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Mindfulness para asesinos by Karsten Dusse
Mindfulness para asesinos
Karsten Dusse
Mindfulness para asesinos by Karsten Dusse

Mindfulness para asesinos

By: Karsten Dusse

Narrated by: Pablo Ibáñez Durán

Length: 8 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Más de 2.500.000 de lectores. El thriller más divertido que leerás este año. Incapaz de conciliar su vida laboral y familiar, Björn Diemel decide dar el paso e inscribirse a un curso de mindfulness. Espera así poner fin a las tensiones que le superan y encontrar la paz interior. Pero cuando eres abogado criminalista y tu principal cliente es un... Read more

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Der Nordseeritzer by Drea Summer
Der Nordseeritzer
Drea Summer
Der Nordseeritzer by Drea Summer

Der Nordseeritzer

By: Drea Summer

Narrated by: Gerrit Petersen

Length: 7 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Was würdest du tun, um dein Geheimnis zu bewahren? Ein Mann springt vor den Augen von Kriminalkommissar Jan Graf von den Klippen des Roten Kliffs auf Sylt. Stefanie Teufel eilt ihrem Kollegen zu Hilfe. Es war kein Selbstmord, so viel steht schnell fest. Wer hat diesen Mann in den Tod getrieben und warum? Ein altes Foto im Haus des Opfers... Read more

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Backrush by Jana DeLeon
Jana DeLeon
Backrush by Jana DeLeon


By: Jana DeLeon

Narrated by: Lucy Rivers & Tom Taylorson

Length: 7 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

The sea heals all things. Tempest Island has weathered the worst of storms and still stands proud, providing its residents with the healing power of the sea and sun. When Alayna Scott’s life falls spectacularly apart, both professionally and personally, the executive chef’s only thought is getting back home to the island and her aunt Bea.... Read more

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Vieraita by Esa Mäkijärvi
Esa Mäkijärvi
Vieraita by Esa Mäkijärvi


By: Esa Mäkijärvi

Narrated by: Eva Lönnblad

Length: 7 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Riipaiseva rakkaustarina jatkosodan ajalta!On vuosi 1944. Kartano seisoo tyhjillään Karjalassa aivan rintaman tuntumassa. Nuori Anna ja sotilas Viljami tapaavat asemiin jämähtäneen jatkosodan kytiessä taustalla. Molemmat pakenevat tilannettaan, Anna sairautta ja Lotta Svärd -järjestöä, Viljami omia mörköjään. Kun kaksi ulkopuolista saa... Read more

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Becoming Mrs Mulberry by Jackie French
Becoming Mrs Mulberry
Jackie French
Becoming Mrs Mulberry by Jackie French

Becoming Mrs Mulberry

By: Jackie French

Narrated by: Edwina Wren

Length: 14 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

From bestselling author Jackie French comes a book about the secrets we carry, those that we unearth - and those that are too dangerous to tell.
The once impoverished medical student Agnes Glock is now the fabulously wealthy Mrs Mulberry. Her estate in the mountains is magnificent, a haven for those too ravaged by the Great War to cope with the... Read more

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The Spindle by Ashley Griffin
The Spindle
Ashley Griffin
The Spindle by Ashley Griffin

The Spindle

By: Ashley Griffin

Narrated by: Ashley Griffin

Length: 6 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

The Spindle is the classic fairy tale, Sleeping Beauty, retold from the dark fairy's point of view. Set in the Celtic world of the fifth century, the Faeries, elemental spirits charged with caring for the earth and all its inhabitants, are being forgotten and facing extinction. In a desperate bid for survival, sweet, sycophantic Violet, faerie... Read more

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The Family Jewels by Caimh McDonnell
The Family Jewels
Caimh McDonnell
The Family Jewels by Caimh McDonnell

The Family Jewels

By: Caimh McDonnell

Narrated by: Morgan C Jones

Length: 10 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Bah Humbug!It’s almost Christmas and Detective Bunny McGarry is not in the festive spirit. His mood is not improved when an old friend becomes the victim of a violent assault and, for reasons he can’t understand, the police force he is a member of has decided not to investigate. Getting to the bottom of the case ends up putting him on the wrong... Read more

