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New release
El Lazarillo de Tormes by Anónimo
El Lazarillo de Tormes
El Lazarillo de Tormes by Anónimo

El Lazarillo de Tormes

By: Anónimo

Narrated by: Alfredo Giménez

Length: 2 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Voz humana en español castellano. Versión original de la obra, leída tal y como fue escrita. Inmortal Novela Picaresca, tesoro de la lengua española que nos dejó un autor desconocido. Escucharás las andanzas rememoradas del niño Lazarillo contadas con gracia y donaire por Lázaro hecho hombre... Sumérjete en la novela y diviértete con esta obra... Read more

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New release
Beach Body by Maria Garrets
Beach Body
Maria Garrets
Beach Body by Maria Garrets

Beach Body

By: Maria Garrets

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Balanced nutrition is achieved by consuming a variety of foods that provide essential nutrients in appropriate proportions to support overall health and well-being. This includes: A sufficient intake of carbohydrates, which serve as the body's primary energy source. Complex carbohydrates from whole grains, vegetables, and legumes, along with... Read more

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New release
The Ghost Of Her Mistakes by Mia Kingsley
The Ghost Of Her Mistakes
Mia Kingsley
The Ghost Of Her Mistakes by Mia Kingsley

The Ghost Of Her Mistakes

By: Mia Kingsley

Narrated by: Maya Mondini, Hagen Winterfels, Bruno Sturm & D...

Length: 2 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Ich habe mein Appartement nicht mehr verlassen, seit es passiert ist. Gar nicht mehr. Aber das ist in Ordnung. Ich kann mich problemlos um mich selbst kümmern und Geld verdienen, ohne einen Fuß vor die Tür setzen zu müssen. Die Leute bezahlen sogar dafür, mich beobachten zu dürfen. Ich biete ihnen eine Show, sie sehen zu, und wir alle befinden... Read more

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New release
The Old Man by J.C. Hulsey
The Old Man
J.C. Hulsey
The Old Man by J.C. Hulsey

The Old Man

By: J.C. Hulsey

Narrated by: Willian Dupree

Length: 1 hour 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Brian Cavanaugh (Alias Kid Cavanaugh) has just reached the half century mark in his life. People have always said if a professional gunfighter lives past fifty, he is either very good or very lucky. At this age, he has decided to hang up his gun and retire so, he started traveling across the country to return to his childhood home of Rickety... Read more

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New release
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow
Washington Irving
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow

By: Washington Irving

Narrated by: Myron Hieronymous Thomas

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

"The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is an 1820 short story by American author Washington Irving, contained in his collection of 34 essays and short stories titled The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent. Irving wrote the story while living in Birmingham, England. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is among the earliest examples of American fiction with... Read more

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New release
Die Abenteuer der kleinen Hexe Litti und ihren Freunden by Victoria Steinberg
Die Abenteuer der kleinen Hexe Litti und ihren Freunden
Victoria Steinberg
Die Abenteuer der kleinen Hexe Litti und ihren Freunden by Victoria Steinberg

Die Abenteuer der kleinen Hexe Litti und ihren Freunden

By: Victoria Steinberg

Narrated by: Helmut Stieglbauer

Length: 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Hoch oben auf dem sagenumwobenen Litermont, wo einst eine prächtige Burg gestanden haben soll, lebt die kleine hilfsbereite Hexe Litti und ihre Freunde. Die Menschen in der Gegend um den Litermont erzählen viele Geschichten und Legenden, die sich dort zugetragen haben sollen. Von einer Gräfin, von Rittern, Zauberern, Feen und Elfen und vielen... Read more

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New release
May for President - Luisterboek by Trix van der Vleuten
May for President - Luisterboek
Trix van der Vleuten
May for President - Luisterboek by Trix van der Vleuten

May for President - Luisterboek

By: Trix van der Vleuten

Narrated by: Sagid Carter

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Ontdek het Avontuur van May en Donut
May for President is een superspannend luisterboek dat het avontuur van May en haar hond Donut vertelt. Wanneer May van haar leraar te horen krijgt dat meisjes geen president kunnen worden, is ze vastberaden om het tegendeel te bewijzen. Samen met haar labradoodle Donut gaat ze op zoek naar bewijs dat ook zij... Read more

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New release
May for president - Audiobook by Trix van der Vleuten
May for president - Audiobook
Trix van der Vleuten
May for president - Audiobook by Trix van der Vleuten

