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Die Pension am Meer by Julie Klassen
Die Pension am Meer
Julie Klassen
Die Pension am Meer by Julie Klassen

Die Pension am Meer

By: Julie Klassen

Narrated by: Sabine Schmitt

Length: 14 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Als der Tod ihres Vaters sie verarmt zurücklässt, überredet Sarah Summers ihre Schwestern, ihr Haus an der Küste von Devonshire für Gäste zu öffnen, um ihre kranke Mutter zu versorgen. Die vier Schwestern sind fest entschlossen zusammenzuhalten und beginnen gemeinsam das neue Unternehmen. Bald übernachten die unterschiedlichsten Gäste bei ihnen... Read more

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首善 by 徐余
首善 by 徐余


By: 徐余

Narrated by: 雨奇 、马良星河 、叶凡

Length: 18 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:郑光明出身贫寒,从小毅志坚定,经历艰辛成为一个大商人,他的理想就是光明磊落地做慈善,一心一事为家乡人做好事。他的宗旨是干干净净地行善,不做挂羊头卖狗肉的事,把每分钱亲自送到受捐人手上,他崇尚企业家应该高调赚钱,同时高调做慈善,以此来回馈社会,并因此获得良好的信誉和形象来为企业经营服务的理念。让钱良性地在社会中循环。他恰当地利用做慈善来做营销,发展自己的企业,带有商业目的。同时,他的行为也引来媒体曝光和广泛争议。他的妻子邹静芳强烈反对他经营慈善事业,尤其想夺取企业的掌控权,另立门户,暗中做了一些见不得光的勾当,这些郑光明带来了很多负面影响,郑光明在事业和感情的漩涡中不断挣扎。  前资深记者叶茜通过暗访,怀疑郑光明借慈善之名进行商业上的暗操作,她的系列报道引起轩然大波。同时,一个... Read more

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Cómo ser un estoico by Massimo Pigliucci
Cómo ser un estoico
Massimo Pigliucci
Cómo ser un estoico by Massimo Pigliucci

Cómo ser un estoico

By: Massimo Pigliucci

Narrated by: Santiago Pavón

Length: 7 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Una guía esencial para vivir mejor a modo de conversación con el antiguo esclavo convertido en maestro que fue Epicteto. No sabemos qué te ha llevado a sentir curiosidad por este libro. Tal vez estés pasando por una etapa con un alto nivel de estrés. Quizás sufres una gran saturación de trabajo. O estás empezando a com - prender las... Read more

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Herbert und dle letzte Atombombe by Axel Ulrich
Herbert und dle letzte Atombombe
Axel Ulrich
Herbert und dle letzte Atombombe by Axel Ulrich

Herbert und dle letzte Atombombe

By: Axel Ulrich

Narrated by: Julia Bertram-Filpe

Length: 8 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Das dritte Buch aus der Serie um Herbert, unseren attraktiven Mittdreißiger, der in einer Reproduktionsanlage auf dem Planeten Goni entstanden ist und unbedingt als Scout auf die Erde wollte, schon wegen all der schönen Frauen - Science Fiction, aber eine sehr bodenständige Art von Scifi. Eine verschwundene Atombombe bringt Herbert zur... Read more

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神兽驾到 by 黄立平/澹台镜
神兽驾到 by 黄立平/澹台镜


By: 黄立平/澹台镜

Narrated by: 容止、小林等

Length: 9 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:"上古时期,通天之路断绝,万年大劫将至,瑶河水神出现,天下大乱,各大山海妖怪纷纷现身,血染河山。莽莽昆仑,在陆吾天神失踪之际,遭到众多妖怪攻击后失陷,昆仑山遗孤英招在从从的帮助下,历经千万险阻,和帝江一起赶赴龙首山学艺。学艺有成的英招最终发现了山海间隐藏的巨大隐秘,联合龙首山等正义力量,逐四大妖王于大泽,恢复通天之路,还天下太平,昆仑山成为天下山海间第一神山。" Read more

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事业 by 李幼谦
事业 by 李幼谦


By: 李幼谦

Narrated by: 王敬珊

Length: 1 hour 11 minutes

Abridged: No

然而,气急败坏的白之龙在文革最后时期,再次掀起了波澜,害死了任重。 Read more

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亭长小武 by 史杰鹏/梁惠王
亭长小武 by 史杰鹏/梁惠王


