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What the Doctor Ordered by Janette Rallison
What the Doctor Ordered
Janette Rallison
What the Doctor Ordered by Janette Rallison

What the Doctor Ordered

By: Janette Rallison

Narrated by: Katie Caruso

Length: 8 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Matchmaking gone awry
They've never been out on a date. They can barely speak a civil word to each other when they find themselves in the same room. But Aunt Bertie, who is not crazy, just—eccentric—knows that John and Ellie belong together, and she's doing all she can to further their cause.
This wouldn't be so bad if Ellie could just avoid John.... Read more

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The Spy Who Came In From The Bin by Christopher Shevlin
The Spy Who Came In From The Bin
Christopher Shevlin
The Spy Who Came In From The Bin by Christopher Shevlin

The Spy Who Came In From The Bin

By: Christopher Shevlin

Narrated by: Finlay Robertson

Length: 12 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

He only knows three things about himself: he's polite, he likes tea, and everyone wants to kill him.

Berlin: a man wakes up in a bin* with no idea who he is. He's taken to hospital for treatment. Then people start trying to assassinate him.

The man has to find out why, how to get them to stop, and what the CIA has to do with all this. There's also... Read more

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The Heart Always Knows by Dr. Estrellita Redmon MD MBA FACP
The Heart Always Knows
Dr. Estrellita Redmon MD MBA FACP
The Heart Always Knows by Dr. Estrellita Redmon MD MBA FACP

The Heart Always Knows

By: Dr. Estrellita Redmon MD MBA FACP

Narrated by: Emily Cauldwell

Length: 3 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Dr. Hamilton practices medicine in the small town of Sienna, Florida, where he dedicates himself to caring for the residents of his hometown. It's a fictionalized yet accurate depiction of a solo practitioner's life in rural America, highlighting both the positives and the negatives of such a position. The novel is based on real clinicians who... Read more

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An Exquisite Sense of What is Beautiful by J. David Simons
An Exquisite Sense of What is Beautiful
J. David Simons
An Exquisite Sense of What is Beautiful by J. David Simons

An Exquisite Sense of What is Beautiful

By: J. David Simons

Narrated by: Nick Cheales

Length: 10 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

The personal collides with the political in this literary tour-de-force. In the 1950s, an eminent British writer pens a novel questioning the ethics of the nuclear destruction at Hiroshima and Nagasaki—but soon he’s trying to outrun his own past.Hakone, Japan, 2003. An eminent British writer in his 70s, Sir Edward Strathairn, returns to a resort... Read more

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Shakespeare for Young Readers - Abridged by Charles Lamb & Mary Lamb
Shakespeare for Young Readers - Abridged
Charles Lamb & Mary Lamb
Shakespeare for Young Readers - Abridged by Charles Lamb & Mary Lamb

Shakespeare for Young Readers - Abridged

By: Charles Lamb & Mary Lamb

Narrated by: Karen Savage

Length: 1 hour 4 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Introducing Shakespeare to young readers can be a daunting task, but with the "Shakespeare for Young Readers" audiobook, it has never been easier! This collection of tales is the perfect introduction to Shakespeare's works and language, using his own words whenever possible to create a truly immersive experience. The audiobook features three of... Read more

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Flammenmeer - Abridged by Benjamin Cors
Flammenmeer - Abridged
Benjamin Cors
Flammenmeer - Abridged by Benjamin Cors

Flammenmeer - Abridged

By: Benjamin Cors

Narrated by: Sascha Rotermund

Length: 11 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Eine Küste im Sturm, ein Meer in Flammen Die malerische Hafenstadt Barfleur ist berühmt für ihre Muscheln, die frisch aus dem Meer auf die Teller in ganz Frankreich gelangen. Jetzt aber kämpfen die Fischer um ihre Existenz: Denn die weltbekannten »Blondes de Barfleur« sind spurlos verschwunden und niemand weiß warum. Immer öfter entlädt sich die... Read more

