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Body, Mind, & Spirit audiobooks

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The Power of Positive Faith Bonus Book The Greatest Thing In The World by Norman Vincent Peale, Smiley Blanton & Henry Drummond
The Power of Positive Faith Bonus Book The Greatest Thing In The World
Norman Vincent Peale, Smiley Blanton & Henry Dr...
The Power of Positive Faith Bonus Book The Greatest Thing In The World by Norman Vincent Peale, Smiley Blanton & Henry Drummond

The Power of Positive Faith Bonus Book The Greatest Thing In The World

By: Norman Vincent Peale, Smiley Blanton & Henry Dr...

Narrated by: Bill A. Jones & Brian Conover

Length: 7 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

From the bestselling author of The Power of Positive Thinking comes this book on how to have faith.

When Norman Vincent Peale co-wrote this book he wanted to help everyone acquire spiritual skill, so that they could develop a useful, effective, and satisfying life.

Most people would like to have the benefits given by faith. The trouble is they do... Read more

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How to Attract Money Features Bonus Book: Believe in Yourself by Joseph Murphy
How to Attract Money Features Bonus Book: Believe in Yourself
Joseph Murphy
How to Attract Money Features Bonus Book: Believe in Yourself by Joseph Murphy

How to Attract Money Features Bonus Book: Believe in Yourself

By: Joseph Murphy

Narrated by: Brian Conover & Jason Leikam

Length: 3 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No


It is your right to be rich. In this all-in-one guide, Joseph... Read more

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Espiritualidad nórdica: Desbloquee el paganismo nórdico, el chamanismo, la magia, Asatru, las runas del Futhark antiguo, la adivinación, los hechizos y el paganismo by Silvia Hill
Espiritualidad nórdica: Desbloquee el paganismo nórdico, el chamanismo, la magia, Asatru, las runas del Futhark antiguo, la adivinación, los hechizos y el paganismo
Silvia Hill
Espiritualidad nórdica: Desbloquee el paganismo nórdico, el chamanismo, la magia, Asatru, las runas del Futhark antiguo, la adivinación, los hechizos y el paganismo by Silvia Hill

Espiritualidad nórdica: Desbloquee el paganismo nórdico, el chamanismo, la magia, Asatru, las runas del Futhark antiguo, la adivinación, los hechizos y el paganismo

By: Silvia Hill

Narrated by: Fabio Persa

Length: 3 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Abrace la verdadera esencia de la espiritualidad nórdica a través de sus prácticas mágicas.¿Le interesan los conceptos básicos de las diferentes prácticas paganas nórdicas?¿Quiere explorar sus raíces paganas a través de la magia nórdica?¿Desea ampliar su conocimiento de una práctica espiritual nórdica específica?Si su respuesta a alguna de estas... Read more

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Here Is  A Penny, Now Go Find The Fountain of Your Dreams by Gina Meyers
Here Is A Penny, Now Go Find The Fountain of Your Dreams
Gina Meyers
Here Is  A Penny, Now Go Find The Fountain of Your Dreams by Gina Meyers

Here Is A Penny, Now Go Find The Fountain of Your Dreams

By: Gina Meyers

Narrated by: Kyle Hatch

Length: 1 hour 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Here Is A Penny, Now Go Find The Fountain of Your Dreams, is meant to be lighthearted, fun, and enlightening. Through collecting my own fortunes and reading others, I have garnered quite a collection of winsome, thought provoking, insightful sayings. The sayings can help you in your own life to uplift your spirit at work, or at home. A simple,... Read more

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Rilassamento In Italiano/ Relaxation In Italian: I 10 Migliori Consigli per Superare le Ossessioni e le Compulsioni Usando la Consapevolezza by Charlie Mason
Rilassamento In Italiano/ Relaxation In Italian: I 10 Migliori Consigli per Superare le Ossessioni e le Compulsioni Usando la Consapevolezza
Charlie Mason
Rilassamento In Italiano/ Relaxation In Italian: I 10 Migliori Consigli per Superare le Ossessioni e le Compulsioni Usando la Consapevolezza by Charlie Mason

