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Everyday Hindi for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities by Innovative Language Learning
Everyday Hindi for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities
Innovative Language Learning
Everyday Hindi for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities by Innovative Language Learning

Everyday Hindi for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities

By: Innovative Language Learning

Narrated by:

Length: 1 hour 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Welcome to Everyday Hindi for Beginners - 400 Actions & Activities by Innovative Language.This audiobook is a new way to learn and speak a Hindi fast.Start speaking in minutes with powerful learning methods that you'll learn inside.
Using this audiobook is simple. You'll learn practical phrases for over 400 daily activities through 10 easy... Read more

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Goldene Regeln der Gelassenheit by Thich Nhat Hanh
Goldene Regeln der Gelassenheit
Thich Nhat Hanh
Goldene Regeln der Gelassenheit by Thich Nhat Hanh

Goldene Regeln der Gelassenheit

By: Thich Nhat Hanh

Narrated by: Steffen Rössler

Length: 1 hour 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Wie erleben wir den Augenblick? Wie nehmen wir das Leben mit all seinen Facetten wahr und kosten es richtig aus? Wie finden wir wieder Kontakt zu uns selbst? Und wie gelangen wir zu wahrer Gelassenheit? Diese Auswahl der schönsten Worte des großen Weisheitslehrers Thich Nhat Hanh öffnet uns die Augen für die vielen Wunder des Daseins. Und sie... Read more

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Der Blick einer Frau by Caroline Bernard
Der Blick einer Frau
Caroline Bernard
Der Blick einer Frau by Caroline Bernard

Der Blick einer Frau

By: Caroline Bernard

Narrated by: Viola Müller

Length: 12 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Eine lebenshungrige Fotografin und ihre große Liebe – Gerda Taro und Robert Capa
»Es gibt einen entscheidenden Unterschied zwischen meinen Fotos und deinen: Du willst die fliegende Kugel zeigen. Ich zeige, was die Kugel mit dem Menschen macht, den sie trifft.«
1935: Im Pariser Exil schließt die junge Gerta mit dem Fotografen André einen Pakt: Er... Read more

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New release
The Deep - Spuk auf der Titanic by Alma Katsu
The Deep - Spuk auf der Titanic
Alma Katsu
The Deep - Spuk auf der Titanic by Alma Katsu

The Deep - Spuk auf der Titanic

By: Alma Katsu

Narrated by: Janna Ambrosy

Length: 13 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Etwas Übernatürliches sucht die Titanic heim. Das ist die einzige Erklärung für die unheimlichen Ereignisse auf der Jungfernfahrt des Ozeandampfers. Viele der Passagiere sind überzeugt: Es ist etwas Jenseitiges an Bord.
Doch bevor man mehr herausfinden kann, geschieht, wie man weiß, die wahre Katastrophe.

Vier Jahre später, der Erste Weltkrieg hat... Read more

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Otra vez tú by Alice Kellen
Otra vez tú
Alice Kellen
Otra vez tú by Alice Kellen

Otra vez tú

By: Alice Kellen

Narrated by: Anaïs García Badía

Length: 6 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

¿Existen las segundas oportunidades? Una boda frustrada. Un cálido reencuentro. Esta es la historia de Alex y Emma. Junto a sus dos mejores amigas, Emma deja atrás la ciudad de Nueva York y viaja a California con el firme propósito de pasar las vacaciones con un cóctel en la mano, bajo el sol, en las cálidas playas de la costa. Un plan perfecto.... Read more

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New release
The Runes of Sorcery by Jane Welch
The Runes of Sorcery
Jane Welch
The Runes of Sorcery by Jane Welch

The Runes of Sorcery

By: Jane Welch

Narrated by: Joe Eyre

Length: 18 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

BOOK 3 OF THE RUNES OF WAR SAGA The adventure begins… Whoever holds the Egg controls the ancient animals of power: kraken, wyvern, and dragon. Whoever cracks the Egg unleashes these monsters on the world, unrestrained and beyond the control of anyone alive… Three young Torra... Read more

