Children's audiobooks
How to Eat Fried Worms
By: Thomas Rockwell
Narrated by: Jay O. Sanders
Length: 1 hour 53 minutes
Abridged: No
Because of a bet, Billy is in the uncomfortable position of having to eat fifteen worms in fifteen days. The worms are supplied by his opponent, whose motto is "The bigger and juicier, the better!" At first Billy's problem is whether or not he can swallow the worm placed before him, even with a choice of condiments from peanut butter to... Read more
View audiobookWoodsong
By: Gary Paulsen
Narrated by: Gary Paulsen
Length: 2 hours 24 minutes
Abridged: No
The award-winning creator of popular survival stories turns his attention to his own real life adventures in Minnesota and Alaska as he prepares for the grueling Iditarod sled dog race.
"The lure of the wilderness is always a potent draw, and Paulsen evokes its mysteries as well as anyone has since Jack London." (The Horn Book) Read more
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Value Collection
By: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Narrated by: Peter MacNicol, Henry Leyva & Michael Moriarity
Length: 8 hours 33 minutes
Abridged: No
Eleven-year-old Marty Preston loves to spend time up in the hills behind his home near Friendly, West Virginia. But one summer Sunday, Marty comes across something different on the road just past the old Shiloh schoolhouse-a young beagle-and that's when the trouble begins.
Saving Shiloh
Marty Preston wonders why it is that despite Judd... Read more
By: Karen Hesse
Narrated by: Full Cast
Length: 2 hours 21 minutes
Abridged: No
Leanora Sutter, Esther Hirsh, Merlin Van Tornhout and Johnny Reeves are among the unforgettable cast inhabiting a small Vermont town in 1924. A town that turns against its own when the Ku Klux Klan moves in. No one is safe, especially the two youngest, twelve-year old Leanora, an African-American girl, and six-year old Esther, who is Jewish. Read more
View audiobookThe Haymeadow
By: Gary Paulsen
Narrated by: Richard Thomas
Length: 3 hours 31 minutes
Abridged: No
Fourteen-year-old John Barron is asked, like his father and grandfather before him, to spend the summer taking care of their sheep in the haymeadow. Six thousand sheep. John will be alone, except for two horses, four dogs, and all those sheep.
John doesn't feel up to the task, but he hopes that if he can accomplish it, he will finally please his... Read more
Island of the Blue Dolphins
By: Scott O'Dell
Narrated by: Tantoo Cardinal
Length: 3 hours 50 minutes
Abridged: No
In the Pacific, there is an island that looks like a big fish sunning itself in the sea. Around it blue dolphins swim, otters play, and sea birds abound. Karana is the Indian girl who lived alone for years on the Island of the Blue Dolphins. Hers is not only an unusual adventure of survival, but also a tale of natural beauty and personal discovery. Read more
View audiobookThe Land
By: Mildred D. Taylor
Narrated by: Ruben Santiago-Hudson
Length: 10 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: No
This searing and inspiring prequel to ROLL OF THUNDER, HEAR MY CRY is the story of Cassie Logan's grandfather. Paul-Edward is the son of a white father and a half-black, half-Indian mother. His father raises him almost as if he were white, but when it counts, he's treated as a black man with racist spite and hatred. He cannot fit into either the... Read more
View audiobookSaving Shiloh
By: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Narrated by: Henry Leyva
Length: 3 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: No
In Saving Shiloh, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor brings to a conclusion the trilogy begun with the Newbery Medal winner Shiloh and its sequel, Shiloh Season. Judd Travers is physically on the mend from the truck accident that nearly took his life in Shiloh Season. But is he healing inside too? Can Marty and his family and the community trust that Judd... Read more
View audiobookAnne of Avonlea - Abridged
By: L. M. Montgomery
Narrated by: Megan Follows
Length: 3 hours
Abridged: Yes
At sixteen Anne is grown up. . . almost. Her gray eyes shine like evening stars, but her red hair is still as peppery as her temper. In the years since she arrived at Green Gables as a freckle-faced orphan, she has earned the love of the people of Avonlea and a reputation for getting into scrapes. But when Anne begins her job as the new... Read more
View audiobookAnne of Green Gables - Abridged
By: L. M. Montgomery
Narrated by: Megan Follows
Length: 2 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: Yes
This abridged audiobook edition of the timeless classic is narrated by Megan Follows, who starred as Anne Shirley in the 1985 television miniseries Anne of Green Gables. ย
Eleven-year-old Anne Shirley has never known a real home. Since her parents' deaths, she's bounced around to foster homes and orphanages. When she is sent by mistake to live... Read more
12: Dr. Brockers grรถรte Tat - Abridged
By: Hanno Herzler
Narrated by: Aji Chakiath, Anne Rรถhl, Florian Wode, Fred Gra...