Rilassamento In Italiano/ Relaxation In Italian: I 10 Migliori Consigli per Superare le Ossessioni e le Compulsioni Usando la Consapevolezza

By: Charlie Mason

Narrated by: Giulia Rossi

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

L'OCD è un disturbo mentale che induce le persone ad avere compulsioni a fare cose ripetutamente, come lavarsi le mani o controllare che la porta sia chiusa a chiave.Mentre alcuni che non hanno mai avuto un disturbo ossessivo-compulsivo possono pensare che sia fastidioso o semplicemente paranoico, in realtà è dannoso e, in casi estremi, può... Read more

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Dulce pesadilla (Calder Academy 1) by Tracy Wolff
Dulce pesadilla (Calder Academy 1)
Tracy Wolff
Dulce pesadilla (Calder Academy 1) by Tracy Wolff

Dulce pesadilla (Calder Academy 1)

By: Tracy Wolff

Narrated by: Rocío Vega

Length: 15 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

La nueva serie de Tracy Wolff, autora de la Serie Crave. Vuelve a su icónico universo en una nueva escuela con nuevos dramas, nuevos estudiantes, nuevos peligros y la misma obsesión. «La Rosalía de la literatura fantástica se llama Tracy Wolff.» WomenNow - Edición tapa rústica - La mayoría de las escuelas ansían ser las mejores, pero, ¿esta... Read more

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Glitter Saints by Robin Brown & Jess Brasher
Glitter Saints
Robin Brown & Jess Brasher
Glitter Saints by Robin Brown & Jess Brasher

Glitter Saints

By: Robin Brown & Jess Brasher

Narrated by: Isabel May

Length: 7 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

My parents both left this planet covered in glitter. Death came for each of them right in the middle of what they were working on. As I held and kissed them for the last time, patches of glitter transferred to my hands and face like tiny passed torches. For as much as the grief burned, there was no getting around it—the light that had been on... Read more

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सचेतन हिंदी में/ Mindfulness In hindi by Charlie Mason
सचेतन हिंदी में/ Mindfulness In hindi
Charlie Mason
सचेतन हिंदी में/ Mindfulness In hindi by Charlie Mason

सचेतन हिंदी में/ Mindfulness In hindi

By: Charlie Mason

Narrated by: Aarav Patel

Length: 51 minutes

Abridged: No

ओसीडी एक मानसिक विकार है जिसके कारण लोगों को बार-बार चीजों को करने के लिए मजबूर होना पड़ता है, जैसे कि हाथ धोना या यह सुनिश्चित करना कि दरवाजा बंद है या नही।जबकि कुछ लोग जिन्होंने कभी ओसीडी का अनुभव नहीं किया है, वे सोच सकते हैं कि यह कष्टप्रद है या बस बेवकूफी है, यह वास्तव में हानिकारक है और अत्यधिक मामलों में, आत्महत्या का कारण बन सकता... Read more

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Atenção plena Em português/ Mindfulness In Portuguese: 10 Melhores Dicas para Superar Obsessões e Compulsões Usando o Mindfulness by Charlie Mason
Atenção plena Em português/ Mindfulness In Portuguese: 10 Melhores Dicas para Superar Obsessões e Compulsões Usando o Mindfulness
Charlie Mason
Atenção plena Em português/ Mindfulness In Portuguese: 10 Melhores Dicas para Superar Obsessões e Compulsões Usando o Mindfulness by Charlie Mason

Atenção plena Em português/ Mindfulness In Portuguese: 10 Melhores Dicas para Superar Obsessões e Compulsões Usando o Mindfulness

