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His Christmas Bride by Christine Sterling
His Christmas Bride
Christine Sterling
His Christmas Bride by Christine Sterling

His Christmas Bride

By: Christine Sterling

Narrated by: Derek Dysart

Length: 2 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

All that widow Regina Graham wants to do is provide a home for her children. After being separated from their wagon train, they managed to go unnoticed along the banks of a nearby small creek. With harsh winter weather looming over them, she isn’t sure how much longer they can survive. The last thing she expects is to be accused of trespassing... Read more

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Irish feelings 4 Greycastle in Love by Emma Wagner
Irish feelings 4 Greycastle in Love
Emma Wagner
Irish feelings 4 Greycastle in Love by Emma Wagner

Irish feelings 4 Greycastle in Love

By: Emma Wagner

Narrated by: Nadine Zaddam

Length: 12 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Eine einzige Nacht kann alles ändern. Vor allem, wenn man sich nicht an sie erinnert … Irland, ein Castle und ein Earl. Besser geht es doch gar nicht, oder? Das ist Beckys Hoffnung, als sie mit gebrochenem Herzen und ohne Job Zuflucht bei ihren Freundinnen in Greycastlehill sucht. Ein Neuanfang muss her. Allerdings hatte sie damit nicht... Read more

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Hawker and the King's Jewel by Ethan Bale
Hawker and the King's Jewel
Ethan Bale
Hawker and the King's Jewel by Ethan Bale

Hawker and the King's Jewel

By: Ethan Bale

Narrated by: Harry Myers

Length: 12 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

In the twilight of the Wars of the Roses, one knight carries out a final mission for his fallen king...August 1485. Grizzled knight Sir John Hawker carries a heavy burden on his shoulders, but a chance for atonement beckons when his liege lord, King Richard III, charges Hawker with two secret missions. However, when Richard falls at the Battle... Read more

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Cherishing His Rescued Bride by Christine Sterling
Cherishing His Rescued Bride
Christine Sterling
Cherishing His Rescued Bride by Christine Sterling

Cherishing His Rescued Bride

By: Christine Sterling

Narrated by: Derek Dysart

Length: 3 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Oliver Chapman is living his best life; he has everything he needs, with no intention of getting married. That is, until a mysterious woman shows up on his ranch. Can a marriage of convenience lead to Oliver losing his heart?A battered woman is the last thing Oliver Chapman expected to see when he was scouting on the range. He knew he had no... Read more

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Springtime for Murder by Debbie Young
Springtime for Murder
Debbie Young
Springtime for Murder by Debbie Young

Springtime for Murder

By: Debbie Young

Narrated by: Mary Woodvine

Length: 5 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

When Bunny Carter, the old lady from the Manor House, is discovered in an open grave, Sophie Sayers is sure it's a case of foul play. But when it comes to suspects, she's spoiled for choice.One of Bunny's squabbling children from three different husbands?Petunia Lot from the Cats Prevention charity, always angling for a legacy?All these and more... Read more

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Hold On To Me by Karen Grey
Hold On To Me
Karen Grey
Hold On To Me by Karen Grey

Hold On To Me

By: Karen Grey

Narrated by: Mackenzie Cartwright & J.F. Harding

Length: 7 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

She’s my boss, and she’s a stone-cold fox.Two months ago, I lost my boat, my cat, and—with my leg in a cast—my income. Until I can walk again, the only job I’m fit for is one few have survived.See, my new boss has a reputation. She's grumpy, no-nonsense, and runs a tight ship. Keeping a firm hold on a movie budget does require nerves of steel,... Read more

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Havannan kuumuus – eroottinen novelli by Vanessa Salt
Havannan kuumuus – eroottinen novelli
Vanessa Salt
Havannan kuumuus – eroottinen novelli by Vanessa Salt

Havannan kuumuus – eroottinen novelli

By: Vanessa Salt

Narrated by: Kaisa Koskinen

Length: 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Eräällä hautausmaalla Havannassa liikkuu kaksi henkilöä. Bolerotanssija Carlós, sellaisen ulkomuodon kera, joka vie ajatukset tummaan Adonikseen. Ja Clarissa, ruotsalainen, joka on paennut kylmää pölyyn, kuumuuteen ja värikkääseen arkkitehtuuriin. Tanssijana Carlós on tottunut olemaan intiimisti naisten kanssa, mutta kun hän näkee Clarissan, hän... Read more

