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A Return To Hawthorne House by Kristi Ann Hunter
A Return To Hawthorne House
Kristi Ann Hunter
A Return To Hawthorne House by Kristi Ann Hunter

A Return To Hawthorne House

By: Kristi Ann Hunter

Narrated by: Claire Storey

Length: 6 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Always a LadyDespite the fact that her daughter is not cooperating, Caroline, Duchess of Riverton is determined to ensure every one of her children marries someone they love as much as she loved their late father. William, the widowered Earl of Blackstone, is delighted to have his days of escorting daughters approaching an end. The last thing he... Read more

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Colección de Historias de Sexo Caliente: Una excitante colección de historias cortas tabú, corridas salvajes, nalgadas rudas, fantasías lésbicas calientes, BDSM oscuro, tríos orgásmicos, dominación y más. by Samantha Lexi
Colección de Historias de Sexo Caliente: Una excitante colección de historias cortas tabú, corridas salvajes, nalgadas rudas, fantasías lésbicas calientes, BDSM oscuro, tríos orgásmicos, dominación y más.
Samantha Lexi
Colección de Historias de Sexo Caliente: Una excitante colección de historias cortas tabú, corridas salvajes, nalgadas rudas, fantasías lésbicas calientes, BDSM oscuro, tríos orgásmicos, dominación y más. by Samantha Lexi

Colección de Historias de Sexo Caliente: Una excitante colección de historias cortas tabú, corridas salvajes, nalgadas rudas, fantasías lésbicas calientes, BDSM oscuro, tríos orgásmicos, dominación y más.

By: Samantha Lexi

Narrated by: Samantha Lexi

Length: 3 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Estás buscando historias ardientes y llenas de pasión?
Samantha Lexi está de vuelta con esta colección de dos de sus audiolibros más calientes.
La escucha de audiolibros eróticos es divertida,... Read more

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Sanctus by Simon Toyne
Simon Toyne
Sanctus by Simon Toyne


By: Simon Toyne

Narrated by: Filip Kosior

Length: 11 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Śmierć jednego człowieka może zagrozić odwiecznemu spiskowi. Dzięki odwadze jednej kobiety skrywany od lat sekret wyjdzie na jaw. Czy ludzkość znajdzie w sobie siłę, by stawić czoła prawdzie? Co kryje w sobie tajemnica Sanctusa?   Pośrodku tureckiego miasta Ruina wznosi się najstarsze ludzkie siedlisko – monumentalna Cytadela. Pewnego dnia z jej... Read more

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Eye of the Zodiac by E.C. Tubb
Eye of the Zodiac
E.C. Tubb
Eye of the Zodiac by E.C. Tubb

Eye of the Zodiac

By: E.C. Tubb

Narrated by: Gregory Allen Siders

Length: 5 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Continuing his quest to return home—the lost, legendary planet Earth—Earl Dumarest befriends a young man who claims to come from Nerth. Could this be New Earth, Dumarest wonders? Or even the original planet Earth?And so Dumarest comes to Nerth...where he discovers that the Cyclan, his greatest enemies, are already there—along wtih more mysteries. Read more

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Viimeinen mahdollisuus by Tuija Lehtinen
Viimeinen mahdollisuus
Tuija Lehtinen
Viimeinen mahdollisuus by Tuija Lehtinen

Viimeinen mahdollisuus

By: Tuija Lehtinen

Narrated by: Netta Herranen

Length: 2 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Retroa lääkäriromantiikkaa rakastetulta viihdekirjailijalta! Ihana rakkaustarina aloittaa romanttisen sarjan kirurgi Stefan Frankista ja hänen lähipiiristään 80-luvun Kaliforniassa.Stefan Frank on suomalaissyntyinen kirurgi, joka on omistautunut työlleen sanfransiscolaisessa Mayer Medical Center -sairaalassa. Paikallisessa kahvilassa Stefan... Read more

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Chissenefrega degli anni Ottanta by Sabina Macchiavelli
Chissenefrega degli anni Ottanta
Sabina Macchiavelli
Chissenefrega degli anni Ottanta by Sabina Macchiavelli

