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Children's audiobooks

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13: Das Rätsel der Wildpferdeschlucht - Abridged by Hanno Herzler
13: Das Rätsel der Wildpferdeschlucht - Abridged
Hanno Herzler
13: Das Rätsel der Wildpferdeschlucht - Abridged by Hanno Herzler

13: Das Rätsel der Wildpferdeschlucht - Abridged

By: Hanno Herzler

Narrated by: Katrin Landau, Cornelius Muelenz, Johannes Heun...

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Zu Willys Geburtstag treffen sich die alten Freunde auf der Ranch der Donaldsons. Billy ist inzwischen Bob Till näher gekommen, weil Chipper sich nicht gemeldet hat. Die jungen Leute erinnern sich an frühere Abenteuer. Zum Beispiel an die Geschichte mit dem heiligen Indianerfelsen über der Wildpferdschlucht: Vater Donaldson hatte damals an... Read more

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21: Ganz oder gar nicht - Abridged by Ruthild Wilson
21: Ganz oder gar nicht - Abridged
Ruthild Wilson
21: Ganz oder gar nicht - Abridged by Ruthild Wilson

21: Ganz oder gar nicht - Abridged

By: Ruthild Wilson

Narrated by: Rainer Bärensprung

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

In Christophers Nachbarschaft wird ein Wohnheim für Kosovo-Flüchtlinge eingerichtet. Christopher freundet sich mit einem der Flüchtlings-Jungen an. Aber sein neuer Freund ist wirklich etwas merkwürdig: Er hat seltsame Kleider an und Fußball spielen mag er auch nicht, weil er keine Fußballschuhe hat. Im Kindergottesdienst hört Christopher... Read more

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Bibi & Tina, Folge 38: Der Glücksbringer by Ulf Tiehm
Bibi & Tina, Folge 38: Der Glücksbringer
Ulf Tiehm
Bibi & Tina, Folge 38: Der Glücksbringer by Ulf Tiehm

Bibi & Tina, Folge 38: Der Glücksbringer

By: Ulf Tiehm

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz, Dorette Hugo & Gunter Schoß

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Dass Hufeisen Glück bringen, hält die Baronesse von Schwanstein für absoluten Unsinn. Hochmütig lehnt sie Freddys Glücksbringer ab und zeigt auch sonst, dass sie sehr von ihrer eigenen Meinung überzeugt ist. Bibi, Tina und Alex finden sie ganz fürchterlich. Nur der Graf bemerkt nicht, wie selbstgefällig seine Angebetete ist! Read more

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Der Regenbogenfisch (Schweizer Mundart) by Various Artists
Der Regenbogenfisch (Schweizer Mundart)
Various Artists
Der Regenbogenfisch (Schweizer Mundart) by Various Artists

Der Regenbogenfisch (Schweizer Mundart)

By: Various Artists

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: No

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3 Mundart-Geschichten von der Maus Jonathan by Various Artists
3 Mundart-Geschichten von der Maus Jonathan
Various Artists
3 Mundart-Geschichten von der Maus Jonathan by Various Artists

3 Mundart-Geschichten von der Maus Jonathan

By: Various Artists

Length: 51 minutes

Abridged: No

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Pit und Pat (Schweizer Mundart) by Rosalina Zweifel
Pit und Pat (Schweizer Mundart)
Rosalina Zweifel
Pit und Pat (Schweizer Mundart) by Rosalina Zweifel

Pit und Pat (Schweizer Mundart)

By: Rosalina Zweifel

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

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4 Hoppel-Geschichten (Schweizer Mundart) by Various Artists
4 Hoppel-Geschichten (Schweizer Mundart)
Various Artists
4 Hoppel-Geschichten (Schweizer Mundart) by Various Artists

4 Hoppel-Geschichten (Schweizer Mundart)

By: Various Artists

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

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Passage to Freedom by Ken Mochizuki
Passage to Freedom
Ken Mochizuki
Passage to Freedom by Ken Mochizuki

Passage to Freedom

By: Ken Mochizuki

Narrated by: Ken Mochizuki

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: No

In this authorized true story of Chiune Sugihara, a Japanese diplomat in Lithuania in 1940, the author explains how Sugihara used his powers—against the order of his own government—to help thousands of Jews escape the Holocaust. Read more

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Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes
Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse
Kevin Henkes
Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes

Lilly's Purple Plastic Purse

By: Kevin Henkes

Narrated by: Laura Hamilton

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Lilly loves school, and she especially loves her teacher, Mr. Slinger. When Lilly gets a purple plastic purse and brings it to school, she wants to show it to everyone. Mr. Slinger, however, makes her wait to show the purse, and Lilly gets mad. What she does to Mr. Slinger – and how she makes up for her actions later – show Lilly at her funniest... Read more

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Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 73: Freitag, der 13. by Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 73: Freitag, der 13.
Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 73: Freitag, der 13. by Ulf Thiem

Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 73: Freitag, der 13.

