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Nonfiction audiobooks

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The Age of Reagan by Sean Wilentz
The Age of Reagan
Sean Wilentz
The Age of Reagan by Sean Wilentz

The Age of Reagan

By: Sean Wilentz

Narrated by: Dick Hill

Length: 22 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

In The Age of Reagan, Sean Wilentz offers a fresh, brilliant chronicle of America's political history since the fall of Nixon. The past thirty-five years have marked an era of conservatism. Although briefly interrupted in the late 1970s and temporarily reversed in the 1990s, a powerful surge from the Right has dominated American politics and... Read more

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Kluge by Gary Marcus
Gary Marcus
Kluge by Gary Marcus


By: Gary Marcus

Narrated by: Stephen Hoye

Length: 6 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

Are we "noble in reason"? Perfect, in God's image? Far from it, says New York University psychologist Gary Marcus. In this lucid and revealing book, Marcus argues that the mind is not an elegantly designed organ but a "kluge," a clumsy, cobbled-together contraption. He unveils a fundamentally new way of looking at the human mind—think duct tape,... Read more

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A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the White House by Charles Osgood
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the White House
Charles Osgood
A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the White House by Charles Osgood

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the White House

By: Charles Osgood

Narrated by: Norman Dietz

Length: 5 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

As Charles Osgood showed in his popular book Kilroy Was Here: The Best American Humor from World War II, sometimes the most intense situations yield the most unexpectedly funny stories. And few situations are more intense than a presidential campaign.

From FDR to Harry Truman to JFK to George W. Bush, A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the... Read more

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Can't Remember What I Forgot by Sue Halpern
Can't Remember What I Forgot
Sue Halpern
Can't Remember What I Forgot by Sue Halpern

Can't Remember What I Forgot

By: Sue Halpern

Narrated by: Cassandra Campbell

Length: 8 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

When Sue Halpern decided to emulate the first modern scientist of memory, Hermann Ebbinghaus, who experimented on himself, she had no idea that after a day of radioactive testing, her brain would become so "hot" that leaving through the front door of the lab would trigger the alarm. This was not the first time that Halpern had her head examined... Read more

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China - Das alte und neue Reich der Mitte - Abridged by Heinz Wagner
China - Das alte und neue Reich der Mitte - Abridged
Heinz Wagner
China - Das alte und neue Reich der Mitte - Abridged by Heinz Wagner

China - Das alte und neue Reich der Mitte - Abridged

By: Heinz Wagner

Narrated by: Claus Brockmeier & Martin Umbach

Length: 4 hours 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Vor 2.200 Jahren vereinigte ein lokaler Fürst alle chinesischen Reiche zum ersten einheitlichen Staat, gründete das Reich der Mitte und ernannte sich selber zum ersten Kaiser. In einer wechselvollen Geschichte entstand die einzigartige Kultur Chinas, das sich selbst als Vielvölkerstaat versteht. Mit der Erfindung von Papier, Buchdruck,... Read more

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Forbidden Fruit by Betty DeRamus
Forbidden Fruit
Betty DeRamus
Forbidden Fruit by Betty DeRamus

Forbidden Fruit

By: Betty DeRamus

Narrated by: Bernadette Drayton, Yusef Miller, Kevin R. Free...

Length: 8 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

A Pulitzer Prize finalist, Betty DeRamus is an award-winning journalist who rummaged through musty records and forgotten memoirs to resurrect this book's unsung heroes. Despite the risks, some American slaves partook of the "forbidden fruit" of marriage. And when the dreaded separation inevitably occurred, slave spouses grieved deeply and... Read more

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Storm from the East by Milton Viorst
Storm from the East
Milton Viorst
Storm from the East by Milton Viorst

Storm from the East

By: Milton Viorst

Narrated by: Paul Hecht

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

In this enlightening work,The New Yorker's longtime Middle East correspondent, Milton Viorst contends that today's Arab-American conflict is the latest round in a 1,400-year clash between Islam and Christianity. As Islamic power weakened, Ottoman Turks eventually swallowed up the entire Arab world by 1600. When the Ottoman Empire collapsed after... Read more

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Kids Make History: A New Look at America's History by Various
Kids Make History: A New Look at America's History
Kids Make History: A New Look at America's History by Various

Kids Make History: A New Look at America's History

By: Various

Narrated by: Elspeth Leacock & Susan Buckley

Length: 1 hour 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Experience important moments in history with 20 young Americans-from the thrilling adventures of Powhatan's favorite daughter in 1607 to the horrifying day the Twin Towers fell in 2001. - Feel the evil in the Salem air with Massachusetts resident Ann Putnam (1692). - Battle Redcoats on Long Island with Yankee Doodle soldier Joseph Martin (1776).... Read more

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Spycraft by H. Keith Melton, Henry Robert Schlesinger & Robert Wallace
H. Keith Melton, Henry Robert Schlesinger & Rob...
Spycraft by H. Keith Melton, Henry Robert Schlesinger & Robert Wallace


By: H. Keith Melton, Henry Robert Schlesinger & Rob...

