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Poétique de Aristote by Aristote
Poétique de Aristote
Poétique de Aristote by Aristote

Poétique de Aristote

By: Aristote

Narrated by: Philippe LEBEAU

Length: 1 hour 45 minutes

Abridged: No

La Poétique est un ouvrage d’Aristote portant sur l’art poétique et plus particulièrement sur les notions de tragédie, d’épopée et d’imitation. Probablement rédigé autour de 335 av. J-C, il a influencé la réflexion occidentale sur l’art pendant des siècles et suscité de nombreux débats. Plusieurs allusions au fil du texte suggèrent que la... Read more

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L’art d’être français by Michel Onfray
L’art d’être français
Michel Onfray
L’art d’être français by Michel Onfray

L’art d’être français

By: Michel Onfray

Narrated by: Frédéric KNEIP

Length: 10 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Lettres à de jeunes philosophes. Un manuel de résistance à l’intention des nouvelles générations.Que dire à des jeunes de vingt ans pour leur conduite dans ce monde qui part à la dérive ? La civilisation s’effondre, les valeurs s’inversent, la culture se rétrécit comme une peau de chagrin, les livres comptent moins que les écrans, l’école... Read more

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El Mito de la Iluminación by OM C. Parkin
El Mito de la Iluminación
OM C. Parkin
El Mito de la Iluminación by OM C. Parkin

El Mito de la Iluminación

By: OM C. Parkin

Narrated by: OM C. Parkin

Length: 47 minutes

Abridged: No

"Todos los deseos son disfraces que encubren un deseo real: el deseo de ser libre". En esta conversación se exponen los mayores conceptos erróneos sobre la iluminación. OM habla de la distinción entre experiencias de despertar e iluminación, que a menudo se meten en el mismo saco. Lo esencial es distinguir si se trata de una experiencia fugaz... Read more

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Life is real only then, when I am by G.I. Gurdjieff
Life is real only then, when I am
G.I. Gurdjieff
Life is real only then, when I am by G.I. Gurdjieff

Life is real only then, when I am

By: G.I. Gurdjieff

Narrated by: Wolfgang Schrader

Length: 4 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

In "Life is real only then, when I am" Gurdjieff gives answers to the fundamental human questions: how do I really live and what are the requirements to lead a real life? What is reality? What is existence? Has every man a given I or what must he do to acquire a real I? First of all, we have to accept that we are not awake, but asleep. The vast... Read more

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The Art of Logical Thinking by William Atkinson
The Art of Logical Thinking
William Atkinson
The Art of Logical Thinking by William Atkinson

The Art of Logical Thinking

By: William Atkinson

Narrated by: Andrew Jackson

Length: 3 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

"The Art of Logical Thinking" by William Atkinson is a classic work on the principles and techniques of sound reasoning and logical thought. Originally published in 1909, this book delves into various aspects of logic, including deductive and inductive reasoning, fallacies, and methods for improving one's ability to think critically and... Read more

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La Généalogie de la morale by Friedrich Nietzsche
La Généalogie de la morale
Friedrich Nietzsche
La Généalogie de la morale by Friedrich Nietzsche

La Généalogie de la morale

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

Narrated by: Philippe LEBEAU

Length: 6 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Cet écrit polémique est publié en 1887. Il suit, complète et éclaire Par-delà le bien et mal. Nietzsche se donne pour objectif de montrer d’où viennent les valeurs morales contemporaines et pourquoi nous devrions en changer pour des valeurs plus saines.La Généalogie de la morale se compose d’une préface et de trois dissertations écrites dans un... Read more

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Stories from Kathasaritasagara series - 2 by Anusha HS
Stories from Kathasaritasagara series - 2
Anusha HS
Stories from Kathasaritasagara series - 2 by Anusha HS

Stories from Kathasaritasagara series - 2

By: Anusha HS

Narrated by: Anusha HS

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

The book Kathasaritsagara has been created by Soma Deva. It consists of 21,500 shlokas.This book Kathasaritsagara has been divided into 18 lambakaas, and those 18 lambakaas are still more divided into 125 Tharanga's.Some lambakaas are very big, while some are very small.If there are 115 Shlokas in the 11th Lambaka, there are around 4925 Shlokas... Read more

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Buddhist Meditation by author
Buddhist Meditation
Buddhist Meditation by author

Buddhist Meditation

By: author

Narrated by: Lee Osorio

Length: 7 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

A Tibetan Buddhist anthology of accessible and authentic contemplative exercises to help cultivate innate yet undeveloped powers of mind, emotion, and body.