By: Ulf Thiem

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz, Gunter Schoß & Ulrike Stürz...

Length: 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Beim Zeitunglesen entdeckt Vater Blocksberg: heute ist Freitag, der 13. Ein Pechtag, denkt er abergläubisch. Und tatsächlich: Sein Auto springt nicht an, Karla Kolumnas Fotoapparat streikt, die Rathausuhr geht völlig falsch. Bibi will mit Hexsprüchen helfen. Aber die halten nur wenige Minuten. Was ist passiert? Read more

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Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 72: Der verhexte Kalender by Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 72: Der verhexte Kalender
Ulf Thiem
Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 72: Der verhexte Kalender by Ulf Thiem

Bibi Blocksberg, Folge 72: Der verhexte Kalender

By: Ulf Thiem

Narrated by: Susanna Bonasewicz & Gunter Schoß

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Jeder hat Extrawünsche für das Fest zur Jahrtausendwende: Bibi möchte es gleich zwölf Mal feiern, ihre Mutter will zum Silvester -Hexentanz, der Bürgermeister braucht einen Präsidenten als Ehrengast. Doch dann steht da plötzlich Delta X, ein netter Roboter aus dem Jahr 3112. Bibi hat sich wohl im Datum verhext. Read more

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I Went Walking by Sue Williams
I Went Walking
Sue Williams
I Went Walking by Sue Williams

I Went Walking

By: Sue Williams

Narrated by: Bonnie Kelly-Young & John Mazzoli

Length: 3 minutes

Abridged: No

A little boy goes for a walk, and as the narrator asks him what he saw, he describes a series of colorful animals that accompanied him. A Live Oak Media audio production. Read more

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Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea by Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea
Cynthia Rylant
Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea by Cynthia Rylant

Henry and Mudge and the Forever Sea

By: Cynthia Rylant

Narrated by: John Beach

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Henry and his family and his dog Mudge are going to the beach. Mudge has never seen the ocean before, but he loves it at first sight. All day, Henry and his dog explore the wonders of the sea, from the joys of jumping into the waves to the strange habits of the crab Mudge discovers. A Live Oak Media audio production. Read more

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Mary Moon is Missing by Patricia Reilly Giff
Mary Moon is Missing
Patricia Reilly Giff
Mary Moon is Missing by Patricia Reilly Giff

Mary Moon is Missing

By: Patricia Reilly Giff

Narrated by: Dana Lubotsky

Length: 1 hour 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Minnie is a detective, always looking for a mystery to solve. And now she’s found one: the prize-winning pigeon Mary Moon is missing, and the Pigeon Prize Race is coming up. With her cat Max, and her friend Cash, Minnie sets out to solve the mystery. Thieves, engagement parties, and a shipwreck interfere with her plans. Will Minnie find Mary Moon? Read more

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Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man by Wendelin Van Draanen
Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man
Wendelin Van Draanen
Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man by Wendelin Van Draanen

Sammy Keyes and the Skeleton Man

By: Wendelin Van Draanen

Narrated by: Tara Sands

Length: 4 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Sammy and her friends are startled when they interrupt what seems to be an attempted murder on Halloween. While trick-or-treating at a spooky old, house, they find the door open, and inside a man is tied to a chair while a fire rages on the floor. A robbery? But what valuable could be missing from the home of a reclusive old man? Sammy tries... Read more

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Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 91: Benjamin als Leuchtturmwärter by Ulli Herzog & Klaus-P. Weigand
Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 91: Benjamin als Leuchtturmwärter
Ulli Herzog & Klaus-P. Weigand
Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 91: Benjamin als Leuchtturmwärter by Ulli Herzog & Klaus-P. Weigand

Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 91: Benjamin als Leuchtturmwärter

By: Ulli Herzog & Klaus-P. Weigand

Narrated by: Jürgen Kluckert & Gunter Schoß

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Auf der Insel Nordersand wird eine Vertretung für den Leuchtturmwärter gesucht. Benjamin und Otto springen ein: Sie sollen dafür sorgen, dass das Leuchtturmlicht nachts nicht ausgeht. Und sie müssen gut auf die Nester sehr seltener Vögel aufpassen, die gerade auf der Insel brüten. Ein Dieb scheint es auf ihre Eier abgesehen zu haben! Read more