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Se a paixão existe?... e A mentira - Abridged by Carmen Dolores
Se a paixão existe?... e A mentira - Abridged
Carmen Dolores
Se a paixão existe?... e A mentira - Abridged by Carmen Dolores

Se a paixão existe?... e A mentira - Abridged

By: Carmen Dolores

Narrated by: Marisol Marcondes

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: Yes

No conto "Se a paixão existe", amigos reunidos na casa do jornalista Márcio discutem os sentidos da paixão. Enlevados pela música ao piano, executada por Garcia, acabam por descobrir a resposta através de um exemplo real – que vai na contramão do que fora concluído Surpreendente! Já em "A mentira", a cumplicidade feminina se faz presente quando... Read more

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Perry Rhodan 3213: Scharaden - Abridged by Susan Schwartz
Perry Rhodan 3213: Scharaden - Abridged
Susan Schwartz
Perry Rhodan 3213: Scharaden - Abridged by Susan Schwartz

Perry Rhodan 3213: Scharaden - Abridged

By: Susan Schwartz

Narrated by: Florian Seigerschmidt

Length: 3 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Cappins gegen Cappins – der Kampf um die MAGELLAN geht weiter Das Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts Neuer Galaktischer Zeitrechnung ist angebrochen. Mehr als dreieinhalbtausend Jahre von unserer Zeit entfernt lebt die Menschheit in Frieden. Zwischen den Sternen der Milchstraße herrschen keine großen Konflikte mehr. Wie es aussieht, könnte Perry... Read more

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Guerra by Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Louis-Ferdinand Céline
Guerra by Louis-Ferdinand Céline


By: Louis-Ferdinand Céline

Narrated by: José Posada

Length: 4 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Un acontecimiento literario: la novela perdida de Louis-Ferdinand Céline sobre sus experiencias en la Primera Guerra Mundial. La peripecia del manuscrito de Guerra es novelesca. En las postrimerías de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, al huir de Francia con otros colaboracionistas de los nazis, Louis-Ferdinand Céline dejó dos maletas repletas de... Read more

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Breaking Out: Triad Series Book 1 by Gayle Parness
Breaking Out: Triad Series Book 1
Gayle Parness
Breaking Out: Triad Series Book 1 by Gayle Parness

Breaking Out: Triad Series Book 1

By: Gayle Parness

Narrated by: Tim Paige

Length: 8 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Finally free to follow his own path, seventeen year-old Charlie Cuvier and his best friend Jay, a grizzly shapeshifter, discover their California journey could be throwing them in the path of some seriously dangerous characters. When they reach LA, they help out a girl in trouble, attracting the attention of an ancient creature with an alarming... Read more

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Blood Torment by T.F. Muir
Blood Torment
T.F. Muir
Blood Torment by T.F. Muir

Blood Torment

By: T.F. Muir

Narrated by: David Monteath

Length: 9 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

When a three-year old girl is reported missing, DCI Andy Gilchrist is assigned the case. But Gilchrist soon suspects that the child's mother - Andrea Davis - may be responsible for her daughter's disappearance, or worse, her murder.

The case becomes politically sensitive when Gilchrist learns that Andrea is the daughter of Dougal Davis, a... Read more

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Kommissar Rosenkohl im Krieg by Jörg Röske
Kommissar Rosenkohl im Krieg
Jörg Röske
Kommissar Rosenkohl im Krieg by Jörg Röske

Kommissar Rosenkohl im Krieg

By: Jörg Röske

Narrated by: Jörg Röske

Length: 1 hour 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Kommissar Rosenkohl findet sich mit seinem Inspektor Weißkohl irgendwo wieder. Man findet Tote. Kommissar Rosenkohl spricht mit ihnen und findet heraus, dass es sich um Tote aus der Zeit des Westfeldzugs der deutschen Wehrmacht handelt. Allerdings gibt es noch eine Zeitverschiebung, und zwar in die Zeit der Invasion in der Normandie. Und... Read more

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Viimeinen mahdollisuus by Tuija Lehtinen
Viimeinen mahdollisuus
Tuija Lehtinen
Viimeinen mahdollisuus by Tuija Lehtinen