By: Charlie Mason

Narrated by: Ana Silva

Length: 33 minutes

Abridged: No

O TOC é um distúrbio mental que faz com que as pessoas tenham compulsões para fazer as coisas repetidamente, como lavar as mãos ou conferir se a porta está trancada.Enquanto que alguns que podem nunca ter vivido o TOC pensem que é irritante ou uma simples paranoia, na verdade é danoso e, em casos extremos, pode levar ao suicídio.No centro de... Read more

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Lass wundervolle Affirmationen deinen Geist und deine Seele durchfluten by Linn Lysander
Lass wundervolle Affirmationen deinen Geist und deine Seele durchfluten
Linn Lysander
Lass wundervolle Affirmationen deinen Geist und deine Seele durchfluten by Linn Lysander

Lass wundervolle Affirmationen deinen Geist und deine Seele durchfluten

By: Linn Lysander

Narrated by: Alexander Meir-Larsson

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Lass wundervolle Affirmationen deinen Geist und deine Seele durchfluten
Tauche ein in eine Welt positiver Energie und lass dich von wundervollen Affirmationen tragen. Lass dieses Buch dein täglicher Begleiter und Unterstützer zu mehr Selbstliebe, innere Stärke und einem erfüllten Leben sein.
Kraftvolle Affirmationen: Inspirierende Worte, die dich... Read more

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New release
La Pleine Conscience En Français/ Mindfulness In French: Les 10 Meilleurs Conseils Pour Surmonter Les Obsessions Et Les Compulsions En Utilisant La Pleine Conscience by Charlie Mason
La Pleine Conscience En Français/ Mindfulness In French: Les 10 Meilleurs Conseils Pour Surmonter Les Obsessions Et Les Compulsions En Utilisant La Pleine Conscience
Charlie Mason
La Pleine Conscience En Français/ Mindfulness In French: Les 10 Meilleurs Conseils Pour Surmonter Les Obsessions Et Les Compulsions En Utilisant La Pleine Conscience by Charlie Mason

La Pleine Conscience En Français/ Mindfulness In French: Les 10 Meilleurs Conseils Pour Surmonter Les Obsessions Et Les Compulsions En Utilisant La Pleine Conscience

By: Charlie Mason

Narrated by: Élise Dupont

Length: 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Le TOC est un trouble mental qui pousse les gens à avoir des compulsions pour faire des choses à plusieurs reprises, comme se laver les mains ou vérifier que la porte est verrouillée.Alors que certains qui n'ont jamais connu le TOC peuvent penser que c'est ennuyeux ou simplement paranoïaque, cela est en fait nocif et, dans les cas extrêmes, peut... Read more

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New release
Bunte Sternenlicht Meditation by Linn Lysander
Bunte Sternenlicht Meditation
Linn Lysander
Bunte Sternenlicht Meditation by Linn Lysander

Bunte Sternenlicht Meditation

By: Linn Lysander

Narrated by: Alexander Meir-Larsson

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Entdecke die Magie des bunten SternenlichtsBunte Sternenlicht Meditation: Dein Weg zu innerer Ruhe und tiefer, kosmischer VerbundenheitTauche ein in die sanfte Umarmung der bunten Sternenlichter und lass dich von ihren heilenden Energien tragen. Diese einzigartige Meditation führt dich auf eine Reise zu innerem Frieden, tiefer Entspannung und... Read more

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New release
Achtsamkeit Auf Deutsch/ Mindfulness in German: Top 10 Tipps zur Überwindung von Obsessionen und Zwängen mithilfe von Achtsamkeit by Charlie Mason
Achtsamkeit Auf Deutsch/ Mindfulness in German: Top 10 Tipps zur Überwindung von Obsessionen und Zwängen mithilfe von Achtsamkeit
Charlie Mason
Achtsamkeit Auf Deutsch/ Mindfulness in German: Top 10 Tipps zur Überwindung von Obsessionen und Zwängen mithilfe von Achtsamkeit by Charlie Mason