Narrated by: David Drummond

Length: 19 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

—Secret instructions written in invisible ink

—Covert communications slipped inside dead rats

—Subminiature cameras hidden in ballpoint pens

If these sound like the stuff of science fiction or imaginary tools of James Bond's gadget-master Q's trade, think again. They are real-life devices created by the CIA's Office of Technical Service. Now, in... Read more

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Sudelbücher - Abridged by Georg Christoph Lichtenstein
Sudelbücher - Abridged
Georg Christoph Lichtenstein
Sudelbücher - Abridged by Georg Christoph Lichtenstein

Sudelbücher - Abridged

By: Georg Christoph Lichtenstein

Narrated by: Gert Heidenreich

Length: 2 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Über 30 Jahre lang vermerkte Lichtenberg in den 15 Bänden seiner heimlich geführten "Sudelbücher" bissige Blitzideen und spitze Kritiken, aufsässige Anmerkungen und ewige Weisheiten, muntere Verse und bissige Häme zu Politik und Gesellschaft, Kirche und Religion, Dünkel und Blasiertheit, Mann und Frau. Kein Wunder, dass er sie Zeit seines Lebens... Read more

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Warum lachen die Menschen? - Abridged by Helmut Bachmaier
Warum lachen die Menschen? - Abridged
Helmut Bachmaier
Warum lachen die Menschen? - Abridged by Helmut Bachmaier

Warum lachen die Menschen? - Abridged

By: Helmut Bachmaier

Narrated by: Helmut Bachmaier

Length: 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Man kann ohne Grund lachen. Aber niemand lacht gerne unter seinem Niveau. Deshalb ist es gut zu wissen, warum wir lachen oder was an einem Witz das Komische ist. Anhand klassischer Zeugnisse aus Philosophie und Psychologie werden die Theorien über das Lachen als Ausdruckshandlung und Perspektivenwechsel vorgetragen. Read more

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Die Völkerwanderung - Abridged by Ulrich Offenberg
Die Völkerwanderung - Abridged
Ulrich Offenberg
Die Völkerwanderung - Abridged by Ulrich Offenberg

Die Völkerwanderung - Abridged

By: Ulrich Offenberg

Narrated by: Gert Heidenreich, Uwe Kosubeck & Martin Umbach

Length: 3 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Römische Reich ist auf dem Zenit seiner Macht, da branden immer neue germanische Stämme an die Grenzen des römischen Imperiums, erschüttern das Reich in seinen Grundfesten. Waren es um 120 zunächst die Kimbern und Teutonen, die den Römern das Fürchten lehrten, so machten sich später auch die sagenumwobenen West- und Ostgoten auf den... Read more

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Segeln - Abridged by Karl Forster
Segeln - Abridged
Karl Forster
Segeln - Abridged by Karl Forster

Segeln - Abridged

By: Karl Forster

Narrated by: Norbert Langer

Length: 3 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Das Hörbuch erzählt von blonden Heldenskippern, Regatta-Rächern, segelnden Aussteigern, Hundewachen und perfekt gemixten Anlege-Drinks. Für alle die weder Wellen, Gischt, Mast- und Schotbruch fürchten. "Der Körper bewegt sich im Rhythmus des Schiffes. Man beginnt eins zu werden mit dem Meer. Es wird dabei kräftig unterstützt vom Wind. Wenn... Read more

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Werner Heisenberg - Abridged by Ernst Peter Fischer
Werner Heisenberg - Abridged
Ernst Peter Fischer
Werner Heisenberg - Abridged by Ernst Peter Fischer

Werner Heisenberg - Abridged

By: Ernst Peter Fischer

Narrated by: Ernst Peter Fischer

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Werner Heisenberg (1901 - 1976) war kreativer und ehrgeiziger als alle anderen Physiker seiner Generation. Er beherrschte bereits in frühester Jugend die Werkzeuge der Mathematik ebenso wie die Tasten des Pianos. Mühelos lernte er fremde Sprachen und fuhr rasant Ski. Er schüttelte vor allem grandiose, physikalische Ideen aus dem Ärmel und... Read more

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Moving Forward by Dave Pelzer
Moving Forward
Dave Pelzer
Moving Forward by Dave Pelzer

Moving Forward

By: Dave Pelzer

Narrated by: L. J. Ganser

Length: 5 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Self-help expert Dave Pelzer teaches readers how to let go of the past, and use negative experiences to make them stronger when tackling the future.

