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ملخص كتاب زعيم عصابة ليوم واحد by سودهير فينكاتيش
ملخص كتاب زعيم عصابة ليوم واحد
سودهير فينكاتيش
ملخص كتاب زعيم عصابة ليوم واحد by سودهير فينكاتيش

ملخص كتاب زعيم عصابة ليوم واحد

By: سودهير فينكاتيش

Narrated by: Sahla Books

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: No

"ما هو شعور أن تكون أسود وفقيرًا؟" ربَّما يكون هذا هو أغبى سؤال يمكنك أن تطرحه وأنت محاط بمجموعة من رجال العصابات الذين ينطبق عليهم هذا الوصف تماما: فقراء وذوو بشرة سوداء. لكن هذا هو السؤال نفسه الذي طرحه الكاتب وهو محاط بجماعة مسلحة من رجال العصابات، في مبنى ضمن مشروع سكني فقير! لمدة عقدٍ كامل، عاش الكاتب حياة شبه كاملة في هذه المشاريع... Read more

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The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean by Doreal
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean
The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean by Doreal

The Emerald Tablets of Thoth the Atlantean

By: Doreal

Narrated by: Graham Dunlop

Length: 2 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

The history of the tablets translated in the following pages is strange and beyond modern scientists' comprehension. Their age is astounding, dating back 36,000 years B.C. Thoth is an Atlantean Priest-King who established a colony in ancient Egypt after the mother country was sunk. He was the builder of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which has been... Read more

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Coleção Caminhos do Saber – Ética em Sala de Aula - Abridged by Peri Mesquida & Gabrielly Kauanna de Jesus Ferreira
Coleção Caminhos do Saber – Ética em Sala de Aula - Abridged
Peri Mesquida & Gabrielly Kauanna de Jesus Ferr...
Coleção Caminhos do Saber – Ética em Sala de Aula - Abridged by Peri Mesquida & Gabrielly Kauanna de Jesus Ferreira

Coleção Caminhos do Saber – Ética em Sala de Aula - Abridged

By: Peri Mesquida & Gabrielly Kauanna de Jesus Ferr...

Narrated by: Carolina Manica

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: Yes

A relação professor-aluno, em sala de aula, ou mesmo no espaço escolar, fora da sala de aula, é pautada pela conduta, pelo comportamento, os quais refletem princípios, valores, sentimentos, maneiras de ver o mundo. É inegável que há nessa relação não somente o que se costumou chamar de choque de gerações, mas também a bagagem que ambos trazem,... Read more

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How to Eat by Thich Nhat Hanh
How to Eat
Thich Nhat Hanh
How to Eat by Thich Nhat Hanh

How to Eat

By: Thich Nhat Hanh

Narrated by: John Sackville

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: No

This is an invitation to a joyful and sustainable relationship with all aspects of eating, including gardening, food shopping, preparing, serving, and even cleaning up after a meal.This second book in the bestselling Mindfulness Essentials series, a back-to-basics collection from world-renowned Zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, introduces everyone to... Read more

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The Use of Pleasure by Michel Foucault
The Use of Pleasure
Michel Foucault
The Use of Pleasure by Michel Foucault

The Use of Pleasure

By: Michel Foucault

Narrated by: Elliot Fitzpatrick

Length: 9 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

In this sequel to The History of Sexuality, Volume I: An Introduction, the brilliantly original French thinker who died in 1984 gives an analysis of how the ancient Greeks perceived sexuality.

Throughout The Use of Pleasure Foucault analyzes an irresistible array of ancient Greek texts on eroticism as he tries to answer basic questions: How in... Read more

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A arte de ter razão (resumo) - Abridged by Frederick Douglass
A arte de ter razão (resumo) - Abridged
Frederick Douglass
A arte de ter razão (resumo) - Abridged by Frederick Douglass

A arte de ter razão (resumo) - Abridged

By: Frederick Douglass

Narrated by: Cido Tavares

Length: 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Este minilivro é um resumo produzido a partir da obra original Neste livro Schopenhauer apresenta 38 estratégias sobre a arte de vencer um oponente num debate, não importando os meios, utilizando a maior ferramenta que possuímos; a palavra. É possível recorrer a estes estratagemas, lícitos e ilícitos, para 'obter' razão, e defendê-la quando... Read more

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Estoicismo by John Sellars
John Sellars
Estoicismo by John Sellars


By: John Sellars

Narrated by: Simon Gómez & Santiago Gómez

Length: 6 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

John Sellars, uno de los mayores especialistas en la filosofía estoica, nos ofrece una introducción a esta escuela de pensamiento de la antigua Roma que ofrece herramientas para aprender a vivir y no dejar que nos desborden las emociones negativas. El estoicismo fue una de las escuelas filosóficas más influyentes de la antigüedad y su influencia... Read more