Achtsamkeit Auf Deutsch/ Mindfulness in German: Top 10 Tipps zur Überwindung von Obsessionen und Zwängen mithilfe von Achtsamkeit

By: Charlie Mason

Narrated by: Matthias Müller

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Eine Zwangsstörung ist eine psychische Störung, die Menschen dazu zwingt, wiederholt Dinge zu tun, wie sich die Hände zu waschen oder sich zu vergewissern, dass die Tür verschlossen ist.Auch wenn manche, die noch nie eine Zwangsstörung erlebt haben, dies als lästig oder schlicht als Paranoia empfinden, ist diese Störung in Wirklichkeit schädlich... Read more

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The Athlete's Ascent by Jayne Storey
The Athlete's Ascent
Jayne Storey
The Athlete's Ascent by Jayne Storey

The Athlete's Ascent

By: Jayne Storey

Narrated by: Jayne Storey

Length: 5 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

As an athlete or sportsperson, you understand the frustration of being at the top of your game only to falter in the heat of competition.   The Athlete's Ascent shows how you can harness the wisdom of martial and Zen arts to develop the profound connection between mind, body and breathing that leads to the coveted flow state.   Drawing on a... Read more

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Wie der Mensch denkt, so ist er by James Allen
Wie der Mensch denkt, so ist er
James Allen
Wie der Mensch denkt, so ist er by James Allen

Wie der Mensch denkt, so ist er

By: James Allen

Narrated by: Herbert Schäfer

Length: 1 hour 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Wie der Mensch denkt, so ist er von James Allen ist ein klassisches Werk der Selbsthilfe und Philosophie, das erstmals 1903 veröffentlicht wurde. Das Buch untersucht die Macht der Gedanken und wie sie das Leben eines Menschen formen. Allen argumentiert, dass unsere inneren Überzeugungen und Gedanken direkt unsere äußeren Umstände beeinflussen.... Read more

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Die Macht des Bewusstseins by Neville Goddard
Die Macht des Bewusstseins
Neville Goddard
Die Macht des Bewusstseins by Neville Goddard

Die Macht des Bewusstseins

By: Neville Goddard

Narrated by: Herbert Schäfer

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

In seinem Werk Die Macht des Bewusstseins betont Neville Goddard, dass unsere Gedanken und inneren Bilder unsere Realität gestalten. Er argumentiert, dass das bewusste Visualisieren und das Fühlen, als ob Wünsche bereits erfüllt sind, direkte Auswirkungen auf die äußere Welt haben. Durch diese Praxis, bekannt als "imaginative Realisierung",... Read more

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Empower Your Thoughts by Scott Allan
Empower Your Thoughts
Scott Allan
Empower Your Thoughts by Scott Allan

Empower Your Thoughts

By: Scott Allan

Narrated by: Eric Bedell

Length: 4 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Get Rid of Negative Chatter, Develop a Positive Mental Attitude, and Learn the Best Strategies for Self-Healing.When your thoughts are free to act without restraint, your mind becomes a machine set to autopilot. You become immersed in anxiety and worry that lead to fear-based decisions and action paralysis.Personal development leader and success... Read more

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Starcodes by Heather Roan Robbins
Heather Roan Robbins
Starcodes by Heather Roan Robbins


By: Heather Roan Robbins

Narrated by: Heather Roan Robbins

Length: 6 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

An exploration of the unique, empowering concept of choice-based astrology: your destiny is not yet decided and, with a better understanding of your chart, you can make the best choices to live your highest life.

Astrology does not define the future; rather, it describes a pattern. You, and only you, choose how to respond.