By: 史杰鹏/梁惠王

Narrated by: 马宗武

Length: 28 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《亭长小武》故事讲述,汉武帝时期,南昌县的一个叫小武的亭长(大致相当于现在的村长),因为文弱无力,无法管束治下的流氓少年,长期被长官、同僚蔑视。此时县里突发了一件劫掠案,在别人束手无策时,小武凭借他的聪明才智,以及他对律法案例的丰富知识,顺利侦破此案。但这件发生在偏远地区的普通案件,却牵涉到宫中的太子、宰相,地方的诸侯王,以及名扬天下的长安豪侠。小武不得已走上逃亡之路,却意外获得诸侯王公主的爱情。此后小武一路高升,从手持金斧的钦差直到首都的市长——京兆尹,最后参与到汉武帝时期最著名的宫廷巫蛊政变中。 Read more

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水乳大地 by 范稳
水乳大地 by 范稳


By: 范稳

Narrated by: 温昊达

Length: 26 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:讲述上世纪初以来澜沧江某峡谷不同部族的生存斗争,既展现这块土地上带有原始意味的生存情景,又表达着人们对自然与神灵的特殊态度,生存于此必备的粗犷雄野的特征,以及人神通灵的无穷意味,作品显示出了少有的力度和深度。小说时间跨度相当大,上世纪整整一个世纪的西藏历史,如此紧张而舒展地呈现出来,它使我们面对一段陌生的历史时,直接叩问我们的精神深处。 Read more

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死囚 by 丁一鹤
死囚 by 丁一鹤


By: 丁一鹤

Narrated by: 讲鬼故事的刚子

Length: 9 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:因为作者的采访和掌握的资料是一手的、真实的、独家的,所以本书对于案件的报道是具有一定深度和广度的,而且大多内容是读者闻所未闻见所未见的。丁一鹤用纪实文学的方式记录中国法制进程的一些片段,本书所展示的案件都在北京和全国产生过一定影响,有的案情也通过各种传播渠道为广大读者所知。但与其他媒体报道不同的是,本书的内容全部来自丁一鹤对案件当事人的亲自采访和他所接触的相关案卷,而且是对案件鲜为人知的内幕进行原汁原味的展示和披露。 Read more

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世界悬案全记录 by 李宏
世界悬案全记录 by 李宏


By: 李宏

Narrated by: 顾海

Length: 33 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No


《世界悬案全纪录(经典珍藏版)》将外星文明、浩瀚宇宙、神奇自然、奥妙数学、奇妙人类、悠久历史诸方面最经典的未解谜团一一呈现。通俗流畅的语言、新颖独到的视角、科学审慎的态度,生动剖析了这些尚未破解的神秘现象产生的原理,揭示了谜题背后隐藏的真机与玄机。 Read more

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上海最后时刻 by JIANG CHUNYANG/钟拓奇
上海最后时刻 by JIANG CHUNYANG/钟拓奇



Narrated by: 二月和风、主播海风等

Length: 11 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:十月。大量的死鱼从深海漂到上海东岸。格林兰岛的冰盖在急剧消融。海水在以几乎每24小时一米的速度迅速上升。平均海拔只有五米的上海危在旦夕。而同时,世界各国在静止轨道上的卫星受到干扰。  李古力奉命到上海请老一辈科学家张大明出马协助,却发现张大明失踪。海洋学家禹红发现了张大明遗留的应对海水上升的论文批注,参加了搜寻张大明的行动。李古力和欧洲之鹈间谍分别在上海和杭州遭遇。  众多迹象显示,张大明去了格陵兰岛,而美国中情局的吉姆也已经在去格陵兰岛途中。大规模剧烈磁暴发生,许多通讯卫星消失,大部分通讯中断。上海民众开始向西撤离。  渔民的儿子20岁的唐强终于决定去上海打工。在抢救女友幼儿园孩子时被压到被水冲垮的房屋中。救援军队把女友和其他孩子强行撤离。带着李古力四人小队和禹红的包机上升... Read more

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三生不幸爱上你 by 周末/路过而已
三生不幸爱上你 by 周末/路过而已


By: 周末/路过而已

Narrated by: 马慧欣、刘恩泽等

Length: 12 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

内容简介:幻宗有一美男,唤白夜,貌美体软性扭曲,擅长男女通杀秘技。密宗有一师妹,唤纪梨,做过很多蠢事,其中每一件都很要命,比如离家出走却遇到中毒的白夜,从此清白不在,白夜阴魂不散。如果说六师兄是纪梨一生最刻骨铭心的邂逅,那么,他,幻宗之主白夜,这个看似优雅绝美实则卑鄙无耻的少年,和他的相遇简直就是灾难!两个人只要一见面就会鸡飞狗跳,天劫天雷滚滚来,偏偏,白夜还总是寸步不离地缠着她,为了帮她收拾那些凶残的妖魔们,他卖得了萌,扮得了女人,秀得了下限,堪称最强的存在! Read more

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Shield of Darkness by Jonathan Moeller
Shield of Darkness
Jonathan Moeller
Shield of Darkness by Jonathan Moeller

