Psychology audiobooks
By: Dave Farrel, Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas & Suzi Martinez
Length: 10 hours 7 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem nove títulos neste livro, que são os seguintes:
Título 1: Mergulhe no reino de possibilidades infinitas, algumas das quais serão reveladas a você neste guia rápido. Vários tópicos serão abordados, como jogos de treinamento cerebral, videogames que podem estimular o tipo certo de atividade cerebral, os efeitos da escola e idéias gerais... Read more
Attention Deficit Disorder
By: Lee Randalph, Heather Foreman & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Kasey Logan, J.A. Lydick & Rory Young
Length: 2 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: No
The following subjects are in the books 3 titles that are included in this book bundle:
Subject 1: Can video games help people with ADHD? Is suicide related to ADHD? How about emotional trauma? How does ADHD affect families and the way they function? Questions like these have been researched and put together in this book. You will learn about... Read more
Subconscious Mind
By: Jason Hendrickson, Mark Daily & Emily Wilds
Narrated by: Alex Lancer, Doug Greene & Sarah Owens
Length: 2 hours 31 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a combo of 3 different books, which all relate to our minds and brains. The books are about these topics:
Topic 1: Do you know what the seven keys are to think better? And do you understand the advantages of creative visualization? Many people have no clue what’s going on inside their minds. And even though I cannot promise that this book... Read more
Personality Disorders
By: Sid Van Roy, Lee Randalph, David Kelvins, Derri...
Narrated by: Doug Greene, J.A. Lydick, Ric Chetter, Rory You...
Length: 16 hours 40 minutes
Abridged: No
These subjects are included in this 18-book combo:
Subject 1: Personality disorders can be challenging. I personally know people who have some kind of disorder. It’s different when you interact with them. Not every moment, but the difference is in the details.
Subject 2: Schizophrenia is more common than you think. And there are a lot of false... Read more
Como se concentrar
By: Dave Farrel, Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Suzi Martinez & Kleber Lukas
Length: 3 hours 40 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem 3 títulos neste livro, que são os seguintes:
Título 1: É possível treinar seu cérebro? Você pode se tornar mais inteligente ou mais capaz de se lembrar das coisas? Mergulhe no reino de infinitas possibilidades, algumas das quais serão reveladas a você neste guia rápido. Vários tópicos serão abordados, como jogos de treinamento cerebral,... Read more
By: Gregory Haynes
Narrated by: Sarah Margrave
Length: 1 hour 39 minutes
Abridged: No
This book consists of two titles, which are the following: Book 1: Co-dependent relationships can be quite the challenge. Many people are in one, even though they don’t realize it. It typically consists of a couple enabling each other or manipulating each other, and individuals who lack self-esteem. Or they might have a feeling that the... Read more
View audiobookConcentrar
By: Dave Farrel, Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Juan Daniels, Agustin Cammisa & Melina Gordillo
Length: 3 hours 7 minutes
Abridged: No
Hay 3 títulos en este libro, que son los siguientes:
Título 1: ¿Qué son las funciones cognitivas? ¿Cómo funciona nuestro cerebro? ¿Qué hechos y mitos acerca de nuestras mentes existen, y cuáles deberían creer? Estas y muchas otras preguntas serán respondidas en este completo manual. También aprenderá sobre las diferencias de sexo relacionadas con... Read more
Minimalist Lifestyle
By: Rebecca Morres, Chantal Even & Hillary Janssen
Narrated by: audiobooks2go, Rory Young & Doug Greene
Length: 6 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a book with 9 different books in it, but the topics are all somehow related to each other. The titles relate to these topics:
Topic 1: Many people have heard of Hygge, but most of them don’t know how to incorporate it into their lifestyle. Hygge is based on comfort, warmth in the winter, and simple designs that reflect a homy, cozy... Read more
Positive Psychology
By: Tara Well, Lin Pen & Rhonda Swan
Narrated by: Stacy James Near, John-Michael Jalonen & Nathan...
