Psychology audiobooks
Treinamento cerebral
By: Dave Farrel, John Adamssen, Cory Hanssen & Syri...
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas & Suzi Martinez
Length: 5 hours 7 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem 4 títulos neste livro, que tratam dos seguintes tópicos:
Tópico 1: É possível treinar seu cérebro? Você pode se tornar mais inteligente ou mais capaz de se lembrar das coisas? Mergulhe no reino de infinitas possibilidades, algumas das quais serão reveladas a você neste guia rápido. Vários tópicos serão abordados, como jogos de treinamento... Read more
Emotional intelligence, cognitive behavioral therapy, self-discipline and anger management: Psychology guide to mastery your emotions, improve self confidence, awareness and empath
By: Bob A. Mills
Narrated by: dms
Length: 14 hours 30 minutes
Abridged: No
Are you interested in knowing how you can become a disciplined, healthier, and more successful person using the power of your emotions?This 4-in-1 audiobook reveals how ordinary people from all walks of life can easily develop their cope capacity, enhance their cognitive abilities and regain control of their minds.Inside this audiobook, you will... Read more
View audiobookQuick Learning
By: Syrie Gallows & Cory Hanssen
Narrated by: Kasey Logan & Mark Milroy
Length: 2 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: No
There are 2 titles in this book, which are the following:
Title 1: Many people underestimate the value of awareness and consciousness when it comes to learning. Keeping information in that big brain of yours can be challenging if you don’t apply the right methods to do so.
Title 2: How does our brain work?
What facts and myths about our minds are... Read more
Treinamento cerebral
By: Dave Farrel, John Adamssen, Cory Hanssen & Syri...
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas & Suzi Martinez
Length: 13 hours 38 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem 12 títulos neste livro, que tratam dos seguintes tópicos:
Tópico 1: Muitas pessoas tentaram fazer isso, e poucos entendem o verdadeiro segredo. Pessoas emocionalmente inteligentes passam pela vida muito mais felizes. Eles sabem como reagir e têm mais controle. Assim, é essencial para o seu desenvolvimento cerebral ter algum grau de... Read more
By: Samirah Eaton, Jason Hendrickson & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Kasey Logan, Carlton Smith & Alex Lancer
Length: 2 hours 44 minutes
Abridged: No
This 3-book combo consists of related books about the following subjects:
Subject 1: In psychology, the subject of intelligence has been studied and debated by many. Some of the theories that those scientists and clinicians have come up with, are laid out in this book. We will also go over intelligence screening for children, average IQ scores,... Read more
Emotional Intelligence
By: Dave Farrel, Samirah Eaton, Emily Wilds, Jason ...
Narrated by: Doug Greene, Carlton Smith, Alex Lancer, Sarah ...
Length: 4 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: No
This 5-book bundle consists of interrelated books about the following fascinating topics:
Topic 1: Creativity is an art. Of course, some people have been exercising this art more than others. But there are ways for everyone to do so. In this book, we will touch on some of the best ways to boost your creative skills.
Topic 2: In order to tap into... Read more
Personality Disorders
By: David Kelvins, Heather Foreman & Dwayne Winstons
Narrated by: Ric Chetter, Wes Grant & Rory Young
Length: 2 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 3-book combo. You will find the following topics here:
Topic 1: In this book, various topics will be included, like: Children with ADHD versus grownups with ADHD.Diagnosis analysis and thoughts about the dangers or benefits.Social hardships children with ADHD face.The question of whether or not ADHD can disappear in a person as he/she... Read more
Aprender mais rápido
By: Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Kleber Lukas & Suzi Martinez
Length: 2 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: No
Existem 2 títulos diferentes neste livro, que são os seguintes:
Livro 1: Como você aprofunda sua inteligência emocional? Muitas pessoas tentaram fazê-lo, e poucas entendem o verdadeiro segredo. Pessoas emocionalmente inteligentes passam a vida muito mais felizes. Eles entendem como reagir e têm mais controle. Portanto, é essencial para o seu... Read more
Binge Eating
By: Melanie Frecken & Zoey Jacobs
Narrated by: Sarah Margrave & Brandon Sukhu
Length: 2 hours 10 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 2-book bundle, consisting of these books:
Book 1: Is it worth it to do some intermittent fasting to cleanse your body or lose belly fat?