Shield of Darkness

By: Jonathan Moeller

Narrated by: Brad Wills

Length: 11 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

War is coming between the Shield Knight and the Exarch. But neither sees the dark power manipulating the battle from the shadows.To drive the Exarch from her stronghold on the Isle of Kordain, Ridmark is gambling on a bold strategy - to reach the Isle through the twisting caverns of the Deeps.But the caverns of the Deeps are filled with deadly... Read more

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Whispers of Wisdom. A Collection of Soothing 5-Minute Bedtime Stories About Stoicism for Kids by Elena Chapman & Kids Trivia
Whispers of Wisdom. A Collection of Soothing 5-Minute Bedtime Stories About Stoicism for Kids
Elena Chapman & Kids Trivia
Whispers of Wisdom. A Collection of Soothing 5-Minute Bedtime Stories About Stoicism for Kids by Elena Chapman & Kids Trivia

Whispers of Wisdom. A Collection of Soothing 5-Minute Bedtime Stories About Stoicism for Kids

By: Elena Chapman & Kids Trivia

Narrated by: Farah D

Length: 1 hour 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Pssst… are you ready to ignite your child’s imagination and fill bedtime with wisdom that will shape their soul? Picture this: each night, as you tuck them in, they’re whisked away on dazzling adventures across sunlit savannas, and into magical realms - where courage, resilience, and wisdom are the true treasures. But „Whispers of Wisdom” is so... Read more

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师父太缺爱 by 贺楠楠/苏陌
师父太缺爱 by 贺楠楠/苏陌


By: 贺楠楠/苏陌

Narrated by: 马慧欣、程博文等

Length: 10 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

而师徒关系也面临着重大的考验 Read more

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Not In This Small Town by Andrea Smith
Not In This Small Town
Andrea Smith
Not In This Small Town by Andrea Smith

Not In This Small Town

By: Andrea Smith

Narrated by: Amanda Stribling & David Black

Length: 8 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

They say evil can take many forms . . .
I learned that first hand at the age of seventeen. My mother's third husband was the preacher . . . a man of the cloth who had a secret agenda within our small Southern community.
My name is Sunny Gardner. And Layton, Alabama is my home, or least it had been until the preacher came into our lives. A minister... Read more

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New release
Spellcrafting and White Magic: Unlocking the Secrets of Protection Spells, Blessings, Spellcasting, Candle Magick, and Wiccan Rituals by Mari Silva
Spellcrafting and White Magic: Unlocking the Secrets of Protection Spells, Blessings, Spellcasting, Candle Magick, and Wiccan Rituals
Mari Silva
Spellcrafting and White Magic: Unlocking the Secrets of Protection Spells, Blessings, Spellcasting, Candle Magick, and Wiccan Rituals by Mari Silva

Spellcrafting and White Magic: Unlocking the Secrets of Protection Spells, Blessings, Spellcasting, Candle Magick, and Wiccan Rituals

By: Mari Silva

Narrated by: Ivan Busenius

Length: 6 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Master Spellcrafting and White Magic: Your Ultimate Guide to Spells, Protection, and Rituals!Two manuscripts in one audiobook: Spellcrafting: The Ultimate Spellcraft Guide for Beginners Wanting to Create Spells and Learn Spellcasting White Magic: The Ultimate Guide to Protection Spells, Blessings, Candle Magick, Wiccan Rituals, and Spellcrafting... Read more

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Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, Folge 120: Der Mann mit dem geduckten Gang by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, Folge 120: Der Mann mit dem geduckten Gang
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, Folge 120: Der Mann mit dem geduckten Gang by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Sherlock Holmes Chronicles, Folge 120: Der Mann mit dem geduckten Gang

By: Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Narrated by: Tom Jacobs, Till Hagen, Wolfgang Ziffer & Konra...

Length: 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Mr. Trevor Bennet kontaktiert den Meisterdetektiv, um ihm von dem seltsamen Verhalten seines Schwiegervaters, des angesehenen Professor Presbury, zu berichten. Dieser wird immer exzentrischer, sein Verhalten immer weniger verständlich. So erwischt man ihn dabei, wie er auf Bäume klettert oder geduckt durch Gänge schleicht. Selbst der Hund des... Read more

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Harness the Limitless Power of Your Mind by Keaton Albright
Harness the Limitless Power of Your Mind
Keaton Albright
Harness the Limitless Power of Your Mind by Keaton Albright

Harness the Limitless Power of Your Mind

By: Keaton Albright

Narrated by: Nick Porter

Length: 2 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Harness the Limitless Power of Your Mind
⭐⭐ Simplified Audio Guide ⭐⭐
Are you ready to unlock the vast potential of your mind and achieve unprecedented success in your life?
Searching for an all-encompassing guide that equips you with the tools to harness your mental capabilities?
Look no further!
This audiobook is your ultimate resource for... Read more

