Psychology audiobooks
Treinamento cerebral
By: Dave Farrel, John Adamssen, Cory Hanssen & Syri...
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas & Suzi Martinez
Length: 4 hours 13 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem 4 títulos neste livro, que tratam dos seguintes tópicos:
Tópico 1: Como você aprofunda sua inteligência emocional? Muitas pessoas tentaram fazê-lo, e poucas entendem o verdadeiro segredo. Pessoas emocionalmente inteligentes passam a vida muito mais felizes. Eles entendem como reagir e têm mais controle. Portanto, é essencial para o seu... Read more
By: Cruz Matthews, Hector Janssen & Philip Rivaldi
Narrated by: Sarah Owens, Sarah Margrave & Doug Greene
Length: 2 hours 36 minutes
Abridged: No
There are 3 titles in this book bundle, which are about the following topics:
Topic 1: In this book, you will find information about five different philosophers, some of them well-known, others less. But all of them had a significant impact on the ancient world and how people thought, as well as some of our modern-day ideas. The first in line is... Read more
Terapia dialéctica conductual: Lo que necesita saber sobre la TDC y una simple guía de terapia cognitiva conductual
By: Heath Metzger
Narrated by: Luis Trumper
Length: 6 hours 46 minutes
Abridged: No
Si siempre ha querido comprender y gestionar sus emociones intensas y realmente quiere llegar a ser su mejor versión, siga leyendo...Dos manuscritos en un libro: Terapia Conductual Dialéctica: Una guía de DBT para controlar las emociones, la ansiedad, los cambios de humor y el trastorno límite de la personalidad, con técnicas de atención para... Read more
View audiobookMemory Training
By: Dave Farrel, Samirah Eaton, Cory Hanssen, Emily...
Narrated by: Kasey Logan, Mark Milroy, Alex Lancer, Carlton ...
Length: 22 hours 7 minutes
Abridged: No
You’ve just come across a combination of a series of 24 books. They are related to the following topics:
Topic 1: We all have some creativity in us, but it seems like some people are better equipped to tap into that part of their brains. Some people naturally think outside the box. They come up with new ideas constantly.
Topic 2: Do you know what... Read more
CBT: How to Overcome Anxiety, PTSD, Worry Phobias, Panic and Stress
By: Shawn L. Murphy
Narrated by: dms
Length: 6 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: No
Manage Stress, Anxiety, And Depression Effectively With Cognitive Behavioral TherapyAre you looking for tried-and-true ways to control anxiety, avoid becoming overwhelmed with stress, and manage depressive moods?Living with unpredictable panic attacks, unrelenting worries, or obsessive thoughts can take a huge toll on both your mental and... Read more
View audiobookYou Can Quit Drinking... and Enjoy a Happy, Alcohol-Free Life!
By: Lily Grace
Narrated by: Claire Calverley
Length: 3 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: No
EVERY ATTEMPT TO QUIT DRINKING HAD FAILED, UNTIL I FINALLY FOUND SOMETHING THAT WORKED…It was obvious, really. But it took a long time – and lots of heartache – until the penny finally dropped. There was no silver bullet. Just taking drink away was never going to work. But why should you listen to me? I know how it feels to think about booze all... Read more
View audiobookSelf hypnosis for sleep: Definitive guide to sleep better, overcome anxiety and stress through hypnotherapy meditation.
