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杨力讲易经预测智慧 by 杨力
杨力讲易经预测智慧 by 杨力


By: 杨力

Narrated by: 李沛

Length: 9 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《杨力讲易经预测智慧》本书一共提炼了22个《易经》的预测智慧,即因果预测、全息预测、忧患预测、危机预测、转机预测、灾难预测、应变预测、寻求机遇预测、见微知著预测、隐显预测、开合预测、阴阳预测、类推预测、感应预测、梦境预测、气功预测、运气预测、变数预测、心理预测、观象预测、五行预测、经络预测。... Read more

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我说说我的奋斗 by 杨霄
我说说我的奋斗 by 杨霄


By: 杨霄

Narrated by: 王珊珊

Length: 9 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《我说说我的奋斗》通过马云本人的自述及演讲的内容,来贯穿他创业至今20余年的风雨历程。《我说说我的奋斗》全文涵盖了他的梦想、创业、管理、创新等各个方面的人生经历。作者对他的话进行了背景上的介绍和深入的解读。《我说说我的奋斗》主要想通过作为中国企业界的旗帜性人物马云的人生历程,对很多人尤其是年轻人来说能有巨大的启发和借鉴意义。作者简介:杨霄,搜狐名博,财经评论人。搜狐财经专家库成员,特邀评论员。作家,擅长经管、成功励志等方面图书的原创写作。主播简介: 有声小说播讲者,声音低沉,代表作品《10号公寓》 Read more

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老板如何管销售 by 许阳
老板如何管销售 by 许阳


By: 许阳

Narrated by: 郑梦茹

Length: 9 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介: 《老板如何管销售》由许阳著,内容介绍:“为什么自己天天忙得焦头烂额,企业效益仍旧上不去?”“都说人才供过于求,为什么招个好销售这么难?”“80后、90后,明明只是二十多岁的年轻人,为什么管起来比四五十岁的‘老油条’都费劲?”“怎样有效激励销售人员?”……本书帮你解答。 作者简介:许阳,《赢家大讲堂》栏目专家。上海国富管理咨询有限公司总经理、江苏国富管理咨询有限公司董事长、国际经理人训练协会会长、中国企业联合会认证高级咨询师、六西格玛绿带。作为一名实战型的咨询培训专家,他曾经帮助过包括太阳雨集团、7-12、连云港港口集团、金鹰国际、家得福商贸等近四百名企业获得成长,他的课程与咨询注重实战、实操、实效,拒绝空洞的理论说教,全程真实案例教学与实战经验分享主播简介: ... Read more

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20—30岁:好口才,好社交 by 张雪松
20—30岁:好口才,好社交 by 张雪松


By: 张雪松

Narrated by: 张顺顺

Length: 12 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《20—30岁... Read more

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打造一流中层 by 许阳
打造一流中层 by 许阳


By: 许阳

Narrated by: 张慧芬

Length: 9 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《打造一流中层》中层觉得自己又苦又累,高层觉得中层执行不力,基层觉得中层瞎指挥,中层怎么办?  20年商业智慧,10年培训心得,许阳老师集中层培训教典之大成,回归管理一线,成一家之言……  “拼爹”不如“拼自己”, 中层岗位给你起飞的高度,本书给你飞翔的翅膀! 作者简介:许阳,《赢家大讲堂》栏目专家。上海国富管理咨询有限公司总经理、江苏国富管理咨询有限公司董事长、国际经理人训练协会会长、中国企业联合会认证高级咨询师、六西格玛绿带。作为一名实战型的咨询培训专家,他曾经帮助过包括太阳雨集团、7-11、连云港港口集团、金鹰国际、家得福商贸等近四百名企业获得成长,他的课程与咨询注重实战、实操、实效,拒绝空洞的理论说教,全程真实案例教学与实战经验分享主播简介:... Read more

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杨力讲易经心理智慧 by 杨力
杨力讲易经心理智慧 by 杨力