Here, astrologer Heather... Read more

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Wisdom of the Path by Yasmine Cheyenne
Wisdom of the Path
Yasmine Cheyenne
Wisdom of the Path by Yasmine Cheyenne

Wisdom of the Path

By: Yasmine Cheyenne

Narrated by: Yasmine Cheyenne

Length: 5 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

“Yasmine reminds us that no matter what happens in our lives, we can decide to put one foot in front of the other, choosing to begin again. This book will inspire, motivate, and encourage all who read it.” Tunde Oyeneyin, New York Times bestselling author of Speak, motivational speaker, and Peloton instructor A roadmap to self-healing and... Read more

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Jouw adem, jouw medicijn by Nikki van der Velden
Jouw adem, jouw medicijn
Nikki van der Velden
Jouw adem, jouw medicijn by Nikki van der Velden

Jouw adem, jouw medicijn

By: Nikki van der Velden

Narrated by: Nikki van der Velden

Length: 9 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Ontdek de kracht van ademhaling. 'Nikki's boek raakt je. Het neemt je mee naar de essentie van ademen. Het is een betrouwbare gids met mooie oefeningen. Onze eigen James Nestor.' Jerome Wehrens, ademtrainer en oprichter van B-Mind 'Nu inspireert Nikki van der Velden als "ademevangelist" anderen om de kracht van de adem te ontdekken.' Santé... Read more

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Wundervolles, meditatives Entspannungs-Workbook für zauberhafte Erkenntnisse by Linn Lysander
Wundervolles, meditatives Entspannungs-Workbook für zauberhafte Erkenntnisse
Linn Lysander
Wundervolles, meditatives Entspannungs-Workbook für zauberhafte Erkenntnisse by Linn Lysander

Wundervolles, meditatives Entspannungs-Workbook für zauberhafte Erkenntnisse

By: Linn Lysander

Narrated by: Alexander Meir-Larsson

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Wundervolles, meditatives Entspannungs-Workbook für zauberhafte Erkenntnisse-Entdecke die Magie in dir: Ein Meditations-Workbook für zauberhafte Momente.Dieses bezaubernde Workbook lädt dich ein, die transformative Kraft der Meditation zu entdecken und in deinem Alltag kleine Momente der Ruhe und Freude zu finden. Mit einer wundervollen... Read more

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Gedankenklänge - Tunk deine Welt in Liebe by Linn Lysander
Gedankenklänge - Tunk deine Welt in Liebe
Linn Lysander
Gedankenklänge - Tunk deine Welt in Liebe by Linn Lysander

Gedankenklänge - Tunk deine Welt in Liebe

By: Linn Lysander

Narrated by: Alexander Meir-Larsson

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Gedankenklänge - Tunk deine Welt in Liebe-Entdecke den Zauber in dir: Wundervolle, meditative Entspannung mit ausgesuchten Klängen, die dich bei deiner Meditation unterstützen oder dir als leise, beruhigende Gute-Nacht-Kulisse dienen. Diese besondere Komposition, mit zauberhaften Klängen, kann dir wertvolle Entspannung schenken und deinen... Read more

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A Little Bit of Enneagram by Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober
A Little Bit of Enneagram
Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober
A Little Bit of Enneagram by Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober

A Little Bit of Enneagram

By: Ashton Whitmoyer-Ober

Narrated by: Leanne Woodward

Length: 2 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

The Enneagram is an incredibly powerful tool for understanding personality types: who we are, how we function best in the world, and how we relate to each other. A Little Bit of Enneagram is an essential guide to the basics of this amazing system, including background and history and a basic overview of the nine major motivations. Expert author... Read more

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Morphic Resonance by Rupert Sheldrake
Morphic Resonance
Rupert Sheldrake
Morphic Resonance by Rupert Sheldrake

Morphic Resonance

By: Rupert Sheldrake

Narrated by: Jez Sands

Length: 9 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

New updated and expanded edition of the groundbreaking book that ignited a firestorm in the scientific world with its radical approach to evolution

• Explains how past forms and behaviors of organisms determine those of similar organisms in the present through morphic resonance

• Reveals the nonmaterial connections that allow direct... Read more

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