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Self-Improvement audiobooks

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Heal Childhood Trauma Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni
Heal Childhood Trauma Sleep Hypnosis Meditation
Heal Childhood Trauma Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni

Heal Childhood Trauma Sleep Hypnosis Meditation

By: Harmooni

Narrated by: Becky Brabham

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you haunted by the ghosts of childhood trauma, burdened by scars that continue to affect your present? Do you long for a way to heal those deep emotional wounds and finally find inner peace? Can you imagine a life where you drift into a restful sleep, leaving behind the pain and anxieties that have plagued your past? The path to healing... Read more

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Stress Management Sleep Meditation by Harmooni
Stress Management Sleep Meditation
Stress Management Sleep Meditation by Harmooni

Stress Management Sleep Meditation

By: Harmooni

Narrated by: Don Jacobsen

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Are the demands of life leaving you overwhelmed and exhausted, robbing you of precious sleep and inner peace? Do you long for a way to release the tension and stress that weigh you down? Can you imagine a life where you drift into a tranquil sleep, waking up refreshed and ready to conquer the day? The key to mastering stress and finding profound... Read more

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Stop Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni
Stop Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Sleep Hypnosis Meditation
Stop Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni

Stop Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Sleep Hypnosis Meditation

By: Harmooni

Narrated by: Becky Brabham

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you one of the many individuals plagued by the relentless grip of chronic fatigue syndrome, feeling like your life is stuck in an endless cycle of exhaustion and frustration? Are you yearning for a way to break free from the debilitating symptoms and reclaim your vitality? Can you envision a future where you drift into a peaceful,... Read more

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Stop Depression Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni
Stop Depression Sleep Hypnosis Meditation
Stop Depression Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni

Stop Depression Sleep Hypnosis Meditation

By: Harmooni

Narrated by: Alan Munro

Length: 1 hour 7 minutes

Abridged: No

Have you ever felt trapped in the suffocating grip of depression, with its dark clouds casting shadows over your life? Do you yearn for a way to break free from the relentless cycle of sadness and hopelessness, and rediscover the joy and vibrancy that life has to offer? Can you imagine a future where you drift into a peaceful, restorative sleep,... Read more

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Stop Drinking Alcohol Addiction Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni
Stop Drinking Alcohol Addiction Sleep Hypnosis Meditation
Stop Drinking Alcohol Addiction Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni

Stop Drinking Alcohol Addiction Sleep Hypnosis Meditation

By: Harmooni

Narrated by: Don Jacobsen

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you tired of the grip that alcohol has on your life? Does the struggle to quit drinking seem insurmountable, leaving you longing for a life free from the chains of addiction? Can you envision a future where you wake up clear-headed, reinvigorated, and in control of your choices? The path to breaking free from alcohol addiction begins with... Read more

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Stop Emotional Eating Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni
Stop Emotional Eating Sleep Hypnosis Meditation
Stop Emotional Eating Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni

Stop Emotional Eating Sleep Hypnosis Meditation

By: Harmooni

Narrated by: Becky Brabham

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you find yourself trapped in the never-ending cycle of emotional eating, seeking solace in food when your emotions run high? Are you tired of the guilt and frustration that come with this habit, and do you long for a way to regain control over your relationship with food? Can you imagine a future where you drift into a peaceful, restorative... Read more

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La pareja altamente conflictiva (The High-Conflict Couple) by Alan E. Fruzzetti
La pareja altamente conflictiva (The High-Conflict Couple)
Alan E. Fruzzetti
La pareja altamente conflictiva (The High-Conflict Couple) by Alan E. Fruzzetti

La pareja altamente conflictiva (The High-Conflict Couple)

By: Alan E. Fruzzetti

Narrated by: Pablo Lopez

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

¡Un libro que esperábamos hace mucho tiempo! Fruzzetti es un experto psicólogo clínico que crea rigurosa ciencia y que proporciona esperanza a todos los que trabajamos con personas, parejas y familias que sufren. Gracias, Alan, por esta oportuna e importante obra. Suzanne Witterholt, MD, Universidad de Minnesota Fruzzetti es especialista en el... Read more

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Stop Codependency Addiction Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni
Stop Codependency Addiction Sleep Hypnosis Meditation
Stop Codependency Addiction Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni

Stop Codependency Addiction Sleep Hypnosis Meditation

By: Harmooni

Narrated by: Don Jacobsen

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you trapped in the suffocating embrace of codependency, feeling like you've lost your sense of self in the process? Do you yearn for the strength to break free from unhealthy relationships and regain control of your life? Envision a future where you're emotionally independent, thriving in healthy connections, and rediscovering your inner... Read more

