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Self-Improvement audiobooks

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How To: Be Funny (narrated by a comedian) by How To: Audiobooks
How To: Be Funny (narrated by a comedian)
How To: Audiobooks
How To: Be Funny (narrated by a comedian) by How To: Audiobooks

How To: Be Funny (narrated by a comedian)

By: How To: Audiobooks

Narrated by: Bob Cryer

Length: 1 hour 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Here are incredible, candid interviews with some of the biggest names in comedy. Barry Cryer from I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue, Monty Python's Michael Palin, and BBC1's Stewart Lee, amongst others, talk about the ins and outs of how to be funny. Hosted by Barry Cryer's son, Bob, who is a successful writer and actor in his own right, this audiobook... Read more

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Always Looking Up - Abridged by Michael J. Fox
Always Looking Up - Abridged
Michael J. Fox
Always Looking Up - Abridged by Michael J. Fox

Always Looking Up - Abridged

By: Michael J. Fox

Narrated by: Michael J. Fox

Length: 4 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

There are many words to describe Michael J. Fox: Actor. Husband. Father. Activist. But readers of Always Looking Up will soon add another to the list: Optimist. Michael writes about the hard-won perspective that helped him see challenges as opportunities. Instead of building walls around himself, he developed a personal policy of engagement and... Read more

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Always Looking Up - Abridged by Michael J. Fox
Always Looking Up - Abridged
Michael J. Fox
Always Looking Up - Abridged by Michael J. Fox

Always Looking Up - Abridged

By: Michael J. Fox

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

There are many words to describe Michael J. Fox: Actor. Husband. Father. Activist. But readers of Always Looking Up will soon add another to the list: Optimist. Michael writes about the hard-won perspective that helped him see challenges as opportunities. Instead of building walls around himself, he developed a personal policy of engagement and... Read more

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Feel First/Think Later, Finding Your Way to Emotional Freedom by Raphael Cushnir
Feel First/Think Later, Finding Your Way to Emotional Freedom
Raphael Cushnir
Feel First/Think Later, Finding Your Way to Emotional Freedom by Raphael Cushnir

Feel First/Think Later, Finding Your Way to Emotional Freedom

By: Raphael Cushnir

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Are there places in your life where you feel blocked? Is your career or your relationship not what you thought it would be? Are you still struggling with an addiction to smoking or food? Raphael Cushnir believes that whenever we struggle, or whenever we feel unable to accomplish the things that matter to us, there’s an emotion waiting to be... Read more

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Hit the Ground Running by Jason Jennings
Hit the Ground Running
Jason Jennings
Hit the Ground Running by Jason Jennings

Hit the Ground Running

By: Jason Jennings

Narrated by: Jason Jennings

Length: 7 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Want to compete with the best of the best? Then hit the ground running. Here’s how. The toughest job in business is taking over as a new leader. You have to quickly assess the situation, pull together a strong team, decide on a strategy, and inspire everyone to execute it. The stakes for new leaders are even higher. Whether you’ve been... Read more

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Inside Rupert's Brain by Paul R. LaMonica
Inside Rupert's Brain
Paul R. LaMonica
Inside Rupert's Brain by Paul R. LaMonica

Inside Rupert's Brain

By: Paul R. LaMonica

Narrated by: Sean Pratt & Erik Synnestvedt

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

How the world’s most powerful media mogul really thinks! Rupert Murdoch, the controversial chairman and CEO of News Corp., is the subject of endless gossip, speculation, and criticism. But what really drives his bold (and usually successful) gambles? Based on comments from News Corp. executives and competitors and interviews with Wall Street... Read more

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Fractal Time - Abridged by Gregg Braden
Fractal Time - Abridged
Gregg Braden
Fractal Time - Abridged by Gregg Braden

Fractal Time - Abridged

By: Gregg Braden

Narrated by: Gregg Braden

Length: 4 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

In his latest work, former senior computer systems designer and bestselling authorGregg Braden merges these ancient and modern world views into a powerful new model of time. Marrying the modern laws of fractal patterns to the ancient concept of cycles, he demonstrates how everything from the war and peace between nations to our most joyous... Read more

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Psychic Healing - Abridged by Sylvia Browne
Psychic Healing - Abridged
Sylvia Browne
Psychic Healing - Abridged by Sylvia Browne

Psychic Healing - Abridged

By: Sylvia Browne

Narrated by: Sylvia Browne

Length: 2 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Sylvia Browne now gives us marvelous work on self-healing. Largely made up of actual research trance transcripts from her guides, this Audio Program is a must for those who have chronic physical problems but who cannot find relief from conventional medicine. It's not meant to replace this type of treatment, though, but to augment it. Sylvia also... Read more

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Starke Frauen reden Klartext by Claudia Hovermann
Starke Frauen reden Klartext
Claudia Hovermann
Starke Frauen reden Klartext by Claudia Hovermann

