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Apocalyptic & Dystopian audiobooks

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De one by Kiera Cass
De one
Kiera Cass
De one by Kiera Cass

De one

By: Kiera Cass

Narrated by: Relinde de Graaff

Length: 9 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Zinderend slot van internationale bestsellerserie De selectie heeft het leven van 35 meisjes voorgoed veranderd. En nu is de tijd aangebroken dat er een winnaar wordt gekozen. America had nooit durven hopen dat ze kans maakte op de kroon of om het hart van prins Maxon te kunnen veroveren. Maar nu de competitie haar einde nadert en de... Read more

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I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself by Marisa Crane
I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself
Marisa Crane
I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself by Marisa Crane

I Keep My Exoskeletons to Myself

By: Marisa Crane

Narrated by: Bailey Carr

Length: 8 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Dept. of Speculation meets Black Mirror in this lyrical, speculative debut about a queer mother raising her daughter in an unjust surveillance stateIn a United States not so unlike our own, the Department of Balance has adopted a radical new form of law enforcement: rather than incarceration, wrongdoers are given a second (and sometimes, third,... Read more

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Karma of the Sun by Brandon Ying Kit Boey
Karma of the Sun
Brandon Ying Kit Boey
Karma of the Sun by Brandon Ying Kit Boey

Karma of the Sun

By: Brandon Ying Kit Boey

Narrated by: Keong Sim

Length: 9 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Six suns, six blasts in the sky; a seventh one, and the earth will die. In the isolation of the Himalayas, the snows still fall, but they are tinged with the ash of a nuclear winter; the winds still blow, but they wail with the cries of ghosts. The seventh and final blast is near. As the world heaves its final breaths, the people of the Tibetan... Read more

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Raven's Wings by Colin Lindsay
Raven's Wings
Colin Lindsay
Raven's Wings by Colin Lindsay

Raven's Wings

By: Colin Lindsay

Narrated by: Skye Alley

Length: 9 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Banishment is heart-wrenching… so why choose it?Cast to the winds, Kala’s to-do list is daunting…- Survive another day… (so far so good)- Regain her humanity… (easier said than done)- Track down the “one that got away”… (he’s out there)- Find a way home… (can’t give up hope)- Serve the Goddess of Death… (what the hell?)- Stop the... Read more

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The Appetite Factory by Jon Gingerich
The Appetite Factory
Jon Gingerich
The Appetite Factory by Jon Gingerich

The Appetite Factory

By: Jon Gingerich

Narrated by: Adam Barr

Length: 13 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

As head of the crisis management team at a Madison Avenue PR firm, Leonard Lundell spends his days counseling executives whose reputations have been ruined by scandal. But Leonard has been managing a strange and debilitating crisis of his own that’s held him captive his entire adult life: Leonard likes to eat soap, pencils, paint chips—anything... Read more

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Elia, la passeuse d'âmes by Marie Vareille
Elia, la passeuse d'âmes
Marie Vareille
Elia, la passeuse d'âmes by Marie Vareille

Elia, la passeuse d'âmes

By: Marie Vareille

Narrated by: Maryne Bertieaux

Length: 7 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Elia est une Passeuse d'Âmes, un être sans émotions. Elle doit exécuter ceux qui sont devenus des poids pour la société : vieux, malades, opposants… Mais un jour elle ne parvient plus à obéir aux ordres et s'enfuit dans la région la plus déshéritée du pays, là où les Passeurs d'Âmes sont considérés comme les pires ennemis. Au plus profond... Read more

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Selbstbetrachtungen by Marc Aurel
Marc Aurel
Selbstbetrachtungen by Marc Aurel


By: Marc Aurel

Narrated by: Philipp Finkelmeier

Length: 4 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Das philosophische Tagebuch, das nicht zur Veröffentlichung bestimmt war, stellt ein außerordentlich intimes und ehrliches Zeugnis eines königlichen Denkers dar. Die meditativen Gedanken und Aphorismen zeugen von einem edlen Menschenbild und großer Lebensweisheit. Marc Aurel legt angesichts der Kriegswirren und des sich abzeichnenden Niedergangs... Read more

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1984 by George Orwell
George Orwell
1984 by George Orwell


By: George Orwell

Narrated by: D.Jacobs

Length: 12 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

London, 1984: Winston Smith, Geschichtsfälscher im Staatsdienst, verliebt sich in die schöne und geheimnisvolle Julia. Gemeinsam beginnen sie, die totalitäre Welt infrage zu stellen, als Teil derer sie bisher funktioniert haben. Doch bereits ihre Gedanken sind Verbrechen, und der Große Bruder richtet seinen stets wachsamen Blick auf jeden... Read more

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After The World Ends: Turn (Book 7) by Jamie Thornton
After The World Ends: Turn (Book 7)
Jamie Thornton
After The World Ends: Turn (Book 7) by Jamie Thornton

After The World Ends: Turn (Book 7)