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Prem o Hashyorash Galpo Sashthadash - Volume 1 : MyStoryGenie Bengali Audiobook Boxset 10 by Suchitra Bhattacharya, Ratantanu Ghati, Debarati Mukhopadhyay, INDRANIL SANYAL, Manoranjan Bhattacharya, Rajshekhar Basu, Sayak Aman & ULLAS MALLICK
Prem o Hashyorash Galpo Sashthadash - Volume 1 : MyStoryGenie Bengali Audiobook Boxset 10
Suchitra Bhattacharya, Ratantanu Ghati, Debarat...
Prem o Hashyorash Galpo Sashthadash - Volume 1 : MyStoryGenie Bengali Audiobook Boxset 10 by Suchitra Bhattacharya, Ratantanu Ghati, Debarati Mukhopadhyay, INDRANIL SANYAL, Manoranjan Bhattacharya, Rajshekhar Basu, Sayak Aman & ULLAS MALLICK

Prem o Hashyorash Galpo Sashthadash - Volume 1 : MyStoryGenie Bengali Audiobook Boxset 10

By: Suchitra Bhattacharya, Ratantanu Ghati, Debarat...

Narrated by: Bhaktiprasad Adhikari, Ujjyal Chattopadhyay, Ag...

Length: 7 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Love is a fascinating aspect of human emotions that embalms withered souls with new hope and zest for life. Yet love manifests in myriad shades ranging from caring to conjugal, physical to psychological, empowering to escorting. Often love follows good humor, and together these two human instincts trigger the highest form of hedonistic pleasures... Read more

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Czarne tango by Régine Deforges
Czarne tango
Régine Deforges
Czarne tango by Régine Deforges

Czarne tango

By: Régine Deforges

Narrated by: Emilia Strzelecka

Length: 13 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Jaki wyrok czeka nazistowskich zbrodniarzy, których procesy ruszyły w Norymberdze 1945 r.? Czy zbyt wcześnie dojrzała Léa Delmas odnajdzie spokój i szczęście u boku charyzmatycznego przywódcy ruchu oporu, François Taverniera? Piękne marzenia tej pary o wspólnej przyszłości zrujnują działania byłych więźniów obozu w Ravensbrück, którzy tak jak... Read more

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A diabeł wciąż się śmieje by Régine Deforges
A diabeł wciąż się śmieje
Régine Deforges
A diabeł wciąż się śmieje by Régine Deforges

A diabeł wciąż się śmieje

By: Régine Deforges

Narrated by: Emilia Strzelecka

Length: 16 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Czy w obliczu śmierci najbliższych można jeszcze cieszyć się z końca wojny i planować przyszłość u boku namiętnego kochanka, który okazuje się prawdziwą miłością?Ścigana za pracę na rzecz ruchu oporu Léa Delmas schroniła się w Paryżu i widziała jego wyzwolenie, a przy tym poznała okrutną prawdę na temat swoich żydowskich przyjaciół... Read more

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Dr. Amens by Benedict Matysik
Dr. Amens
Benedict Matysik
Dr. Amens by Benedict Matysik

Dr. Amens

By: Benedict Matysik

Narrated by: Jan Abraham, Jan Winnenberg, Andrè Polis, Marc ...

Length: 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Akte 1: Hendrik Jansen, ein Mittdreißiger, prügelt laut singend einen Passanten mit einer Schaufel zu Tode, während eine weitere junge Passantin in Ohnmacht fällt. Hr. Jansen stürzt sich auf die am Boden liegende Frau und fleht um das Leben seiner Oma. Was haben ein seltsamer Fetisch, ein Schachbrett und die mahnenden Worte einer alten Frau... Read more

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Nothing is forever, Tome 4 by Ninie C.
Nothing is forever, Tome 4
Ninie C.
Nothing is forever, Tome 4 by Ninie C.

Nothing is forever, Tome 4

By: Ninie C.