A Penguin Classic

    Drawn from Tibet's rich contemplative literature, Buddhist Meditation offers classic exercises focused on the opportunities and challenges of life; cultivating inner... Read more

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Leave The World Alone by Saulius Urbonas
Leave The World Alone
Saulius Urbonas
Leave The World Alone by Saulius Urbonas

Leave The World Alone

By: Saulius Urbonas

Narrated by: Dalan Decker

Length: 2 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you a seeker of freedom, peace, bliss? Do you search for honesty? Maybe you have tried various practices and are looking for more? Or maybe you are familiar with the feeling of silently thinking to yourself that you have not gone anywhere, that the path of the heart is not for you? After you have gone so far… Maybe it is better to leave... Read more

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De la brevedad de la vida by Séneca
De la brevedad de la vida
De la brevedad de la vida by Séneca

De la brevedad de la vida

By: Séneca

Narrated by: ®bseal voice

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Audiolibro narrado en castellano. Lucio Anneo Séneca filósofo, escritor, político y senador romano. Uno de los pensadores más influyentes de la antigua Roma. Considerado como uno de los máximos representantes del estoicismo, una escuela de pensamiento que resalta la importancia de la razón y la autodisciplina en el desarrollo de una vida sabia y... Read more

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The Dogma of Christ by Erich Fromm
The Dogma of Christ
Erich Fromm
The Dogma of Christ by Erich Fromm

The Dogma of Christ

By: Erich Fromm

Narrated by: Bob Souer

Length: 5 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

"Fromm's developing thought merits the critical attention of all concerned with the human condition and its future." —The Washington Post

The essays in this fascinating volume examine present-day psychological and cultural problems with the keen insight and humanistic sympathies characteristic of Erich Fromm's work.

The Dogma of Christ provides... Read more

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The Universal One by Walter Russell
The Universal One
Walter Russell
The Universal One by Walter Russell

The Universal One

By: Walter Russell

Narrated by: Luke Erlenbuch

Length: 12 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

"The Universal One" by Walter Russell is an ambitious and comprehensive work that endeavors to blend the realms of science, philosophy, and spirituality into a singular, cohesive theory of the universe. Published in 1926, Russell's book presents a visionary perspective on the nature of matter, energy, and consciousness, proposing a universe... Read more

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Stories from Kathasaritasagara series -1 by Anusha HS
Stories from Kathasaritasagara series -1
Anusha HS
Stories from Kathasaritasagara series -1 by Anusha HS

Stories from Kathasaritasagara series -1

By: Anusha HS

Narrated by: Anusha HS

Length: 18 minutes

Abridged: No

The book Kathasaritsagara has been created by Soma Deva. It consists of 21,500 shlokas. This book Kathasaritsagara has been divided into 18 lambakaas, and those 18 lambakaas are still more divided into 125 Tharanga's. Some lambakaas are very big, while some are very small. If there are 115 Shlokas in the 11th Lambaka, there are around 4925... Read more

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Good Luck, Bad Luck or No Luck? by Gregory Heary
Good Luck, Bad Luck or No Luck?
Gregory Heary
Good Luck, Bad Luck or No Luck? by Gregory Heary

Good Luck, Bad Luck or No Luck?

By: Gregory Heary

Narrated by: Omar Abu

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Is the concept of 'luck' guiding your decisions more than your faith? Are you ready to challenge how you think about luck and its impact on your life?
Examine the role of 'luck' across different cultures and its effect on personal accountability and decision-making in this insightful study. By dissecting the belief in luck through various... Read more

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Божественна комедія. Пекло by Данте Аліг'єрі
Божественна комедія. Пекло
Данте Аліг'єрі
Божественна комедія. Пекло by Данте Аліг'єрі

Божественна комедія. Пекло

By: Данте Аліг'єрі

Narrated by: Матвій Ніколаєв

Length: 4 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Серед пам'яток світової літератури геніальна «Божественна комедія» Данте Аліг'єрі (1265–1321) посідає одне з чільних місць. У своєму найграндіознішому витворі в символічно-алегоричній формі поет зобразив драматичну долю людської душі: її загибель у пеклі, переродження в чистилищі, тріумф у раю. Поема Данте є найзначнішим явищем Високого... Read more

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HO'OPONOPONO by Arcelio Hernandez Mussio
Arcelio Hernandez Mussio
HO'OPONOPONO by Arcelio Hernandez Mussio


By: Arcelio Hernandez Mussio

Narrated by: JohnWayne "Duke" Holm

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Christians are called on to examine everything. Ho’oponopono may be integrated into spiritual life by Christians for soul-cleansing and self-healing purposes. There is no need to believe in reincarnation or to worship other Gods. Love, forgiveness, reconciliation, and gratefulness can only lead to a positive state of mind, which may benefit many... Read more

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Ho'oponopono (Spanish Edition) by Arcelio Hernandez Mussio
Ho'oponopono (Spanish Edition)
Arcelio Hernandez Mussio
Ho'oponopono (Spanish Edition) by Arcelio Hernandez Mussio

Ho'oponopono (Spanish Edition)

By: Arcelio Hernandez Mussio

Narrated by: Alvaro Lopez

Length: 2 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

El cristiano puede integrar el Ho’oponopono en la vida espiritual con fines de limpieza del alma y autocuración. No hay necesidad de creer en la reencarnación ni de adorar a otros dioses. El amor, el perdón, la reconciliación y el agradecimiento sólo pueden conducir a un estado mental positivo, que puede beneficiar en muchos aspectos, desde la... Read more

