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Humankind Unveiled: A Fascinating Journey Through Our Origins by Thaddeus Cairnwood
Humankind Unveiled: A Fascinating Journey Through Our Origins
Thaddeus Cairnwood
Humankind Unveiled: A Fascinating Journey Through Our Origins by Thaddeus Cairnwood

Humankind Unveiled: A Fascinating Journey Through Our Origins

By: Thaddeus Cairnwood

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Humankind Unveiled: A Fascinating Journey Through Our Origins
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you looking to expand your knowledge about humanity’s captivating, untold historical journey?
Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary elements to uncover the depths of our origins?
Your search ends here!
This guide... Read more

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New release
Power Play: Dictators Who Dominate the World Stage by Landon Everett
Power Play: Dictators Who Dominate the World Stage
Landon Everett
Power Play: Dictators Who Dominate the World Stage by Landon Everett

Power Play: Dictators Who Dominate the World Stage

By: Landon Everett

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Power Play: Dictators Who Dominate the World Stage
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you looking to progress in your career and solidify your knowledge about the control dynamics shaping today's global stage?
Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary elements to understand the power play of dictators dominating... Read more

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New release
Lost in the Echoes: A Vibrant Journey Through the Swinging Sixties by Carter R. Langston
Lost in the Echoes: A Vibrant Journey Through the Swinging Sixties
Carter R. Langston
Lost in the Echoes: A Vibrant Journey Through the Swinging Sixties by Carter R. Langston

Lost in the Echoes: A Vibrant Journey Through the Swinging Sixties

By: Carter R. Langston

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Lost in the Echoes: A Vibrant Journey Through the Swinging Sixties
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you ready to dive deep into the incredible era of the Swinging Sixties, capturing its spirit, change, and cultural revolution?
Looking for a comprehensive guide that presents all the vivid tales you need to understand this... Read more

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New release
Civil War Chronicles: Tales of Ambition, Love, and Valor by Owen Mercer
Civil War Chronicles: Tales of Ambition, Love, and Valor
Owen Mercer
Civil War Chronicles: Tales of Ambition, Love, and Valor by Owen Mercer

Civil War Chronicles: Tales of Ambition, Love, and Valor

By: Owen Mercer

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Civil War Chronicles: Tales of Ambition, Love, and Valor
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Interested in gaining a deeper understanding of the Civil War and experiencing the heroes' struggles in a transformative historical saga?
Looking for a comprehensive guide that merges historical knowledge with engaging storytelling?
Your... Read more

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New release
The Merchant's Princess by C.L. Van Liew
The Merchant's Princess
C.L. Van Liew
The Merchant's Princess by C.L. Van Liew

The Merchant's Princess

By: C.L. Van Liew

Narrated by: C.L. Van Liew

Length: 1 hour 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Do your kids LOVE adventure stories?Do they want to explore new lands?Are you looking for something you know is family-friendly?Then you'll love The Sundial Odysseys...Similar to books like I Survived, A to Z Mysteries, and The Magic Treehouse, The Sundial Odysseys take you on quirky adventures through the past, where historical figures that... Read more

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New release
Harnessing Divine Power: Greek Goddesses for Everyone by Maxim Keller
Harnessing Divine Power: Greek Goddesses for Everyone
Maxim Keller
Harnessing Divine Power: Greek Goddesses for Everyone by Maxim Keller

Harnessing Divine Power: Greek Goddesses for Everyone

By: Maxim Keller

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Harnessing Divine Power: Greek Goddesses for Everyone
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you looking to harness the divine power of Greek goddesses and profoundly deepen your spiritual and personal growth?
Seeking a comprehensive guide that unveils the potent energies of ancient Greek goddesses and how to channel them into your... Read more

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New release
Donde me siento vivo by Matías Rivas
Donde me siento vivo
Matías Rivas
Donde me siento vivo by Matías Rivas

