Body, Mind, & Spirit audiobooks
Ambiance - Voyage en Train
By: Rasmus Broe
Narrated by: Rasmus Broe
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Bienvenue à bord ! Ce paysage sonore suit un voyage en train, du quai jusqu'à sa destination. Montez à bord et installez-vous confortablement dans le compartiment. Le fredonnement répétitif du train est parfait pour fermer les yeux et se détendre. Read more
View audiobookAmbiance - La Bibliothèque
By: Rasmus Broe
Narrated by: Rasmus Broe
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Bienvenue à la bibliothèque, où règne une atmosphère agréable et tranquille. Parfaite pour un travail intense et productif. Les petits bruits de pages tournées, les chuchotements lointains et les pas feutrés forment un paysage sonore frais, agréable et productif. Read more
View audiobookAmbiance - Station spatiale
By: Rasmus Broe
Narrated by: Rasmus Broe
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Quel est le bruit de l'espace ? Faites l'expérience du service de nuit dans une station spatiale : écoutez le bourdonnement des machines, le bruit des radars et l'absence totale de perturbation de l'atmosphère. Read more
View audiobookAmbiance - Plage tropicale
By: Rasmus Broe
Narrated by: Rasmus Broe
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Imaginez-vous allongé sur une plage des tropiques. Les vagues glissent doucement sur le sable blanc et fin. Des oiseaux exotiques gazouillent en arrière-plan et vous sentez la chaleur des rayons du soleil sur votre peau. Vous ouvrez un livre pour lire et on vous sert une boisson fraîche avec des glaçons qui s'entrechoquent avec satisfaction... Read more
View audiobookThe Writings
By: Unknown
Narrated by: Peter Adey & Simone Feiler
Length: 10 hours 26 minutes
Abridged: No
All such Wisdom as this may be viewed as having multiple purposes. All of which are to trigger a shift in personal and global Consciousness.
There are so many choices available to you as to how you approach The Writings as a personal relationship.
As with all love affairs there has to be an initial introduction in which you want to gain an... Read more
By: Lark Lauren
Narrated by: Adrian Bede
Length: 8 minutes
Abridged: No
Spirital is not a misspelling. It is a name that was suggested for this project during a deep meditation.
Spirital - Freedom, the fifth volume of the Spirital Series, is drawing parallels with Gilgamesh’s quest for eternal life. The writing reflects on the circular nature of seeking truth. Imagine a moment when someone excitedly declares, ‘I... Read more
Meditation for Peaceful Sleep
By: Ruminarration
Narrated by: Tj Trueh
Length: 1 hour 3 minutes
Abridged: No
Are you struggling to unwind after a long day? Do restless nights leave you feeling drained and exhausted the next morning? Discover how you can find tranquility and deep rest with this transformative audiobook. Delve into guided meditations specifically designed to calm your mind and soothe your spirit. This audiobook offers gentle, immersive... Read more
View audiobookMeditation for Calm and Quiet Mind
By: Ruminarration
Narrated by: Tj Trueh
Length: 1 hour 3 minutes
Abridged: No
Do you often find your mind racing with thoughts? Are you seeking a moment of peace and quiet in your busy day? Our audio program offers you the perfect escape from mental clutter. Designed to guide you gently into a state of deep relaxation, these meditations help you quiet your mind and find inner calm. Imagine releasing the mental noise and... Read more
View audiobookHacking Consciousness: A Physician's Journey
By: Laurence Ghione
Narrated by: Laurence Ghione
Length: 4 hours 36 minutes
Abridged: No
AS AN ACADEMIC SURGEON, Laurence Ghione was forced to reconsider his understanding of life after accidentally discovering he had the cancer that he specialized in.In Hacking Consciousness: A Physician's Journey, Laurence Ghione documents his search for perception and our place in life. We're bound by our beliefs. Brick by brick, we build a wall... Read more
View audiobookLos Versos de Oro
By: Pitágoras
Narrated by: Artur Mas
Length: 11 minutes
Abridged: No
"Los Versos de Oro" es una colección de versos y enseñanzas éticas que reflejan la filosofía pitagórica y su énfasis en la armonía, la moderación y la autoconciencia. Los versos abordan una amplia gama de temas, desde la virtud y el autocontrol hasta la importancia de la amistad y la sabiduría. A menudo, los versos están escritos de manera... Read more
View audiobookBilder einer Wanderschaft
By: Mechthild Rex-Najuch
Narrated by: Markus Sellmann
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Eine surreale Sammlung von Episoden, die am Ende zu einem tröstlichen Gesamtbild verschmelzen, wird zu einer Geschichte. Zu Beginn macht sich eine Seele auf den Weg, um die Welt zu begreifen. Nicht ohne Folgen, denn dabei verliert sie die Person, mit der sie verbunden ist und muss sie suchen. Dazu kommen fünf Menschen, die auch auf der... Read more
View audiobookAbnehmen im Schlaf: Geführte Hypnose zur Gewichtsreduktion
By: Raphael Kempermann
Narrated by: Raphael Kempermann
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Fühlst du dich manchmal überfordert von Diäten und Fitnessplänen? Diese geführte Hypnosesitzung bietet dir eine einfache und entspannende Möglichkeit, Gewicht zu verlieren, während du schläfst. Hypnose hilft dir, dein Unterbewusstsein umzuformen, damit du gesündere Entscheidungen triffst und Gelüsten widerstehst – ganz ohne Anstrengung. Read more
View audiobookPush Through It!: The Seth Hanchey Story
By: Kimber Hanchey-Ogden
Narrated by: Kimber Hanchey-Ogden
Length: 5 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: No
During an ordinary Fall afternoon, Kimber Hanchey-Ogden was delivered devastating news: Seth, her 17-year-old son, had been hit by a car and airlifted to a hospital! Having sustained a traumatic brain injury, doctors told her that if Seth made it, he would never be able to walk or talk; he would not remember his... Read more
Pinke Delphine
By: Corinna-Rosa Falkenberg
Narrated by: Corinna-Rosa Falkenberg
Length: 1 hour 40 minutes
Abridged: No
»Kannst du mir dein Herz zeigen?« – Ausgerechnet diese Frage muss die junge Anthropologin Paula beantworten, nachdem sie im Amazonas lebensgefährlich von einer Giftspinne gebissen wird. Geschwächt trifft sie in einem fernen Urwalddorf auf das wissbegierige Mädchen Aya, die schnell zu einer wertvollen Freundin wird. Dort lernt sie auch den... Read more
By: Imani Elkins
Narrated by: Gillian Butler
Length: 1 hour 52 minutes
Abridged: No
Imagine a life free from self-doubt and limitations, where you boldly embrace your greatness and manifest your dreams. In just minutes a day, you can rewire your mind for unshakable confidence, success, and self-love.