Starke Frauen reden Klartext

By: Claudia Hovermann

Narrated by: Gisa Bergmann & Gilles Karolyi

Length: 2 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Was Frau so alles sein möchte: auf der einen Seite charmant, auf der anderen Seite kompetent. Einerseits strebt sie nach Erfolg, andererseits hat sie ein ausgeprägtes Harmoniebedürfnis. Lässt sich dies alles unter einen Hut bringen? Häufig leider nicht. Wenn DurchSetzungsfähigkeit und Überzeugungskraft gefragt sind, müssen im Zweifel Sympathie... Read more

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Clever kommunizieren by Marion Recknagel & Heike Rohmann-van Wüllen
Clever kommunizieren
Marion Recknagel & Heike Rohmann-van Wüllen
Clever kommunizieren by Marion Recknagel & Heike Rohmann-van Wüllen

Clever kommunizieren

By: Marion Recknagel & Heike Rohmann-van Wüllen

Narrated by: Gisa Bergmann & Gilles Karolyi

Length: 4 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Gehen Ihnen Dauernörgler auf die Nerven? Finden Sie es unmöglich, ständig unterbrochen zu werden? Oder platzt Ihnen der Kragen bei Leuten, die permanent gute Laune verbreiten? Dieses Hörbuch zeigt Ihnen typische "nervige Kommunikationsmuster" und gibt Ihnen Tipps, wie Sie konstruktiv reagieren können. Sie lernen also, wie Sie clever und gelassen... Read more

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30 Minuten Work-Life-Balance by Lothar J. Seiwert
30 Minuten Work-Life-Balance
Lothar J. Seiwert
30 Minuten Work-Life-Balance by Lothar J. Seiwert

30 Minuten Work-Life-Balance

By: Lothar J. Seiwert

Narrated by: Sonngard Dressler, Gilles Karolyi & Michael Dec...

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Fühlen Sie sich manchmal wie der Hamster im Laufrad? Immer noch mehr neue Aufgaben, Termine und Verpflichtungen stürmen auf Sie ein und Sie wissen nicht, wo Sie selbst dabei bleiben? Das Work-Life-Balance-Konzept in diesem Hörbuch zeigt Ihnen, wie wichtig es ist, Tag für Tag eine bewusste Auswahl zu treffen und die Dinge zu tun, die uns wirklich... Read more

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Günter, der innere Schweinehund, wird fit by Stefan Frädrich & Ingo Buckert
Günter, der innere Schweinehund, wird fit
Stefan Frädrich & Ingo Buckert
Günter, der innere Schweinehund, wird fit by Stefan Frädrich & Ingo Buckert

Günter, der innere Schweinehund, wird fit

By: Stefan Frädrich & Ingo Buckert

Narrated by: Stefan Frädrich

Length: 2 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Auf die Plätze, fertig, los – go, Günter, go! Eigentlich wissen wir ja, was wir tun sollten: die Treppe statt des Aufzugs nehmen, uns in die Sportschuhe schwingen und hin und wieder mal ins Schwitzen kommen. Doch wir kennen auch diese lästige Stimme in uns: »Streng Dich nicht an!«, »Sport ist Mord!«. Diese Stimme kommt von Günter, unserem... Read more

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Männer und Frauen im weiblichen Jahrhundert by Susanne Kleinhenz
Männer und Frauen im weiblichen Jahrhundert
Susanne Kleinhenz
Männer und Frauen im weiblichen Jahrhundert by Susanne Kleinhenz

Männer und Frauen im weiblichen Jahrhundert

By: Susanne Kleinhenz

Narrated by: Gabi Franke & Heiko Grauel

Length: 7 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Dieses Hörbuch räumt auf mit den "typisch" weiblichen Mustern. Anhand der Archetypen der griechischen Mythologie lädt Susanne Kleinhenz ein, die persönliche Positionsbestimmung vorzunehmen und gibt statt kämpferischer wohlmeinende und sympathische Anregungen, was Männer und Frauen voneinander lernen können. Sie zeigt auf einfühlsame wie auch... Read more

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Be Happy! - Abridged by Robert Holden, Ph.D.
Be Happy! - Abridged
Robert Holden, Ph.D.
Be Happy! - Abridged by Robert Holden, Ph.D.