Yes, it is.
But why?
That is just one of the many things that will be explained in this book. It can set you on the path to better sleep, autophagy (that term will be clarified), and healthier nutrition.... Read more
By: Cammy Hollows, Erica Showdown, Amy Jileson, Cam...
Narrated by: Brandon Sukhu, Samantha Novak, Bonnie Rogers, C...
Length: 6 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: No
You are about to get a combo deal of 7 different books! These are the topics the books are all about:
Topic 1: Introverts are introverts, but did you know that there are different kinds of introverts?
Topic 2: In this short, comprehensive book, we will talk about the differences and the extremes, so you can see for yourself in which direction... Read more
Mental Disorders
By: Victor Higgins, Jennifer Wartz, David Kelvins, ...
Narrated by: Doug Greene, Wes Grant, Brandon Sukhu, J. A. Ly...
Length: 12 hours 12 minutes
Abridged: No
There are so many books about personality disorders out there. But luckily for you, this is a book with 13 different topics. They are the following topics:
Topic 1: Have you ever wondered what the difference is between Bipolar Disorder and narcissism? If you have, this book is perfect for you. The two disorders are elaborately described and... Read more
By: Gregory Haynes
Narrated by: Sarah Margrave
Length: 1 hour 36 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a 2-book combo, which has the following titles: Book 1: Co-dependent relationships can be quite the challenge. Many people are in one, even though they don’t realize it. It typically consists of a couple enabling each other or manipulating each other, and individuals who lack self-esteem. Or they might have a feeling that the... Read more
View audiobookMétodos de aprendizaje
By: Dave Farrel & Cory Hanssen
Narrated by: Juan Daniels & Agustin Cammisa
Length: 2 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: No
Hay 2 títulos en este libro, que son los siguientes:
Libro 1: ¿Quieres aprender más y más rápido? ¿Te gustaría tener una mejor memoria? ¡Entonces no busques más! En esta guía, se le darán varias respuestas sobre cómo hacer esas cosas. Por ejemplo, cubriremos la importancia de memorizar cosas para aumentar la capacidad de su cerebro para retener... Read more
By: Gregory Haynes, Betty Fragment, Elsa Harbor, Ho...
Narrated by: Chloe Jacobson, Sarah Margrave & Sarah Owens
Length: 4 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: No
These book themes are included in this 5-book bundle: Theme 1: How do you get over a breakup? It may sound simple when you hear about all kinds of tips, but it’s never easy. Everyone who has gone through it, knows that. However, sometimes, relationships have erroneously been broken. Partners may have still been able to turn it into something... Read more
View audiobookEnfocar
By: Dave Farrel, Cory Hanssen & Syrie Gallows
Narrated by: Juan Daniels, Agustin Cammisa & Melina Gordillo
Length: 3 hours 12 minutes
Abridged: No
Hay 3 títulos en este libro, que son los siguientes:
Título 1: ¿Cómo profundizas tu inteligencia emocional? Mucha gente ha intentado hacerlo, y pocos entienden el verdadero secreto. Las personas emocionalmente inteligentes pasan por la vida mucho más felices. Entienden cómo reaccionar y tienen más control. Por lo tanto, es esencial para su... Read more
Mental Illness
By: Victor Higgins, Jennifer Wartz, David Kelvins, ...
Narrated by: Doug Greene, Wes Grant, Brandon Sukhu, J. A. Ly...