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Bittersweet Dominance by Mia Kingsley
Bittersweet Dominance
Mia Kingsley
Bittersweet Dominance by Mia Kingsley

Bittersweet Dominance

By: Mia Kingsley

Narrated by: Leni Engel, Bruno Sturm & Hagen Winterfels

Length: 2 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Shane Ihr Bruder hat uns beauftragt, sie zu beschützen – nur ist Ryanne der Meinung, unseren Schutz nicht zu benötigen. Ich weiß nicht, ob ich sie lieber erwürgen oder küssen möchte, damit sie ihr vorlautes Mundwerk hält … Brann Ryanne stellt meine Geduld auf eine harte Probe. Eigentlich halte ich mich immer an das Motto »Erst die Arbeit, dann... Read more

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El ritmo de Harlem (Ray Carney 1) by Colson Whitehead
El ritmo de Harlem (Ray Carney 1)
Colson Whitehead
El ritmo de Harlem (Ray Carney 1) by Colson Whitehead

El ritmo de Harlem (Ray Carney 1)

By: Colson Whitehead

Narrated by: Víctor Sabi

Length: 13 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

«Un autor que roza la maestría [...]. Whitehead se ha convertido en uno de los mejores novelistas de Estados Unidos». Sam Sacks, The Wall Street Journal Ray Carney, hijo de un miembro de la mafia local y padre de familia modélico, regenta la tienda de muebles de la calle Ciento veinticinco, en Harlem. Ray intenta alejarse de la vida de... Read more

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Vintage Sci-Fi 7 - 19 Classic Science Fiction Short Stories from Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, H. G. Wells and many more by Lester Del Rey, Algis Budrys, Fredric Brown, Frederik Pohl, Robert Sheckley, Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, Edward W. Ludwig, Philip K. Dick, Harry Harrison, Clifford D. Simak, Arthur C. Clarke, H. G. Wells, I. M. Bukstein, Jack Vance & Fritz Leiber
Vintage Sci-Fi 7 - 19 Classic Science Fiction Short Stories from Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, H. G. Wells and many more
Lester Del Rey, Algis Budrys, Fredric Brown, Fr...
Vintage Sci-Fi 7 - 19 Classic Science Fiction Short Stories from Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, H. G. Wells and many more by Lester Del Rey, Algis Budrys, Fredric Brown, Frederik Pohl, Robert Sheckley, Isaac Asimov, Poul Anderson, Edward W. Ludwig, Philip K. Dick, Harry Harrison, Clifford D. Simak, Arthur C. Clarke, H. G. Wells, I. M. Bukstein, Jack Vance & Fritz Leiber

Vintage Sci-Fi 7 - 19 Classic Science Fiction Short Stories from Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, H. G. Wells and many more

By: Lester Del Rey, Algis Budrys, Fredric Brown, Fr...

Narrated by: Scott Miller

Length: 12 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Vintage Sci-Fi 7 - 19 Classic Science Fiction Short Stories from Philip K. Dick, Isaac Asimov, Arthur C. Clarke, H. G. Wells and many more ...And It Comes Out Here by Lester del Rey The Barbarians by Algis Budrys Earthmen Bearing Gifts by Fredric Brown The Hated by Frederik Pohl Seventh Victim by Robert Sheckley Let's Get Together by Isaac... Read more

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Imago by Ludmila Ulițkaia
Ludmila Ulițkaia
Imago by Ludmila Ulițkaia


By: Ludmila Ulițkaia

Narrated by: Ioana Boca

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Imago este ultimul stadiu în metamorfoza unei insecte, în care aceasta atinge maturitatea, fiind aptă de a se reproduce. Pentru Ludmila Ulițkaia, termenul devine o metaforă care străbate întregul roman și sugerează maturizarea morală a ființei umane. O construcție epică impresionantă, în care tragedia e mereu subminată de elementele comice, un... Read more

