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Meditation Made Easy - Abridged by Lorin Roche
Meditation Made Easy - Abridged
Lorin Roche
Meditation Made Easy - Abridged by Lorin Roche

Meditation Made Easy - Abridged

By: Lorin Roche

Narrated by: Lorin Roche

Length: 1 hour 35 minutes

Abridged: Yes

“I prefer it to any other guide, including the one I wrote.” - James Fadiman, Ph.D., author of Personality and Personal GrowthMeditation: It's Easier than you think. You've probably heard about the benefits of meditation: Sharper thinking, reduced stress, improved concentration, lower blood pressure, even increased sexual pleasure. So what's... Read more

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Mind Wide Open by Steven Johnson
Mind Wide Open
Steven Johnson
Mind Wide Open by Steven Johnson

Mind Wide Open

By: Steven Johnson

Narrated by: Alan Sklar

Length: 8 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No


Using a mix of experiential reportage, personal storytelling, and fresh scientific discovery, Steven Johnson describes... Read more

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Poe's Heart and the Mountain Climber by Richard Restak, M.D.
Poe's Heart and the Mountain Climber
Richard Restak, M.D.
Poe's Heart and the Mountain Climber by Richard Restak, M.D.

Poe's Heart and the Mountain Climber

By: Richard Restak, M.D.

Narrated by: Scott Brick

Length: 6 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you bombarded by a constant media feed of global terrorism, war, and rising unemployment rates—and by a mind-numbing array of ads that urge you to “ask your doctor” about the newest anti-anxiety medications? If it sometimes feels as if this country is having a collective anxiety attack, then you won’t be surprised to learn that more than 19... Read more

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Seeing the Bible Anew by Bishop John Shelby Spong
Seeing the Bible Anew
Bishop John Shelby Spong
Seeing the Bible Anew by Bishop John Shelby Spong

Seeing the Bible Anew

By: Bishop John Shelby Spong

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Increasingly, theological positions on war, women, and discrimination against the gay community are at the heart of contemporary American political debate. At the center of these controversies is the Bible. Based on a cultural and historical context of the Bible, Spong gives us a worldview that promotes respect and love for each other, our... Read more

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Psychosomatic Wellness by Candace Pert & Michael Ruff
Psychosomatic Wellness
Candace Pert & Michael Ruff
Psychosomatic Wellness by Candace Pert & Michael Ruff

Psychosomatic Wellness

By: Candace Pert & Michael Ruff

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Candace Pert and Mike Ruff are researchers at the forefront of immunology, and their work has led them to explore the measurable relationship between our emotions and the way our bodies heal. They've even discovered a link between the chakras and the presence of chemicals vital to the functioning of the immune system. The implications are exciting. Read more

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Healthcare Under Duress by Swannee Rivers
Healthcare Under Duress
Swannee Rivers
Healthcare Under Duress by Swannee Rivers

Healthcare Under Duress

By: Swannee Rivers

Narrated by: Mandy Kaplan

Length: 4 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

In an emotional story that details one woman's struggle within a medical organization that was filled with massive illegal billing, her faith shines through. Healthcare Under Duress:An Inside look at the University of Washington Billing Scandal presents one woman's personal account and experience within a prestigious University Hospital... Read more

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Rumsfeld's War by Rowan Scarborough
Rumsfeld's War
Rowan Scarborough
Rumsfeld's War by Rowan Scarborough

Rumsfeld's War

By: Rowan Scarborough

Narrated by: Alan Sklar

Length: 6 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

The man in the cockpit fighting the war on terror.

When terrorists crashed a plane into the Pentagon, he was there-helping carry the wounded to safety. And he's been there-leading the war on terror, directing its operations around the world in both open and covert missions, and bluntly focusing on one primary goal: killing terrorists. He is... Read more

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Merging Science and Spirituality by Martinez Hewlett
Merging Science and Spirituality
Martinez Hewlett
Merging Science and Spirituality by Martinez Hewlett

Merging Science and Spirituality

By: Martinez Hewlett

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

For decades Martinez Hewlett has been exploring the places where the seemingly disparate worlds of science and spirituality meet. A scientist who once thought he could understand everything in terms of atoms and quantum physics, he now recognizes that even rocks may have the capacity to experience the sacred. Read more