Length: 54 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Bei einem Gefรคngnisbesuch wird Dr. Brocker von seinem Erzfeind Fletcher รผberwรคltigt. Fletcher gelingt die Flucht aus dem Gefรคngnis - als falscher Dr. Brocker. In Freiheit schafft er es, die krรคnkelnde Haushรคlterin Margaret hinters Licht zu fรผhren. Sollte es ihm auch gelingen, die Kinder zu tรคuschen, hรคtte er freien Zugang zu den neuen, streng... Read more
View audiobook11: Notruf aus dem Nirgendwo - Abridged
By: Hanno Herzler
Narrated by: Aji Chakiath, Thaddรคus Meilinger, Anne Rรถhl, Fl...
Length: 47 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Dr. Brockers Raumschiff "Cannubis" und das feindliche Schiff "Prodigal Son" ("Verlorener Sohn") liefern sich bei der Heimkehr vom Mars ein dramatisches Wettrennen. Jeder will seine Forschungsergebnisse als erster auf die Erde bringen. Doch dann erreicht ein dringender Notruf die "Cannubis". Sollen die Freunde das Rennen verloren geben, um... Read more
View audiobook06: Glรผck fรผr Aaron - Abridged
By: Olaf Franke & Tim Thomas
Narrated by: Martin Mehlitz, Christina Dippl & Mike Bowd
Length: 40 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Aaron soll gemeinsam mit seinem Bruder Mose die Israeliten befreien, die in รgypten als Sklaven leben. Das ist gar nicht so einfach, denn der รคgyptische Pharao ist ein sehr hartherziger Mann. Und auch in der Freiheit ist das Abenteuer fรผr Aaron und Mose noch lรคngst nicht vorbei ... Und Freddy und Eugen sind hautnah dabei ... Mit Freddy durch... Read more
View audiobook05: Ein Tusch fรผr Josua - Abridged
By: Olaf Franke & Tim Thomas
Narrated by: Martin Mehlitz, Christina Dippl & Mike Bowd
Length: 38 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Fรผr dieses Hรถrspiel benรถtigen Eugen Eule und Freddy der Esel jede Menge Trompeten-Sound! Denn es geht um Josua, den Nachfolger von Mose, der das Volk Israel in das verheiรene Land fรผhren soll. Statt Kampfmaschinen und Armeen soll er Gottvertrauen und Trompeten einsetzen ... Mit Freddy durch die Bibel - Seit sich Eugen Eule der... Read more
View audiobook39: Abenteuer an der Nordsee - Abridged
By: Olaf Franke & Tim Thomas
Narrated by: Martin Mehlitz, Christina Dippl & Mike Bowd
Length: 44 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Endlich Ferien! Freddy und seine Freunde vom Bauernhof machen Urlaub auf einer Nordsee-Insel. Doch Lulu, das kleine Stinktier, langweilt sich und streunt herum. Freddy der Esel wundert sich: Was hecken Eugen Eule und die Mรถwe Adelgunde-Viktoria Mรถwe-Senkfuร bloร aus? Sokrates, der alte Kater, will in Ruhe seine Diรคt machen und bemerkt nicht,... Read more
View audiobook38: Die Neue - Abridged
By: Olaf Franke & Tim Thomas
Narrated by: Martin Mehlitz, Christina Dippl & Mike Bowd
Length: 38 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Helle Aufregung auf Freddys Bauernhof: Ein neues Bauernhoftier soll heute ankommen. Henning Hahn und Kriemhild, die Ziege sind misstrauisch, doch Freddy der Esel und Lulu wollen zu der Neuen nett sein. Doch als die neue Bauernhofbewohnerin die Szene betritt, ahnt Freddy, dass es bald รrger geben wird. Die Rollen und ihre Sprecher: Erzรคhler:... Read more
View audiobookThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
By: Mark Twain
Narrated by: Patrick Fraley
Length: 10 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: No
One of the greatest treats in all world literature, this masterpiece from Mark Twain is revolutionary. It offers both brilliant humor and tragedy as Huck and Jim explore moral dilemmas of slavery and freedom. Huck, the narrator, is shrewd, ingenious, and literalโhe reports on everything he sees, which allows the listener to experience the... Read more
