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三千蔬菜入梦来 by 周雨荟/九歌
三千蔬菜入梦来 by 周雨荟/九歌


By: 周雨荟/九歌

Narrated by: 李晓艺、武懿隆等

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:一千年太长,只愿此生可以共度朝夕。 李南泠不小心解开了千年封印,被封印已久的千黎差阳错之下融入了一颗土豆。 千年大妖沦落到卖萌为生,催熟了一院子的蔬菜,开始了与李南泠一起游走于都市之间的除妖生活。 直到一张神秘藏宝图横空出世,被隐世大家族占据的四处藏宝引发了各种骚动,而原本相互看对方不顺眼的两人,在一路磕磕绊绊中找回了彼此间更久远的牵绊…… Read more

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Staying Committed: Reigniting Love When It Feels Tough by Ian Ravelcroft
Staying Committed: Reigniting Love When It Feels Tough
Ian Ravelcroft
Staying Committed: Reigniting Love When It Feels Tough by Ian Ravelcroft

Staying Committed: Reigniting Love When It Feels Tough

By: Ian Ravelcroft

Narrated by: Nick Porter

Length: 2 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

'Staying Committed: Reigniting Love When It Feels Tough'
⭐⭐ Simplified Audio Guide ⭐⭐
Are you looking to progress in your relationship and solidify your love by successfully reigniting the passion when times get tough?
Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary elements to revive your relationship and deepen your connection?
Your... Read more

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Die Abenteuer Box: 4 Hörbuch-Klassiker by Robert Louis Stevenson, Jack London, Mark Twain & Edgar Allan Poe
Die Abenteuer Box: 4 Hörbuch-Klassiker
Robert Louis Stevenson, Jack London, Mark Twain...
Die Abenteuer Box: 4 Hörbuch-Klassiker by Robert Louis Stevenson, Jack London, Mark Twain & Edgar Allan Poe

Die Abenteuer Box: 4 Hörbuch-Klassiker

By: Robert Louis Stevenson, Jack London, Mark Twain...

Narrated by: Jürgen Fritsche

Length: 22 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Vier klassische Abenteuergeschichten in einer großen Hörbuch Box! Ungekürzt gelesen! Mit dabei sind: 1. Robert Louis Stevenson: Die Schatzinsel (Track 1 - 103), 2. Mark Twain: Die Abenteuer und Fahrten des Huckleberry Finn (Track 104 - 217), Jack London: Der Ruf der Wildnis (Track 218 - 255), Edgar Allan Poe: Der Goldkäfer (Track 256 - 283).... Read more

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唐宫贵妃传 by 莫吟思
唐宫贵妃传 by 莫吟思


By: 莫吟思

Narrated by: 任景行、高宇、冯欣然

Length: 11 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介: 安史之乱中,独孤姝华被广平王李豫救下,从此带在身边。李豫平定安史之乱后荣登皇位,携宫眷返长安,独孤姝华也跟随李豫进入大明宫。在与公主和皇子们的相处中,独孤姝华逐渐对二皇子李邈暗生情愫,但李邈对她似有似无的情谊,令她困惑。  为稳定大唐,大公主云瞻即将远嫁回纥联姻,云瞻夜宴太液池那晚,嫁妆之一回纥兵戒遗失了。回纥兵戒是回纥可汗葛勒之物,可号令回纥大军。那晚在场的人都被大理寺列做嫌疑,当所有人都竭尽推脱的时候,李邈因怕招致闲话,拒绝承认他同姝华夜宴后去了御花园,她没了不在场证明,矛头一时都指向她。  李邈的表现让姝华感到寒心,而在此时皇帝李豫则力排众议,力保独孤姝华。  皇帝的信任和保护令姝华备受感动。李豫看姝华从当年那个自己救回的小姑娘,长成了亭亭玉立的女子,温婉美丽又才华出... Read more

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The Dokkōdō by Miyamoto Musashi
The Dokkōdō
Miyamoto Musashi
The Dokkōdō by Miyamoto Musashi

