Business audiobooks
30 Minuten Generation Y - Abridged
By: Martina Mangelsdorf
Narrated by: Sonngard Dressler, Gilles Karolyi & Gordon Pied...
Length: 1 hour 8 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Generation Y ist als Schlagwort längst in aller Munde, bezeichnet es doch die ab 1980 geborenen jungen Nachwuchstalente, die Personalverantwortliche und Führungskräfte vor neue Herausforderungen stellen. Anspruchsvolle Individualisten seien das, durch und durch sozial vernetzt, schnell gelangweilt – und den Vertretern früherer Generationen ein... Read more
View audiobookFailing Forward - Abridged
By: John C. Maxwell
Narrated by: John C. Maxwell
Length: 2 hours 44 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Are some people born to achieve anything they want while others struggle? What is the real reason for their success? John C. Maxwell has the answer: The difference between average people and achieving people is their perception of and response to failure.Most people are never prepared to deal with failure. Bestselling author John C. Maxwell says... Read more
View audiobookBitcoin, Blockchain e muito dinheiro - Abridged
By: Christian Aranha
Narrated by: Cristiano Gualda
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
Entenda a potência revolucionária que é o Bitcoin e o Blockchain. Este livro nos leva desde a conceituação do dinheiro vivenciado pelos povos primitivos quando da criação da moeda para facilitar as trocas entre as pessoas. E segue até os dias atuais onde as pessoas são interligadas digitalmente pela internet e pelo celular. O... Read more
View audiobookLeading Up - Abridged
By: Michael Useem
Narrated by: James Lurie
Length: 9 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Eight true stories show that Leaders today aren’t just bosses, they’re self-starters who take charge even when they haven’t been given a charge. Upward leaders get results by helping their superiors lead. They make sure that good ideas don’t die on the vine because a boss’s understanding doesn’t reach down deep enough into the organization.... Read more
View audiobookHow to Become a Better Negotiator - Abridged
By: Richard A. Luecke & James G. Patterson
Narrated by: Jim Bond
Length: 2 hours 40 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Everything you do in life involves some sort of negotiation. You negotiate with your boss over your salary . . . with your coworkers over where to hold a meeting . . . and even with your family about where to take a vacation. When you buy a car, sell an idea, or solve any problems that involve others, your ability to negotiate is the key factor... Read more
View audiobookPonzi's Scheme - Abridged
By: Mitchell Zuckoff
Narrated by: David Birney
Length: 4 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: Yes
You’ve heard of the scheme. Now comes the man behind it. In Mitchell Zuckoff's exhilarating book, the first nonfiction account of Charles Ponzi, we meet the charismatic rogue who launched the most famous and extraordinary scam in the annals of American finance.
It was a time when anything seemed possible–instant wealth, glittering fame, fabulous... Read more
Irrational Exuberance - Abridged
By: Robert J. Shiller
Narrated by: Robert J. Shiller
Length: 5 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: Yes
With a new Afterword on the current state of the stock market, the ongoing debate over the “new economy,” and the larger implications of “irrational exuberance.”
