are several different titles in this book, which are the following:
Book 1: The law of attraction has been a popular theme in the past few decades. If we want to understand it, it is valuable to study different aspects of it. That’s why, in this guide, you will be able to learn more about several subtopics.
Book 2: When we make use of the... Read more
By: Celesta Kopps
Narrated by: Chloe Jacobson
Length: 46 minutes
Abridged: No
Many people are confused about what intuition is, and sometimes even if it’s a real thing or not. In today’s guide, we will discuss what is being understood by intuitive or instinctive impulses, how much of them can be trusted, and how you can use some of these feelings to your advantage. There is an entire psychological premise defended by... Read more
View audiobookSociopath
By: Taylor Hench, Victor Higgins, John Kirschen, Lu...
Narrated by: Rory Young, J. A. Lydick, Lily Northfield, Oska...
Length: 4 hours 44 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 5-book combo. These are the five subjects that are included:
Subject 1: What is so difficult about diagnosing bipolar disorder? What are possible solutions? These and many other questions will be answered in this book.
Subject 2: In this guide, the first thing we’ll point out is how difficult it is to go through life with a mother or... Read more
Cómo aprender más rápido
By: Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Agustin Cammisa & Melina Gordillo
Length: 6 hours 32 minutes
Abridged: No
Entrenamiento mental + aprendizaje acelerado
Hay seis títulos diferentes en este libro, que son los siguientes:
Libro 1: Sumérjase en el reino de las infinitas posibilidades, algunas de las cuales se le revelarán en esta guía rápida. Se abordarán varios temas, como juegos de entrenamiento cerebral, videojuegos que pueden estimular el tipo correcto... Read more
Vagus Nerve
By: Sarah Miller
Narrated by: Robert Wilson & Eleanor Webb
Length: 3 hours
Abridged: No
Heal your entire body and your mind by stimulating a single nerve!Does your weight not go down despite diets? Fatigue accompanies you every day and night awakenings have tormented you for years? Have you tried different ways to solve your problems and you don't know what to do anymore? If your answer to all of these questions is yes then this is... Read more
View audiobookEmotional Intelligence
By: Samirah Eaton & Marco Jameson
Narrated by: Carlton Smith & J.A. Lydock
Length: 2 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 2-book bundle, consisting of these books:
Book 1: In this guide, you will receive greater comprehension of what fallacies are and close your blind spot to the truth of things.
Later, the author goes on to instruct you on inductive and deductive reasoning, which are two techniques that help people reach logical conclusions without going... Read more
By: Ryan Watson
Narrated by: Derrick Ehm
Length: 4 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: No
Unveil the world of dark psychology and discover the secrets of the Dark Triad.Do you want to delve into the depths of human psychology and uncover the manipulation tactics that are used against us every day? Are you interested in learning more about the Dark Triad and the behaviors of psychopaths and narcissists? Or do you want to discover the... Read more
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