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Self-Improvement audiobooks

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The Modern Midwife's Guide to the First Year by Marie Louise
The Modern Midwife's Guide to the First Year
Marie Louise
The Modern Midwife's Guide to the First Year by Marie Louise

The Modern Midwife's Guide to the First Year

By: Marie Louise

Narrated by: Marie Louise

Length: 8 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

The book you can trust to guide you through the highs and lows of parenthood.

Whether you're preparing for your baby to arrive, have just welcomed your little one into the world, or are well into the fourth trimester, this nurturing guide will ensure you feel supported and informed throughout your baby's first... Read more

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Mindful Dream Journeys for Children the Most Beautiful Fantasy Journeys for Falling Asleep, for Meditation and for More Mindfulness by Miriam Zimmermann
Mindful Dream Journeys for Children the Most Beautiful Fantasy Journeys for Falling Asleep, for Meditation and for More Mindfulness
Miriam Zimmermann
Mindful Dream Journeys for Children the Most Beautiful Fantasy Journeys for Falling Asleep, for Meditation and for More Mindfulness by Miriam Zimmermann

Mindful Dream Journeys for Children the Most Beautiful Fantasy Journeys for Falling Asleep, for Meditation and for More Mindfulness

By: Miriam Zimmermann

Narrated by: Casey Wayman

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

In this book I would like to introduce you to the wonderful topic of dream journeys for children. In a world full of stress and hectic, we are all grateful for a little distraction and a little relaxation for in between. It's not just us adults who feel this way, our children also need some time out from the stresses of everyday life every now... Read more

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Decluttering Despeja tu mente by Sylvie Martel
Decluttering Despeja tu mente
Sylvie Martel
Decluttering Despeja tu mente by Sylvie Martel

Decluttering Despeja tu mente

By: Sylvie Martel

Narrated by: Sylvie Martel

Length: 2 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

¿ESTÁS LISTO PARA DESCIFRAR EL CAMINO HACIA LA LIBERTAD? ¡DESPEJA TU HOGAR Y TU MENTE, ADOPTA EL MINIMALISMO Y CREA LA VIDA QUE REALMENTE DESEAS!¿Luchas con el desorden mental, sintiéndote abrumado por pensamientos, emociones y estrés?¿Tu casa está llena de pertenencias innecesarias, creando un espacio desorganizado y caótico?¿Estás buscando un... Read more

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Camino de la Luna - Reconciliation (Part 1) by Pearl Howie
Camino de la Luna - Reconciliation (Part 1)
Pearl Howie
Camino de la Luna - Reconciliation (Part 1) by Pearl Howie

Camino de la Luna - Reconciliation (Part 1)

By: Pearl Howie

Narrated by: Pearl Howie

Length: 3 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

What divides us?
What sets us against each other?
What stops us from being able to come home to our true selves?
I had found truth in Thailand, discovered another wall inside me and freed another part of my soul.
There were things to be done, journeys to be taken, strangers to meet, mistakes and regrets to put right and only some of them were mine. ... Read more

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Supera la procrastinación by Sebastian Mills
Supera la procrastinación
Sebastian Mills
Supera la procrastinación by Sebastian Mills

Supera la procrastinación

By: Sebastian Mills

Narrated by: Sebastian Mills

Length: 1 hour 56 minutes

Abridged: No

¡DESBLOQUEA TU VERDADERO POTENCIAL Y SUPERA LA PROCRASTINACIÓN CON ESTE AUDIOLIBRO TRANSFORMADOR!¿Estás cansado de procrastinar constantemente? ¿Batallas contra la mala gestión del tiempo, la falta de concentración y la escasa motivación?¿Estás preparado para liberarte de las cadenas de los malos hábitos, aumentar tu productividad y alcanzar tus... Read more

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Detén el autosabotaje by Sebastian Mills
Detén el autosabotaje
Sebastian Mills
Detén el autosabotaje by Sebastian Mills