"Learning from our prior experiences, we can, and should, aspire to fulfill our dreams, making life better not only for ourselves but for others around us during the course of our life's journey,"... Read more

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Ark of the Liberties by Ted Widmer
Ark of the Liberties
Ted Widmer
Ark of the Liberties by Ted Widmer

Ark of the Liberties

By: Ted Widmer

Narrated by: William Hughes

Length: 13 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

From its earliest beginnings, America has been seen as an icon of liberty with a mission to redeem the world. Often, the ideal fits. But sometimes even our most noble aspirations can be as damaging as they are uplifting. With wit, brilliance, and deep affection, the inimitable Ted Widmer traces America’s wondrous history, from the Declaration of... Read more

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Even Buffett Isn't Perfect by Vahan Janjigian
Even Buffett Isn't Perfect
Vahan Janjigian
Even Buffett Isn't Perfect by Vahan Janjigian

Even Buffett Isn't Perfect

By: Vahan Janjigian

Narrated by: Kent Cassella

Length: 6 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Warren Buffett is the most successful and revered investor of all time. His ability to consistently find undervalued companies has made him one of the world's richest men.

Despite many previous books about him, it's rare to find an objective assessment—one that praises him when appropriate but also recognizes that even Buffett makes mistakes. For... Read more

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Inventing Niagara by Ginger Strand
Inventing Niagara
Ginger Strand
Inventing Niagara by Ginger Strand

Inventing Niagara

By: Ginger Strand

Narrated by: Karen White

Length: 13 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Americans call Niagara Falls a natural wonder, but the falls aren't very natural anymore. In fact, they are a study in artifice. Water diverted, riverbed reshaped, brink stabilized, and landscape redesigned, the falls are more a monument to man's meddling than to nature's strength. Held up as an example of something real, they are hemmed in with... Read more

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The Wah-Wah Diaries by Richard E Grant
The Wah-Wah Diaries
Richard E Grant
The Wah-Wah Diaries by Richard E Grant

The Wah-Wah Diaries

By: Richard E Grant

Narrated by: Richard E Grant

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Ten years after the publication of With Nails, Richard E Grant’s brilliant memoir of his years in Hollywood, Macmillan Digital Audio are proud to be publishing Wah-Wah, the very personal diaries of his debut behind the camera, as writer and director of his autobiographical movie of the same name. It is both a fascinating insight into the... Read more

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The Legend of Colton H. Bryant by Alexandra Fuller
The Legend of Colton H. Bryant
Alexandra Fuller
The Legend of Colton H. Bryant by Alexandra Fuller

The Legend of Colton H. Bryant

By: Alexandra Fuller

Narrated by: Ed Sala

Length: 6 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

The best-selling author of Don't Let's Go to the Dogs Tonight, Alexandra Fuller presents this heart-rending story of a simple man whose life is cut short. Colton H. Bryant loves Wyoming and loves life. Mind over matter, he always says-"If you don't mind, it don't matter." And so, like his father and his father's father before him, he gets a... Read more

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Baldwin's Harlem by Herb Boyd
Baldwin's Harlem
Herb Boyd
Baldwin's Harlem by Herb Boyd

Baldwin's Harlem

By: Herb Boyd

Narrated by: Peter Jay Fernandez

Length: 6 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Award-winning journalist Herb Boyd, author of Sugar Ray Robinson's biography Pound for Pound, combines impeccable research with astute literary criticism in Baldwin's Harlem. Packed with telling anecdotes, this concise volume illuminates Baldwin's diverse views and his impressions of the community that would remain a consistent presence in... Read more

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The Age Curve by Kenneth W. Gronbach
The Age Curve
Kenneth W. Gronbach
The Age Curve by Kenneth W. Gronbach

The Age Curve

By: Kenneth W. Gronbach

Narrated by: Max Bloomquist

Length: 6 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

For years, savvy marketers have held on to certain unwavering beliefs that have dictated how they market to their consumers. The hard truth, however, is that at the heart of the changes we see in marketing and business is based on one undeniable factor—the size of the generations we are selling to. As each generation ages, what they buy and how... Read more

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No Man's Land by Ruth Fowler
No Man's Land
Ruth Fowler
No Man's Land by Ruth Fowler

No Man's Land

By: Ruth Fowler

Narrated by: Ruth Fowler

Length: 8 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Unabridged CDs * 7 CDs, 8 hours

The gripping, gritty story of a young woman’s plunge into the underbelly of Manhattan’s strip clubs—and how she got back out. Read more

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Noch mehr Fish! - Abridged by Stephen C Lundin, Harry Paul & John Christensen
Noch mehr Fish! - Abridged
Stephen C Lundin, Harry Paul & John Christensen
Noch mehr Fish! - Abridged by Stephen C Lundin, Harry Paul & John Christensen

Noch mehr Fish! - Abridged

By: Stephen C Lundin, Harry Paul & John Christensen

Narrated by: Edda Fischer & Simon Roden

Length: 4 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Keinen Spaß an der Arbeit? Flaute im Privatleben? Dann brauchen Sie mehr FISH! in Ihrem Leben. Die wahren Geschichten über das Call-Center, in dem glitzernde Disco-Kugeln aufgehängt wurden, den Autohändler, der Cappuccino serviert, oder den Dachdeckerlehrling, der täglich seinen Chef coacht, machen klar, dass es nicht darauf ankommt, was man... Read more

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