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Body Positivity Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni
Body Positivity Sleep Hypnosis Meditation
Body Positivity Sleep Hypnosis Meditation by Harmooni

Body Positivity Sleep Hypnosis Meditation

By: Harmooni

Narrated by: Asheida

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Do you ever find yourself held captive by negative thoughts about your body, haunted by insecurities that impact your self-esteem and well-being? Are you ready to break free from the relentless cycle of self-criticism and finally embrace a positive and loving relationship with your body? Can you envision a future where you drift into a peaceful,... Read more

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Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

Think and Grow Rich

By: Napoleon Hill

Narrated by: Charles Smith

Length: 8 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

IN EVERY chapter of this book, mention has been made of the money-making secret which has made fortunes for more than five hundred exceedingly wealthy men whom I have carefully analyzed over a long period of years. The secret was brought to my attention by Andrew Carnegie, more than a quarter of a century ago. The canny, lovable old Scotsman... Read more

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You are the Way by Fabio Mantegna & Elmer O. Locker Jr
You are the Way
Fabio Mantegna & Elmer O. Locker Jr
You are the Way by Fabio Mantegna & Elmer O. Locker Jr

You are the Way

By: Fabio Mantegna & Elmer O. Locker Jr

Narrated by: Craig Abbott

Length: 7 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Have you ever wondered why some people have a "golden touch", while others are constantly haunted by bad luck? If you count yourself in the first category, congratulations! You're already adept at creating conscious manifestations. In this case, the techniques in this Manifestation Book will help you fulfill (even) greater desires. Often,... Read more

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Himmlische Begleitung für eine wundervolle Geburt - Engel-Affirmationen und positive Glaubenssätze für eine gelassene Schwangerschaft und Geburt by Jana von Holstein
Himmlische Begleitung für eine wundervolle Geburt - Engel-Affirmationen und positive Glaubenssätze für eine gelassene Schwangerschaft und Geburt
Jana von Holstein
Himmlische Begleitung für eine wundervolle Geburt - Engel-Affirmationen und positive Glaubenssätze für eine gelassene Schwangerschaft und Geburt by Jana von Holstein

Himmlische Begleitung für eine wundervolle Geburt - Engel-Affirmationen und positive Glaubenssätze für eine gelassene Schwangerschaft und Geburt

By: Jana von Holstein

Narrated by: Tanja Lipinski

Length: 28 minutes

Abridged: No

Du bist nicht allein auf dieser Reise. Die Engel begleiten dich! Die Macht positiver Affirmationen, insbesondere jener, die von Engeln inspiriert sind, ist unbestreitbar. Wissenschaftliche Studien haben immer wieder den positiven Einfluss von Affirmationen auf unser Wohlbefinden und unsere mentale Stärke bestätigt. viele kraftvolle... Read more

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Curro Cañete. Creer es crear (3/10) by Curro Cañete
Curro Cañete. Creer es crear (3/10)
Curro Cañete
Curro Cañete. Creer es crear (3/10) by Curro Cañete

Curro Cañete. Creer es crear (3/10)

By: Curro Cañete

Narrated by: Curro Cañete

Length: 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Curro Cañete. El poder de confiar en ti. El pódcast, con el coach y autor de best sellers como Ahora te toca ser feliz, No tengas miedo a nada y El poder de confiar en ti.  Cuando pensamos constantemente en algo, podemos llegar a creer ciegamente en ello y sentir que es la única realidad que existe para nosotros. En este episodio Curro Cañete... Read more

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Napoleon Hill's Science of Successful Selling by Napoleon Hill Associates
Napoleon Hill's Science of Successful Selling
Napoleon Hill Associates
Napoleon Hill's Science of Successful Selling by Napoleon Hill Associates

Napoleon Hill's Science of Successful Selling

By: Napoleon Hill Associates

Narrated by: Dan Strutzel

Length: 3 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Many followers of Napoleon Hill often miss the fact that he was not only a gifted writer and speaker, but also a man who made a living teaching other people how to sell. In 1913, Hill began working for the LaSalle Extension University in Chicago, giving him valuable insight into what he liked doing and what he did well: teaching people how to... Read more

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Cómo mandar a la mierda de forma educada by Alba Cardalda
Cómo mandar a la mierda de forma educada
Alba Cardalda
Cómo mandar a la mierda de forma educada by Alba Cardalda