The Dokkōdō

By: Miyamoto Musashi

Narrated by: Gancho Jerome

Length: 6 minutes

Abridged: No

A testament to the way of solitude and simplicity, the 21 precepts of the Dokkōdō, also known as The Way of Walking Alone, is one of Musashi's principal legacies. Inspired by his life of combat and the bushido code, Miyamoto Musashi wrote the Dokkōdō in Japan in 1645, to pass on his wisdom and philosophy of life before he died. In the short... Read more

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人生不过悲欣交集:李叔同 by 月满无心
人生不过悲欣交集:李叔同 by 月满无心


By: 月满无心

Narrated by: 宏宇 炊饼 顾相宜 Da狐狐

Length: 10 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:李叔同集诗、词、书画、篆刻、音乐、戏剧、文学成就于一身。无论是豪门巨富、文人骚客,还是贩夫走卒中,都不乏大师的粉丝。他出身清贵,家资巨富,才华横溢,号称“二十文章惊海内”,可谓是绝代才子。他的一生,由一个浊世佳公子,而留学生、而艺术教育家,最后却偏偏遗世而独立,在功成名就的盛年选择了皈依佛门,精研律宗,被誉为“民国四大高僧”之一,虽为佛门奇葩,却引来红尘多少扼叹!大师有着对红尘最深沉的爱,所以才能在诸多领域游刃有余,取得常人不能得的成就;大师更有着忘却俗情的佛门大智慧,所以才能走入人生三层楼的最高层。本书以诗词为舟,畅游于弘一大海般深邃的内心世界,还读者一个最真性情的李叔同。 Read more

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Zeke by Laura Scott
Laura Scott
Zeke by Laura Scott


By: Laura Scott

Narrated by: Alex Knox

Length: 6 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

From USA Today Bestselling Author Laura Scott
Oath of Honor – To protect and serve…
Protecting his best friend’s sister…
Tactical police officer Zeke Hawthorn doesn’t hesitate to rush in to protect his best friend’s sister. Especially when the danger lurks too close to the beautiful single mom and her young daughter. He’ll even go a step further... Read more

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人间四月,一树花开:林徽因传 by 朱丹红
人间四月,一树花开:林徽因传 by 朱丹红


By: 朱丹红

Narrated by: 沐雪

Length: 9 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:她从人间四月天走来,宛若白莲,顾盼生辉。她是林徽因,游走在再别康桥的诗句里,穿梭在古建筑的名词间,换得一世情缘,三世爱恋,千篇赞颂。无论岁月静好,还是时代激荡,她始终面不改色,优雅前行,用蕙质兰心,照亮一方天地。她是诗人徐志摩的痴恋,是建筑师梁思成的贤妻,是学者金岳霖的挚爱。她的诗句优美灵动,她的建筑成就斐然。她是女人心中渴望成为的范本,是男人眼中的完美女神。 Read more

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The Heart Sutra by Red Pine
The Heart Sutra
Red Pine
The Heart Sutra by Red Pine

The Heart Sutra

By: Red Pine

Narrated by: Brian Arens

Length: 4 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

The Heart Sutra is Buddhism in a nutshell. It has had the most profound and wide-reaching influence of any text in Buddhism. This short text covers more of the Buddha’s teachings than any other scripture, and it does so without being superficial or hurried. Although the original author is unknown, he was clearly someone with a deep realization... Read more

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The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
Arthur Conan Doyle
The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle

The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes

By: Arthur Conan Doyle

Narrated by: Oliver Thompson

Length: 9 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Step into the world of deduction with The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes by Arthur Conan Doyle, an audiobook collection that brings together some of Sherlock Holmes’ most thrilling cases. In this gripping series of short stories, listeners follow the legendary detective and his loyal companion, Dr. John Watson, as they confront baffling mysteries,... Read more

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Coming soon
Johanna Spyri - Heidi by Johanna Spyri & Wolfgang Ecke
Johanna Spyri - Heidi
Johanna Spyri & Wolfgang Ecke
Johanna Spyri - Heidi by Johanna Spyri & Wolfgang Ecke

Johanna Spyri - Heidi

By: Johanna Spyri & Wolfgang Ecke

Narrated by: Ludwig Thiesen, Antje Hagen, Heidi Vogel, Thobi...