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Rediscovering our Own Wildness by Jesse Wolf Hardin
Rediscovering our Own Wildness
Jesse Wolf Hardin
Rediscovering our Own Wildness by Jesse Wolf Hardin

Rediscovering our Own Wildness

By: Jesse Wolf Hardin

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

The natural world may be our most valuable aid to finding the greatest meaning in our lives. Jesse Wolf Hardin rediscovers this every day with the help of the wild canyon that is his home in New Mexico. Read more

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Exuberance by Kay Redfield Jamison
Kay Redfield Jamison
Exuberance by Kay Redfield Jamison


By: Kay Redfield Jamison

Narrated by: Bernadette Dunne

Length: 11 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

We have learned much about depression, but what about its opposite? Why hasn't the human emotion that lifts us, inspires us, drives us on, and makes life worth living been discussed-and celebrated? In this outstanding book, bestselling author Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison explores exuberance in all its unrestrained, joyful energy, and shows how its... Read more

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Confidence by Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Rosabeth Moss Kanter
Confidence by Rosabeth Moss Kanter


By: Rosabeth Moss Kanter

Narrated by: Carrington MacDuffie

Length: 13 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

From the boardroom to the locker room to the living room—how winners become winners . . . and stay that way.

Is success simply a matter of money and talent? Or is there another reason why some people and organizations always land on their feet, while others, equally talented, stumble again and again?

There’s a fundamental principle at work—the... Read more

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The Suburban You by Mark Falanga
The Suburban You
Mark Falanga
The Suburban You by Mark Falanga

The Suburban You

By: Mark Falanga

Narrated by: Jonathan Marosz

Length: 6 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

You are about to discover that living in the suburbs is a whole lot funnier than you ever thought possible. For this country’s 145,892,494 (give or take) suburbanites, Mark Falanga is an utterly deadpan (and thoroughly entertaining) spokesman.

Mark Falanga is a slick urban dweller, at the top of his game professionally, with a gorgeous corporate... Read more

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Four Simple Questions That Dispel Unhappiness by Byron Katie
Four Simple Questions That Dispel Unhappiness
Byron Katie
Four Simple Questions That Dispel Unhappiness by Byron Katie

Four Simple Questions That Dispel Unhappiness

By: Byron Katie

Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Byron Katie has discovered that each of us maintains a web of beliefs - about our parents, our partners, our neighbors, our government - that are entirely untrue, and yet they're the foundation for much of our unhappiness. Read more

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The Dance of Intimacy - Abridged by Harriet Lerner
The Dance of Intimacy - Abridged
Harriet Lerner
The Dance of Intimacy - Abridged by Harriet Lerner

The Dance of Intimacy - Abridged

By: Harriet Lerner

Narrated by: Harriet Lerner

Length: 2 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The Dance of Intimacy takes a careful look at relationships where intimacy is most challenged by too much emotional distance, too much intensity, or simply too much pain. In clear, direct and dramatic terms, Dr. Lerner illustrates how we can move differently in these relationships -- be they with a distant or unfaithful spouse, a depressed... Read more

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The Bastard on the Couch - Abridged by Daniel Jones
The Bastard on the Couch - Abridged
Daniel Jones
The Bastard on the Couch - Abridged by Daniel Jones

The Bastard on the Couch - Abridged

By: Daniel Jones

Narrated by: Daniel Jones

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

Two books in one!Turns out that The Bitch In the House was only half the story. Daniel Jones, husband of Cathi Hanauer, has rallied the men for the ""literary equivalent of The Full Monty,"" in which a group of thoughtful, passionate and often hilarious men lay it bare when it comes to their wives and girlfriends, their hopes and fears. Many of... Read more

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Sustaining Hope in Impossible Times by Paul Loeb
Sustaining Hope in Impossible Times
Paul Loeb
Sustaining Hope in Impossible Times by Paul Loeb

Sustaining Hope in Impossible Times

By: Paul Loeb

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Paul Loeb has gathered the stories of activists and visionaries, people who have faced enormous challenges and worked against seemingly insurmountable odds and found their efforts answered, sometimes in unexpected ways. When things look bleakest, Mr. Loeb explains, they've found that "there's something deeper that's more sustaining, that exists... Read more

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My Life Among the Serial Killers - Abridged by Helen Morrison
My Life Among the Serial Killers - Abridged
Helen Morrison
My Life Among the Serial Killers - Abridged by Helen Morrison