Detén el autosabotaje

By: Sebastian Mills

Narrated by: Sebastian Mills

Length: 1 hour 55 minutes

Abridged: No

¡LIBÉRATE DEL AUTOSABOTAJE Y DESPLIEGA TU VERDADERO POTENCIAL CON IDEAS TRANSFORMADORAS, CONSEJOS Y TÉCNICAS DE EFICACIA PROBADA!¿Estás cansado de luchar contra ti mismo para alcanzar tus objetivos y convertirte en tu mejor versión?¿Te encuentras atrapado en un ciclo de comportamientos autodestructivos, falta de motivación y luchas contra los... Read more

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Dokkodo by Miyamoto Musashi
Miyamoto Musashi
Dokkodo by Miyamoto Musashi


By: Miyamoto Musashi

Narrated by: Jerome Pilette

Length: 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Le Dokkōdō est un texte de 21 préceptes (ou règles de vie) écrit par le samurai invaincu Miyamoto Musashi peu avant sa mort, presque comme un testament de son savoir. Ces principes reflètent sa philosophie sur les conduites à suivre dans la vie et vers la sagesse. Miyamoto donne des conseils sur la manière de vivre une vie honorable, disciplinée... Read more

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Manifestación La Ley de la Atracción by Sylvie Martel
Manifestación La Ley de la Atracción
Sylvie Martel
Manifestación La Ley de la Atracción by Sylvie Martel

Manifestación La Ley de la Atracción

By: Sylvie Martel

Narrated by: Sylvie Martel

Length: 2 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

¡DESCUBRE LOS SECRETOS PARA HACER REALIDAD TUS SUEÑOS Y ATRAER LA ABUNDANCIA A TODOS LOS ÁMBITOS DE TU VIDA CON ESTE PODEROSO AUDIOLIBRO!¿Estás cansado de sentirte estancado e insatisfecho?¿Deseas más éxito, amor, dinero y felicidad en tu vida?¿Has intentado recurrir al pensamiento positivo y a la Ley de Atracción sin ver resultados... Read more

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Cómo superar la ansiedad dentro del matrimonio by Sienna Montgomery
Cómo superar la ansiedad dentro del matrimonio
Sienna Montgomery
Cómo superar la ansiedad dentro del matrimonio by Sienna Montgomery

Cómo superar la ansiedad dentro del matrimonio

By: Sienna Montgomery

Narrated by: Sienna Montgomery

Length: 1 hour 53 minutes

Abridged: No

¡TRANSFORMA TU ESTILO DE APEGO ANSIOSO EN UNO SEGURO Y EMPIEZA A CONSTRUIR UNA RELACIÓN PRÓSPERA Y SATISFACTORIA CON LA AYUDA DE ESTE PODEROSO AUDIOLIBRO!¿Estás luchando contra la ansiedad que afecta a tu relación de pareja?¿Quieres mejorar tu autoestima y vencer tus miedos, inseguridades, pensamientos negativos y celos?¿Estás listo para... Read more

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La muerte no existe by Sixto Paz Wells
La muerte no existe
Sixto Paz Wells
La muerte no existe by Sixto Paz Wells

La muerte no existe

By: Sixto Paz Wells

Narrated by: Martín Quirós

Length: 3 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Cientos de casos reales confirman que después de lo que llamamos muerte hay otro estado, otra dimensión de la realidad. En este libro, Sixto Paz, investigador mundialmente reconocido del fenómeno extraterrestre y experto de otras realidades, nos cuenta algunos de los casos que ha conocido de primera mano y nos explica por qué la muerte no es... Read more

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The Phoenix Path by Emily Clark
The Phoenix Path
Emily Clark
The Phoenix Path by Emily Clark

The Phoenix Path

By: Emily Clark

Narrated by: Emily Clark

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Rediscover Your Flame & Rise From the Ashes of Narcissistic Abuse With This Inspiring GuideNavigating the scalding tempest of a relationship with a narcissist can leave you feeling burnt out and lost amidst the ashes. The questions pile up: "Why do they act this way?", "Is there any hope for change?", "How do I reclaim my life after such... Read more