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New release
Die kurze Stunde der Frauen by Miriam Gebhardt
Die kurze Stunde der Frauen
Miriam Gebhardt
Die kurze Stunde der Frauen by Miriam Gebhardt

Die kurze Stunde der Frauen

By: Miriam Gebhardt

Narrated by: Sanja Nowara

Length: 7 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Für keine Phase in der deutschen Geschichte wurden Frauen nachträglich mehr bewundert als für die Nachkriegszeit. Hinter dem Glorienschein sind ihre privaten Hoffnungen auf einen Neubeginn und die Freiheitsmomente zwischen Trümmern und Wiederaufbau verschwunden – aber auch die persönlichen Kosten der belastenden Lebensumstände und die... Read more

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New release
Caesar's General by Alex Gough
Caesar's General
Alex Gough
Caesar's General by Alex Gough

Caesar's General

By: Alex Gough

Narrated by: Andrew Wincott

Length: 12 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

In the throes of crisis, Rome braces for change. Caesar, Rome's greatest general and conqueror of Gaul, now faces being stripped of his command and dragged back to Italy for prosecution by his enemies. His former ally, Pompey, has sided with his opponents in the Senate and frustrates all efforts to find peace. With no alternatives, Caesar... Read more

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New release
Learn Hindi: Must-Know Hindi Slang Words & Phrases (Extended Version) by Innovative Language Learning
Learn Hindi: Must-Know Hindi Slang Words & Phrases (Extended Version)
Innovative Language Learning
Learn Hindi: Must-Know Hindi Slang Words & Phrases (Extended Version) by Innovative Language Learning

Learn Hindi: Must-Know Hindi Slang Words & Phrases (Extended Version)

By: Innovative Language Learning

Narrated by:

Length: 2 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

***Important: This Audiobook comes with 3 bonus Hindi slang and curse words conversation cheat sheets***
Want to speak Hindi like a native, understand daily conversations...
...and graduate from knowing just a few basic textbook phrases?
Then this the Audiobook is for you.
You're about to learn 100+ Hindi slang words and phrases used in daily life.... Read more

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New release
Unheilvolles Polarlicht in St. Peter-Ording by Stefanie Schreiber
Unheilvolles Polarlicht in St. Peter-Ording
Stefanie Schreiber
Unheilvolles Polarlicht in St. Peter-Ording by Stefanie Schreiber

Unheilvolles Polarlicht in St. Peter-Ording

By: Stefanie Schreiber

Narrated by: Jo Jung

Length: 7 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Konkurrenzkampf, verschmähte Liebe und Habsucht am Sehnsuchtsort St. Peter-Ording

Die um die Welt reisende Starfotografin Ella Shepherd wird von Polarlichtern an die Nordseeküste gelockt, um die Pfahlbauten von St. Peter-Ording besonders in Szene zu setzen. Noch in der gleichen Nacht postet sie die ersten Fotos in den sozialen Medien – am... Read more

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New release
Ultimate Getting Started with Hindi by Innovative Language Learning
Ultimate Getting Started with Hindi
Innovative Language Learning
Ultimate Getting Started with Hindi by Innovative Language Learning

Ultimate Getting Started with Hindi

By: Innovative Language Learning

Narrated by:

Length: 8 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Ultimate Getting Started with HindiThe easiest way to speak Hindi in minutes!Grasp the language, culture, and customs in just minutes more with the Ultimate Getting Started with Hindi, the easiest way to learn Hindi!The Ultimate Getting Started with Hindi will have you speaking with proper pronunciation from the very first lesson and arm you... Read more

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New release
Jest a Minute: The Complete Series 1 and 2 Plus Specials by Rhod Gilbert
Jest a Minute: The Complete Series 1 and 2 Plus Specials
Rhod Gilbert
Jest a Minute: The Complete Series 1 and 2 Plus Specials by Rhod Gilbert

Jest a Minute: The Complete Series 1 and 2 Plus Specials

By: Rhod Gilbert

Narrated by: Rhod Gilbert, Jeremy Hardy, Tom Allen, Sarah Mi...