By: Eduard Davis
Narrated by: dms
Length: 7 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: No
Overcome Anxiety and Stress and Finally Sleep Better with This Ultimate Guide to Hypnotherapy Meditation!Is your quality of sleep suffering because of anxiety and stress?IF YES, READ ON! THIS 2-IN-1 BOOK WILL HELP YOU FINALLY GET A GOOD NIGHT’S SLEEP!In this day and age, almost everyone suffers from stress and some form of anxiety. However, if... Read more
View audiobookMétodos de Aprendizagem
By: Dave Farrel & Cory Hanssen
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas
Length: 2 hours 5 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem 2 títulos neste livro, que são os seguintes:
Livro 1: Muitas pessoas lutam com o aprendizado. Eles demoram demais ou não retêm as informações que aprenderam. Aqui, você aprenderá mais sobre como melhorar tudo isso. O autor o guiará através de um estudo de estilos de aprendizagem, ensinando a si mesmo em vez de ter que ser ensinado e as... Read more
Emotional Intelligence
By: Samirah Eaton & Marco Jameson
Narrated by: Carlton Smith & J.A. Lydock
Length: 1 hour 44 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 2-book bundle, consisting of these books:
Book 1: What makes someone a critical thinker? The attributes of such a person are elaborately described in this book. Alongside with that, the book highlights the many benefits of critical thinking, an often-neglected brain skills society needs to improve on.
Book 2: Some people get it all wrong... Read more
Kognitive Verhaltenstherapie
By: Felix Amhoff
Narrated by: Felix Amhoff
Length: 2 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: No
Gefühle - Gedanken - Verhalten: Ein manchmal teuflischer Kreislauf, in dem sich viele Menschen befinden und oftmals keinen Ausweg sehen.Der Betroffene soll erkennen, wie er sich durch seine Zwangsgedanken, seine Gefühle oder durch das Katastrophisieren von Situationen selbst im Weg steht und sein Leben durch negative Glaubenssätze nicht in der... Read more
View audiobookHow to Learn Faster
By: Syrie Gallows & Cory Hanssen
Narrated by: Kasey Logan & Mark Milroy
Length: 6 hours 19 minutes
Abridged: No
There are 6 titles in this book, which are the following:
Title 1: Then look no further! In this guide, you will be given several answers as to how to do those things. For example, we will cover the importance of memorizing things to boost your brain’s capacity for retaining information.
Title 2: For you to learn how to learn, or to remember what... Read more
Creative Thinking
By: Samirah Eaton, Jason Hendrickson, Karla Wayers ...
Narrated by: Carlton Smith, Alex Lancer, Doug Greene & Tayla...
Length: 9 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a combo of 12 separate titles, which relate to the following topics:
Topic 1: We all have some creativity in us, but it seems like some people are better equipped to tap into that part of their brains. Some people naturally think outside the box. They come up with new ideas constantly.
Topic 2: There is a loop in life: We seek a reward,... Read more
By: Dave Farrel, Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas & Suzi Martinez
Length: 3 hours 13 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem 3 títulos neste livro, que são os seguintes:
Título 1: Como você aprofunda sua inteligência emocional? Muitas pessoas tentaram fazê-lo, e poucas entendem o verdadeiro segredo. Pessoas emocionalmente inteligentes passam a vida muito mais felizes. Eles entendem como reagir e têm mais controle. Portanto, é essencial para o seu... Read more
Métodos de Aprendizagem
By: Dave Farrel & Cory Hanssen
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas
Length: 6 hours 42 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem seis títulos neste livro, que são os seguintes:
Livro 1: Você gostaria de ter uma memória melhor?
Então não procure mais! Neste guia, você receberá várias respostas sobre como fazer essas coisas. Por exemplo, vamos cobrir a importância de memorizar coisas para aumentar a capacidade do seu cérebro de reter informações.
