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Children's audiobooks

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Anne of the Island by L. M. Montgomery
Anne of the Island
L. M. Montgomery
Anne of the Island by L. M. Montgomery

Anne of the Island

By: L. M. Montgomery

Narrated by: Susan O’Malley

Length: 7 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Free-spirited and irrepressible, Anne Shirley has a beautiful way of looking at the world. In this third volume of the Anne of Green Gables series, Anne dreams of the woman she hopes to be when she decides to leave her beloved Prince Edward Island for college. She is eager for new adventure but faces difficult choices involving her secret... Read more

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Cuentos De Andersen by Hans Christian Andersen
Cuentos De Andersen
Hans Christian Andersen
Cuentos De Andersen by Hans Christian Andersen

Cuentos De Andersen

By: Hans Christian Andersen

Narrated by: Yadira Sanchez

Length: 3 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Los grandes clasicos del cuento infantil. Hans Cristian Andersen, el gran escritor danes, trajo al mundo del cuento infantil una imaginacion amable y una inventiva unica. Al contrario de los Hermanos Grimm o del frances Perrault, Andersen no se baso en las tradiciones populares sino que creo los personaje y argumentos que son parte integral del... Read more

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La Nariz Y Otro Cuentos by Nikolai Gogol
La Nariz Y Otro Cuentos
Nikolai Gogol
La Nariz Y Otro Cuentos by Nikolai Gogol

La Nariz Y Otro Cuentos

By: Nikolai Gogol

Narrated by: Laura García

Length: 2 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Nicolas Gogol es considerado como uno de los padres del realismo literario, pero en sus cuentos casi podría decirse que no solo hay realismo sino tambien una buena dosis de surrealismo, el mismo que se pondría de moda casi un siglo mas tarde, por lo que el insigne escrito es igualmente un precursor. En sus cuentos se transmite el humor que... Read more

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Beethoven: El Musico Sordo by Various
Beethoven: El Musico Sordo
Beethoven: El Musico Sordo by Various

Beethoven: El Musico Sordo

By: Various

Narrated by: Various

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

BEETHOVEN WAS A DEAF GENIUS WHO LIVED LIKE ANY MORTALLY. Beethoven's life is full of curious details. He was one of the biggest and most admired musicians of all times. His advances to control the piano led him to give his first concert at the age of 8. Maximiliano Franz, a wealthy and powerful noble, saw his potential and offered support giving... Read more

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Las Isla Del Tesoro/La Mas Grande Aventura De Piratas - Abridged by Various
Las Isla Del Tesoro/La Mas Grande Aventura De Piratas - Abridged
Las Isla Del Tesoro/La Mas Grande Aventura De Piratas - Abridged by Various

Las Isla Del Tesoro/La Mas Grande Aventura De Piratas - Abridged

By: Various

Narrated by: Various

Length: 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Cuando Stevenson publico, en 1883 su celebre novela La isla del tesoro, ella le trajo la fama inmediata. Toda la coleccion de tramas alrededor de los piratas que esconden un tesoro en una isla, como tratan de recuperar el mapa que los va a llevar a el y como triunfan los buenos sobre los malos cuando ya la derrota parece inminente, es parte de... Read more

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Alicia En El País De Las Maravillas - Abridged by Lewis Carroll
Alicia En El País De Las Maravillas - Abridged
Lewis Carroll
Alicia En El País De Las Maravillas - Abridged by Lewis Carroll

Alicia En El País De Las Maravillas - Abridged

By: Lewis Carroll

Narrated by: Adelaida Espinosa

Length: 2 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Inmortales aventuras para grandes y ninos. Alicia en el pais de las Maravillas es una de esas obras magicas de la literatura que apela tanto a grandes como a ninos, ya que para los primeros esta la ironia y el fino humor con que Carroll se burlaba de las convenciones sociales de su tiempo, mientras que los mas pequenos pueden seguir, tambien con... Read more