My Life Among the Serial Killers - Abridged

By: Helen Morrison

Narrated by: Helen Morrison

Length: 5 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dr. Helen Morrison has profiled more than eighty serial killers around the world. What she has learned about them will shatter every assumption you've ever had about the most notorious killers known to man.Dr. Helen Morrison, a leading expert on serial killers, has spent as many as four hundred hours alone with depraved murderers. In My Life... Read more

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Dark Nights of the Soul by Thomas Moore
Dark Nights of the Soul
Thomas Moore
Dark Nights of the Soul by Thomas Moore

Dark Nights of the Soul

By: Thomas Moore

Narrated by: Thomas Moore

Length: 11 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Every human life is made up of the light and the dark, the happy and the sad, the vital and the deadening. How you think about this rhythm of moods makes all the difference.

Our lives are filled with emotional tunnels: the loss of a loved one or end of a relationship, aging and illness, career disappointments or just an ongoing sense of... Read more

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The Physiology of a Peak Experience by James Austin
The Physiology of a Peak Experience
James Austin
The Physiology of a Peak Experience by James Austin

The Physiology of a Peak Experience

By: James Austin

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

As both a neurologist and a Zen practitioner, James Austin brings a quiet logic to the mysteries of enlightenment, and explains how moments of spiritual awakening alter brain function and body chemistry to make us happier and more creative. Read more

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Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer by Warren St. John
Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer
Warren St. John
Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer by Warren St. John

Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer

By: Warren St. John

Narrated by: Michael Kramer

Length: 9 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

"Fresh and funny… St. John has crafter a winner.” —Tony Horwitz, author of Confederates in the Attic

In the life of every sports fan, there comes a moment of reckoning. It may happen when your team wins on a last-second field goal and you suddenly find yourself clenched in a loving embrace with a large hairy man you’ve never met. . . . Or in the... Read more

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Die Revolte des Körpers (Ungekürzt) by Alice Miller
Die Revolte des Körpers (Ungekürzt)
Alice Miller
Die Revolte des Körpers (Ungekürzt) by Alice Miller

Die Revolte des Körpers (Ungekürzt)

By: Alice Miller

Narrated by: Claudia Gräf

Length: 5 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

"Das vierte Gebot, getragen von der herkömmlichen Moral, verlangt von uns, unsere Eltern zu ehren und zu lieben, auf dass wir - so die versteckte Drohung - lange leben. Dieses Gebot der Ehr-Furcht beansprucht universelle Gültigkeit. Wer es befolgen will, obwohl er von seinen Eltern einst missachtet, misshandelt, missbraucht wurde, kann dies nur,... Read more

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Cosmocracy: Democracy for The Cosmos by Henryk Skolimowski
Cosmocracy: Democracy for The Cosmos
Henryk Skolimowski
Cosmocracy: Democracy for The Cosmos by Henryk Skolimowski

Cosmocracy: Democracy for The Cosmos

By: Henryk Skolimowski

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Eco-philosopher Henryk Skolimowski suggests how answers to the big questions of life may be discovered within: "A new light that illumines our minds about the unity of the entire humankind." His theology of light looks ahead to our biological and spiritual evolution into beings that can subsist on light alone. Read more

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Lost in My Own Backyard by Tim Cahill
Lost in My Own Backyard
Tim Cahill
Lost in My Own Backyard by Tim Cahill

Lost in My Own Backyard

By: Tim Cahill

Narrated by: Michael Prichard

Length: 2 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

“Let’s get lost together . . . ”

Lost in My Own Backyard brings acclaimed author Tim Cahill together with one of his—and America’s—favorite destinations: Yellowstone, the world’s first national park. Cahill has been “puttering around in the park” for a quarter of a century, slowly covering its vast scope and exploring its remote backwoods. So... Read more

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Parenthood by Proxy - Abridged by Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Parenthood by Proxy - Abridged
Dr. Laura Schlessinger
Parenthood by Proxy - Abridged by Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Parenthood by Proxy - Abridged

By: Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Narrated by: Dr. Laura Schlessinger

Length: 2 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Parenthood by Proxy is a passionate and provocative summation of the perils of parenting and a road map to safety for America's families.Never one to shy away from tough truths, Dr. Laura marshals compelling evidence for the widespread neglect of America's children and condemns the numerous rationalizations to excuse it. Parents, special... Read more

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