By: Jamie Thornton

Narrated by: Jamie Thornton

Length: 5 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

From New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Jamie ThorntonEVERYTHING FALLS APARTSeparated from her friends, Dessa is desperate to reunite everyone and make Sanctuary safe again. But Sanctuary reveals surprise plans for Dessa that undermine everything she thought she knew. And when strangers show up at Sanctuary's front gate, demanding... Read more

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المستعمرة - لن تسقط القاهرة مرتين أبدًا by أحمد ناصر
المستعمرة - لن تسقط القاهرة مرتين أبدًا
أحمد ناصر
المستعمرة - لن تسقط القاهرة مرتين أبدًا by أحمد ناصر

المستعمرة - لن تسقط القاهرة مرتين أبدًا

By: أحمد ناصر

Narrated by: قصي حمود

Length: 6 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

"وما الذي يبرع فيه الإنسان غير الشر والدمار؟ لماذا لا نكتب في خانة الإنجازات كيف تركنا البيت القديم؟ وكيف انتقلنا من مدرسة إلى أخرى، كيف اكتشفنا الخدعة تلك؟ كيف خبأنا مشكلتنا عن قلوب أمهاتنا وتحملنا المسـؤولية وحدنا بهدوء؟ كيف تصرفنا بأول يوم في الجامعة؟ وكيف تصرفنا بشجاعة عندما أجبرتنا الظروف أن نسلك طريقاً لا نحبه؟ كيف احتوينا حزن صديق؟ وكيف... Read more

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Chipped: Laura by Taya DeVere
Chipped: Laura
Taya DeVere
Chipped: Laura by Taya DeVere

Chipped: Laura

By: Taya DeVere

Narrated by: Sarah Nessel

Length: 4 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

She conquered the world… but she can’t get her enemy out of her head.As the unquestioned leader of the Happiness-Program, Laura is effectively the ruler of the entire world. The Unchipped rebels have been defeated, and all that’s left for her to do is to perfect the Chipping process so they can all be integrated into the new society. The only... Read more

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Deleted Dreams by Ren Ellis
Deleted Dreams
Ren Ellis
Deleted Dreams by Ren Ellis

Deleted Dreams

By: Ren Ellis

Narrated by: Kim Churchill

Length: 4 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

"The boundless imagination is reminiscent of anime masterpieces, while the writing has glimpses of true brilliance, reaching the magical tone of Murakami... A story exploring timeless themes in a hyper-specific 'other' world makes for very good reading, and Ellis' bubbling creativity is a marvelous thing to savor." - The Independent Review of... Read more

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Der Hoffnungsvogel by Kirsten Boie
Der Hoffnungsvogel
Kirsten Boie
Der Hoffnungsvogel by Kirsten Boie

Der Hoffnungsvogel

By: Kirsten Boie

Narrated by: Jona Mues

Length: 4 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Kirsten Boie erzählt uns ein Märchen von der Hoffnung auf Frieden unter den Menschen.   Jabu und seine Mutter, die gute Königin, leben im Glücklichen Land in der königlichen Kate. Wann immer es Entscheidungen zu treffen gilt, kommt das Volk in ihrem Garten zusammen. Eines Tages aber mehren sich Zank und Missgunst unter den Menschen: Der... Read more

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La quinta estación (La Tierra Fragmentada 1) by N.K. Jemisin
La quinta estación (La Tierra Fragmentada 1)
N.K. Jemisin
La quinta estación (La Tierra Fragmentada 1) by N.K. Jemisin

La quinta estación (La Tierra Fragmentada 1)

By: N.K. Jemisin

Narrated by: Isa Puchol

Length: 15 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

La quinta estación es la primera novela de «La Tierra Fragmentada», serie que mezcla fantasía y ciencia ficción, y que ha hecho merecedora a su autora de dos Premios Hugo a la mejor novela consecutivos: 2016 por la presente y 2017 por El portal de los obeliscos (La Tierra Fragmentada 2). Toda era tiene que llegar a su fin. Ha dado comienzo una... Read more

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La última cuentista by Donna Barbra Higuera
La última cuentista
Donna Barbra Higuera
La última cuentista by Donna Barbra Higuera

La última cuentista

By: Donna Barbra Higuera

Narrated by: Ana Osorio

Length: 10 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Había una vez …Una niña llamada Petra Peña que no quería otra cosa que ser cuentista, como su abuelita.Pero el mundo de Petra está llegando a su fin. La Tierra ha sido destruida por un cometa, y solounos pocos científicos y sus hijos—entre ellos, Petra y su familia—han sido elegidos para viajar a un nuevo planeta. Cientos de años después, Petra... Read more

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Rebelión en la granja by George Orwell
Rebelión en la granja
George Orwell
Rebelión en la granja by George Orwell

Rebelión en la granja

By: George Orwell

Narrated by: Carlos Ramos

Length: 3 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Los animales ya están cansados de ser explotados por el hombre y deciden expulsarlo de sus propiedades para fundar una sociedad animal en la que el ser humano es el enemigo. La cabeza de la rebelión es un cerdo que, en principio, parece preocuparse por los intereses comunes y el bienestar general. Sin embargo, el veneno del poder lo invade... Read more