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Ivanhoe - Abridged by Sir Walter Scott
Ivanhoe - Abridged
Sir Walter Scott
Ivanhoe - Abridged by Sir Walter Scott

Ivanhoe - Abridged

By: Sir Walter Scott

Narrated by: Carlos Zambrano

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: Yes

La gran novela de los torneos. La rivalidad entre sajones y normando es el telon de fondo de una de las novelas historicas mas populares de toda la literatura Ivanhoe. Ricardo, Corazon de Leon, a quien su cruel hermano Juan sin Tierra esta intentando desplazar, es la eminencia gris en esta gran novela de duelos, caballeria y torneos, en los... Read more

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Pete's a Pizza by William Steig
Pete's a Pizza
William Steig
Pete's a Pizza by William Steig

Pete's a Pizza

By: William Steig

Narrated by: George Guidall & John Mazzoli

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

"Pete is in a terrible state, and it is his father who has the wisdom to humor him back to his usual self by making Pete into a pizza pie. The giggles of Pete and the listeners increase as Pete is kneaded, stretched, spread, baked, and (almost) sliced." - AudioFile Magazine Read more

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Der kleine Vampir feiert Weihnachten - Der kleine Vampir, Band 15 (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
Der kleine Vampir feiert Weihnachten - Der kleine Vampir, Band 15 (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
Der kleine Vampir feiert Weihnachten - Der kleine Vampir, Band 15 (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg

Der kleine Vampir feiert Weihnachten - Der kleine Vampir, Band 15 (Ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Angela Sommer-Bodenburg

Length: 3 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Wie besinnlich wird Weihnachten mit Vampiren? Das Weihnachtsfest rückt näher, aber Anton kann sich gar nicht richtig freuen. Denn er hat seine besten Freunde, Rüdiger, den kleinen Vampir, und dessen Schwester Anna, schon so lange nicht gesehen. Da macht Antons Mutter einen unglaublichen Vorschlag: Er soll sie einfach einladen! Eine tolle Idee!... Read more

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Bibi & Tina, Folge 40: Gefahr für Falkenstein by Ulf Tiehm
Bibi & Tina, Folge 40: Gefahr für Falkenstein
Ulf Tiehm
Bibi & Tina, Folge 40: Gefahr für Falkenstein by Ulf Tiehm

Bibi & Tina, Folge 40: Gefahr für Falkenstein

By: Ulf Tiehm

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz, Dorette Hugo & Gunter Schoß

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Völlig aufgelöst kommt Alex auf Bibi und Tina zugeritten. Was er da erzählt, wollen sie gar nicht glauben: Schloss Falkenstein soll verkauft werden! Dem Grafen ist das alles furchtbar unangenehm, sodass er danach mit Alex wegziehen will. Bibi und Tina sind fassungslos. Ob es den Freunden gelingt, den Verkauf zu verhindern? Read more

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Left Behind - The Kids: Collection 1 - Abridged by Jerry B. Jenkins & Tim LaHaye
Left Behind - The Kids: Collection 1 - Abridged
Jerry B. Jenkins & Tim LaHaye
Left Behind - The Kids: Collection 1 - Abridged by Jerry B. Jenkins & Tim LaHaye

Left Behind - The Kids: Collection 1 - Abridged

By: Jerry B. Jenkins & Tim LaHaye

Narrated by: Full Cast

Length: 4 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: Yes

What do you do when your greatest fear becomes reality? What do you do when putting off a decision becomes the greatest mistake of your life? What do you do when everyone you care about is gone and you’ve been left behind?Follow Judd Thompson–the runaway rich kid, Vicki Byrne – the rebellious girl from the wrong end of the trailer park, Lionel... Read more

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Der kleine Vampir in der Höhle des Löwen - Der kleine Vampir, Band 10 (Ungekürzt) by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
Der kleine Vampir in der Höhle des Löwen - Der kleine Vampir, Band 10 (Ungekürzt)
Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
Der kleine Vampir in der Höhle des Löwen - Der kleine Vampir, Band 10 (Ungekürzt) by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg

Der kleine Vampir in der Höhle des Löwen - Der kleine Vampir, Band 10 (Ungekürzt)

By: Angela Sommer-Bodenburg

Length: 3 hours

Abridged: No

Eine Feier im Haus des Vampirjägers Friedhofsgärtner Schnuppermaul hat den kleinen Vampir und seine Freunde zu einer Kostümparty eingeladen, ohne zu wissen, dass er sich damit eine echte Vampirsippe ins Haus holt. Werden Rüdiger, Anton und Anna auffliegen? Derweil arbeitet Psychologe Dr. Schwartenfeger an einem Desensibilisierungsprogramm gegen... Read more

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Der kleine Vampir und der Lichtapparat - Der kleine Vampir, Band 11 (Ungekürzt) by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
Der kleine Vampir und der Lichtapparat - Der kleine Vampir, Band 11 (Ungekürzt)
Angela Sommer-Bodenburg
Der kleine Vampir und der Lichtapparat - Der kleine Vampir, Band 11 (Ungekürzt) by Angela Sommer-Bodenburg

Der kleine Vampir und der Lichtapparat - Der kleine Vampir, Band 11 (Ungekürzt)

By: Angela Sommer-Bodenburg

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Rüdiger ist verliebt, und verliebte Vampire bringen Opfer: Wegen Olga, seiner Auserwählten, macht er sogar freiwillig bei den Psychotherapiesitzungen von Dr. Schwartenfeger mit. Mit einer Spieluhr und der Farbe Gelb wird gegen Rüdigers Sonnenphobie angegangen und der sonst so scheue Vampir gibt sich ganz hin... Dabei sollte Rüdiger besser... Read more

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Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Abridged by Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Abridged
Lewis Carroll
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Abridged by Lewis Carroll

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland - Abridged

By: Lewis Carroll

Narrated by: Sally Field

Length: 2 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In an enchanting performance, two-time Academy Award® winner Sally Field takes us on a topsy-turvy adventure through Wonderland. Irresistibly delightful, fascinating and funny, Ms. Field's stunning interpretation brings Alice, the Mad Hatter, the White Rabbit, the Cheshire Cat and all of Lewis Carroll's remarkable characters to life.

Produced in... Read more

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Bibi & Tina, Folge 39: Das Findel-Fohlen by Ulf Tiehm
Bibi & Tina, Folge 39: Das Findel-Fohlen
Ulf Tiehm
Bibi & Tina, Folge 39: Das Findel-Fohlen by Ulf Tiehm

Bibi & Tina, Folge 39: Das Findel-Fohlen

By: Ulf Tiehm

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz, Dorette Hugo & Gunter Schoß

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Eigenartig, dass eines der neuen Ferienkinder gar nicht angekündigt war. Frau Martin kann sich das nicht erklären. Seltsam ist auch, dass Bibi und Tina am selben Tag ein fremdes Fohlen auf der Koppel finden. Die beiden "unangemeldeten Gäste" sind auf dem Martinshof natürlich willkommen, aber es gibt einiges über sie herauszufinden! Read more

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Woodsong by Gary Paulsen
Gary Paulsen
Woodsong by Gary Paulsen


By: Gary Paulsen

Narrated by: Gary Paulsen

Length: 2 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

The award-winning creator of popular survival stories turns his attention to his own real life adventures in Minnesota and Alaska as he prepares for the grueling Iditarod sled dog race.