Donde me siento vivo

By: Matías Rivas

Narrated by: Alejandro Cardenas

Length: 7 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Explora la apasionante vida del montañista Juan Pablo Mohr. Una crónica que narra su vida y muerte desafiando las cumbres más altas del mundo. Era cinco de febrero de 2021. El montañista chileno Juan Pablo Mohr se encontraba a más de siete mil metros de altura en la segunda montaña más alta del mundo, el K2, durante su temporada más cruel y... Read more

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New release
Asesino por pasión by B. Mich. Grosch
Asesino por pasión
B. Mich. Grosch
Asesino por pasión by B. Mich. Grosch

Asesino por pasión

By: B. Mich. Grosch

Narrated by: Federico Neurales

Length: 18 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Acerca de este libro:
La historia de un psicópata.
Karl Liebknecht, el personaje principal de esta novela, pierde a su joven esposa y a sus padres el mismo día en un accidente automovilístico provocado por un camionero yugoslavo ebrio.Liebknecht, un concienzudo empleado de los servicios sociales, se encierra cada vez más en sí mismo, hasta el día... Read more

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New release
Las 40 mejores frases de Anna Freud by Anna Freud
Las 40 mejores frases de Anna Freud
Anna Freud
Las 40 mejores frases de Anna Freud by Anna Freud

Las 40 mejores frases de Anna Freud

By: Anna Freud

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Frases de Anna Freud (1895-1982), fue una psicoanalista austríaca de origen judío. Hija de Sigmund Freud, Anna fue pionera en el campo del psicoanálisis infantil y definió aún más la función del ego en psicología. De hecho, en comparación con su padre, su trabajo enfatizaba mucho más la importancia del ego y sus «líneas de desarrollo» normales,... Read more

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New release
Democracy in Crisis: Uncovering the Republican Reality Agenda by Elias Thornfield
Democracy in Crisis: Uncovering the Republican Reality Agenda
Elias Thornfield
Democracy in Crisis: Uncovering the Republican Reality Agenda by Elias Thornfield

Democracy in Crisis: Uncovering the Republican Reality Agenda

By: Elias Thornfield

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Democracy in Crisis: Uncovering the Republican Reality Agenda
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you keen to advance in your understanding of democratic systems and uncover the truths challenging our current political landscape?
In search of a comprehensive resource that provides all necessary insights to navigate the... Read more

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New release
Exposing School Myths: The Truth Behind America's Curriculums by Graham Thorne
Exposing School Myths: The Truth Behind America's Curriculums
Graham Thorne
Exposing School Myths: The Truth Behind America's Curriculums by Graham Thorne

Exposing School Myths: The Truth Behind America's Curriculums

By: Graham Thorne

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Exposing School Myths: The Truth Behind America's Curriculums
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you looking to progress in your career and solidify your understanding by successfully uncovering the truths behind America's curriculums?
Seeking a comprehensive guide that provides all necessary elements to reshape perspectives on... Read more

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New release
The Wrong Bag by Alex Matheson
The Wrong Bag
Alex Matheson
The Wrong Bag by Alex Matheson

The Wrong Bag

By: Alex Matheson

Narrated by: Gavin Brewster

Length: 21 minutes

Abridged: No

When Dan accidentally grabs the wrong luggage at the airport, he stumbles upon a shocking discovery - a stolen masterpiece by Vincent van Gogh. Suddenly thrust into the dangerous world of international art theft, Dan must outwit a ruthless criminal who will stop at nothing to reclaim the priceless painting. This gripping thriller explores the... Read more

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New release
Lords of the Plains: Quanah Parker and the Power of the Comanche by Thaddeus Greywood
Lords of the Plains: Quanah Parker and the Power of the Comanche
Thaddeus Greywood
Lords of the Plains: Quanah Parker and the Power of the Comanche by Thaddeus Greywood