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Povestirile Evei Luna by Isabel Allende
Povestirile Evei Luna
Isabel Allende
Povestirile Evei Luna by Isabel Allende

Povestirile Evei Luna

By: Isabel Allende

Narrated by: Iulia Popa

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Isabel Allende: 20 de cărţi publicate, traduceri în peste 35 de limbi; peste 57 de milioane de exemplare vândute; 12 doctorate onorifice; 50 de premii în peste 15 ţări; 2 filme de succes făcute după romanele ei. Rolf Carlé este limanul spre care a năzuit – fără s-o ştie – Eva Luna, pe când străbătea jungla amazoniană. Dragostea lor este... Read more

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Geniul şi zeiţa by Aldous Huxley
Geniul şi zeiţa
Aldous Huxley
Geniul şi zeiţa by Aldous Huxley

Geniul şi zeiţa

By: Aldous Huxley

Narrated by: Stan Andrei Dorel

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Geniul și zeița rememorează câteva evenimente importante din viața protagonistului, fizicianul John Rivers. Acesta este singurul care mai poate face lumină într-o serie de evenimente tragice, survenite pe vremea când se bucura de afecțiunea și aprecierea mentorului său, Henry Maartens, și mai ales ale soției acestuia, Katy, femeia fără de care... Read more

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Reîntoarcere în minunata lume nouă by Aldous Huxley
Reîntoarcere în minunata lume nouă
Aldous Huxley
Reîntoarcere în minunata lume nouă by Aldous Huxley

Reîntoarcere în minunata lume nouă

By: Aldous Huxley

Narrated by: Dan Alexandru

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Publicat in 1958, eseul lui Aldous Huxley este un comentariu pe marginea romanului Minunata lume noua, exprimind aceeasi viziune pesimista asupra vietii si angoasa indusa de progresul stiintific si tehnologic in detrimentul valorilor morale. Autorul constata ca previziunile sale din 1931, cind scria Minunata lume noua, se adeveresc mai repede... Read more

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Insula by Aldous Huxley
Aldous Huxley
Insula by Aldous Huxley


By: Aldous Huxley

Narrated by: Andrei Bibire

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Ultimul roman al lui Aldous Huxley, Insula, este povestea societății palaneze ideale. Creată de mai bine de 100 de ani, prin dorința celor doi fondatori ai săi de a reuni tot ce era mai bun în lumile cunoscute, Pala modernă este clădită pe știință și tehnologie făcute pentru om, pe o filosofie de viață utilitaristă, pacifistă, pe democrație și... Read more

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Portile perceptiei. Raiul si iadul by Aldous Huxley
Portile perceptiei. Raiul si iadul
Aldous Huxley
Portile perceptiei. Raiul si iadul by Aldous Huxley

Portile perceptiei. Raiul si iadul

By: Aldous Huxley

Narrated by: Mihai Coman

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Într-o dimineață din primăvara anului 1953, Aldous Huxley ia patru zecimi de gram de mescalină și așteaptă răbdător să vadă ce se întâmplă. După un timp, constată că totul, de la florile din vază până la cutele pantalonilor, e complet schimbat: culorile sunt mai intense și mai luminoase, iar timpul și spațiul par să nu aibă nici o importanță.... Read more

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Bird Box. Orbește by Josh Malerman
Bird Box. Orbește
Josh Malerman
Bird Box. Orbește by Josh Malerman

Bird Box. Orbește

By: Josh Malerman

Narrated by: Iulia Popa

Length: 11 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Malorie își crește copiii așa cum poate: cu ușile-ncuiate, draperiile trase și toate ferestrele acoperite cu saltele, să nu poată pătrunde nicio rază de lumină. Să nu poată zări ce este afară. Să nu poată desluși inamicul invizibil care a pus stăpânire pe întreaga lume și care îi transformă pe toți cei care-l privesc în criminali violenți și, în... Read more

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Inspecție by Josh Malerman
Josh Malerman
Inspecție by Josh Malerman