Viimeinen mahdollisuus

By: Tuija Lehtinen

Narrated by: Netta Herranen

Length: 2 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Retroa lääkäriromantiikkaa rakastetulta viihdekirjailijalta! Ihana rakkaustarina aloittaa romanttisen sarjan kirurgi Stefan Frankista ja hänen lähipiiristään 80-luvun Kaliforniassa.Stefan Frank on suomalaissyntyinen kirurgi, joka on omistautunut työlleen sanfransiscolaisessa Mayer Medical Center -sairaalassa. Paikallisessa kahvilassa Stefan... Read more

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Kleine Geister by Leandro Bulgheroni
Kleine Geister
Leandro Bulgheroni
Kleine Geister by Leandro Bulgheroni

Kleine Geister

By: Leandro Bulgheroni

Narrated by: Tina Doreen Schwarzkopf

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Das Gedicht der Kleinen Geister kommt in eine Welt, in welcher nach und nach neue Gedichte erschaffen werden, ohne zu wissen, wer ihr eigentlicher Schöpfer ist. Im Dialog mit den anderen Geistern, verliebt sich das Gedicht der Kleinen Geister in das Gedicht der Weisheit, welches sich als das Gedicht der Liebe offenbart. Doch schon bald wird... Read more

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Murder in the Highlands by Debbie Young
Murder in the Highlands
Debbie Young
Murder in the Highlands by Debbie Young

Murder in the Highlands

By: Debbie Young

Narrated by: Laura Kirman

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

'A witty insight into village life and a most unusual murder that kept me enthralled!' E.V. Hunter Sophie and Hector are heading to the Highlands.For Sophie it’s a trip home and for Hector it’s time to meet Sophie’s parents... Though their trip has village tongues wagging about a stop at Scotland’s notorious elopement spot, Gretna Green.No... Read more

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The Pinkerton Matchmaker by Christine Sterling & Marianne Spitzer
The Pinkerton Matchmaker
Christine Sterling & Marianne Spitzer
The Pinkerton Matchmaker by Christine Sterling & Marianne Spitzer

The Pinkerton Matchmaker

By: Christine Sterling & Marianne Spitzer

Narrated by: Julia Harma

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Pairing prospective lady Pinkerton detectives with rough and ready agents? What could possibly go wrong?Head of the Denver Pinkerton office, Archie Gordon, has been tasked with hiring female agents.The problem? They need to be trained by existing agents while solving cases. Alone and unchaperoned. In 1871.The solution? Have each pair marry... Read more

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Il tunnel dei morti by Tove Alsterdal
Il tunnel dei morti
Tove Alsterdal
Il tunnel dei morti by Tove Alsterdal

Il tunnel dei morti

By: Tove Alsterdal

Narrated by: Francesca Vettori

Length: 10 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Una facoltosa coppia svedese decide di trasferirsi in Repubblica Ceca per superare la routine e cercare di salvare un matrimonio ormai al collasso. Sonja e Daniel scelgono, a questo preciso scopo, di stabilirsi in una località vinicola dei Sudeti, dove sperano di poter avviare una florida azienda. La loro nuova casa, circondata dai vigneti,... Read more

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Sanctus by Simon Toyne
Simon Toyne
Sanctus by Simon Toyne


By: Simon Toyne

Narrated by: Filip Kosior

Length: 11 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Śmierć jednego człowieka może zagrozić odwiecznemu spiskowi. Dzięki odwadze jednej kobiety skrywany od lat sekret wyjdzie na jaw. Czy ludzkość znajdzie w sobie siłę, by stawić czoła prawdzie? Co kryje w sobie tajemnica Sanctusa?   Pośrodku tureckiego miasta Ruina wznosi się najstarsze ludzkie siedlisko – monumentalna Cytadela. Pewnego dnia z jej... Read more