Narrated by: Stéphane Colin

Length: 3 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Après avoir traversé de multiples péripéties, Sarah et Enzo espèrent pouvoir enfin profiter de la fin de grossesse de celle-ci plus sereinement. Mais c'est sans compter sur les soucis qu'ils vont connaitre encore une fois dans ce dernier TOME. Sarah et Enzo devront compter sur l'amour qui les uni et qui les soude pour surmonter tout ce qui les... Read more

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Aleja Henri Martin 101 by Régine Deforges
Aleja Henri Martin 101
Régine Deforges
Aleja Henri Martin 101 by Régine Deforges

Aleja Henri Martin 101

By: Régine Deforges

Narrated by: Emilia Strzelecka

Length: 15 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Czy młodej, zmysłowej kobiecie uda się uratować z rąk okupanta tych, których kocha i trochę wbrew zdrowemu rozsądkowi zaznać wszelkich uciech życia? Młodziutka Léa po utracie rodziców próbuje utrzymać posiadłość w Montillac, co jest bardzo trudne, zważywszy na brak pieniędzy i potencjalne wizyty gestapo, francuskiej policji oraz przyjaciół, z... Read more

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The Green Mage by Michael Simms
The Green Mage
Michael Simms
The Green Mage by Michael Simms

The Green Mage

By: Michael Simms

Narrated by: Benjamin Fife

Length: 10 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Norbert Oldfoot is a simple mage who makes his living traveling the Bekla River Road, selling trade goods, performing healing magic, and singing traditional songs of heroes. He becomes friends with Kerttu, a coppersmith who has developed a new alloy which is perfect for manufacturing swords. When Kerttu is kidnapped by the evil Wizard Ludek.... Read more

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Im Schmelzwasser (Ungekürzt) by Chantal Foster
Im Schmelzwasser (Ungekürzt)
Chantal Foster
Im Schmelzwasser (Ungekürzt) by Chantal Foster

Im Schmelzwasser (Ungekürzt)

By: Chantal Foster

Narrated by: René Wagner

Length: 4 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Als Caterina den reiselustigen Henning kennenlernt, ahnt sie noch nicht, dass sie wenige Monate später dabei helfen soll, seinen Tod aufzuklären. Doch die Erinnerungen an ihn sind vage, es gab nicht viel mehr als ein paar E-Mails. Die Unsicherheit in Bezug auf Henning mischt sich mit der Frage nach Caterinas eigener Herkunft und ihrer Suche nach... Read more

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Taste by Tracy Ewens
Tracy Ewens
Taste by Tracy Ewens


By: Tracy Ewens

Narrated by: Xe Sands

Length: 9 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

If only life were as simple as following a recipe.In her twenties, Kara Malendar found herself at Le Cordon Bleu culinary school in Paris, thousands of miles away from the harsh media coverage of her political family. But Paris ended abruptly when she was summoned home to Los Angeles and expected to stand in again as the senator’s perfect... Read more

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Niebieski rower. 1939-1942 by Régine Deforges
Niebieski rower. 1939-1942
Régine Deforges
Niebieski rower. 1939-1942 by Régine Deforges

Niebieski rower. 1939-1942

By: Régine Deforges

Narrated by: Emilia Strzelecka

Length: 18 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Jak się odnaleźć w obliczu wojny, okupacji oraz wszechogarniającej śmierci, gdy ma się tylko 17-lat i ogromny apetyt na poznawanie rozkoszy dorosłego życia? Kochająca wolność, zmysłowa Léa Delmas wiedzie spokojne życie wśród malowniczych winnic ojca i coraz śmielej podąża za pragnieniami o namiętnej miłości. Beztroskę tej złotowłosej nastolatki... Read more

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Edith Wharton's New York Stories Vol. 2 by Edith Wharton
Edith Wharton's New York Stories Vol. 2
Edith Wharton
Edith Wharton's New York Stories Vol. 2 by Edith Wharton