Length: 12 hours 19 minutes
Abridged: No
Fortunately for you, this is a book with 13 different topics. They are the following topics:
Topic 1: Personality disorders can be challenging. I personally know people who have some kind of disorder. It’s different when you interact with them. Not every moment, but the difference is in the details. In this short guide, I will touch on various... Read more
Body Language
By: George Morrison
Narrated by: Peter Roman
Length: 59 minutes
Abridged: No
Discover the ways you have been inadvertently communicating negative, positive, neutral, or mixed messages with the simple body movements you habitually make without even thinking about it. Know when someone is lying to you!Do you ever feel that someone's gestures are telling you something different than the words they are saying? Has a cashier... Read more
View audiobookPhilosophy
By: Cruz Matthews, Gary Dankock & Hector Janssen
Narrated by: Sarah Owens, Rory Young & Sarah Margrave
Length: 2 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: No
This combo contains 3 different titles, which are subdivided into the following topics:
Topic 1: Stoicism is a concept that has been studied more and more lately. The philosophy that dates back all the way to Socrates has been significant in many people’s lives. So, today, we will expand on what stoicism is, where it originated from, and how you... Read more
Essential Oils
By: Rebecca Morres, Chantal Even & Hillary Janssen
Narrated by: audiobooks2go, Rory Young & Doug Greene
Length: 2 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: No
This is a book with 3 different books in it, but the topics are all somehow related to each other. The titles relate to these topics:
Topic 1: Many people have heard of Hygge, but most of them don’t know how to incorporate it into their lifestyle. Hygge is based on comfort, warmth in the winter, and simple designs that reflect a homy, cozy... Read more
Critical Thinking
By: Samirah Eaton, Marco Jameson & Gary Dankock
Narrated by: Carlton Smith, J.A. Lydock & Rory Young
Length: 2 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: No
This book consists of 3 different titles, which are:
Title 1: Skepticism is a philosophical movement that has been in existence for centuries. And even though some may call it old and outdated, studying this concept can bring enlightenment to the soul. Sometimes, being skeptical is erroneously connected to simply being negative. But this... Read more
The Complex PTSD Workbook
By: Sarah Miller
Narrated by: Robert Wilson & Eleanor Webb
Length: 2 hours 4 minutes
Abridged: No
Complex PTSD may be diagnosed in adults or children who have repeatedly experienced traumatic events, such as violence, neglect or abuse.Complex PTSD is thought to be more severe if: the traumatic events happened early in life the trauma was caused by a parent or carer the person experienced the trauma for a long time the person was alone during... Read more
View audiobookAcceptance and Commitment Therapy
By: Sarah Miller
Narrated by: Robert Wilson & Eleanor Webb
Length: 3 hours 21 minutes
Abridged: No
Begin your journey to a life of well-being and overcome negativity for good with the power of this audiobook!Did you know that most people don't have the right tools to positively deal with their emotions?Despite living in an age of readily available information, the old-world way of numbing negative emotions are still very prevalent. The... Read more
View audiobookHypnosis
By: Hendrick Kramers & Devon Hales
Narrated by: Sarah Margrave & Dean Collins
Length: 1 hour 38 minutes
Abridged: No
There are 2 titles in this book, which are:
Book 1: How does hypnosis work? What is good for? And how can you be more effective at it?
These are questions that might come to mind when you study the topic of hypnosis. In this brief guide, we will address the ins and outs of what it is and how it is used. Additionally, we will look into how it can... Read more
COGNITIVE BEHAVIORAL THERAPY: Rewire Your Brain, Overcome Anxiety, Depression And Phobias Using Psychological Techniques And Emotional Intelligence
By: Bob A. Mills
Narrated by: dms
Length: 7 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: No
Are you sometimes caught up in the web of negative thoughts? Are you in a desperate search, looking for a new state in mind? Everyone who walks the face of the earth knows how bad depression and anxiety can be. Getting anxious and sometimes depressed are natural responses to some awkward circumstances. The challenge is when these experiences... Read more
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