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Camino de la Luna - Truth by Pearl Howie
Camino de la Luna - Truth
Pearl Howie
Camino de la Luna - Truth by Pearl Howie

Camino de la Luna - Truth

By: Pearl Howie

Narrated by: Pearl Howie

Length: 3 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

“The first principle is that you must not fool yourself — and you are the easiest person to fool.” Richard Feynman, Nobel Prize winning physicist
The moment I felt my real feelings, back in a Native American healing in 2016, I discovered what a great liar I was. Lonely, depressed, desperate… the lowest of the low… No matter how my life looked... Read more

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Arcángeles: Desvelando los secretos de trabajar con un arcángel, guías espirituales y ángeles de la guarda by Silvia Hill
Arcángeles: Desvelando los secretos de trabajar con un arcángel, guías espirituales y ángeles de la guarda
Silvia Hill
Arcángeles: Desvelando los secretos de trabajar con un arcángel, guías espirituales y ángeles de la guarda by Silvia Hill

Arcángeles: Desvelando los secretos de trabajar con un arcángel, guías espirituales y ángeles de la guarda

By: Silvia Hill

Narrated by: Fabio Persa

Length: 3 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

¡Aprenda a conectar con los arcángeles y adquiera sus inmensos conocimientos!¿La idea de los arcángeles le ha dejado perplejo desde hace tiempo?¿Se ha preguntado alguna vez quiénes son estos seres maravillosos, amorosos y compasivos?¿Siente curiosidad por saber qué conocimientos pueden tener que compartir con usted sobre su vida y el... Read more

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La historia de los grupos 24 horas by Oslos Molina
La historia de los grupos 24 horas
Oslos Molina
La historia de los grupos 24 horas by Oslos Molina

La historia de los grupos 24 horas

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Los Grupos 24 horas de A.A., son grupos de Alcohólicos Anónimos que funcionan las 24 horas del día ininterrumpidamente, los 365 días del año. Read more

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Freundschaft. Das kleine Buch der Freundschaft. by Simon Ternyik
Freundschaft. Das kleine Buch der Freundschaft.
Simon Ternyik
Freundschaft. Das kleine Buch der Freundschaft. by Simon Ternyik

Freundschaft. Das kleine Buch der Freundschaft.

By: Simon Ternyik

Narrated by: Anna Weimer

Length: 2 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Freundschaft Das kleine Buch der Freundschaft Ein Freundschaftsbuch für Erwachsene, die oftmals das Wichtigste aus den Augen verlieren Gebote, Gedanken & Geschichten über das größte Glück im Leben: die echte Freundschaft Können Sie sich noch an Ihre Kinderfreundschaften erinnern? Man vertraut sich blind, teilt jedes Geheimnis, lacht viel und... Read more

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Adictos en potencia by Iván Morales
Adictos en potencia
Iván Morales
Adictos en potencia by Iván Morales

Adictos en potencia

By: Iván Morales

Narrated by: Ignacio Gagliano

Length: 5 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Todos somos adictos, historias y casos que encienden la alarma para quienes creen que la adicción es un tema que solo le pasa a los demás.  Este libro escrito por un reconocido psicólogo y terapeuta, recoge testimonios e historias de personas que se han visto envueltas en algún tipo de adicción a pesar de que sus vidas aparentemente están bien.... Read more

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Active Listening: How to Listen in a Distracted World to Build Trust, Improve Conversations and Deepen Relationships by Andy Gardner
Active Listening: How to Listen in a Distracted World to Build Trust, Improve Conversations and Deepen Relationships
Andy Gardner
Active Listening: How to Listen in a Distracted World to Build Trust, Improve Conversations and Deepen Relationships by Andy Gardner

Active Listening: How to Listen in a Distracted World to Build Trust, Improve Conversations and Deepen Relationships

By: Andy Gardner

Narrated by: Ivan Busenius

Length: 3 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Master the art of listening and communicating to create successful relationships.Do you have trouble focusing when people talk to you?Is your inability to connect with others affecting work and personal relationships?Are you looking for skills to help you become a better listener and communicator?Then this audiobook is for you!What is the root... Read more