Length: 9 hours 33 minutes
Abridged: No
Do you struggle with your emotions? Do you find that keeping your emotions stable and regular becomes a problem for you on a regular basis? Have you been searching for the mechanisms to get in control, but nothing seems to fit right, or stick?If so, then keep reading…The truth is, this is more common than you think: We all face emotional... Read more
View audiobookCognitive Behavioral Therapy: Use Psychological Techniques To Rewire Your Brain And Learn How Emotions And Daily Habits Influence Your Thought, Your Behaviour, Your Feelings And Your Life
By: Timothy Meyer
Narrated by: dms
Length: 6 hours 18 minutes
Abridged: No
Suffеring from depression can bе a very painful and disastrous experience.Your whоlе lifе may turn uрѕidе dоwn. Yоur outlook of lifе will bесоmе vеrу negative аnd it is tоugh to go thrоugh life like thiѕ. Here аrе ѕimрlе steps tо bеgin with if you wаnt to seriously know hоw to оvеrсоmе dерrеѕѕiоn permanently. Yоu have tо реrѕiѕtеntlу follow... Read more
View audiobookEnfocar
By: Dave Farrel, Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Juan Daniels, Agustin Cammisa & Melina Gordillo
Length: 9 hours 45 minutes
Abridged: No
Hay nueve títulos en este libro, que son los siguientes:
Título 1: Sumérjase en el reino de infinitas posibilidades, algunas de las cuales se le revelarán en esta guía rápida. Se abordarán varios temas, como juegos de entrenamiento cerebral, videojuegos que pueden estimular el tipo correcto de actividad cerebral, los efectos de la escuela e ideas... Read more
Broken Heart
By: Gregory Haynes, Betty Fragment, Elsa Harbor, Ho...
Narrated by: Chloe Jacobson, Sarah Margrave & Sarah Owens
Length: 5 hours 1 minute
Abridged: No
These book themes are included in this 5-book bundle:
Theme 1: Some people completely sabotage themselves when they go through a breakup. It’s a natural reaction and it makes sense, but that doesn’t mean it is the right thing to do. With a little help and a little information, you can stop yourself from making crucial mistakes that could mess... Read more
Cómo analizar a las personas
By: R.J. Anderson
Narrated by: Enrique Aparicio
Length: 1 hour 11 minutes
Abridged: No
Es una guía práctica sobre cómo aplicar todo lo que has aprendido. El libro está lleno de ejemplos de cómo modificar los resultados en base al objetivo deseado. Este libro te enseñará qué es lo que debes hacer para que funcione con tus objetivos. Puedes usar las técnicas de este libro para impresionar a tu jefe y a tus clientes en el trabajo. Si... Read more
View audiobookAccelerated Learning
By: Syrie Gallows & Cory Hanssen
Narrated by: Kasey Logan & Mark Milroy
Length: 1 hour 59 minutes
Abridged: No
There are 2 titles in this book, which are the following:
Title 1: Do you want to learn more and faster? Would you like to have a better memory? Then look no further! In this guide, you will be given several answers as to how to do those things. For example, we will cover the importance of memorizing things to boost your brain’s capacity for... Read more
Creative Minds
By: Angela Wayning, Christie Jeffers, Stephanie Whi...
Narrated by: Casey Wayman, Eric Boozer, Kip Ferguson & Thoma...
Length: 8 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: No
There are several different titles in this book, which are the following: Book 1: In this short and simple guide, you will learn more about the qualities of a gifted person. These attributes typically already show in a man or woman’s childhood, and the developmental stages in which they grow.
Book 2: This question lies at the heart of this book,... Read more
Emotional Intelligence
By: Dave Farrel, Samirah Eaton, Emily Wilds, Jason ...
Narrated by: Doug Greene, Carlton Smith, Alex Lancer, Sarah ...
Length: 13 hours 29 minutes
Abridged: No
This 15-book bundle consists of interrelated books about the following fascinating topics:
Topic 1: We all have some creativity in us, but it seems like some people are better equipped to tap into that part of their brains. Some people naturally think outside the box. They come up with new ideas constantly.