Lords of the Plains: Quanah Parker and the Power of the Comanche

By: Thaddeus Greywood

Narrated by: Rob Williamson

Length: 2 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Lords of the Plains: Quanah Parker and the Power of the Comanche
⭐⭐ Simplified Guide & Explanations Included ⭐⭐
Are you eager to bolster your understanding of resilience and leadership through the captivating story of Quanah Parker and the Comanche people?
Seeking a detailed guide that encompasses all the essential elements to grasp the... Read more

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New release
Gaharad - Abridged by Nina Meiroth
Gaharad - Abridged
Nina Meiroth
Gaharad - Abridged by Nina Meiroth

Gaharad - Abridged

By: Nina Meiroth

Narrated by: Maximilian Klampfl

Length: 11 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

"Das Schicksal eines Mannes, der den Krieg im Herzen trägt, kannst auch du nicht ändern!" Das Bündnis mit dem Nordreich ist besiegelt. Doch in den Adelshäusern Zessalonns sind nicht alle glücklich über die neu entstandene Freundschaft. Während das Misstrauen von Nareths einstigen Fürsprechern größer wird, hat der ein ganz anderes Problem. Die... Read more

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New release
Предпоследняя правда by Елена Колина
Предпоследняя правда
Елена Колина
Предпоследняя правда by Елена Колина

Предпоследняя правда

By: Елена Колина

Narrated by: Марина Лисовец

Length: 11 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

«Предпоследняя правда» – первая часть увлекательной трилогии о жизни в знаменитом Толстовском доме. История разворачивается вокруг четырех петербургских семей, у каждой из которых своя судьба, свои трудности и потрясения. Герои «Предпоследней правды» не идеальны, а потому в их чертах так легко узнать себя, своих родителей, родных и друзей, мечты... Read more

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New release
Christ's Sacrifice Is Sufficient by Leslie Rendell
Christ's Sacrifice Is Sufficient
Leslie Rendell
Christ's Sacrifice Is Sufficient by Leslie Rendell

Christ's Sacrifice Is Sufficient

By: Leslie Rendell

Narrated by: Leslie Rendell

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Many churches today will attempt to teach you that when Jesus died on the cross, he only did a part of the job of cleansing us from all of our sins. They may tell you, you need to do more than just believe in Jesus Christ, you must do good works. The Catholic church teaches about an imaginary place called "purgatory" where you are finally... Read more

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New release
La guerra zulú: Una guía fascinante sobre los orígenes, las batallas y el legado del conflicto anglo-zulú del siglo XIX by Captivating History
La guerra zulú: Una guía fascinante sobre los orígenes, las batallas y el legado del conflicto anglo-zulú del siglo XIX
Captivating History
La guerra zulú: Una guía fascinante sobre los orígenes, las batallas y el legado del conflicto anglo-zulú del siglo XIX by Captivating History

La guerra zulú: Una guía fascinante sobre los orígenes, las batallas y el legado del conflicto anglo-zulú del siglo XIX

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Luis Trumper

Length: 3 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

Si desea descubrir la fascinante historia de la guerra anglo-zulú de 1879, este es el libro indicado para usted.¿Cómo cree que le iría si luchara armado con lanzas cortas y escudos de cuero de vaca contra un ejército lleno de rifles, ametralladoras y artillería pesada?En enero de 1879, un poderoso y moderno ejército británico se adentró con... Read more

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New release
See The World Through Child's Eyes by Ruben G. T.
See The World Through Child's Eyes
Ruben G. T.
See The World Through Child's Eyes by Ruben G. T.

See The World Through Child's Eyes

By: Ruben G. T.

Narrated by: Ruben G. T.