Livro 2: Para você... Read more
By: Celesta Kopps
Narrated by: Chloe Jacobson
Length: 53 minutes
Abridged: No
There are some facts and theories about intuition that ever person should know about. In the first chapter of this book, we will touch on eight facts that need to be considered when studying the subject of intuition. In the second chapter, we will specifically talk about a mother’s intuition. Many people have attested to the fact that mothers... Read more
View audiobookBrain Power
By: Syrie Gallows, John Adamssen & Cory Hanssen
Narrated by: Kasey Logan & Mark Milroy
Length: 3 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: No
These 3 titles that are included in this bundle relate to these themes:
Theme 1: Here, you will learn more about how to improve all that. The author will take you through a study of learning styles, teaching yourself instead of having to be taught, and the best ways to study harder, faster, and more effectively. The book touches on memorization... Read more
Skeptical Thinking
By: Cruz Matthews & Gary Dankock
Narrated by: Sarah Owens & Rory Young
Length: 5 hours 38 minutes
Abridged: No
This book contains 6 short titles that all relate to philosophical and theoretical ideas. They are the following books:
Title 1: In this guide, you will learn how the skepticism movement has evolved over the past few centuries, what it is today, how it makes complete sense and how it differs from cynicism. These things are explained in a handful... Read more
By: Samirah Eaton, Jason Hendrickson & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Kasey Logan, Carlton Smith & Alex Lancer
Length: 7 hours 55 minutes
Abridged: No
This 9-book combo consists of related books about the following subjects:
Subject 1: In this guide, we’ll touch on those things, which lie at the heart of the definition and accomplishment of this term. We will also go over the best ways to work less hard but smarter. The Alfred Binet theories and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale will be... Read more
By: Vayana Ariz, Camelia Hensen & Cammy Hollows
Narrated by: Samantha Novak & Queenie Walsh
Length: 2 hours 48 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a book with three short, separate books in it, but the topics are all somehow related. The titles relate to these topics:
Topic 1: Introverts are introverts, but did you know that there are different kinds of introverts? Aside from touching on this particular topic, this book will also teach you more about how to embrace your inner... Read more
Critical Thinking
By: Cruz Matthews, Marco Jameson, Gary Dankock, Hec...
Narrated by: Sarah Owens, J.A. Lydock, Doug Greene, Rory You...
Length: 4 hours 44 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 5-book bundle with the following topics in it:
Topic 1: In this convenient guide, several ancient, famous philosophers will be covered, so you may get a better understanding of the ancestors who have shaped our ideas and theories before we were born.
Topic 2: Stoicism is a concept that has been studied more and more lately. The... Read more
Darkest England
By: Idries Shah
Narrated by: David Ault
Length: 13 hours 24 minutes
Abridged: No
In his best-selling Darkest England, Idries Shah asserts that the English hail from a little-known place called ‘Hathaby’, but their roots go back much farther, perhaps to the distant Asian realm of Sakasina. Once a nomadic tribe of warriors, the English fled westward, bringing with them epic tales, traditions, and an Oriental way of... Read more
View audiobookIntuition
By: Celesta Kopps
Narrated by: Chloe Jacobson
Length: 1 hour 40 minutes
Abridged: No
This book consists of two titles, which are the following: Book 1: Many people are confused about what intuition is, and sometimes even if it’s a real thing or not. In today’s guide, we will discuss what is being understood by intuitive or instinctive impulses, how much of them can be trusted, and how you can use some of these feelings to your... Read more
View audiobookIntrovertidos: La Guía Definitiva para Introvertidos que desean ser más Abiertos, Sociables y Desarrollar Habilidades de Liderazgo, sin Renunciar a su Introversión
By: Daron Callaway
Narrated by: Luis Trumper
Length: 3 hours 16 minutes
Abridged: No
Si desea socializar con confianza en sí mismo, pero siente que su carácter introvertido le está bloqueando, siga leyendo.¿Está cansado de sentirse incomprendido por culpa de su introversión?¿Ha intentado mostrarse más sociable, pero siente que nada le funciona de forma permanente?¿Quiere desprenderse de todos los miedos sociales y estereotipos,... Read more
View audiobookSerial Killers
By: Victor Higgins & Matt Belster
Narrated by: J.A. Lydick & Oskar Gundersen
Length: 1 hour 49 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 2-book bundle, consisting of these books:
Book 1: Today, some of the most notorious, gruesome serial killers will be explained: Their history, their first murders, and their constant escape from the authorities until the death trials or the unanticipated disappearance of said killers. The brutal rapes, mutilation, murders and stories by... Read more