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Das ultimative Achtsamkeits Meditationspaket - Mega Bundle by Patrick Lynen
Das ultimative Achtsamkeits Meditationspaket - Mega Bundle
Patrick Lynen
Das ultimative Achtsamkeits Meditationspaket - Mega Bundle by Patrick Lynen

Das ultimative Achtsamkeits Meditationspaket - Mega Bundle

By: Patrick Lynen

Narrated by: Patrick Lynen & Stephan Müller

Length: 3 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

In der Hektik des Alltags fällt es oft schwer, einen klaren Kopf zu bewahren. Mit diesem ultimativen Meditationspaket gelingt es dir, den Alltagsstress hinter dir zu lassen, dein Bewusstsein zu schärfen, Stress abzubauen und ein tiefes Gefühl von innerem Frieden und Achtsamkeit zu fördern. Das exklusive Bundle beinhaltet die beliebtesten... Read more

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Ambassador of Hope by Andre Norman
Ambassador of Hope
Andre Norman
Ambassador of Hope by Andre Norman

Ambassador of Hope

By: Andre Norman

Narrated by: Andre Norman

Length: 3 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Andre Norman’s early life put him on a path to prison. Raised in poverty and surrounded by dysfunction, Andre gravitated to his neighborhood gang. His choices there led to time in juvenile detention, and eventually a maximum-security prison, with sentences totaling over 100 years. During that time, Andre became one of the most dangerous gang... Read more

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Adventures with the Universe by H. L. Savino
Adventures with the Universe
H. L. Savino
Adventures with the Universe by H. L. Savino

Adventures with the Universe

By: H. L. Savino

Narrated by: Khaya Fraites

Length: 3 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you feeling desperate and stuck, broke, one swipe of your bank card away from an overdraft fee?Do you lie awake at night, wondering how you’ll pay your bills? Do you have big dreams but no idea how to make them happen? Worst of all–do you wonder if you’re worthy of the beautiful love, wealth, luxury and fabulous life you want?You can change... Read more

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Brady by Brian Boone
Brian Boone
Brady by Brian Boone


By: Brian Boone

Narrated by: Cary Valentine

Length: 2 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

“If you don’t play to win, don’t play at all.”From an underrated recruit, to a second-string player with the chance of a lifetime, to the best quarterback in history, Tom Brady is a success story for the ages. His unshakable belief in himself and his relentless dedication to improving his game brought him more than two decades of record-breaking... Read more

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Honest Chat by Dylan Buckley
Honest Chat
Dylan Buckley
Honest Chat by Dylan Buckley

Honest Chat

By: Dylan Buckley

Length: 5 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Like a lot of footy blokes, having a chat has always come easy to Dylan Buckley. But how to move beyond banter to the deeper conversations he didn't know he needed is something he's only learned more recently - a hard-won skill developed through his podcast and the career reboot it gave him after injury and anxiety cut his AFL career... Read more

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When the Parents Change, Everything Changes by Paul Dix
When the Parents Change, Everything Changes
Paul Dix
When the Parents Change, Everything Changes by Paul Dix

When the Parents Change, Everything Changes

By: Paul Dix

Narrated by: Paul Dix

Length: 5 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

Brought to you by Penguin.

Your behaviour is the only behaviour over which you have absolute control. To change your children's behaviour, you first need to change your own.

The culture of any home is determined by the parents. If you can remain unflappably calm in the face of every supermarket tantrum and sarcastic eye-roll, order will soon... Read more

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Setting Boundaries by Krystal Mazzola Wood
Setting Boundaries
Krystal Mazzola Wood
Setting Boundaries by Krystal Mazzola Wood

Setting Boundaries

By: Krystal Mazzola Wood

Narrated by: Angel Pean

Length: 6 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Build healthy boundaries, manage difficult relationships, and live a happy life in accordance with your personal values with this unique, activity-based supplement to start or support your therapy practice.

Setting boundaries can be tough—you don’t want to disappoint other people, but you also don’t want to be stuck in a situation that makes you... Read more

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