Edith Wharton's New York Stories Vol. 2

By: Edith Wharton

Narrated by: Carrington MacDuffie

Length: 6 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Award-winning narrator Carrington MacDuffie is the perfect choice to read this delightful collection of Edith Wharton’s New York stories, Volume 2.
Mrs. Manstey’s View
The Pot-Boiler
His Father’s Son
The Quicksand
The Rembrandt
The Dilettante
That Good May Come
Roman Fever
The Other Two
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Last Chance Lake by Liz Isaacson
Last Chance Lake
Liz Isaacson
Last Chance Lake by Liz Isaacson

Last Chance Lake

By: Liz Isaacson

Narrated by: Naomi Rose-Mock

Length: 4 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

A cowboy guitarist looking to make more money. The woman he's trying to impress. Can Cache capture Karla's heart through...cow cuddling?
Cache Bryant loves the dairy cows he brought to Last Chance Ranch, especially when he learns he can make some extra income with them. If he could get rid of his past debt, maybe he could convince the beautiful,... Read more

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Karma's Twist by Jwyan C. Johnson
Karma's Twist
Jwyan C. Johnson
Karma's Twist by Jwyan C. Johnson

Karma's Twist

By: Jwyan C. Johnson

Narrated by: Priscilla Broussard

Length: 1 hour 46 minutes

Abridged: No

After DNA evidence is lost, a domino-effect of politics becomes a trial sure to set two defendants free on technicality. But defendant Barry Sych turns into a murder mystery one day before trial. And legal fingers are pointing at their very own prosecutor!Conspiracy becomes its own trial, charging a top attorney and a crime-rhyming poet. A... Read more

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A Sudden Romance by Rose Fresquez
A Sudden Romance
Rose Fresquez
A Sudden Romance by Rose Fresquez

A Sudden Romance

By: Rose Fresquez

Narrated by: Rachel Bourquin

Length: 7 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

She hates being defined by the wealth she was born into. He sees her for who she is. Can a guy from the wrong side of the tracks overcome his insecurities to offer an heiress his heart?Architect Iris Stone designs fabulous buildings but can’t manage her love life. Even seemingly perfect dates end up collapsing. Her family insists she’s trying to... Read more

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Das Rätsel um den toten Inselarzt by Riley White
Das Rätsel um den toten Inselarzt
Riley White
Das Rätsel um den toten Inselarzt by Riley White

Das Rätsel um den toten Inselarzt

By: Riley White

Narrated by: Sonja Ortwein-Kubocz

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Die aufstrebende New Yorker Schauspielerin Sophie Doyle muss aus Schutz vor einem Stalker auf die abgeschiedene irische Insel St. John's Island ziehen. Doch entgegen ihrer Vermutung, geht es in dem malerischen Fischerdorf alles andere als langweilig zu. Schon bald steckt sie in einem Netz aus Intrigen und wird für den Mord am Inselarzt... Read more

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Alchemik z gwiazdy by Sonia Wiśniewska
Alchemik z gwiazdy
Sonia Wiśniewska
Alchemik z gwiazdy by Sonia Wiśniewska

Alchemik z gwiazdy

By: Sonia Wiśniewska

Narrated by: Tomasz Sobczak

Length: 5 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Fantastyczna podróż w poszukiwaniu kamienia filozoficznego... i nie tylko.Życie Karola w południowym królestwie wydaje się być poukładane i sprawne, jak trybik w zegarze... Nadworny alchemik króla ma więcej wolnego czasu, bo jego władca zapadł, jak co roku, w zimowy sen. Wkrótce jednak tę sielankę przerwie niespodziewane przebudzenie monarchy,... Read more

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The Ghost of Oaklands by Dan Ross
The Ghost of Oaklands
Dan Ross
The Ghost of Oaklands by Dan Ross

The Ghost of Oaklands

By: Dan Ross

Narrated by: Romy Nordlinger

Length: 5 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

House of Terror

Paula Courtland had come home to Oaklands, the family mansion, with a heavy heart.  Strange and terrifying things were happening, and the old house shuddered with evil.

For a voice spoke down the hallways, and its message was ominous:  Paula's life was to be destroyed.

And the voice? And the stealthy footsteps in the night?  They... Read more

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