"The lure of the wilderness is always a potent draw, and Paulsen evokes its mysteries as well as anyone has since Jack London." (The Horn Book) Read more

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Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls
Where the Red Fern Grows
Wilson Rawls
Where the Red Fern Grows by Wilson Rawls

Where the Red Fern Grows

By: Wilson Rawls

Narrated by: Anthony Heald

Length: 6 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

A beloved classic that captures the powerful bond between man and man’s best friend.
Billy has long dreamt of owning not one, but two, dogs. So when he’s finally able to save up enough money for two pups to call his own—Old Dan and Little Ann—he’s ecstatic. It doesn’t matter that times are tough; together they’ll roam the hills of the... Read more

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The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis
The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963
Christopher Paul Curtis
The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963 by Christopher Paul Curtis

The Watsons Go to Birmingham - 1963

By: Christopher Paul Curtis

Narrated by: LeVar Burton

Length: 4 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

During one of the most important times in the civil rights movement, one unforgettable family goes on a road trip in this Newbery and Coretta Scott King Honoree, from author Christopher Paul Curtis, recipient of the Coretta Scott King–Virginia Hamilton Award for Lifetime Achievement.

When the Watson family—ten-year-old Kenny, Momma, Dad, little... Read more

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Williwaw! by Tom Bodett
Tom Bodett
Williwaw! by Tom Bodett


By: Tom Bodett

Narrated by: Tom Bodett

Length: 5 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

From humorist, storyteller, author, and the voice of Motel 6 commercials, here is an exciting middle-grade adventure novel set in rural Alaska. Ivan and September Crane, ages 12 and 13, are left alone for a couple of weeks while their fisherman Dad is away at sea. In typical adolescent fashion, they quickly proceed to ignore his only two... Read more

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The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford
The Incredible Journey
Sheila Burnford
The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford

The Incredible Journey

By: Sheila Burnford

Narrated by: Megan Follows

Length: 3 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Fans of Old Yeller, Where the Red Fern Grows, and Shiloh will love this timeless classic about two dogs and a cat that embark on a journey to return to their owner and inspired the movie Homeward Bound.

   An inquisitive Labrador retriever, friendly bull terrier, and courageous Siamese cat set out through the Canadian wilderness to find their... Read more

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Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Value Collection by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Value Collection
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Value Collection by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Value Collection

By: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Narrated by: Peter MacNicol, Henry Leyva & Michael Moriarity

Length: 8 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Eleven-year-old Marty Preston loves to spend time up in the hills behind his home near Friendly, West Virginia. But one summer Sunday, Marty comes across something different on the road just past the old Shiloh schoolhouse-a young beagle-and that's when the trouble begins.

Saving Shiloh
Marty Preston wonders why it is that despite Judd... Read more

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Jason's Gold by Will Hobbs
Jason's Gold
Will Hobbs
Jason's Gold by Will Hobbs

Jason's Gold

By: Will Hobbs

Narrated by: Boyd Gaines

Length: 5 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

"We've got millions!" the prospectors roared to the throng at Seattles' docks. "The Klondike is the richest goldfield in the world!" Within moments, the telegraph is humming the news. Within hours, fifteen-year-old Jason Hawthorn is rushing west from New York City with a bad case of Klondike fever.

For readers who love a survival story told... Read more

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Saving Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Saving Shiloh
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Saving Shiloh by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Saving Shiloh

By: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Narrated by: Henry Leyva

Length: 3 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

In Saving Shiloh, Phyllis Reynolds Naylor brings to a conclusion the trilogy begun with the Newbery Medal winner Shiloh and its sequel, Shiloh Season. Judd Travers is physically on the mend from the truck accident that nearly took his life in Shiloh Season. But is he healing inside too? Can Marty and his family and the community trust that Judd... Read more

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Shiloh Season by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Shiloh Season
Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Shiloh Season by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Shiloh Season

By: Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

Narrated by: Michael Moriarty

Length: 2 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

After Marty Preston worked so hard to earn the dog Shiloh, he had hoped that his troubles with Judd Travers were over. He could not rescue all the dogs that Judd mistreated, but since Shiloh was the one who ran away and came with him, Shiloh was the one he loved.

Judd, however, has other problems. Anyone who cheats and swears and lies and kicks... Read more

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