Length: 7 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Stand-up star Rhod Gilbert hosts the panel show about the serious business of comedy

The hilarious comic lovechild of A Question of Sport and QI, Jest a Minute is a light-hearted, lively show that quizzes leading comedians on their knowledge of comedy. Host Rhod Gilbert accepts no backchat and gives short shrift to cheek as he recklessly awards... Read more

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New release
Das Flüstern des Totenwaldes by Gunnar Schwarz
Das Flüstern des Totenwaldes
Gunnar Schwarz
Das Flüstern des Totenwaldes by Gunnar Schwarz

Das Flüstern des Totenwaldes

By: Gunnar Schwarz

Narrated by: Michael A. Grimm

Length: 8 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Im Dunkel des Waldes lauert das Böse!
Eigentlich sollen Henning Gerlach und seine Kollegin Lena Freyenberg nur im Vermisstenfall einer jungen Frau ermitteln. Als aber kurze Zeit später ihre übel zugerichtete Leiche am Rande eines unwegsamen Waldgebietes entdeckt wird, ist klar, dass es hier um Mord geht. Das mit Lippenstift verschmierte Gesicht... Read more

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New release
Remy by Eden Summers
Eden Summers
Remy by Eden Summers


By: Eden Summers

Narrated by: Maxine Mitchell & D C Cole

Length: 16 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

“Ollie, I’m afraid I’m going to have to ask you not to scream.”
HERWe met by chance at a random dive bar.Him - a striking figure in a tailored suit who radiates dominance.Me - an awkward introvert, innocently stalking my father.He seduced me.Worshipped me.Then, in a blink, he vanished, leaving no trace—not even a name or number.
HIMI wasn’t... Read more

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New release
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde
Robert Louis Stevenson
El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson

El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde

By: Robert Louis Stevenson

Narrated by: Horacio Lanci

Length: 3 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

Pocas obras han influido tanto sobre el cine y el teatro como “El extraño caso del Dr. Jekyll y Mr. Hyde” (1886) de Robert Louis Stevenson (1850 – 1894). La explicación de ese hecho radica, seguramente, en que la obra del gran escritor inglés gira alrededor de un tema que ocupó y preocupó desde siempre a pensadores y escritores: la dualidad bien... Read more

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New release
The Watch by Karen Woods
The Watch
Karen Woods
The Watch by Karen Woods

The Watch

By: Karen Woods

Narrated by: Emma Gregory

Length: 8 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Quiet streets hide the worst crimes Manchester’s Manor Estate is the kind of place people want to live – smart houses, neighbours who look out for you. But what if you don’t want to be seen? Behind the tidy front gardens and glossy painted doors it seems everyone’s got something to hide.... Read more

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New release
Wie man vorhersieht, womit keiner rechnet by Kit Yates
Wie man vorhersieht, womit keiner rechnet
Kit Yates
Wie man vorhersieht, womit keiner rechnet by Kit Yates

Wie man vorhersieht, womit keiner rechnet

By: Kit Yates

Narrated by: Carsten Wilhelm

Length: 13 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Zukunft ist nicht unberechenbar
Ist es wahrscheinlicher, dass du in einer Bäckerei arbeitest, wenn dein Nachname Bäcker lautet? Wie kannst du hundertprozentig sicher sein, dass du eine Wette gewinnst? Warum blieben so viele Einwohner von Pompeji an Ort und Stelle, als der Vesuv ausbrach? Wie kann ein Atomkrieg verhindert werden? Seit Beginn... Read more

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New release
El coloso de Nueva York by Colson Whitehead
El coloso de Nueva York
Colson Whitehead
El coloso de Nueva York by Colson Whitehead