By: 杨力

Narrated by: 崔延旭

Length: 11 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《杨力讲易经预测智慧》是中华文化的伟大宝典,是中华文化群经之首,诸子百家之 源。人类最宝贵的是智慧,博大精深的《易经》是中华民族智慧的宝藏, 三千年来对中国思想文化都产生着极为深刻的影响。 本着对《易经》理论的发展和应用,杨力教授将《易经》中的治国谋 略、处世智慧、人生哲理、思辨智谋、管理方法、策划权宜、兵家谋略、... Read more

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挥舞锤子,改变世界:我是罗大锤 by 武帅
挥舞锤子,改变世界:我是罗大锤 by 武帅


By: 武帅

Narrated by: 方菲洋

Length: 5 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《挥舞锤子,改变世界:我是罗大锤》。罗永浩(老罗)一直以来都以独特的风格、彪悍的语录铸造了他风口浪尖上的热点人物形象。从新东方的牛叉英语老师,到先后创办牛博网、老罗英语培训学校,到现在的锤子科技创始人的身份转变,总是会给大众带来层出不穷的惊喜。近期,锤子手机正式发布并且预售阶段即创造了销量奇迹。也因此,罗永浩和锤子手机也成为众多评论家和企业管理者研究和效仿的对象。另外,老罗怒砸西门子冰箱、炮轰链家地产等一系列出位言论也引起了青年人的广泛关注。... Read more

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Hate the View by Andy Bliss
Hate the View
Andy Bliss
Hate the View by Andy Bliss

Hate the View

By: Andy Bliss

Narrated by: Chelsea Bliss

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Hate the view, is a poetry novel that brings the idea of always not being truly satisfied with the current view that is of great content. Being content with the situation that someone is placed in really shows that lots of people can be content if they choose to be so. There are others that would rather not be content with the situation that... Read more

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Diary of a Dying Girl by Mallory Smith
Diary of a Dying Girl
Mallory Smith
Diary of a Dying Girl by Mallory Smith

Diary of a Dying Girl

By: Mallory Smith

Narrated by: Mara Wilson

Length: 14 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

This collection of one girl's real, unflinching diary entries about slowly dying of a terminal illness is an unparalleled exploration of the human spirit and what it means to truly live.

Many of the feelings I write about are too difficult to share while I'm alive, so I'm keeping everything in my journal password-protected until the end.

Mallory... Read more

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Breathe by Maia Kobabe & Sarah Peitzmeier, PhD
Maia Kobabe & Sarah Peitzmeier, PhD
Breathe by Maia Kobabe & Sarah Peitzmeier, PhD


By: Maia Kobabe & Sarah Peitzmeier, PhD

Narrated by: Sarah Peitzmeier, PhD, Kieran Todd, Blair Baker...

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: No

A graphic guide to chest binding, adapted for audio, with real-life stories and research-backed advice from bestselling Gender Queer author MAIA KOBABE and University of Michigan professor SARAH PEITZMEIER.

Breathe arose from the need for a resource for folks considering chest binding as gender-affirming care. Dr. Peitzmeier interviewed... Read more

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NASA Programs in the 1970s: The History and Legacy of the Space Agency’s Missions to Mars and Beyond by Charles River Editors
NASA Programs in the 1970s: The History and Legacy of the Space Agency’s Missions to Mars and Beyond
Charles River Editors
NASA Programs in the 1970s: The History and Legacy of the Space Agency’s Missions to Mars and Beyond by Charles River Editors

NASA Programs in the 1970s: The History and Legacy of the Space Agency’s Missions to Mars and Beyond

By: Charles River Editors

Narrated by: Bill Hare

Length: 4 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Space exploration was always an expensive business, and throughout NASA’s history, the agency has had to justify to Congress its need for every dollar it intended to spend. This problem has helped NASA to be more careful and more creative with the money they did receive, and scientists had to justify the equipment they wanted to include on each... Read more

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The Sounds of the ‘50s by Charles River Editors
The Sounds of the ‘50s
Charles River Editors
The Sounds of the ‘50s by Charles River Editors