View audiobookHenry and Mudge and the Long Weekend
By: Cynthia Rylant
Narrated by: John Beach
Length: 11 minutes
Abridged: No
"Rylant's tale reinforces a reassuring message about simple activities and loving families...pleasing sound effects and soothing background music...Beginning readers will surely enjoy..." - Booklist Read more
View audiobookThe Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
By: Mark Twain
Narrated by: Norman Dietz
Length: 11 hours 31 minutes
Abridged: No
An unforgettable story of a boy's adventures in the Mississippi Valley, The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn will captivate listeners of all ages with its vivid recreation of the history, the people, and the language of the nineteenth-century American South. Read more
View audiobook21: Ganz oder gar nicht - Abridged
By: Ruthild Wilson
Narrated by: Rainer Bรคrensprung
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
In Christophers Nachbarschaft wird ein Wohnheim fรผr Kosovo-Flรผchtlinge eingerichtet. Christopher freundet sich mit einem der Flรผchtlings-Jungen an. Aber sein neuer Freund ist wirklich etwas merkwรผrdig: Er hat seltsame Kleider an und Fuรball spielen mag er auch nicht, weil er keine Fuรballschuhe hat. Im Kindergottesdienst hรถrt Christopher... Read more
View audiobook13: Das Rรคtsel der Wildpferdeschlucht - Abridged
By: Hanno Herzler
Narrated by: Katrin Landau, Cornelius Muelenz, Johannes Heun...
Length: 50 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Zu Willys Geburtstag treffen sich die alten Freunde auf der Ranch der Donaldsons. Billy ist inzwischen Bob Till nรคher gekommen, weil Chipper sich nicht gemeldet hat. Die jungen Leute erinnern sich an frรผhere Abenteuer. Zum Beispiel an die Geschichte mit dem heiligen Indianerfelsen รผber der Wildpferdschlucht: Vater Donaldson hatte damals an... Read more
View audiobook14: Der geheime Schwur - Abridged
By: Hanno Herzler
Narrated by: Katharina Rรถhm, Philip Neumann, Clemens Nitsch,...
Length: 50 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Billy, Willy und ihre Freunde beobachten heimlich ein afrikanisches Stammesritual. Ein unheimliches und bedrรผckendes Erlebnis, das nicht ohne Folgen bleibt: Die Freunde werden entdeckt und verfolgt! Alle kรถnnen entkommen. Nur Billy verschwindet auf mysteriรถse Weise. Als kurze Zeit spรคter ein Erpresserbrief auftaucht, wird allen klar: Billy ist... Read more
View audiobook04: Frรผhstรผck fรผr Petrus - Abridged
By: Olaf Franke & Tim Thomas
Narrated by: Martin Mehlitz, Christina Dippl & Mike Bowd
Length: 31 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Gibt es in der Bibel eigentlich auch eine Geschichte mit einem Hahn?", will Henning wissen. Freddy und Eugen entdecken eine fantastische Geschichte รผber Abenteuer und Freundschaft - eine Freundschaft, die sogar รผber den Tod hinausgeht! Mit Freddy durch die Bibel - Seit sich Eugen Eule der Schriftstellerei verschrieben hat, haben er und sein... Read more
View audiobook03: Ein Lรคcheln fรผr Isaak - Abridged
By: Olaf Franke & Tim Thomas
Narrated by: Martin Mehlitz, Christina Dippl & Mike Bowd
Length: 39 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Eine Liebesgeschichte in der Bibel? Freddy und Eugen entdecken im Alten Testament eine schier unglaubliche Story: Sie handelt davon, wie Gott auf verschlungenen Wegen zwei Menschen zueinander fรผhrt. Und das, obwohl die beiden fast tausend Kilometer voneinander entfernt leben und sich noch nie gesehen haben ... Mit Freddy durch die Bibel -... Read more
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