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Heidi, unsere Titelheldin, ist ein zehnjähriges Mädchen und lebt, da sie keine Eltern mehr hat, bei ihrem Großvater in den Bergen auf einer Alm, wo es noch Geißen, viel Sonne, saftige Wiesen und bunte Blumen gibt. Unbeschwert und glücklich lebt Heidi in dieser herrlichen Landschaft der Schweizer Berge, bis sie eines Tages von ihrer Pflegetante... Read more

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上海往事 by 毕飞宇
上海往事 by 毕飞宇


By: 毕飞宇

Narrated by: 郭诗源、胡月玲

Length: 9 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《上海往事》讲述乡下少年唐水生来到大上海,被安排在当红舞女小金宝身边服侍。小金宝是帮会头子唐老爷的情妇,但心中却爱着唐老爷的兄弟宋约翰。而宋约翰与小金宝虽有私情,却一心只欲取得唐老爷的地位。一次黑帮仇杀后,小金宝和水生被送到乡下,后又和老爷一起躲到一座孤岛上,扰乱了一对孤寡母女桂花嫂和阿娇的平静生活,另一场内弛外张的人性斗争静静上演。最终宋约翰一派功亏一篑,桂花嫂被灭口,大获全胜的唐老爷要带回阿娇栽培为下一个小金宝,他饶过一命的小金宝,却出于对爱情和人性的双重绝望,选择了自杀身亡…… Read more

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神秘的打火匣 by 黄立平/澹台镜
神秘的打火匣 by 黄立平/澹台镜


By: 黄立平/澹台镜

Narrated by: 息九泱、姜猫等

Length: 2 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:夏可可是一位三年级的小男生,他调皮又聪明。爷爷在临终前送给他一只木偶狗。自从这只木偶狗来到夏可可家中,便发生了许许多多匪夷所思的事情……为揭开谜团,夏可可和“死党”虾饺再次回到乡下爷爷的老家。在那里,他们和神奇的木偶狗,还有神秘莫测的疯丫头一起踏上了惊险而刺激的冒险旅程。阴森恐怖的老妖洞、令人惊骇的林中小屋、大山深处阴暗的地下煤矿……困难接连不断,危险接踵而至,他们能否利用自己的智慧和勇气冲破难关,化险为夷呢?翻开此书,让我们在惊心动魄的冒险旅程中,拨开重重迷雾,揭开所有谜团吧! Read more

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New release
神秘世界 by 郑军
神秘世界 by 郑军


By: 郑军

Narrated by: 任景行、杨智慧

Length: 3 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《溶洞惊魂》 千万年前,一个地下溶洞,连同生活在其中的几百种生物被彻底封闭,从此开始了与外界完全不同的进化之路。21世纪初,一场地震又把这个位于云南的溶洞暴露于世。探险家廖铮跟随两个考察队深入洞穴进行探索。然而他们低估了大自然的力量,漫长的时光已经赋予洞内生物奇异的能力……《魔海谜踪》 探险家巴哈索夫来到中国,声称找到了郑和发现南极大陆的证据,希望中国人为他集资去南极洲实地考查。和大多数听到这个设想的同胞一样,探险家廖铮认为巴哈索夫只是头脑发热,但后者找到了越来越多的证据支持自己的看法,似乎确实有一支船队在几百年前便到达了南极大陆。于是,廖铮开始认真看待这一惊人的假设…… Read more

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人形武器之黑帮 by 郑军
人形武器之黑帮 by 郑军


By: 郑军

Narrated by: 宋志强、王栋

Length: 5 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

  迷雾重重的冷战时代,苏联人组建了一只“神功部队”。他们能遥感美国核潜艇的位置,通过照片判断美国要人的病情,甚至用思维扼住别人的心脏!  这都是迷惑对手的幌子,部队的真正使命,是寻找挖掘人类潜能的训练方式。成功之后... Read more