As Black women, we carry a legacy of resilience and power. Yet, we often struggle with negative self-talk, generational trauma,... Read more
Krishna's Whisper
By: Sharath A Haridasan
Narrated by: Ani Ramnik
Length: 6 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: No
"Krishna's Whisper: 18 Meditations for a Life of Purpose and Prosperity" by Sharath A Haridasan is more than just a book; it's a spiritual odyssey into the eternal teachings of Lord Krishna. Spread across five pillars of life—from faith and love to leadership, wellness, and triumph over challenges—this work offers 18 insightful meditations for... Read more
View audiobookLass dich von Liebe durchfluten
By: Eliza Nicholsby
Narrated by: Alexander Meir-Larsson
Length: 1 hour 5 minutes
Abridged: No
Lass dich von Liebe durchflutenEine wundervolle Meditation, um dein Herz für die Liebe zu öffnen.Umarme die Liebe, die dich umgibt.Fühlst du dich manchmal einsam, verloren oder ungeliebt? Dieses Buch lädt dich auf eine Reise ein, um die Liebe zu entdecken, die bereits in dir und um dich herum existiert. Es ist ein sanfter Begleiter, der dich... Read more
View audiobookMeditation for Anxiety and Stress
By: Ruminarration
Narrated by: Tj Trueh
Length: 1 hour 3 minutes
Abridged: No
Feeling overwhelmed by anxiety and stress? Looking for a way to find calm amidst the chaos? Discover the power of meditation with our audio program designed specifically for you. Imagine starting each day with a clear mind and a peaceful heart, ready to face any challenge. This program offers guided meditations that are easy to follow, helping... Read more
View audiobookOs Números Sagrados.
By: Zé Namasteca
Narrated by: Namasteca Estúdios
Length: 1 hour
Abridged: No
Em Os Números Sagrados: O Segredo para a Transformação da Vida, mergulhamos no fascinante universo dos Códigos de Grabovoi, onde sequências numéricas têm o poder de transformar a realidade. Este livro revela como utilizar essas combinações de números para atrair prosperidade, saúde, equilíbrio emocional e crescimento espiritual. Com uma... Read more
View audiobookLos Poderes Ocultos de la Mente
By: Armando Hernandez
Narrated by: Armando Hernandez
Length: 1 hour 3 minutes
Abridged: No
La mente humana ha sido, desde tiempos antiguos, un enigma profundo y fascinante, capaz de hazañas que la ciencia moderna apenas comienza a desentrañar. A lo largo de la historia, hemos oído hablar de personajes como Pitagoras, con el supuesto poder de la bilocación, y figuras como Edgar Cayce o Rasputín, cuyas habilidades psíquicas desafiaron... Read more
View audiobookMindful Men - Abridged
By: Daniel Scheffer
Narrated by: Sebastian Naglatzki & Daniel Scheffer
Length: 5 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Das Leben als Mann fordert: Wir müssen Geld verdienen, im Job aufsteigen, ein guter Partner und Vater sein, wir wollen erfolgreich sein, uns selbst verwirklichen, unser Leben als sinnvoll wahrnehmen und auch einmal zur Ruhe kommen. Doch häufig fühlen wir uns ausgebrannt und können nicht abschalten, uns fehlen Zeit, Energie und... Read more
View audiobookManifesting
By: Victoria Jackson
Narrated by: Victoria Jackson
Length: 5 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: No
How do I manifest my soulmate?
I want to manifest money - where do I start?
How do I manifest my dream job?
My manifestation hasn't arrived yet - what am I doing wrong?
All these questions and more are answered in this essential guide from leading manifestation coach, teacher and author, Victoria Jackson. Designed with the signature 'agony aunt'... Read more
By: Molly Masters
Narrated by: Molly Masters
Length: 4 hours 12 minutes
Abridged: No
A beautiful, thoughtful guide to finding your perfect next read, no matter what life’s throwing at you, from the founder of Aphra a.k.a. ‘your inclusive AF feminist book club’ Through turbulent times, stories keep us afloat. Books, particularly, console and guide us, feed our souls, and open our eyes... Read more
View audiobookOrgonita para principiantes: Cómo despertar la fuerza elemental creativa de la piedra curativa y utilizarla para ti - incl. meditaciones con orgonita y testimonios.
By: Klara Mössinger
Narrated by: José Félix Rivas
Length: 1 hour 21 minutes
Abridged: No
Es maravilloso que hayas elegido este libro de no ficción. Quienquiera o lo que sea que te haya llevado a leer este libro: sin duda ha sido una "coincidencia". Tal vez hayas seguido tu intuición, tu instinto. En cualquier caso, estoy encantada de poder darte una pequeña pero valiosa visión del mundo de los orgonites y sus modos de acción con... Read more
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