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Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 90: Das Zoojubiläum by Ulli Herzog & Klaus-P. Weigand
Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 90: Das Zoojubiläum
Ulli Herzog & Klaus-P. Weigand
Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 90: Das Zoojubiläum by Ulli Herzog & Klaus-P. Weigand

Benjamin Blümchen, Folge 90: Das Zoojubiläum

By: Ulli Herzog & Klaus-P. Weigand

Narrated by: Jürgen Kluckert & Gunter Schoß

Length: 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Benjamin und Otto wollen wissen, wie alt Schubi Schildkröte, das älteste Tier im Neustädter Zoo, ist. Sie finden es heraus - und entdecken dabei sogar noch etwas: Der Zoo kann bald sein 100-jähriges Jubiläum feiern! Doch der Bürgermeister will die Feier nicht genehmigen, weil er am selben Tag sein Stadtfest geplant hat. Read more

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La señorita Runfio by Barbara Cooney
La señorita Runfio
Barbara Cooney
La señorita Runfio by Barbara Cooney

La señorita Runfio

By: Barbara Cooney

Narrated by: Blanca Camacho

Length: 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Alice made a promise to make the world a more beautiful place, then a seed of an idea is planted and blossoms into a beautiful plan. This beloved classic and celebration of nature—written by a beloved Caldecott winner—is lovelier than ever!Barbara Cooney's story of Alice Rumphius, who longed to travel the world, live in a house by the sea, and... Read more

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Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney
Miss Rumphius
Barbara Cooney
Miss Rumphius by Barbara Cooney

Miss Rumphius

By: Barbara Cooney

Narrated by: Claire Danes

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Alice made a promise to make the world a more beautiful place, then a seed of an idea is planted and blossoms into a beautiful plan. This beloved classic and celebration of nature—written by a beloved Caldecott winner—is lovelier than ever!Barbara Cooney's story of Alice Rumphius, who longed to travel the world, live in a house by the sea, and... Read more

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Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving
Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle
Washington Irving
Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle by Washington Irving

Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle

By: Washington Irving

Narrated by: George Vafiadis

Length: 2 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Two American classics which tell of the earliest days in Dutch New York: Ichabod Crane's encounter with the Headless Horseman and Rip's long nap.Washington Irving, the first American writer to make his living by his profession, was born April 3, 1783. At the age of six he was introduced to his namesake, George Washington. He studied law but then... Read more

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The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer

By: Mark Twain

Narrated by: Patrick Fraley

Length: 7 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

The sun shines on Tom Sawyer. The idealized childhood of this fictional hero, based on Mark Twain’s own early life along the banks of the Mississippi, is filled with robust good humor and high-spirited adventures. Yet there is also an in-depth experience of the central South of the 1840s—its dialects, superstitions, and social values. While... Read more

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A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
A Little Princess
Frances Hodgson Burnett
A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett

A Little Princess

By: Frances Hodgson Burnett

Narrated by: Wanda McCaddon

Length: 6 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Sarah Crewe is treated like a princess at Miss Minchin’s boarding school—until her father dies, leaving her peniless. Now she must struggle as a servant to evil Miss Minchin, but the intellgent, kind-hearted girl never loses hope. From her garrett, she soon makes friends and finds incredible adventures. And good will and imagination ultimately... Read more

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A Day at Santa's Workshop by Mary Sheldon
A Day at Santa's Workshop
Mary Sheldon
A Day at Santa's Workshop by Mary Sheldon

A Day at Santa's Workshop

By: Mary Sheldon

Narrated by: Betty White

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

This delightful story captures all the wonders of Santa's amazing toy factory— as well as the magic of Christmas.It's Lizzy's favorite holiday...Christmas! And this year, a very special surprise awaits Lizzy and her best friends, Eric and Petunia— a fantastic journey to the North Pole to visit Santa's workshop. The... Read more

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Ant Plays Bear by Betsy Byars
Ant Plays Bear
Betsy Byars
Ant Plays Bear by Betsy Byars

Ant Plays Bear

By: Betsy Byars

Narrated by: Bonnie Kelley-Young

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: No

"...this production shines with the quiet (and sometimes not-so-quiet) drama of sibling relationships." -- School Library Journal Read more

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