Topic 2: In order to tap into the... Read more
By: Taylor Hench, Victor Higgins, Derrick Halfson &...
Narrated by: Rory Young, J. A. Lydick, Lily Northfield & Osk...
Length: 4 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: No
These 4 books are included in this combo, into the following categories:
Category 1: Some disorders are interesting or a little difficult to handle. Others are downright scary. In this book, you will learn about both: The less threatening ones and the psychopathic ones that increase the risk of criminal activity. Some disorders you will find in... Read more
By: Cruz Matthews & Gary Dankock
Narrated by: Sarah Owens & Rory Young
Length: 1 hour 47 minutes
Abridged: No
This book contains 2 short titles that all relate to philosophical and theoretical ideas. They are the following books:
Title 1: Skepticism is a philosophical movement that has been in existence for centuries. And even though some may call it old and outdated, studying this concept can bring enlightenment to the soul. Sometimes, being skeptical... Read more
Neuro Linguistic Programming
By: Hendrick Kramers, Noah Jeecks & Devon Hales
Narrated by: Sarah Margrave, Dean Collins & Doug Greene
Length: 2 hours 13 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 3-book combo. You will find the following themes in here:
Theme 1: Mentalism is often misunderstood. There is a whole psychological side behind the practice of mind control, mentalism, magic tricks, and deception. Whether as a stage performer, healer, illusionist, or hypnotist, knowing a bit about mentalism can open your eyes and become... Read more
By: Sid Van Roy, David Kelvins & Heather Foreman
Narrated by: Doug Greene, Wes Grant & Rory Young
Length: 2 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: No
There are three books in this bundle, which are part of the following themes:
Theme 1: ADHD is a condition in the brain many people are somewhat familiar with. However, when it comes to the specifics, the majority of us are still left in the dark. The main essence of ADHD is missing when people just think that you’re hyperactive and unfocused.... Read more
By: Angela Wayning, Christie Jeffers, Adrian Tweele...
Narrated by: Casey Wayman, Angie Negus, Eric Boozer, Kendra ...
Length: 19 hours 49 minutes
Abridged: No
This giant bundle of books contains the following titles:
Book 1: When you want to understand your highly intelligent child, it’s easy to brush off the problems that come with it, such as overexcitement, sensitiveness, and being picky or easily bored.
Book 2: What causes a gifted child to be emotionally driven and highly empathetic? How come an... Read more
The History of Philosophy
By: Cruz Matthews, Gary Dankock, Hector Janssen & P...
Narrated by: Sarah Owens, Rory Young, Doug Greene & Sarah Ma...
Length: 11 hours
Abridged: No
This is a 12-book combo with the following topics in it:
Topic 1: Confucius has definitely left a mark on the world of Eastern philosophy. His ideas were revolutionary and impressive enough for people to follow him, record his works, and start a group of devoted followers. In the first chapter, more light will be shed on this. The second... Read more
By: Taylor Hench, Victor Higgins, Derrick Halfson &...
Narrated by: Rory Young, J. A. Lydick, Lily Northfield & Osk...
Length: 4 hours 6 minutes
Abridged: No
These 4 books are included in this combo, into the following categories:
Category 1: Personality disorders can be challenging. I personally know people who have some kind of disorder. It’s different when you interact with them. Not every moment, but the difference is in the details. In this short guide, I will touch on various disorders that are... Read more
By: Hendrick Kramers, Noah Jeecks & Devon Hales
Narrated by: Sarah Margrave, Dean Collins & Doug Greene
Length: 2 hours 27 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 3-book combo. You will find the following themes in here:
Theme 1: In a way, a mentalist performs an art. It’s an intricate combination of deception, show, and psychology. Clairvoyance is another one of those terms that people often get confused about. In this guide, we’ll talk about these topics, as well as telepathy, the very nature... Read more