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The Dawn of Day by Friedrich Nietzsche
The Dawn of Day
Friedrich Nietzsche
The Dawn of Day by Friedrich Nietzsche

The Dawn of Day

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

Narrated by: Andrew Jackson

Length: 8 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

"The Dawn of Day" (also translated as "Daybreak: Thoughts on the Prejudices of Morality") is a philosophical work by Friedrich Nietzsche, published in 1881. In this book, Nietzsche explores various themes related to morality, culture, religion, and human psychology. He critiques traditional moral values and advocates for a reevaluation of... Read more

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El Kybalión by Los Tres Iniciados - Anónimo
El Kybalión
Los Tres Iniciados - Anónimo
El Kybalión by Los Tres Iniciados - Anónimo

El Kybalión

By: Los Tres Iniciados - Anónimo

Narrated by: ®bseal voice

Length: 3 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Audiolibro narrado en castellano. El Kybalión publicado en 1908, su autoría se atribuye a un grupo anónimo con el nombre de Tres Iniciados cuyas enseñanzas son las bases del hermetismo atribuidas a Hermes Trismegisto personaje helenístico legendario deificado por los egipcios bajo el nombre de Tot.El Kybalión resume las enseñanzas y los siete... Read more

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Thoughts Out of Season by Friedrich Nietzsche
Thoughts Out of Season
Friedrich Nietzsche
Thoughts Out of Season by Friedrich Nietzsche

Thoughts Out of Season

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

Narrated by: Andrew Jackson

Length: 10 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

"Thoughts Out of Season" is a collection of four essays written by Friedrich Nietzsche between 1873 and 1876. Originally published in German as "Unzeitgemässe Betrachtungen," this work represents Nietzsche's critique of contemporary German culture, education, and society. In these essays, Nietzsche challenges prevailing attitudes and values,... Read more

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Himmel Hölle Geisterwelt by Emanuel Swedenborg
Himmel Hölle Geisterwelt
Emanuel Swedenborg
Himmel Hölle Geisterwelt by Emanuel Swedenborg

Himmel Hölle Geisterwelt

By: Emanuel Swedenborg

Narrated by: Volker Braumann

Length: 6 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Für Immanuel Kant waren seine Träume und Visionen nichts weiter als Unsinn und Hirngespinste. Balzac dagegen stellte ihn in eine Reihe mit Zarathustra, Buddha und Jesus Christus. Für die Mehrheit seiner Zeit war er ein verschrobenes Original, über dessen Berichte aus der Geisterwelt sich launig spekulieren ließ. Für viele Künstler und... Read more

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Release from the Cave - Bringing Philosophy to Life #25 by Albert A. Anderson
Release from the Cave - Bringing Philosophy to Life #25
Albert A. Anderson
Release from the Cave - Bringing Philosophy to Life #25 by Albert A. Anderson

Release from the Cave - Bringing Philosophy to Life #25

By: Albert A. Anderson

Narrated by: Albert A. Anderson

Length: 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Join Albert A. Anderson as he delves into Plato's Allegory of the Cave, unraveling its metaphorical layers to illuminate the transformative journey from ignorance to knowledge. Through Socratic dialogue and dialectic, Anderson explores the role of questioning and critical inquiry in uncovering truth, urging listeners to transcend the shadows of... Read more

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Freedom For All - SPECIAL EDITION - Self Hypnosis Guided Prayer Meditation Visualization by Neville Goddard
Freedom For All - SPECIAL EDITION - Self Hypnosis Guided Prayer Meditation Visualization
Neville Goddard
Freedom For All - SPECIAL EDITION - Self Hypnosis Guided Prayer Meditation Visualization by Neville Goddard

Freedom For All - SPECIAL EDITION - Self Hypnosis Guided Prayer Meditation Visualization

By: Neville Goddard

Narrated by: Deborah Schmidt

Length: 1 hour 56 minutes

Abridged: No

In this groundbreaking work, an exploration of the limitless power of the mind, Goddard reveals the secrets to attaining true freedom and living a life of abundance, while also shedding light on hidden meanings contained within biblical passages.
In "Freedom for All," Neville Goddard eloquently expresses the necessity for practical application... Read more

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Ética de la apropiación cultural by Jens Balzer
Ética de la apropiación cultural
Jens Balzer
Ética de la apropiación cultural by Jens Balzer

Ética de la apropiación cultural

By: Jens Balzer

Narrated by: Roger Vidal

Length: 1 hour 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Hasta hace poco, ni siquiera habríamos entendido el sentido de esta clase de preguntas. Pero hoy, cuando la imparable globalización que todo lo homogeneiza ha suscitado como reacción la reivindicación de indigenismos agraviados, ningún debate cultural es más candente y delicado que el de la apropiación cultural. Por tal se entiende la... Read more

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