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

The journey through our emotional inner longings, while meeting ourselves in a deeper way.
It's truly undeniable that our lives are a reflection of what we believe in, and what we feel deep inside.
And because words can easily become places, I would love to share some of the scenic emotional transitions, of some of my deepest life-changing... Read more

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New release
A GOOD DAY TO DIE by Carina Bergfeldt
Carina Bergfeldt
A GOOD DAY TO DIE by Carina Bergfeldt


By: Carina Bergfeldt

Narrated by: Rebecca Cade

Length: 6 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

He is the last person to touch them before they die.His face is the last they see before they are executed.He stands there with one last goal: to get them to heaven. 276 TIMES CHAPLAIN Jim Brazzil has sat in death’s waiting room. He has listened to confessions in the eleventh hour. The last moment of the condemned, when everything bubbles up to... Read more

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New release
The Fame Game by NJ Moss
The Fame Game
NJ Moss
The Fame Game by NJ Moss

The Fame Game

By: NJ Moss

Narrated by: Katherine Press

Length: 9 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Vicky and Alek disagree on a lot. But there’s one thing they both agree on. They both believe they are fundamentally misunderstood – by society, and by their loved ones.
When Vicky’s past catches up with her, and her unpleasant ex threatens to destroy her marriage, she’s faced with an impossible choice. Will she compromise her morals to protect... Read more

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New release
Treetoad's Adventure: A Tale of Courage and friendship by Perry L. Martin
Treetoad's Adventure: A Tale of Courage and friendship
Perry L. Martin
Treetoad's Adventure: A Tale of Courage and friendship by Perry L. Martin

Treetoad's Adventure: A Tale of Courage and friendship

By: Perry L. Martin

Narrated by: Perry L. Martin

Length: 16 minutes

Abridged: No

. "Treetoad’s Adventure: A Tale of Courage and Friendship" is a heartwarming story about a little Native American Indian boy named Treetoad. He gets lost while exploring the forest with his father. As the sun sets, darkness falls Treetoad becomes more frightened and unsure of what to do. But, with the help of a wise old owl, Treetoad learns to... Read more

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New release
Ramesses: A Captivating Guide to Ramses II and His Impact on the New Kingdom and Ancient Egypt by Captivating History
Ramesses: A Captivating Guide to Ramses II and His Impact on the New Kingdom and Ancient Egypt
Captivating History
Ramesses: A Captivating Guide to Ramses II and His Impact on the New Kingdom and Ancient Egypt by Captivating History

Ramesses: A Captivating Guide to Ramses II and His Impact on the New Kingdom and Ancient Egypt

By: Captivating History

Narrated by: Jay Herbert

Length: 1 hour 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the Epic Life of Ramesses IIStep back in time and immerse yourself in the astonishing life of Ramesses II, the most celebrated pharaoh of ancient Egypt. Ramesses delves into the reign of this iconic ruler, revealing his monumental achievements, military conquests, and enduring legacy.Here are just some of the things you will discover in... Read more

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New release
Rescuing Zintaurus by Bob Druker & Steve Dawson
Rescuing Zintaurus
Bob Druker & Steve Dawson
Rescuing Zintaurus by Bob Druker & Steve Dawson

Rescuing Zintaurus

By: Bob Druker & Steve Dawson

Narrated by: A Musical Play With Full Cast

Length: 1 hour 56 minutes

Abridged: No

When an evil king threatens the destruction of Zintaurus, one dog, Kaytaiya, must undertake a heroic quest. But not in her own dog body! Magically transformed by the exiled Queen Ravenna into the body of a cat, she is sent to find the Little Plane that holds the key to the survival of her homeland, and bring it back by train. But everyone she... Read more

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New release
The Many Mysteries of Madison Avenue by RH Peppers
The Many Mysteries of Madison Avenue
RH Peppers
The Many Mysteries of Madison Avenue by RH Peppers

The Many Mysteries of Madison Avenue

By: RH Peppers

Narrated by: William D. Beaumont

Length: 1 hour 56 minutes

Abridged: No

The World’s Newest Investigative Wiz-KidA young man’s daring adventure‘The Hunt For Sir Stephen Thomas’-In a world where so many incredible stories remain untold and others become forgotten or lost, there are a small few who have the uncanny ability to sift out the unreachable and are willing to brave the uncertain steps to discovery. This book... Read more

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