Chissenefrega degli anni Ottanta

By: Sabina Macchiavelli

Narrated by: Silvia Soncini

Length: 9 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Gli anni Ottanta sono ormai agli sgoccioli, quando Sandra e Linda decidono di abbandonare il tedio della provincia bolognese per avventurarsi nella vita elettrizzante di Londra. In un vero e proprio viaggio iniziatico e sentimentale, Sandra scoprirà moltissimo di sé stessa e del mondo: un mondo che sta cambiando a vista d'occhio, sospeso fra le... Read more

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Kommissar Rosenkohl im Krieg by Jörg Röske
Kommissar Rosenkohl im Krieg
Jörg Röske
Kommissar Rosenkohl im Krieg by Jörg Röske

Kommissar Rosenkohl im Krieg

By: Jörg Röske

Narrated by: Jörg Röske

Length: 1 hour 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Kommissar Rosenkohl findet sich mit seinem Inspektor Weißkohl irgendwo wieder. Man findet Tote. Kommissar Rosenkohl spricht mit ihnen und findet heraus, dass es sich um Tote aus der Zeit des Westfeldzugs der deutschen Wehrmacht handelt. Allerdings gibt es noch eine Zeitverschiebung, und zwar in die Zeit der Invasion in der Normandie. Und... Read more

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Poolgirl - erotisk novell by Chleo
Poolgirl - erotisk novell
Poolgirl - erotisk novell by Chleo

Poolgirl - erotisk novell

By: Chleo

Narrated by: Lena Ljung

Length: 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Camilla är en uttråkad hemmafru som inte riktigt vet när hennes liv blev så outhärdligt tråkigt. För att fördriva ytterligare en dag slår hon sig ned vid poolen i sin lilla bikini och börjar läsa en erotisk bok. Hushållerskan påminner Camilla om att poolen ska städas idag, så att hon inte badar förrän det är gjort. Den här gången är det en tjej... Read more

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Nacht der Feen by Clara Winter
Nacht der Feen
Clara Winter
Nacht der Feen by Clara Winter

Nacht der Feen

By: Clara Winter

Narrated by: Lysann Kelch

Length: 4 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Zoe kann es einfach nicht fassen, als Tante Emma beschließt, dass sie vollkommen unerwartet aus Köln wegziehen werden. Nicht nur, dass sie schweren Herzens ihre Freunde zurücklassen muss, sie ist auch noch mitten im Schuljahr die Neue in der Klasse. Als sie in der neuen Schule Freundin Leonie kennenlernt und auch der Klassenschwarm Nummer Eins... Read more

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Spiegel by Guido Eekhaut
Guido Eekhaut
Spiegel by Guido Eekhaut


By: Guido Eekhaut

Narrated by: Ron Cornet

Length: 8 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Abraham Wolff is een voormalige politieman in New Orleans. Hij probeert nu aan de kost te komen als privé-detective, en krijgt soms de meest vreemde opdrachten toegeschoven. Zo wordt hij benaderd door een oude bekende, openbaar aanklager Sylvie Pauline, om de ontrouw van Sandrine White te onderzoeken. Klopt het dat ze met zeven mannen vreemd is... Read more

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Братья Рико by Жорж Сименон
Братья Рико
Жорж Сименон
Братья Рико by Жорж Сименон

Братья Рико

By: Жорж Сименон

Narrated by: Игорь Тарадайкин

Length: 5 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Книги Жоржа Сименона известны всему миру. По количеству переводов он разделяет первые места с Гюго и Жюлем Верном. Мастер детективного сюжета, невероятно плодовитый писатель (более 400 опубликованных произведений!), создатель одного из самых обаятельных сыщиков ХХ века — комиссара Мегрэ. Read more

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Mistral (ungekürzt) by Maria Borrély
Mistral (ungekürzt)
Maria Borrély
Mistral (ungekürzt) by Maria Borrély

Mistral (ungekürzt)

