Social Science audiobooks
Na lavra do tabaco - Abridged
By: André João Antonil
Narrated by: Dalton Barone
Length: 32 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Características de um movimento econômico pouco explorado nos estudos da história do Brasil são retratadas nesta seleção de textos do clássico "Cultura e Opulência no Brasil": o tabaco. Dentre outros aspectos, Antonil conta ao leitor sobre a semeadura e o trato da plantação, a confecção da chamada "corda" até a confecção e a qualidade do produto... Read more
View audiobookO senhor do engenho - Abridged
By: André João Antonil
Narrated by: Tiago Torres
Length: 36 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Nesta seleção de textos do clássico "Cultura e Opulência no Brasil", são evidenciadas as características deste ícone do Ciclo do Açúcar brasileiro – o senhor do engenho. Antonil discorre aqui, entre outros aspectos, sobre suas posses, seus vínculos com os vizinhos, seu capelão, seus hóspedes e mercadores de açúcar. Read more
View audiobookNossa democracia - Abridged
By: Ruy Barbosa
Narrated by: Guga Almeida
Length: 18 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Que é um republicano? Qual a característica que distingue uma da outra a república e a monarquia?" Neste artigo intitulado "Nossa democracia", escrita em abril de 1889 – pouco antes, portanto, da Proclamação da República –, Ruy Barbosa promove uma reflexão sobre essa forma de governo, analisando a postura da imprensa da época. Notável, além do... Read more
View audiobookComo organizar Portugal - Abridged
By: Fernando Pessoa
Narrated by: Guga Almeida
Length: 35 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"A inveja é mãe do estímulo, como a curiosidade o é da ciência; da inveja da organização alemã nasceu o falar-se tanto em organizar tanta coisa." Numa profunda reflexão sobre os destinos de Portugal no pós-guerra, o texto de Fernando revela-se antes de mais nada ideológico: que será de Portugal em meio à crise, diante de manifesta decadência? Read more
View audiobookNossa ingratidão - Abridged
By: Ruy Barbosa
Narrated by: Guga Almeida
Length: 21 minutes
Abridged: Yes
"Seremos injustos em lançar à conta da Regência essa política de crimes a favor da escravidão?" Neste artigo de Ruy Barbosa intitulado "Nossa ingratidão", publicado no Diário de Notícias, o grande orador se defende das acusações da imprensa por ele supostamente não ter dado o devido crédito à Princesa Isabel no processo abolicionista. Read more
View audiobookThe Popcorn Report - Abridged
By: Faith Popcorn
Narrated by: Faith Popcorn
Length: 1 hour 30 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The Future Is In Your Hands
Faith Popcorn has seen it coming -- and now she tells you how to profit from the enormous transformation that will sweep mainstream America in the coming years. The founder of BrainReserve, the top-dollar trend-spotter for the nation's biggest blue-chip companies, Popcorn now shares her vision of the future for... Read more
The Hardness Factor - Abridged
By: Steven Lamm
Narrated by: Steven Lamm
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
A diet, exercise, and supplement regimen to help men achieve optimal sexual fitnessSexual fitness goes hand in hand with overall health: Good sex means a man is most probably in good condition. The Hardness Factor is a comprehensive guide to sexual fitness for men, pointing the way to an enhanced self image, better sex, and improved health, and... Read more
View audiobookOla Latina, La - Abridged
By: Jorge Ramos
Narrated by: Jorge Ramos
Length: 3 hours 2 minutes
Abridged: Yes
En las elecciones del 2004, hubo 3 millones más votantes hispanos que en el año 2000. Los hispanos pusieron al presidente George W. Bush en la Casa Blanca en el 2000 y luego lo reeligieron en el 2004. Es imposible ignorar una influencia tan grande y un voto tan importante.El cambio más dramático que está viviendo este país no tiene nada que ver... Read more
View audiobookMountains Beyond Mountains - Abridged
By: Tracy Kidder
Narrated by: Tracy Kidder
Length: 4 hours 39 minutes
Abridged: Yes
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER •“[A] masterpiece . . . an astonishing book that will leave you questioning your own life and political views.”—USA Today
“If any one person can be given credit for transforming the medical establishment’s thinking about health care for the destitute, it is Paul Farmer. . . . [Mountains Beyond Mountains]... Read more
El origen de las Especies - Abridged
By: Charles Darwin
Narrated by: Leonel Arial
Length: 3 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Charles Darwin, el precursor de la literatura científica, expuso en El origen de las especies su famosa teoría de la biología evolutiva y la selección natural. Fue una publicación polémica que suscitó discusiones científicas, filosóficas y religiosas; sin embargo, hoy, la teoría moderna de la evolución acepta las tesis sobre la adaptación al... Read more
View audiobookSatya Nadella: O CEO que Transformou a Microsoft - Abridged
By: Max Editorial
Narrated by: Antônio
Length: 1 hour 55 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Satya Nadella é um nome que se tornou sinônimo da revitalização da Microsoft. Desde que assumiu o cargo de CEO em 2014, ele liderou uma transformação notável da empresa, impulsionando-a para a era da computação em nuvem e dos serviços de software, e expandindo seus horizontes para novos mercados. Este livro é uma biografia completa de... Read more
View audiobookMe to We - Abridged
By: Craig Kielburger & Marc Kielburger
Narrated by: Craig Kielburger & Marc Kielburger
Length: 6 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The New York Times bestseller from the founders of WE Charity—a human rights organization that has lifted over 1 million people from poverty globally—Me to We is an uplifting and actionable guide for personal and social change and a call to action to helping others, featuring a new introduction by Academy Award–winning actress and activist... Read more
View audiobookPersecution - Abridged