The Sounds of the ‘50s

By: Charles River Editors

Narrated by: Mary Rossman

Length: 4 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Born in Mississippi, a young kid named Elvis Presley came to Memphis as a teenager and changed music forever. Fusing country and rhythm and blues with rock, Elvis brought traditional African-American sounds to the forefront of music in the 1950s, but he did so as a handsome white man before the height of the Civil Rights Movement. On top of... Read more

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The Old Mountain Spell Book by Alda Dagny
The Old Mountain Spell Book
Alda Dagny
The Old Mountain Spell Book by Alda Dagny

The Old Mountain Spell Book

By: Alda Dagny

Narrated by: Irinka Reade

Length: 3 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

How much do you really know about the Appalachian culture, folklore, and history?Perhaps you have heard murmurs surrounding Appalachian folklore, and this has piqued your interest, and you've decided you want to learn more.Or maybe you are a passionate reader of magic, witchcraft, and folklore, and you're searching for a new phenomenon to learn... Read more

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No hay rosa sin espinas by Yeismar González
No hay rosa sin espinas
Yeismar González
No hay rosa sin espinas by Yeismar González

No hay rosa sin espinas

By: Yeismar González

Narrated by: Yeismar González

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Aprender a aceptar las dificultades y desafíos de la vida es tan importante como aceptar que no hay rosa sin espinas, es por ello que le invitamos a escuchar y compartir el valioso audiolibro titulado "No hay rosa sin espinas. En situaciones difíciles siempre hay algo positivo que aprender, al igual que detrás de una rosa con espinas encontramos... Read more

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49% This, 49% That & 2% Other by Trainer Leonard Smith
49% This, 49% That & 2% Other
Trainer Leonard Smith
49% This, 49% That & 2% Other by Trainer Leonard Smith

49% This, 49% That & 2% Other

By: Trainer Leonard Smith

Narrated by: Trainer Leonard Smith

Length: 4 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

Businessman and fitness expert Leonard Smith shares his journey from youthful mischief to creating his best life. Leonard takes the reader inside the streets of New York City as he pursues a string of romances and shatters expectations others have for his life. Leonard captures the social dynamic of a young man looking for love while chasing... Read more

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तख्त (Takhta) by Sanjay Sonawani
तख्त (Takhta)
Sanjay Sonawani
तख्त (Takhta) by Sanjay Sonawani

तख्त (Takhta)

By: Sanjay Sonawani

Narrated by: Vishakha Sonawale

Length: 2 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

शाहजादा अकबराला आलमगिर औरंगजेबापासून तोडण्याच्या संभाजी महाराजांच्या  प्रयत्नांना अखेर यश मिळते. अकबर दुर्गादास राठोड आणि असंतुष्ट राजपुतांच्या पाठींब्यावर औरंगजेबाविरुद्ध बंड करून स्वत:ला सार्वभौम पातशहा घोषित करतो. संभाजी महाराजांच्या पाठींब्याने राजपूत आणि अकबर आपल्याविरुद्ध एकत्र येणे म्हणजे आपल्या सत्तेला धोका हे ओळखून औरंगजेबाच्या राजकीय... Read more

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Up from Slavery - an Autobiography by Booker Washington
Up from Slavery - an Autobiography
Booker Washington
Up from Slavery - an Autobiography by Booker Washington

Up from Slavery - an Autobiography

By: Booker Washington

Narrated by: Kenny Davis

Length: 6 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Up From Slavery" is an autobiographical account by Booker T. Washington, detailing his personal experiences of rising from the conditions of slavery in the United States to becoming a leading African American educator, orator, and advisor to presidents. Published in 1901, the book outlines Washington's philosophy on education, hard work, and... Read more

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The (Young) Men We Need by Brant Hansen
The (Young) Men We Need
Brant Hansen
The (Young) Men We Need by Brant Hansen

The (Young) Men We Need

By: Brant Hansen

Narrated by: Brant Hansen

Length: 3 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

The world needs young men to grow up into real men. But here's the problem: young men get so many conflicting messages about what it means to be a man, they find it hard to know what masculinity looks like when men are at their absolute best.