By: Maria Borrély

Narrated by: Katja Bürkle

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

"Ein malerisches Dorf im rauen Tal der Haute Provence und eine Verbeugung vor der zornigen Natur und dem weiblichen Mut. Ein Klassiker der französischen Literatur in großartiger Neuübersetzung. "Der Wind teilt sich in den Bäumen. Er verliert sich darin, zerrinnt zu Musik, wird zur Brise." Auf einem Bauernhof in den Bergen ist Marie glücklich... Read more

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Eccedentesiast by Łukasz Skotniczny
Łukasz Skotniczny
Eccedentesiast by Łukasz Skotniczny


By: Łukasz Skotniczny

Narrated by: Krzysztof Polkowski

Length: 5 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Eccedentesiast to osoba ukrywająca ból za uśmiechem.Dwóch chłopców, mających za sobą bolesną przeszłość, targanych rozmaitymi problemami czasu dojrzewania, otrzymuje niezwykły dar. To, w jaki sposób go wykorzystają, zależy tylko od nich."Na niebie ukazał się dziwny, niepokojący obłok. Kształtem przypominał wielką smugę dymu, lecz zaczął... Read more

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The Pioneers by Vivian Stuart
The Pioneers
Vivian Stuart
The Pioneers by Vivian Stuart

The Pioneers

By: Vivian Stuart

Narrated by: Simon Slater

Length: 6 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

The twelfth book in the dramatic and intriguing story about the colonisation of Australia: a country made of blood, passion, and dreams.   Against overwhelming odds they fought to tame a savage land, now they must fight to keep it.   The struggle continues – a struggle to harness an alien wilderness, to lay the bold foundation for their dreams.... Read more

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Du kommst mir gerade richtig! by Bernd Mannhardt
Du kommst mir gerade richtig!
Bernd Mannhardt
Du kommst mir gerade richtig! by Bernd Mannhardt

Du kommst mir gerade richtig!

By: Bernd Mannhardt

Narrated by: Bernd Mannhardt

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Drei makabre Shortstorys der etwas anderen Art. Eine Autorenlesung aus dem gleichnamigen Buch "Du kommst gerade richtig! Mordsfidele Geschichten für quietschvergbnügte Leser". Klappentext: Bestimmten Leuten kommt man besser gar nicht erst in die Quere – denn denen kommt man gerade richtig! Spätestens nach der Lektüre dieser "mordsfidelen"... Read more

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Erotic & Explicit Taboo Sex Stories: A Forbidden Erotica Collection for Adults - Orgasmic Threesomes, Spanking, BDSM, Dirty Gangbangs, Hot Lesbian Fantasies, Rough Anal, Domination, MILFs, and More. by Samantha Lexi
Erotic & Explicit Taboo Sex Stories: A Forbidden Erotica Collection for Adults - Orgasmic Threesomes, Spanking, BDSM, Dirty Gangbangs, Hot Lesbian Fantasies, Rough Anal, Domination, MILFs, and More.
Samantha Lexi
Erotic & Explicit Taboo Sex Stories: A Forbidden Erotica Collection for Adults - Orgasmic Threesomes, Spanking, BDSM, Dirty Gangbangs, Hot Lesbian Fantasies, Rough Anal, Domination, MILFs, and More. by Samantha Lexi

Erotic & Explicit Taboo Sex Stories: A Forbidden Erotica Collection for Adults - Orgasmic Threesomes, Spanking, BDSM, Dirty Gangbangs, Hot Lesbian Fantasies, Rough Anal, Domination, MILFs, and More.

By: Samantha Lexi

Narrated by: Orla Dahl

Length: 1 hour 41 minutes

Abridged: No

We all know that listening to erotica is a great way to unwind and let your imagination run wild. But picking the right story can be hard, especially when you're looking for something specific.
If you’re tired of sifting through poorly... Read more

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Unexpected Reunion by Rebecca Baker
Unexpected Reunion
Rebecca Baker
Unexpected Reunion by Rebecca Baker