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Historias de Sexo Para Adultos: Una colección erótica de encuentros explícitos tabú, tríos, nalgadas, BDSM, anal duro, infidelidades, sexo oral, orgasmos, lesbianas iniciándose, diversión los 365 días del año y mucho más by Samantha Lexi
Historias de Sexo Para Adultos: Una colección erótica de encuentros explícitos tabú, tríos, nalgadas, BDSM, anal duro, infidelidades, sexo oral, orgasmos, lesbianas iniciándose, diversión los 365 días del año y mucho más
Samantha Lexi
Historias de Sexo Para Adultos: Una colección erótica de encuentros explícitos tabú, tríos, nalgadas, BDSM, anal duro, infidelidades, sexo oral, orgasmos, lesbianas iniciándose, diversión los 365 días del año y mucho más by Samantha Lexi

Historias de Sexo Para Adultos: Una colección erótica de encuentros explícitos tabú, tríos, nalgadas, BDSM, anal duro, infidelidades, sexo oral, orgasmos, lesbianas iniciándose, diversión los 365 días del año y mucho más

By: Samantha Lexi

Narrated by: Samantha Lexi

Length: 1 hour 51 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Buscas una escucha excitante?
Cuando se busca una escucha ardiente y sensual que acelere el corazón, puede ser difícil encontrar un audiolibro que realmente lo consiga.
La mayoría de las historias de sexo están mal escritas o están llenas de personajes y... Read more

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The Husband Hoax by Saxon James
The Husband Hoax
Saxon James
The Husband Hoax by Saxon James

The Husband Hoax

By: Saxon James

Narrated by: Teddy Hamilton & James Joseph

Length: 7 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Being invited to my cousin’s wedding really shouldn’t be a big deal except, oh yeah, I haven't seen my family for a decade.My parents turned their backs on me and I’ve done everything since to become successful and show them what they lost. Only, it’s kinda hard to be a success when you’re a walking trainwreck.So I’m going to fake it.... Read more

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Mistral (ungekürzt) by Maria Borrély
Mistral (ungekürzt)
Maria Borrély
Mistral (ungekürzt) by Maria Borrély

Mistral (ungekürzt)

By: Maria Borrély

Narrated by: Katja Bürkle

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

"Ein malerisches Dorf im rauen Tal der Haute Provence und eine Verbeugung vor der zornigen Natur und dem weiblichen Mut. Ein Klassiker der französischen Literatur in großartiger Neuübersetzung. "Der Wind teilt sich in den Bäumen. Er verliert sich darin, zerrinnt zu Musik, wird zur Brise." Auf einem Bauernhof in den Bergen ist Marie glücklich... Read more

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The Skinwalker by Rachel Lawson
The Skinwalker
Rachel Lawson
The Skinwalker by Rachel Lawson

The Skinwalker

By: Rachel Lawson

Narrated by: Rachel Lawson

Length: 4 minutes

Abridged: No

An American Indian Chief finds out Max Starfire, one of the Magicians is a werewolf and wants to kill him as he is a skinwalker aka a werewolf will Max die? Read more

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Dunewarrior by Jay Aspen
Jay Aspen
Dunewarrior by Jay Aspen


By: Jay Aspen

Narrated by: Jay Aspen

Length: 6 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

The desert holds new dangers and the oasis cities are unprepared.Alissa and Reith struggle to find each other again in Pangaea's increasingly precarious situation on the brink of invasion.Stolen military secrets, disrupted route-finding, and ambitious warlords are converging to make the conclusion inevitable.They will be forced into open warfare... Read more

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Nacht der Feen by Clara Winter
Nacht der Feen
Clara Winter
Nacht der Feen by Clara Winter

Nacht der Feen

By: Clara Winter

Narrated by: Lysann Kelch

Length: 4 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Zoe kann es einfach nicht fassen, als Tante Emma beschließt, dass sie vollkommen unerwartet aus Köln wegziehen werden. Nicht nur, dass sie schweren Herzens ihre Freunde zurücklassen muss, sie ist auch noch mitten im Schuljahr die Neue in der Klasse. Als sie in der neuen Schule Freundin Leonie kennenlernt und auch der Klassenschwarm Nummer Eins... Read more

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