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Four Dissertations by David Hume
Four Dissertations
David Hume
Four Dissertations by David Hume

Four Dissertations

By: David Hume

Narrated by: Jonathan Keeble

Length: 5 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

David Hume (1711-1776) remains one of the most stimulating and entertaining writers in the English essay tradition. Though primarily known for long-form writings, he was adept at taking one subject and looking at it in a more concise but accessible manner.
Hume devoted his life to study – across a wide range of his personal interests, reflecting... Read more

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The Ritual of Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi
The Ritual of Transcendental Magic
Eliphas Levi
The Ritual of Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi

The Ritual of Transcendental Magic

By: Eliphas Levi

Narrated by: Henry Schrader

Length: 7 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

The Ritual of Transcendental Magic was published in 1856. It discusses the actual materials, processes, and settings for conducting ritual magic. The practitioner must purify himself through a temperate diet, regular sleep, and thorough attention to cleaning and hygiene. A complete description of tools like a magical lamp, rod, sword, and dagger... Read more

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Home is Here by Liên Shutt
Home is Here
Liên Shutt
Home is Here by Liên Shutt

Home is Here

By: Liên Shutt

Narrated by: Liên Shutt

Length: 9 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

A guide to living the Engaged Four Noble Truths: antiracist practices for wholeness, healing, and collective liberation.

For readers of Be the Refuge, The Way of Tenderness, Love and Rage, and Radical Dharma.

Home is Here builds on foundational Buddhist teachings—the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path—offering an intersectional frame to help... Read more

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Die neue Weltordnung by Herbert George Wells
Die neue Weltordnung
Herbert George Wells
Die neue Weltordnung by Herbert George Wells

Die neue Weltordnung

By: Herbert George Wells

Narrated by: Oliver Rohloff

Length: 4 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Neue Weltordnung ist im politischen Betrieb ein mittlerweile oft benutztes Schlagwort. Es steht für Konzepte, international eine einheitliche Friedens- und Rechtsordnung durch ein System der kollektiven Sicherheit und Kontrolle zu etablieren. Vordenker gibt es einige. Einer der bekanntesten dürfte jedoch H.G. Wells (1866-1946) sein. Ein... Read more

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Meditations: The Art of War by Sun Tzu
Meditations: The Art of War
Sun Tzu
Meditations: The Art of War by Sun Tzu

Meditations: The Art of War

By: Sun Tzu

Narrated by: Moira Fogarty

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Introducing: "Meditations: The Art of War" - Enhanced Digital Audio Edition  Are you ready to experience two timeless classics in an entirely new way? Dive into the wisdom of Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" with a unique twist that will captivate your mind and transport you to a realm of profound contemplation. Introducing our innovative Enhanced... Read more

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Shulazi. Hörbuch - Morgengespräche im Kloster des Abtes Linji - Abridged by Laszlo Sari
Shulazi. Hörbuch - Morgengespräche im Kloster des Abtes Linji - Abridged
Laszlo Sari
Shulazi. Hörbuch - Morgengespräche im Kloster des Abtes Linji - Abridged by Laszlo Sari

Shulazi. Hörbuch - Morgengespräche im Kloster des Abtes Linji - Abridged

By: Laszlo Sari

Narrated by: Roland Duckarm

Length: 3 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Abt Linji gilt als der originellste Denker und bis heute populärste Meister des chinesischen Buddhismus. Die Morgengespräche mit seinen Mönchen im Kloster sind geprägt von erstaunlichen Fragestellungen und Antworten, von Schlussfolgerungen, die ein unbeschwertes, aber fehlerloses, philosophisches System bilden und behandeln immer das... Read more

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Buddha by Days of History
Days of History
Buddha by Days of History


By: Days of History

Narrated by: James Smith

Length: 2 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you want to know why Buddha became the Buddha?Do you want to enjoy peace of mind?If so, this book is for you!Venture into a path of wisdom as you explore "Buddha". This book unlocks a world of teachings, guiding you through Siddhartha Gautama's remarkable life and his enduring legacy.Walk alongside Siddhartha, experience his struggles, and... Read more

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The Emergence of I by John H. Payne
The Emergence of I
John H. Payne
The Emergence of I by John H. Payne

The Emergence of I

By: John H. Payne

Narrated by: Jonathan Waters

Length: 6 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

The universe wakes up through you.We see history as an unceasing flow of causality and time; an endless series of past events leading up to the present. We feel ourselves as the detached observers of it, somehow standing on the outside watching the world go by. But the truth is we’re not on the outside. We’re at the very center of it... Read more

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Nada hago sin alegría by Pablo Sol Mora
Nada hago sin alegría
Pablo Sol Mora
Nada hago sin alegría by Pablo Sol Mora