Be Happy! - Abridged

By: Robert Holden, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Robert Holden, PhD

Length: 6 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Happiness is a spiritual path. The more you learn about true happiness, the more you discover the truth of who you are, what is important, and what your life is for."Be Happy! is the follow-up to Robert Holden's best-selling Happiness NOW! In this audio download, Robert gives you a front-row seat on his 8-week happiness program-famously tested... Read more

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Life is Friends by Jeanne Martinet
Life is Friends
Jeanne Martinet
Life is Friends by Jeanne Martinet

Life is Friends

By: Jeanne Martinet

Narrated by: Jeanne Martinet

Length: 6 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

With an attitude that's savvy, sympathetic, and delightfully down-to-earth, Jeanne Martinet gives you the game plan for relearning the lost art of socializing. Forget texting, IM'ing, Facebook, and Internet "relationships". When it comes to building real friendships, there's simply no substitute for live, in-person hospitality. In Life Is... Read more

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The Yoga of Christianity by Russill Paul
The Yoga of Christianity
Russill Paul
The Yoga of Christianity by Russill Paul

The Yoga of Christianity

By: Russill Paul

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Few people bridge the spiritual traditions of East and West, of the yogi and the Christian, as Russill Paul does. He is a native of India raised as a Catholic, with deep ties to Hinduism and the yogic tradition, and studied as a Benedictine monk at an ashram near Madras. From his perspective, neither tradition is better than the other-only unique. Read more

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The Natural Mind - Waking Up by Alan Orr
The Natural Mind - Waking Up
Alan Orr
The Natural Mind - Waking Up by Alan Orr

The Natural Mind - Waking Up

By: Alan Orr

Narrated by: Alan Orr

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Imagine if just by reading one book you could transform your thinking, open your mind to new possibilities and embark on a mind adventure on a voyage of self discovery that will not only benefit you, your loved ones, friends and family but has the power to benefit humanity. This is that book.
The journey of personal deconstruction is not an easy... Read more

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How to Prosper in Hard Times by Napoleon Hill & James Allen
How to Prosper in Hard Times
Napoleon Hill & James Allen
How to Prosper in Hard Times by Napoleon Hill & James Allen

How to Prosper in Hard Times

By: Napoleon Hill & James Allen

Narrated by: Joel Fotinos

Length: 6 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

The tried-and-true prosperity wisdom of these beloved writers, teachers, and thinkers has been relied upon by generations of Americans seeking guidance in hard economic times— and now, for the first time, it is collected in a single, compact paperback volume.

Cherished for decades, these timeless writings from self-help and inspirational... Read more

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Managing Thought by Mary J. Lore
Managing Thought
Mary J. Lore
Managing Thought by Mary J. Lore

Managing Thought

By: Mary J. Lore

Narrated by: Mary J. Lore

Length: 8 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

From making small day-to-day decisions, to changing company-wide strategies, plotting a career path, finding a life partner, and enjoying life; the way you think shapes your circumstances, your destiny, and your success. Managing Thought: How Do Your Thoughts Rule Your World goes beyond other “positive thinking” and “emotional intelligence”... Read more

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Fight For Your Money by David Bach
Fight For Your Money
David Bach
Fight For Your Money by David Bach

Fight For Your Money

By: David Bach

Narrated by: Bob Walter

Length: 16 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

In an audiobook that will forever change how you spend your hard-earned money, America’s favorite financial coach, David Bach, shows you how to save thousands of dollars every year by taking on the “corporate machines.” In these times when every dollar counts, big businesses are using clever tricks to rip you off, making themselves billions... Read more

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Emotional Freedom by Judith Orloff
Emotional Freedom
Judith Orloff
Emotional Freedom by Judith Orloff

Emotional Freedom

By: Judith Orloff

Narrated by: Kirsten Potter

Length: 14 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

A New York Times bestseller, Emotional Freedom is a road map for those who are stressed out, discouraged, or overwhelmed as well as for those who are in a good emotional place but want to feel even better.

Picture yourself trapped in a traffic jam feeling utterly calm. Imagine being unflappable and relaxed when your supervisor loses her... Read more

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Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson
Peaks and Valleys
Spencer Johnson
Peaks and Valleys by Spencer Johnson

Peaks and Valleys

By: Spencer Johnson

Narrated by: John Dossett

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of Who Moved My Cheese?, a brilliant new parable that shows readers how to stay calm and successful, even in the most challenging of environments.

A young man lives unhappily in a valley. One day he meets an old man who lives on a mountain peak. At first the young man doesn’t realize that he is... Read more

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Strategic Acceleration by Tony Jeary
Strategic Acceleration
Tony Jeary
Strategic Acceleration by Tony Jeary

Strategic Acceleration

By: Tony Jeary

Narrated by: Jim Bond

Length: 6 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

In today’s ultra-competitive world, getting superior results at the fastest rate possible is critical to success. But the speed of life can sidetrack us, cloud our sense of priority, and make us less effective. Strategic Acceleration presents a methodology that will help you get clear, focused, and efficient. It will bring you the results and... Read more

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Stepping Out of Line by Nell Merlino
Stepping Out of Line
Nell Merlino
Stepping Out of Line by Nell Merlino

Stepping Out of Line

By: Nell Merlino

Narrated by: Laural Merlington

Length: 5 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

When activist Nell Merlino decides something needs to change, she throws everything she has into changing it. Whether it is raising the visibility of girls or helping women build their businesses, her many campaigns have helped women make dreams come true. Now she marshals her life lessons – and those of other gutsy women – to help women have it... Read more

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