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伤花怒放 by 裴志海/裴指海
伤花怒放 by 裴志海/裴指海


By: 裴志海/裴指海

Narrated by: 宋敏

Length: 2 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:中篇小说《伤花怒放》是一片讲述革命时期爱情的小说。罗麦以女性视角解读战争,回忆与赵关克从最初没有爱情的婚姻,到爱情萌芽,再到生死离别的革命曲折故事。1946年,解放军放了罗麦的家乡,当时还是女大学生的罗麦志愿追寻革命,参加了解放军,学习当护士,并对卫生队教导员,气质不凡的周真强萌生情愫。大牛山一战,罗麦的英勇表现,被评为“优秀共产党”,在组织的安排下,罗麦毫不知情被送到了婚礼上,嫁给了并不认识的团参谋长赵关克。革命与浪漫,有着天然的茅盾。但就在两人共同革命生涯中,经历了一场场的生死让罗麦渐渐认识了侠肝义胆的赵关克。两人逐渐产生爱情,爱情之花已经在两人的心间绽放时,他却在战斗中壮烈牺牲了,罗麦与赵关克共同谱写了一曲生死绝恋。小说在朴实、原生态的叙述中,表现了革命者的崇高情感。也... Read more

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The Child I Long For by Caroline Finnerty
The Child I Long For
Caroline Finnerty
The Child I Long For by Caroline Finnerty

The Child I Long For

By: Caroline Finnerty

Narrated by: Caroline Lennon

Length: 7 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

An emotional tearjerker! The page-turning, heartbreaking novel of love, motherhood and what it takes to overcome tragedy, from the bestselling author of The Last Days of Us.Emily is back in Ireland after nine long years away from home, when she sees him. Her ex-husband, Rob, holding hands with a five-year-old girl. A girl that should be... Read more

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盛世长歌:走向巅峰的隋唐五代 by 马兆锋
盛世长歌:走向巅峰的隋唐五代 by 马兆锋


By: 马兆锋

Narrated by: 岩冬、张帆、墨程见

Length: 19 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《浴血的帝国:纷乱的三国两晋南北朝》指出这是一个风云变幻、荡气回肠的时代,这也是一个衣袂翩翩、风流恣意的时代。从公元220年曹丕建魏,到公元589年杨坚统一天下,是中国历史上封建国家的分裂和民族大融合时期。在这300多年间,战争不断,英雄辈出,他们推动了历史的发展。在这些人物中,有我们熟悉的曹操、诸葛亮、关羽、孙权等。在这里都对他们做了新的诠释。 Read more

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New release
如懿传 by 杨帆/吴韵汐
如懿传 by 杨帆/吴韵汐


By: 杨帆/吴韵汐

Narrated by: 苏雅

Length: 8 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:乌拉那拉氏·如懿,清朝废后乌拉那拉氏·宜修的侄女,因为心高气傲不愿屈人做三阿哥的侍妾,受皇后之托被指给四阿哥爱新觉罗·弘历(后来的乾隆皇帝)为侧福晋。乾隆二年,被封为娴妃;乾隆十五年,册立为皇后。如懿不是乾隆皇帝非常宠爱的妃子,却是皇太后特别喜爱的儿媳,乾隆皇帝在督促下将她册立为后后,从此万般荣耀如同鲜花着锦,圣宠也日渐浓厚,但她永远是那个孤傲刚烈的女子,在第四次陪驾南巡时,她与乾隆皇帝起了争执。面对龙颜暴怒的天子,她毫无惧色,不肯让步,甚至不惜断发相抗,她也为此付出了惨重的代价。乾隆皇帝始终不肯原谅她,虽然迫于母亲的压力没有废掉她的后位,但是却收缴了她的历次册宝。她临终抱憾辞世,乾隆皇帝命人办的葬礼异常简薄,等级仅相当于嫔。当乾隆皇帝垂垂老矣的时候,终于读懂了如懿的眼泪,只... Read more