May for president - Audiobook

By: Trix van der Vleuten

Narrated by: Sagid Carter

Length: 1 hour 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the Adventure of May and DonutMay for President is an incredibly exciting audiobook that tells the adventure of May and her dog, Donut. When May hears from her teacher that girls can't become presidents, she is determined to prove otherwise. Together with her labradoodle Donut, she embarks on a journey to find proof that she can also... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 2 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

At a certain stage in your sales process, your prospect realizes they have a need—ideally due to your exceptional selling skills. As you guide them from recognizing this need through analysis and finally to making a decision, what is on their mind? Consciously or subconsciously, buyers are always weighing the balance of performance, image, and... Read more

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New release
More Than Two, Second Edition by Eve Rickert
More Than Two, Second Edition
Eve Rickert
More Than Two, Second Edition by Eve Rickert

More Than Two, Second Edition

By: Eve Rickert

Narrated by: Andrea Zanin

Length: 16 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

A modern topology of nonmonogamy' s many possibilities— and consequences— fully revised and updated for the tenth anniversary of the first edition.“ Can you love more than one person?” A lot of conversations about nonmonogamy start this way. When we discuss “ opening” ... Read more

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New release
Pardon Power by Kim Wehle
Pardon Power
Kim Wehle
Pardon Power by Kim Wehle

Pardon Power

By: Kim Wehle

Narrated by: Holly Adams

Length: 8 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

If you've ever wondered about the constitutional basis for presidential pardons, this book explains it, offering examples from the recent and distant past. Follow constitutional law professor and popular newsroom commentator Kim Wehle through a fascinating rundown of how this executive power has been—and might be—used by American presidents. Read more

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New release
The Dark Prince by Sarah Anderson
The Dark Prince
Sarah Anderson
The Dark Prince by Sarah Anderson

The Dark Prince

By: Sarah Anderson

Narrated by: Rory Young

Length: 5 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

The Dark Prince has to die for her to live. The people who sent her expected her to die, but when Asi takes matter into her hands instead, she finds herself trapped and possessed by Prince Heron of Grothia who is said to be as dangerous and conniving as he is pleasing to look at.When tension rise between Grothia and a growing enemy empire, Asi... Read more

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New release
Amigos y enemigos by Sarah M. Eden
Amigos y enemigos
Sarah M. Eden
Amigos y enemigos by Sarah M. Eden

Amigos y enemigos

By: Sarah M. Eden

Narrated by: Sonia Román

Length: 8 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Philip Jonquil, conde de Lampton, se ha pasado los últimos cinco años buscando y capturando espías en suelo inglés. En busca de su próxima víctima, se topa en una posada con Sorrel Kendrick, una joven muy bonita, franca y a la que no consigue impresionar. De hecho, Sorrel no puede creerse lo descarado que es ese caballero que la acusa de robo y... Read more

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New release
Żona gangstera by Gabriela Wolska
Żona gangstera
Gabriela Wolska
Żona gangstera by Gabriela Wolska

Żona gangstera

By: Gabriela Wolska

Narrated by: Mateusz Drozda & Agata Skórska

Length: 7 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Ona szukała zemsty, on miał być tym winnym. Wszystko zmieniło się, gdy do gry wkroczyły uczucia… W dniu swoich osiemnastych urodzin Anna Luciano przeżyła koszmar, który odmienił ją na zawsze. Dziewczyna była świadkiem zabójstwa ukochanego brata, Stefano. Od tamtej pory wszystkie młodzieńcze marzenia i plany straciły dla niej znaczenie. Liczyło... Read more

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New release
Such Charming Liars by Karen McManus
Such Charming Liars
Karen McManus
Such Charming Liars by Karen McManus

Such Charming Liars

By: Karen McManus

Narrated by: Daniël Meppelink & Skye Grant

Length: 11 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Een crimineel moeder-dochterduo van thrillerkoningin Karen M. McManus Kat en haar moeder Jamie zijn altijd met hun tweetjes geweest – behalve tijdens het achtenveertig uur durende huwelijk van Jamie, toen Kat een stiefbroer had: Liam. Sinds de dramatische scheiding heeft Kat Liam niet meer gezien. Als Jamie, een juwelendief die op het rechte pad... Read more

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New release
And Now for Something Completely Different by Jodi Taylor
And Now for Something Completely Different
Jodi Taylor
And Now for Something Completely Different by Jodi Taylor

And Now for Something Completely Different

By: Jodi Taylor

Narrated by: Zara Ramm

Length: 1 hour 54 minutes

Abridged: No

A Chronicles of St Mary's short story that is sure to entertain. If you love Jasper Fforde or Ben Aaronovitch, you won't be able to resist Jodi Taylor.