Unexpected Reunion

By: Rebecca Baker

Narrated by: Paul Hilliger & Victoria Winther

Length: 8 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

 "Es ist nicht so, wie du denkst", versucht mich Nicolas zu beruhigen. "Ich glaube es ist sogar noch schlimmer!"   Damals hat er mich einfach im Stich gelassen. Gestern beim Klassentreffen hat er mich um den Finger gewickelt und seit heute ist er mein neuer Chef…  ****** Ich bin Kaylee Davis. Nach dem Highschool Abschluss bin ich mit gebrochenem... Read more

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Девушка с Косой by Джейд Дэвлин & Карбон
Девушка с Косой
Джейд Дэвлин & Карбон
Девушка с Косой by Джейд Дэвлин & Карбон

Девушка с Косой

By: Джейд Дэвлин & Карбон

Narrated by: Анастасия Жаркова, Иван Забелин & Ольга Коробова

Length: 10 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Решила спасти котят от маньяка? Молодец! Теперь ржавое магическое оружие – твой единственный шанс выжить. А ведь его ещё приручить надо... или полюбить? Read more

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Destiny by Lucia Jordan
Lucia Jordan
Destiny by Lucia Jordan


By: Lucia Jordan

Narrated by: Sky Rades

Length: 3 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Will Devlin’s brand of dominance prove to be too much for the buttoned-up and proper Helena? And why are Helena and Devlin so sure this isn’t the first time they’ve crossed paths?
Helena Blake should be nothing but thrilled. She’s traveling from snow-covered Boston to the sunny Caribbean, where she’s set to be a bridesmaid in her best friend’s... Read more

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The John Tyler Thrillers by Tom Fowler
The John Tyler Thrillers
Tom Fowler
The John Tyler Thrillers by Tom Fowler

The John Tyler Thrillers

By: Tom Fowler

Narrated by: Eric Jason Martin

Length: 15 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

A retired Green Beret who can't walk away from trouble finds no shortage of it. This omnibus edition collects the standalone John Tyler action thriller novels Lost Highway and Four on The FloorLost Highway: A pop singer is missing, and she'll soon be completely gone. For John Tyler, the clock is ticking. While waiting for his new car repair... Read more

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Dunewarrior by Jay Aspen
Jay Aspen
Dunewarrior by Jay Aspen


By: Jay Aspen

Narrated by: Jay Aspen

Length: 6 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

The desert holds new dangers and the oasis cities are unprepared.Alissa and Reith struggle to find each other again in Pangaea's increasingly precarious situation on the brink of invasion.Stolen military secrets, disrupted route-finding, and ambitious warlords are converging to make the conclusion inevitable.They will be forced into open warfare... Read more

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Горькая полынь моей памяти by Наталия Романова
Горькая полынь моей памяти
Наталия Романова
Горькая полынь моей памяти by Наталия Романова

Горькая полынь моей памяти

By: Наталия Романова

Narrated by: Александра Нижегородова

Length: 15 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Первая любовь закончилась трагически – боль, недопонимание, неприятие окружающих, разница в возрасте, воспитании, менталитете – всё было против молодых супругов. Теперь герои повзрослели. Что ждёт их при новой встрече, когда старые обиды так и не забылись, но и врозь быть уже невозможно. Какую тайну скрывает она, на что готов он, чтобы вернуть... Read more

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Fünf Apfelsinenkerne by Arthur Conan Doyle
Fünf Apfelsinenkerne
Arthur Conan Doyle
Fünf Apfelsinenkerne by Arthur Conan Doyle

Fünf Apfelsinenkerne

By: Arthur Conan Doyle

Narrated by: Alexander Thomalla

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Originale, klassische Sherlock Holmes Kurzgeschichten in zeitgenössischer Übersetzung aus der Zeit der Jahrhundertwende vom 20. ins 21. Jahrhundert, lebendig interpretiert. Read more

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The Formations by Kate Baldwin
The Formations
Kate Baldwin
The Formations by Kate Baldwin

The Formations

By: Kate Baldwin

Narrated by: Monica Buch

Length: 3 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Jane is looking forward to her first spring living in a new home in the woods, but the global pandemic isolates her more than she ever imagined. Jane and her foster dog notice unusual formations on the trees, unlike anything that should be growing in Wisconsin. Suspicious trespassers at night and vandalism spell danger. Will Jane’s relentless... Read more

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