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网络那些事 by 韩秀成
网络那些事 by 韩秀成


By: 韩秀成

Narrated by: 刘恩泽、张杨舒雅

Length: 10 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:网络在为人们的生活带来极大便利的同时,也为一些居心叵测的人提供了犯罪的温床,他们为了不劳而获、成为有钱人,终日抱着电脑,费尽心思、绞尽脑汁地游荡在网络的灰色地带。  也许你就是他的下一个致富的目标,什么“刷钻手”、网络征婚、网络赌博、网络色情、网络诈骗、抢劫、绑架可能会随时降临,当你走在大街上的时候,有没有感到阴暗的角落里在有一双布满了血丝的、充满欲望的眼睛在死死地盯着你,一场没有硝烟的战争已经拉开了大幕…… Read more

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听说爱情会回来 by 张慧/张静安
听说爱情会回来 by 张慧/张静安


By: 张慧/张静安

Narrated by: 黄瑜、赵小柱

Length: 6 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:因为十岁时一场家变,让她远离亲情。她孤寂、决绝,却又果敢、坚强。二十岁之前她不相信爱情,二十岁之后,她毫无防备地陷入爱情。明知是一场苦恋,她依然义无反顾,直到他已深陷到与别人的生活之中。她就是胡平凡,一个极其不平凡的女子。她有着茉莉一般清冷的气质,她成全了自己所爱的人与别人的爱情,投身到另一场看似风平浪静的爱情。可在他们决定在一起的时候,眼前的他又变成了与十几年前她的那场家变有着莫切关联的人。她无法原谅这场善意的阴谋,于是她选择离开,在零下四十几度的严寒里,她看到了那个熟悉的地方——茉莉咖啡馆,一切,又都回来了。 Read more

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Sepsis - Ersehnte Rache - Hauptkommissar Heerse ermittelt, Band 12 (ungekürzt) by Ilona Bulazel
Sepsis - Ersehnte Rache - Hauptkommissar Heerse ermittelt, Band 12 (ungekürzt)
Ilona Bulazel
Sepsis - Ersehnte Rache - Hauptkommissar Heerse ermittelt, Band 12 (ungekürzt) by Ilona Bulazel

Sepsis - Ersehnte Rache - Hauptkommissar Heerse ermittelt, Band 12 (ungekürzt)

By: Ilona Bulazel

Narrated by: Günter Merlau

Length: 4 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

Das Blut des verhassten Feindes verteilte sich auf ihrer Haut wie rote Schönheitsflecken. Sie genoss es, unaufhörlich auszuholen und zuzustechen. Er sollte nicht überleben, sondern in ihren Armen sterben, hier und jetzt ... Welches eiskalte Monster nimmt einer Familie den Sohn? Welche Bestie entreißt zwei kleinen Kindern die... Read more

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铜壶 by 薛燕平
铜壶 by 薛燕平


By: 薛燕平

Narrated by: 崔勇

Length: 13 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:北京的胡同与四合院一样,既是北京的标志,也给人们留下了永远的记忆与说不完的故事。住在胡同里的人家儿大多已经几代人,在胡同里一住就几十年。北京人喜欢处街坊,远亲不如近邻、街坊里道这些个词儿都与这胡同和四合院有关。  铜壶的故事背景放在了60年代的北京胡同。饥荒年代,物质馈乏,陆仲祥在自家小院开了一家小酒铺,理所当然便成为胡同的中心。作者虽然把故事背景放在了60年代,但故事的重心却是胡同老百姓的生活。作者淡化了那个年代特殊的政治环境,更多地着眼于底层民众的日常生活。是北京旧城区犄角旮旯的事儿,是北京四合院里的人生百态:开杂货辅的老陆老实厚道,富于正义感和同情心,同时又有着商人的小狡猾。他是这个小四合院的核心人物,他会在酒里兑对,做得很自然,甚至没有愧疚;他也不忘对生活窘困的邻里拉... Read more

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Polar Vortex by R.J. Patterson & J.D. Kane
Polar Vortex
R.J. Patterson & J.D. Kane
Polar Vortex by R.J. Patterson & J.D. Kane

Polar Vortex

By: R.J. Patterson & J.D. Kane

Narrated by: Jason Jewett

Length: 7 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Sometimes truth and conspiracy are the same side of the same coin.When former CIA operative and investigative journalist James Flynn gets asked to take a look into a secret government facility in Alaska, he begins his initial inquiry by meeting with a secret group of conspiracy theorists unironically known as Ultra. Along with some pressure from... Read more

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