Nada hago sin alegría

By: Pablo Sol Mora

Narrated by: Javier Matesanz

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Pocos clásicos están tan vivos, tienen tanto que decirnos, como Michel de Montaigne, autor de los Ensayos. De su mano, este libro intenta dar respuesta a una pregunta que a todos nos concierne: ¿cómo vivir, felizmente, una vida humana?
A veces los clásicos se vuelven meros monumentos, fríos y distantes tras su fama y prestigio. Nada más lejos de... Read more

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Ser estoico no basta by Charles Senard
Ser estoico no basta
Charles Senard
Ser estoico no basta by Charles Senard

Ser estoico no basta

By: Charles Senard

Narrated by: Carlos Moreno

Length: 3 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Un aparente estoicismo parece
rodearnos por doquier. Desde
empresas y publicistas, hasta
deportista e influencers, todos
aconsejan vivir de una manera
Pero ¿no estaremos renunciando
al placer de las pequeñas cosas,
aquellas que podemos elegir del
milenario jardín de la sabiduría
epicúrea? Denostado, incomprendido,
relegado durante siglos al... Read more

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Critical Theory by Stephen Eric Bronner
Critical Theory
Stephen Eric Bronner
Critical Theory by Stephen Eric Bronner

Critical Theory

By: Stephen Eric Bronner

Narrated by: Justin Price

Length: 4 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Critical theory emerged in the 1920s from the work of the Frankfurt School, the circle of German-Jewish academics who sought to diagnose—and, if at all possible, cure—the ills of society, particularly fascism and capitalism. In this book, Stephen Eric Bronner provides sketches of leading representatives of the critical tradition (such as George... Read more

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Rich Instinct by Alex Cespedes
Rich Instinct
Alex Cespedes
Rich Instinct by Alex Cespedes

Rich Instinct

By: Alex Cespedes

Narrated by: Alex Cespedes

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

This world is built on lies. Cunning lies can start wars, swindle fortunes, or sway elections. So your status in life depends on how well you maneuver around deception.The rich take in the world differently than the masses do, and it gives them an edge. Since they gather better information, they're able to make better decisions.If you currently... Read more

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Sophia by Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann
Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann
Sophia by Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann


By: Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann

Narrated by: Sophia Lernwerkstatt

Length: 8 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Die interaktive Philosophie-Ausstellung lädt Sie ein, auf spielerische Weise die Ideen von bedeutenden Philosophen aller Epochen sowie verschiedene philosophische Erlebnisräume kennenzulernen. In Form von einzigartigen künstlerischen Objekten, die zum Anschauen, Nachdenken und Ausprobieren auffordern. Bilder und Angebote der im Mai 2016 im neuen... Read more

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Der integrale Mensch by Maik Hosang
Der integrale Mensch
Maik Hosang
Der integrale Mensch by Maik Hosang

Der integrale Mensch

By: Maik Hosang

Narrated by: Jürgen G. H. Hoppmann

Length: 5 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Mit dem als Titel und Paradigma gewählten Begriff des "Integralen Menschen" knüpft Hosang neben Bahro an visionäre Vordenker wie Fichte, Marx, Aurobindo, Gebser u.a. an. Die zentrale These geht davon aus, dass es für ein würde-, sinn- und freudvolles Überleben der Spezies Mensch vor allem darauf ankommt, die Denken und Handeln lähmenden... Read more

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The Essays on History and Intellect by Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Essays on History and Intellect
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Essays on History and Intellect by Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Essays on History and Intellect

By: Ralph Waldo Emerson

Narrated by: Gary D. MacFadden

Length: 1 hour 35 minutes

Abridged: No

This collection includes two of Emerson’s essays: History and Intellect. Emerson wrote most of his essays to be presented as lectures first, and later revised them for print. The essay History explores the nature and importance of historical understanding. Emerson holds that history is not simply a jumble of events and facts, but rather a living... Read more

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The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi
The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic
Eliphas Levi
The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi

The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic

By: Eliphas Levi

Narrated by: Henry Schrader

Length: 5 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

The Doctrine of Transcendental Magic was first published in 1854. This work establishes the concepts behind symbols like the tetragram and pentagram, the significance of Hebrew letters and numbers, and the relationship between science, occultism, and formal religion. Levi was the first to document the meaning of the points of the pentagram. He... Read more

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Change Your Mind by RJ Spina
Change Your Mind
RJ Spina
Change Your Mind by RJ Spina

Change Your Mind

By: RJ Spina

Narrated by: RJ Spina

Length: 7 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Expanding on techniques featured in Supercharged Self-Healing , RJ Spina shares new high-frequency metaphysics made simple and practical. This audiobook helps you finally be free of the stress, doubts, and low energy that block your joy and quality of life.Change Your Mind uses revolutionary teachings to help rewire your subconscious mind and... Read more

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