By: David Limbaugh
Narrated by: David Limbaugh
Length: TBA
Abridged: Yes
“Limbaugh’s meticulously researched book is a devastating indictment of liberal intolerance-and a call to arms for all true believers of religious liberty to reclaim their rightful place in the public square.”—Michelle Malkin, nationally syndicated columnist and author of InvasionThis New York Times bestseller is that rare phenomenon, a book... Read more
View audiobookConfesiones de un traficante de personas - Abridged
By: Andrea di Nicola & Giampolo Musumeci
Narrated by: Rodrigo Martínez
Length: 6 hours 30 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Por primera vez hablan los hombres que controlan el tráfico de personas. ¿Qué hay detrás de las dramáticas imágenes de pateras repletas de migrantes que atraviesan el Mediterráneo? ¿Cómo nace el impulso de abandonarlo todo en busca de una vida mejor, y quién satisface esta demanda en un mundo en el que hasta la desesperación se convierte en... Read more
View audiobookDemisexualidad y sapiosexualidad: más allá del deseo - Abridged
By: Juanjo Ramos
Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos
Length: 47 minutes
Abridged: Yes
La sexualidad humana es un espectro complejo y fascinante que trasciende las categorías tradicionales. En los últimos años, ha surgido una mayor conciencia y comprensión de diversas orientaciones sexuales que se alejan de lo convencional. Entre ellas, la demisexualidad y la sapiosexualidad han ganado reconocimiento como formas únicas de... Read more
View audiobookAn Imperfect God - Abridged
By: Henry Wiencek
Narrated by: Rick Adamson
Length: 7 hours 30 minutes
Abridged: Yes
A major new biography of Washington, and the first to explore his engagement with American slavery
When George Washington wrote his will, he made the startling decision to set his slaves free; earlier he had said that holding slaves was his "only unavoidable subject of regret." In this groundbreaking work, Henry Wiencek explores the founding... Read more
Oprah Winfrey: Inspirando Milhões - Abridged
By: Max Editorial
Narrated by: Antônio
Length: 1 hour 45 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Oprah Winfrey é mais do que uma figura na televisão; ela é uma lenda viva, um símbolo de superação, empoderamento e transformação. Desde suas humildes origens no Mississipi até se tornar uma das mulheres mais influentes do mundo, a jornada de Oprah é uma fonte inesgotável de inspiração. Este livro explora a vida e o legado de Oprah Winfrey,... Read more
View audiobookThe Progress Paradox - Abridged
By: Gregg Easterbrook
Narrated by: Rick Adamson
Length: 5 hours 46 minutes
Abridged: Yes
In The Progress Paradox, Gregg Easterbrook draws upon three decades of wide-ranging research and thinking to make the persuasive assertion that almost all aspects of Western life have vastly improved in the past century--and yet today, most men and women feel less happy than in previous generations. Why this is so and what we should do about it... Read more
View audiobookLiving History - Abridged
By: Hillary Rodham Clinton
Narrated by: Hillary Rodham Clinton
Length: 7 hours
Abridged: Yes
Author of the Instant #1 New York Times Bestseller What Happened
The Phenomenal #1 Worldwide Bestseller—With a New Afterword
Hillary Rodham Clinton is known to hundreds of millions of people around the world. Yet few beyond her close friends and family have ever heard her account of her extraordinary journey. She writes with candor, humor... Read more
The Beltway Beast - Abridged
By: Munir Moon
Narrated by: Wayne Jones
Length: 4 hours 31 minutes
Abridged: Yes
The Beltway Beast: Stealing from Future Generations and Destroying the Middle Class, transcends the anger and frustration of American people with their leaders failing to solve the country's problems. It documents our current reality and offers transformational ideas, such as shrinking the Presidential Primary process by utilizing technology,... Read more
View audiobookMoney, A Memoir - Abridged
By: Liz Perle
Narrated by: Liz Perle
Length: 5 hours 3 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Long ago, and not entirely consciously, Liz Perle made a quiet contract with cash: She would do what it took to get it—work hard, marry right—but she didn't want to have to think about it too much. Since she was a young girl, the subject of money had been quietly sidestepped, a shadowy factor whose private influence was impolite to discuss. When... Read more
View audiobookPage e Brin: Os Visionários por Trás do Google - Abridged
By: Max Editorial
Narrated by: Antônio
Length: 1 hour 55 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Em meio ao burburinho do Vale do Silício na década de 1990, dois estudantes de doutorado em Stanford, Larry Page e Sergey Brin, uniram suas mentes geniais para dar vida a uma ideia que transformaria o mundo: o Google. A missão era simples, porém ousada: organizar a informação do mundo e torná-la universalmente acessível e útil. Nasce o BackRub,... Read more
View audiobookPeter Mayle's Provence - Abridged
By: Peter Mayle
Narrated by: Peter Mayle & Patrick Macnee
Length: 6 hours 5 minutes
Abridged: Yes
When Peter Mayle and his wife traded England's long, gray winters and damp summers for life in southern France, they entered an enchanting, wonderful, sometimes bewildering world. Now, share their adventures, pleasures, and frustrations: the joys and occasional hazards of wining and dining in France, taking part in goat races, attending a... Read more
View audiobookActive Listening - Abridged
By: Lilly De Sisto
Narrated by: Darcey Kobs
Length: 3 hours 30 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Finally available is a guide to know everything, really everything, about really listening to others! You've finally found the listen you've been looking for: minute after minute, you'll be able to embark on a path that will guide you, step by step, to the knowledge of how to effectively communicate with other people!In this pause-resisting... Read more
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