In this controversial, hard-hitting account of today’s explosive market, Robert J. Shiller, a leading expert on market volatility, evokes Alan Greenspan’s infamous 1996 reference,... Read more
Inteligência competitiva - Abridged
By: Eliane de Oliveira Moreira
Narrated by: Voz Sintética
Length: 3 hours 53 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A inteligência competitiva consolida-se como uma ferramenta de gestão estratégica e inovação, porém, independentemente do segmento, proporciona às organizações uma dinâmica capaz de antecipar os movimentos do mercado e capitalizar oportunidades. Com base nesta abordagem, destaca-se que a presente pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar as... Read more
View audiobookResumen Completo: La Vaca Purpura (Purple Cow) - Basado En El Libro De Seth Godin - Abridged
By: Libros Maestros
Narrated by: Ronald Rondon
Length: 44 minutes
Abridged: Yes
RESUMEN COMPLETO: LA VACA PURPURA (PURPLE COW) - BASADO EN EL LIBRO DE SETH GODIN - CONTENIDOCAPÍTULO 01: ¿Cuales Son Las P’s Del Mercado?CAPÍTULO 02: ¿Cual Es El Complejo Industrial De Tv?CAPÍTULO 03: ¿En Que Consiste El Posconsumo?CAPÍTULO 04: ¿Como Difundir Nuestras Ideas?CAPÍTULO 05: ¿Cuales Son Los Beneficios De Ser La Vaca Púrpura?CAPÍTULO... Read more
View audiobookComo Alcançar o Sucesso - Abridged
Narrated by: Antônio
Length: 27 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Descubra as chaves do sucesso com nosso novo eBook! Com técnicas comprovadas e exemplos reais, você aprenderá como alcançar metas e superar desafios para atingir o sucesso de forma eficiente e sustentável. Aprenda a desenvolver habilidades valiosas, como gestão do tempo, comunicação eficaz, pensamento positivo e muito mais. Não perca... Read more
View audiobookA antiga lei da prosperidade - Abridged
By: Catherine Ponder
Narrated by: Mariana Ferrari
Length: 55 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Neste minilivro a autora Catherine Ponder explica sobre os métodos da lei da prosperidade que os antigos povos como os egípcios, babilônios, persas, árabes, gregos, romanos e chineses usaram. Read more
View audiobookLa ley de la atracción - Abridged
By: Dr. Camilo Cruz
Narrated by: Carlos Hernandez
Length: 6 hours
Abridged: Yes
La ley de atracción establece que todo atrae su igual. Nosotros atraemos hacia nuestra vida aquello en lo que enfocamos nuestro pensamiento de manera constante. Nuestro mundo exterior es un reflejo de nuestro mundo interno, ya que nosotros mismos nos hemos encargado de crear nuestras circunstancias externas, condiciones, nivel de éxito, negocios... Read more
View audiobookMitarbeiterführung - Abridged
By: Joachim von Hein
Narrated by: Joachim von Hein & Bettina Radener
Length: 1 hour 2 minutes
Abridged: Yes
CD 5: Mitarbeiterentwicklung und Seminare 62.25 min 5.1 Mitarbeiterentwicklung tut not! 5.2 Motivation durch Ziele 5.3 Holschuld aktuelles Wissen 5.4 Aus Fehlern muss man lernen! 5.5 Vorteile innerbetrieblicher Seminare 5.6 Vorteile außerbetrieblicher Seminare 5.7 Rollenspiele auf Video 5.8 Gute Seminarvorbereitung 5.9 Ein Protokoll zum... Read more
View audiobookShe Said! - Abridged
By: Patricia Seabright
Narrated by: Patricia Seabright
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
The ability to speak and be heard matters. It matters for your credibility and your career. Yet, the reality is that many women find it challenging to speak and be fully heard.
Have you been ignored or interrupted in meetings?
Have you avoided giving a speech or presentation?
Have you spoken out and felt that people... Read more
One Up On Wall Street - Abridged
By: Peter Lynch
Narrated by: Peter Lynch
Length: 2 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: Yes
More than one million copies have been sold of this seminal book on investing in which legendary mutual-fund manager Peter Lynch explains the advantages that average investors have over professionals and how they can use these advantages to achieve financial success.