Here's a question for you. What's the most exciting thing ever found in a fire bucket? And don't say 'fire' because you'll be wrong.

Suppose - just suppose - it was the technology to take a pod to... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 3 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Verbal abuse involves making negative, defining statements about a person or withholding responses to diminish their presence. Essentially, it means belittling, insulting, or patronizing someone, or gossiping behind their back. When the abuser fails to apologize or retract their harmful statements, the relationship may be characterized by verbal... Read more

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New release
La mayordomía de tu cuerpo by Matt Damico
La mayordomía de tu cuerpo
Matt Damico
La mayordomía de tu cuerpo by Matt Damico

La mayordomía de tu cuerpo

By: Matt Damico

Narrated by: Bobby Sánchez

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

El recurso insignia tutorial de Mentoring Project son sus guías de campo. Estas extensas guías proporcionan enseñanza práctica en varios aspectos de la vida cotidiana desde el lente cristiano; por ejemplo en las finanzas, la pureza, tecnología, en el trabajo y mucho más. Escritas por pastores y otros líderes cristianos, estas guías de campo... Read more

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New release
Christmas Past by Jodi Taylor
Christmas Past
Jodi Taylor
Christmas Past by Jodi Taylor

Christmas Past

By: Jodi Taylor

Narrated by: Zara Ramm

Length: 1 hour 39 minutes

Abridged: No

A Chronicles of St Mary's short story that is sure to entertain. If you love Jasper Fforde or Ben Aaronovitch, you won't be able to resist Jodi Taylor.

The First Farrell Family Christmas.

Max, Leon and Matthew - together at last for Christmas at St Mary's - a time of conspicuous consumption, riotous misbehaviour and the traditional illegal... Read more

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New release
The Battersea Barricades by Jodi Taylor
The Battersea Barricades
Jodi Taylor
The Battersea Barricades by Jodi Taylor

The Battersea Barricades

By: Jodi Taylor

Narrated by: Zara Ramm

Length: 1 hour 49 minutes

Abridged: No

A Chronicles of St Mary's short story that is sure to entertain. If you love Jasper Fforde or Ben Aaronovitch, you won't be able to resist Jodi Taylor.

It's not easy being a rebel.
So many new skills to assimilate.
Never mind strategic planning, weapons expertise and the like - there's bicycle-stealing, oil-stain removal and boat steering to be... Read more

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New release
Doing Time by Jodi Taylor
Doing Time
Jodi Taylor
Doing Time by Jodi Taylor

Doing Time

By: Jodi Taylor

Narrated by: Zara Ramm

Length: 12 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Introducing The Time Police, the brand-new series by international bestselling author, Jodi Taylor - an irresistible spinoff from the much-loved Chronicles of St Mary's series. Perfect reading for fans of Doctor Who, Terry Pratchett and Jasper Fforde.

'The best way to describe this book: lots of fun' British Fantasy Society

'Inventive and... Read more

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New release
Niepokonane by A. Kameron
A. Kameron
Niepokonane by A. Kameron


By: A. Kameron

Narrated by: Ewa Sobczak

Length: 10 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Jaką siłą muszą wykazać się kobiety, aby poznać prawdę i postawić na swoim? Wiadomość o śmierci męża, znanego biznesmena, wywraca świat Sylwii do góry nogami. Kobieta nie wierzy w teorię policji o samobójstwie i jest przekonana, że doszło do morderstwa. Postanawia przeprowadzić śledztwo na własną rękę. Może przy tym liczyć na wsparcie... Read more

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New release
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology
Wesley Felt
Dark Psychology by Wesley Felt

Dark Psychology

By: Wesley Felt

Narrated by: Melanie Griffin

Length: 3 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Why does understanding a psychological risk lead to physical reactions? The answer lies in human anatomy, specifically in the mechanisms behind real pain. Is mental pain comparable to physical pain? How does intense pain manifest? When it comes to physical pain, the process is straightforward. We rarely consider the basic motor reflexes... Read more

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New release
The McGuire Brothers Collection by Lili Valente
The McGuire Brothers Collection
Lili Valente
The McGuire Brothers Collection by Lili Valente

The McGuire Brothers Collection

By: Lili Valente

Narrated by: Lili Valente, Jason Clarke, Tyler Donne & Rober...

Length: 17 hours 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Three feel-good, panty-melting, LOL small town romances in one collection for the first time! BOSS WITHOUT BENEFITSNarrated by Lili Valente & Robert HatchetLast night, I met the funniest, sexiest single dad on the planet.I also managed to get into the kind of co-ed naked trouble with him that involved a nurse, a shotgun, a feral turkey, and... Read more

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