By: Josh Malerman

Narrated by: Vlad Robaș

Length: 15 hours

Abridged: No

Băieții sunt educați la o școală pentru genii, fetele, la alta. Și niciunii nu au afl at de existența celorlalți... până acum. Inventivul autor al romanului Bird Box: Orbește te invită într-o lume înșelătoare, plină de secrete și minciuni. J este elev la o școală ascunsă în adâncul pădurii, departe de restul lumii. Asemenea colegilor săi,... Read more

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Perry Rhodan 3212: Die Zufallsschlacht - Abridged by Robert Corvus
Perry Rhodan 3212: Die Zufallsschlacht - Abridged
Robert Corvus
Perry Rhodan 3212: Die Zufallsschlacht - Abridged by Robert Corvus

Perry Rhodan 3212: Die Zufallsschlacht - Abridged

By: Robert Corvus

Narrated by: Martin Bross

Length: 3 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gefangen in der Eiskaverne – die Besatzung der AURA riskiert alles Das Ende des 21. Jahrhunderts Neuer Galaktischer Zeitrechnung ist angebrochen. Mehr als dreieinhalbtausend Jahre von unserer Zeit entfernt lebt die Menschheit in Frieden. Zwischen den Sternen der Milchstraße herrschen keine großen Konflikte mehr. Wie es aussieht, könnte Perry... Read more

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Entre chien et Lou by Louise Dugas
Entre chien et Lou
Louise Dugas
Entre chien et Lou by Louise Dugas

Entre chien et Lou

By: Louise Dugas

Narrated by: Danièle Panneton

Length: 8 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Amenée d’urgence dans un refuge, la chienne Dina se méfie diablement des humains. D’allure atypique, mésadaptée, hostile envers toutes les personnes susceptibles de l’adopter, elle piaffe durant six mois dans une cage avant de rebondir chez Louise, qui dirige un magazine et n’a le temps de s’occuper ni d’un chien ni du reste de sa vie. Commence... Read more

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Death at Castle Cove by Mary Grand
Death at Castle Cove
Mary Grand
Death at Castle Cove by Mary Grand

Death at Castle Cove

By: Mary Grand

Narrated by: Deryn Edwards

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

'I thoroughly enjoyed this intriguing mystery set in a beautiful location with deliciously menacing undercurrents.' Frances EveshamIsland life suits Susan, and she can’t imagine ever moving from her beloved Isle of Wight. So it gives her real pleasure to see her young lodger Colette settle in to life by the sea, especially knowing that she has... Read more

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A Sudden Romance by Rose Fresquez
A Sudden Romance
Rose Fresquez
A Sudden Romance by Rose Fresquez

A Sudden Romance

By: Rose Fresquez

Narrated by: Rachel Bourquin

Length: 7 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

She hates being defined by the wealth she was born into. He sees her for who she is. Can a guy from the wrong side of the tracks overcome his insecurities to offer an heiress his heart?Architect Iris Stone designs fabulous buildings but can’t manage her love life. Even seemingly perfect dates end up collapsing. Her family insists she’s trying to... Read more

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When the Dust Settles by Lucia Ashta
When the Dust Settles
Lucia Ashta
When the Dust Settles by Lucia Ashta

When the Dust Settles

By: Lucia Ashta

Narrated by: Bridget Bordeaux & Jake Bordeaux

Length: 8 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Traitor’s Den was meant to be a prison. A punishment. A hellhole my daddy could never escape.
Over the decades, however, hundreds of us have found a way to make it our home. We’ve learned to deal with the many bumps along the way with colorful cussing and a dash of humor—often roused by one too many at the saloon—and we’ve embraced the spell that... Read more

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Aleja Henri Martin 101 by Régine Deforges
Aleja Henri Martin 101
Régine Deforges
Aleja Henri Martin 101 by Régine Deforges

Aleja Henri Martin 101

By: Régine Deforges

Narrated by: Emilia Strzelecka

Length: 15 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Czy młodej, zmysłowej kobiecie uda się uratować z rąk okupanta tych, których kocha i trochę wbrew zdrowemu rozsądkowi zaznać wszelkich uciech życia? Młodziutka Léa po utracie rodziców próbuje utrzymać posiadłość w Montillac, co jest bardzo trudne, zważywszy na brak pieniędzy i potencjalne wizyty gestapo, francuskiej policji oraz przyjaciół, z... Read more

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