El coloso de Nueva York

By: Colson Whitehead

Narrated by: Víctor Sabi

Length: 3 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Un tributo a la ciudad que nunca duerme, un homenaje literario al paisaje urbano y al ambiente fascinante y febril que dibujan sus habitantes. Por el autor galardonado con el Premio Pulitzer y el National Book Award por El ferrocarril subterráneo. A través de trece episodios, Colson Whitehead traza un recorrido visual por las calles de la... Read more

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New release
Vérités et mensonges by Caz Frear
Vérités et mensonges
Caz Frear
Vérités et mensonges by Caz Frear

Vérités et mensonges

By: Caz Frear

Narrated by: Sandra Poirier

Length: 11 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

" Unpage-turnersombre et ingénieux " (New York Times) vendu à plus de 250 000 exemplaires.

Le premier volet d'une nouvelle série mettant en scène l'inspectrice Cat Kinsella, en cours d'adaptation pour la télévision

31 mai 1998. Cat avait 8 ans. Pourtant, elle se souvient avec précision de ce jour-là. Celui où Maryanne Doyle, adolescente de 17 ans... Read more

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New release
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation (Light Novel) Vol. 18 by Rifujin na Magonote & Shirotaka
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation (Light Novel) Vol. 18
Rifujin na Magonote & Shirotaka
Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation (Light Novel) Vol. 18 by Rifujin na Magonote & Shirotaka

Mushoku Tensei: Jobless Reincarnation (Light Novel) Vol. 18

By: Rifujin na Magonote & Shirotaka

Narrated by: Cliff Kurt

Length: 8 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

FURRY FRIENDSIn the years since Ariel took the throne, Rudeus has been keeping busy carrying out missions for Orsted and even finding time to save an old friend from slave traders. Then a letter arrives from the Doldia Village, seeking his help with the Sacred Beast's shocking disappearance! Can Rudeus explain his unintended dognapping? Or is he... Read more

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New release
I Allow Myself a Great Life by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D.
I Allow Myself a Great Life
Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D.
I Allow Myself a Great Life by Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D.

I Allow Myself a Great Life

By: Zorica Gojkovic, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Moxie LaBouche

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Some of us were never told we can have a great life. No one said, “You can have a wonderful life! I believe in you! You can be happy. You can be fulfilled. You can be successful. You can prosper . . . .” So, we live what was allowed—without even being aware we are doing so. We stumble along as if under a dark cloud that seems to press down on... Read more

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New release
More of You by A.L. Jackson
More of You
A.L. Jackson
More of You by A.L. Jackson

More of You

By: A.L. Jackson

Narrated by: Andi Arndt & Joe Arden

Length: 11 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

A second-chance, small town romance from NYT and USA Today bestselling author A.L. Jackson   My daddy warned me never to fall for a boy like Jace Jacobs . . . The second I saw him walk through the door, I knew he was trouble. A gorgeous rebel with a bad attitude and a huge chip on his shoulder.   My heart warned me. I didn’t listen. I fell hard... Read more

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New release
Maya and Waggers by W.T. Kosmos
Maya and Waggers
W.T. Kosmos
Maya and Waggers by W.T. Kosmos

Maya and Waggers

By: W.T. Kosmos

Narrated by: Courtney Fabrizio

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: No

Enjoy the audiobook version of the critically acclaimed Maya and Waggers, read by Courtney Fabrizio, whose previous narrations include Nickelodeon Blue’s Clues and Paw Patrol. Courtney showcases an incredible range of funny and at times crazy characters in this series opener that has been hailed as “a hilarious tale about canine care” (Kirkus... Read more

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New release
Death at Darrington Manor by Nancy Warren
Death at Darrington Manor
Nancy Warren
Death at Darrington Manor by Nancy Warren

Death at Darrington Manor

By: Nancy Warren

Narrated by: Katie Beudert

Length: 8 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

When intrepid reporter Abigail Dixon swaps Paris for an English manor to cover the wedding of the year, she expects afternoon tea on the lawn and cocktails in the drawing room, not a man lying dead in a stream and a woman strangled by her own silk stockings. Spring 1925. Abigail Dixon arrives in Somerset to report on the high-society wedding of... Read more

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