Into this cultural confusion Brant Hansen paints a refreshingly specific, compelling picture of what men... Read more

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An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Maltus
An Essay on the Principle of Population
Thomas Maltus
An Essay on the Principle of Population by Thomas Maltus

An Essay on the Principle of Population

By: Thomas Maltus

Narrated by: Ethan Williams

Length: 5 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

"An Essay on the Principle of Population" by Thomas Malthus discusses the potential for population growth to outpace food production, leading to societal issues. Malthus, an English scholar, contributed significantly to demography and political economy. The essay, initially published in 1798, underscores the tension between geometric population... Read more

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سوري وحر by Othmane ElJadid
سوري وحر
Othmane ElJadid
سوري وحر by Othmane ElJadid

سوري وحر

By: Othmane ElJadid

Narrated by: Soufiane Yaâgoubi

Length: 9 minutes

Abridged: No

تدور القصة حول لاجئ سوري يغادر بلاده بسبب الحرب، ويصل إلى المغرب بحثًا عن حياة جديدة وآمنة. تبدأ أحداث القصة في فترة بعد وصوله إلى المغرب، حيث تبدأ فترة الجائحة العالمية لفيروس كورونا (COVID-19). يتعرض اللاجئ وغيره من النازحين في ملجأ اللاجئين في المغرب للتحديات والصعوبات، بما في ذلك صعوبة الحصول على سكن وعمل والتعامل مع الظروف الصحية الصعبة... Read more

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Unhallowed Grave by Frank Karan
Unhallowed Grave
Frank Karan
Unhallowed Grave by Frank Karan

Unhallowed Grave

By: Frank Karan

Narrated by: Adriel Brandt

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

"After an absence of not writing for almost 10 years.Frank Karan returns to form with Unhallowed Grave, which he penned in less than 6 weeksThis edition reveals a much darker side to his writing style.Nevertheless, the diversity and poignancy are clearly captured within these pagesPleasant reading Frank Karan"

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MATCHED by Zac Miller
Zac Miller
MATCHED by Zac Miller


By: Zac Miller

Narrated by: Zac Miller

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Dive into the ultimate guide to mastering the art of dating apps with Zac Miller's, MATCHED. Whether you're navigating Tinder, Hinge, Bumble, or any other platform, this book is your roadmap to finding the girl of your dreams.Zac Miller, a seasoned expert in online dating, presents a detailed manual to enhance your dating app experience,... Read more

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Theo Thede - Eine Geschichte über die einzigartigen Träume und Talente in jedem von uns by Martin Hahn
Theo Thede - Eine Geschichte über die einzigartigen Träume und Talente in jedem von uns
Martin Hahn
Theo Thede - Eine Geschichte über die einzigartigen Träume und Talente in jedem von uns by Martin Hahn

Theo Thede - Eine Geschichte über die einzigartigen Träume und Talente in jedem von uns

By: Martin Hahn

Narrated by: Thomas Arnold

Length: 43 minutes

Abridged: No

"EIN PLATZ WARTET AUF DICH, DEN NUR DU ALLEIN FÜLLEN KANNST. ES GIBT FÜR DICH ETWAS ZU TUN, DAS KEIN ANDERER TUN KANN." Theo ist verzweifelt. Alle seine Freunde haben besondere Talente und Fähigkeiten. Sogar seine beste Freundin Emmi hat schon einen großen Lebenstraum. Theo jedoch träumt nur von Mama Wombats herrlich duftenden Mittagessen.... Read more

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First to a Million by Dan Sheeks
First to a Million
Dan Sheeks
First to a Million by Dan Sheeks

First to a Million

By: Dan Sheeks

Narrated by: Andrew Colford

Length: 7 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Change the way you look at money before you turn 20—and become a FI Freak!Most teenagers are told about only one financial path: Work until you’re old and then retire. But what if you want to spend your adult life traveling, creating, or bettering the world instead of working all day, every day?Financial independence (FI) is the only way to win... Read more

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