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Journey to the Present Moment: Embrace Your True Power by Graham Thorne
Journey to the Present Moment: Embrace Your True Power
Graham Thorne
Journey to the Present Moment: Embrace Your True Power by Graham Thorne

Journey to the Present Moment: Embrace Your True Power

By: Graham Thorne

Narrated by: Nick Porter

Length: 2 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Journey to the Present Moment: Embrace Your True Power
⭐⭐ Simplified Audio Guide ⭐⭐
Are you looking to progress in your journey to self-awareness and find clarity and strength by being truly present?
Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary elements to embrace your true power?
Your search ends here!
This guide serves as your... Read more

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Leonardo  Da vinci  Su Historia by Onofre Quezada
Leonardo Da vinci Su Historia
Onofre Quezada
Leonardo  Da vinci  Su Historia by Onofre Quezada

Leonardo Da vinci Su Historia

By: Onofre Quezada

Narrated by: Anonimo & Onofre Quezada

Length: 1 hour 6 minutes

Abridged: No

"Leonardo da Vinci: Su Historia" es una fascinante biografía que explora la vida y el legado de uno de los mayores genios del Renacimiento. A través de sus páginas, descubrirás la versatilidad de Leonardo, quien destacó no solo como pintor y escultor, sino también como inventor, científico y visionario.Este libro ofrece un recorrido por sus... Read more

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Shadow - Abridged by Sophia Como
Shadow - Abridged
Sophia Como
Shadow - Abridged by Sophia Como

Shadow - Abridged

By: Sophia Como

Narrated by: Sebastian Fischer & Hannah Schepmann

Length: 12 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Er ist der Jäger, sie die Gejagte. Nach dem Abschluss will Sofia vor allem eins: endlich in ihre Heimat Sizilien zurückkehren, um den Klauen ihres Stalkers zu entkommen. Erleichtert nistet sie sich in dem ländlichen Weinhotel ihrer Tante im Küstenort Castellammare del Golfo ein, auch wenn sie weiß, dass ihr Schatten ihr stets dicht auf den... Read more

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Texarkana [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by J.A. Johnstone & William W. Johnstone
Texarkana [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged
J.A. Johnstone & William W. Johnstone
Texarkana [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged by J.A. Johnstone & William W. Johnstone

Texarkana [Dramatized Adaptation] - Abridged

By: J.A. Johnstone & William W. Johnstone

Narrated by: Jonathan David Bullock, Michael Glenn, Full Cas...

Length: 6 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"From the Greatest Western Writers of the 21st Century, William W. Johnstone and J.A. Johnstone, the 6th blazing adventure featuring Perley Gates, a new hero in the Old West who’s carving out his own legacy in the violent American frontier. He’s as honest and good as his heavenly name, so when an unholy trio of cutthroat rustlers turn a routine... Read more

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39: Die Naturfüchse: Ölspur im Badesee - Abridged by Benjamin Schreuder
39: Die Naturfüchse: Ölspur im Badesee - Abridged
Benjamin Schreuder
39: Die Naturfüchse: Ölspur im Badesee - Abridged by Benjamin Schreuder

39: Die Naturfüchse: Ölspur im Badesee - Abridged

By: Benjamin Schreuder

Narrated by: Lars Schmidtke, Harald Schrott, Beate Gerlach, ...

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: Yes

Die Neugier unserer Jüngsten kennt keine Grenzen. Alles wollen sie genau wissen und den ganzen Tag sind sie damit beschäftigt, uns Erwachsenen unzählige Fragen zu stellen. Wieso kaut die Kuh auch im Liegen? Wie belagert der Ritter eine Burg? Warum sind Feuerwehrautos rot? Wozu hat der Triceratops drei Hörner? Diese Hörspielreihe ist für alle... Read more

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