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The Survivalists by Kashana Cauley
The Survivalists
Kashana Cauley
The Survivalists by Kashana Cauley

The Survivalists

By: Kashana Cauley

Narrated by: Bahni Turpin

Length: 10 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Shondaland’s Best BooksVulture’s Most AnticipatedA Phenomenal Book Club pickOne of Vogue’s Best—and Most Anticipated—Books of 2023"[A] lethally witty debut” —Laura Warrell, The New York Times Book Review“A great and engrossing read, Kashana humanizes a way of life that is often made fun of and makes the reader understand why someone would go to... Read more

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The Last Resort by Michael Kaufman
The Last Resort
Michael Kaufman
The Last Resort by Michael Kaufman

The Last Resort

By: Michael Kaufman

Narrated by: Natalie Naudus & Joe Sanfelippo

Length: 10 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

It’s March 2034, six months after D.C. police detective Jen Lu and Chandler, her sentient bio-computer and wannabe tough guy implanted in her brain, cracked the mystery of Eden. The climate crisis is hitting harder than ever: a mega-hurricane has devastated the eco-system and waves of refugees pour into Washington, D.C. Environmental lawyer and... Read more

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Narrated by: ΠΑΝΟΣ ΣΑΚΕΛΗΣ

Length: 10 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

“Δεν βαρέθηκες να κρατάς σημειώσεις;” την ρώτησε σιγανά ο Τομ. “Δεν βλέπεις πως τίποτα δεν αλλάζει;” Η Κλαίρη τον κοίταξε και σε μια γωνιά του χαρτιού της του έγραψε: Τρέχω ένα πρόγραμμα μ’ αυτά. Φοβάμαι πως πλησιάζουμε σε μια κρίσιμη καμπή που θα πυροδοτήσει μια ζοφερή πραγματικότητα. Ο Τομ δεν είπε τίποτα αλλά συνοφρυώθηκε. Πρώτη φορά η Κλαίρη... Read more

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Big Rip by Ricardo Romero
Big Rip
Ricardo Romero
Big Rip by Ricardo Romero

Big Rip

By: Ricardo Romero

Narrated by: Juan Balvin

Length: 29 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Estamos ante el fin del mundo tal como lo conocemos. El horizonte se diluye, la realidad empieza a fallar... Novela rupturista, novela fractal, intento de atrapar la complejidad de un mundo que se desmorona ante nuestros ojos, Big Rip es la novela total de nuestro presente. También, una experiencia abierta, inagotable, en la que la... Read more

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The Hopkins Manuscript by R.C. Sherriff
The Hopkins Manuscript
R.C. Sherriff
The Hopkins Manuscript by R.C. Sherriff

The Hopkins Manuscript

By: R.C. Sherriff

Narrated by: Nicholas Boulton

Length: 11 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

A stunning speculative novel about a small English village preparing of the end of the world.

Edgar Hopkins is a retired math teacher with a strong sense of self-importance, whose greatest pride is winning poultry-breeding contests. When not meticulously caring for his Bantam, Edgar is an active member of the British Lunar Society. Thanks to that... Read more

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De selectie by Kiera Cass
De selectie
Kiera Cass
De selectie by Kiera Cass

De selectie

By: Kiera Cass

Narrated by: Relinde de Graaff

Length: 10 hours

Abridged: No

Voor 35 meisjes is de selectie dé kans op een beter leven. Zo kunnen ze ontsnappen aan een armoedig caste-leven en opgenomen worden in een wereld vol glamour. De selectie biedt de mogelijkheid om in het paleis te wonen en te strijden om het hart van prins Maxon. America Singer vindt het echter een nachtmerrie. Ze moet haar geheime liefde opgeven... Read more

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Book of Mary by Camille Picott
Book of Mary
Camille Picott
Book of Mary by Camille Picott

Book of Mary

By: Camille Picott

Narrated by: Gwendolyn Druyor

Length: 3 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

A lonely god. A determined shepherd girl.Their love might save the world … if it doesn’t destroy them first.When the village Nazareth receives word that Herod’s undead army has been destroyed, they rejoice.No one is more relieved than Mary and Joseph. With the zombie threat out of the way, they think the secret about their son is safe …… until... Read more

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Narican: The Cloaked Deception by Douglas Robbins
Narican: The Cloaked Deception
Douglas Robbins
Narican: The Cloaked Deception by Douglas Robbins

Narican: The Cloaked Deception

By: Douglas Robbins

Narrated by: Michael A. Goldsmith

Length: 6 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

No human can stop the Toxic Whisperers from plunging Earth into soulless darkness, but Reuben is far from human. Praised by Kirkus Reviews for its “unrelenting action” and “breakneck pace,” Narican: The Cloaked Deception blends science-fiction and metaphysical themes to create an alternate reality full of both emotional depth and twisting... Read more

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