America’s most successful money manager tells how average investors can beat the... Read more
NFTs: A nova Era da Propriedade Intelectual para Artistas - Abridged
Narrated by: Antônio
Length: 1 hour 2 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A propriedade intelectual (PI) é um conjunto de direitos exclusivos que protegem a criatividade e a inovação. Ela abrange uma ampla gama de obras, incluindo música, arte, literatura, software, invenções e marcas. No mundo digital, a PI é frequentemente desafiada pela facilidade com que as obras podem ser copiadas e distribuídas. Isso pode... Read more
View audiobookActive Listening - Abridged
By: Lilly De Sisto
Narrated by: Darcey Kobs
Length: 3 hours 30 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Finally available is a guide to know everything, really everything, about really listening to others! You've finally found the listen you've been looking for: minute after minute, you'll be able to embark on a path that will guide you, step by step, to the knowledge of how to effectively communicate with other people!In this pause-resisting... Read more
View audiobookMoney, A Memoir - Abridged
By: Liz Perle
Narrated by: Liz Perle
Length: 5 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Long ago, and not entirely consciously, Liz Perle made a quiet contract with cash: She would do what it took to get it—work hard, marry right—but she didn't want to have to think about it too much. Since she was a young girl, the subject of money had been quietly sidestepped, a shadowy factor whose private influence was impolite to discuss. When... Read more
View audiobookSelbstcoaching - Abridged
By: Stefanie Demann & Gordon Piedesack
Narrated by: Gisa Bergmann
Length: 6 hours 35 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Selbstcoaching begleitet uns ein Leben lang: sich Klarheit verschaffen, Entscheidungen treffen, allen Mut zusammennehmen, loslegen, sich immer wieder neu motivieren, innehalten, Inventur machen … Das alles passiert nicht an einem Tag und auch nicht in einem Seminar. Selbstcoaching hilft uns dabei, jene Bereiche weiterzuentwickeln, auf die... Read more
View audiobookBlockchain : A Complete History - Abridged
Narrated by: Christopher
Length: 52 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Blockchain is an innovative technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with the digital world. It is a decentralized, secure and transparent technology that can be used to record and share data in a secure and reliable way. This book tells the story of blockchain , from its origins to the present day. It will cover... Read more
View audiobookPrimero lo Primero (abreviado) - Abridged
By: Stephen R. Covey
Narrated by: Juan Guzman & Jose Duarte
Length: 5 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: Yes
FonoLibro se enorgullece en presentar el audiolibro ?Primero lo Primero? de Stephen R. Covey. En este audiolibro Stephen presenta una guía para administrar el tiempo aprendiendo a equilibrar su propia vida, en lugar de centrarse en el tiempo y las cosas. Primero lo Primero destaca las relaciones y los resultados en lugar de la eficacia. Este... Read more
View audiobookCómo ser un mexicano exitoso - Abridged
By: Adrián Gutiérrez Ávila
Narrated by: German Torre
Length: 5 hours 12 minutes
Abridged: Yes
¿Somos el resultado de lo que es México o México es el resultado de lo que somos? Cómo ser un mexicano exitoso es un estudio sobre los mexicanos y nuestra relación con el éxito. Un audiolibro de emprendimiento motivacional que proporciona las herramientas para alcanzar el éxito "Hecho en México". Ser exitoso es ser hoy mejor que ayer y mañana... Read more
View audiobookReich werden und bleiben - Abridged
By: Rainer Zitelmann
Narrated by: Josef Vossenkuhl
Length: 8 hours 16 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Investoren und Unternehmer, Millionäre und Milliardäre haben dieses Buch gelesen und bestätigen: Hier wird ein erprobter Weg gezeigt, wie Sie reich werden – und auch dauerhaft bleiben! Es ist das erste Buch, das die aktuellen Ergebnisse der Reichtumsforschung aus Deutschland und Amerika einem breiteren Publikum präsentiert. Rainer Zitelmann... Read more
View audiobookPerfect Business: How To Make A Million From Home With No Payroll No Debts No - Abridged
By: Michael Leboeuf
Narrated by: Michael Leboeuf
Length: 1 hour 38 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Today, with millions of displaced corporate employees looking for new career options and millions of women seeking ways to earn a living while caring for young children, a staggering one third of America's labor force is working at home already -- and the number continues to grow.
In The Perfect Business, Michael LeBoeuf guides the listener to... Read more