Cómo mandar a la mierda de forma educada

By: Alba Cardalda

Narrated by: Alba Cardalda

Length: 4 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Poner límites nunca fue tan fácil. Un manual práctico y directo sobre la importancia de decir «no» con asertividad. ¿Por qué nos cuesta tanto poner límites? El miedo a perder el trabajo, la idea del amor romántico o el temor a ser excluidos de nuestro círculo social son algunas de las razones. Por ello nos cuesta tanto hacerlo y, cuando nos... Read more

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From Family Scapegoat to Summit by Emily Clark
From Family Scapegoat to Summit
Emily Clark
From Family Scapegoat to Summit by Emily Clark

From Family Scapegoat to Summit

By: Emily Clark

Narrated by: Emily Clark

Length: 5 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Reclaim Your Identity & Conquer the Mountain of Family Labels With This Empowering GuideBeing cast as the family scapegoat is a burdensome journey filled with misunderstandings, misplaced blame, and a distorted self-image. The questions linger: “Why am I always blamed?”, “Do I truly matter?”, “How can I escape this cycle and find my true... Read more

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Odczyty z Pola Akaszy. MEDIUM - Duchowosc i Realizm. by Dr. Renata Zarzycka
Odczyty z Pola Akaszy. MEDIUM - Duchowosc i Realizm.
Dr. Renata Zarzycka
Odczyty z Pola Akaszy. MEDIUM - Duchowosc i Realizm. by Dr. Renata Zarzycka

Odczyty z Pola Akaszy. MEDIUM - Duchowosc i Realizm.

By: Dr. Renata Zarzycka

Narrated by: Dr. Renata Zarzycka

Length: 1 hour 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Odczyt z Kroniki Akaszy jest procesem wchodzenia w swiadomy kontakt z energetycznym Polem Uniwersum, w którym znajduje sie Wielka Biblioteka Wszechwiedzy z najdawniejszych czasów, z obecnych, jak równiez jest tam mowa o przyszlosci. Znajduje sie tam równiez madrosc, z której czerpia naukowcy, twórcy , malarze, kompozytorze, poeci, pisarze i... Read more

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Lista para la vida by Alba Carrillo
Lista para la vida
Alba Carrillo
Lista para la vida by Alba Carrillo

Lista para la vida

By: Alba Carrillo

Narrated by: Alba Carrillo

Length: 4 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Alba Carrillo se abre como nunca y te invita a vivir sin miedo a nada, venga lo que venga y, sobre todo, siendo siempre fiel a ti misma. Un día vamos a morir, pero todos los demás no. VIVE. Alba Carrillo es una fuente inagotable de ingenio y buen humor, pero detrás de los focos las ha vivido de todos los colores. En Lista para la vida se abre... Read more

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KOLLOIDALES EISEN [Solfeggio 174, 285, 528 Hertz] by Michael Reimann & Jeanne Ruland
KOLLOIDALES EISEN [Solfeggio 174, 285, 528 Hertz]
Michael Reimann & Jeanne Ruland
KOLLOIDALES EISEN [Solfeggio 174, 285, 528 Hertz] by Michael Reimann & Jeanne Ruland

KOLLOIDALES EISEN [Solfeggio 174, 285, 528 Hertz]

By: Michael Reimann & Jeanne Ruland

Narrated by: Michael Nagula

Length: 1 hour 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Dieses Hörbuch enthält 75 Minuten Heilmusik als reiner Klang zur Meditation und Raumreinigung sowie zusätzliche gesprochene Tracks mit Informationen über die Kompositionen, die verwendeten Frequenzen und den Musiker. KENNEN SIE KOLLOIDALES EISEN? Die vorliegenden Aufnahmen arbeiten mit der Schwingungsfrequenz von reinem Eisen, die jede... Read more

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Zasady Biblioteki Akaszy. Rytualy Modlitwy Medytacje. by Dr. Renata Zarzycka
Zasady Biblioteki Akaszy. Rytualy Modlitwy Medytacje.
Dr. Renata Zarzycka
Zasady Biblioteki Akaszy. Rytualy Modlitwy Medytacje. by Dr. Renata Zarzycka

Zasady Biblioteki Akaszy. Rytualy Modlitwy Medytacje.

By: Dr. Renata Zarzycka

Narrated by: Dr. Renata Zarzycka

Length: 1 hour 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Kronika Akaszy to energetyczne Pole Informacji Wszechswiata, w którym zanurzone jest wszystko co istnieje, przeszlosc, przyszlosc i terazniejszosc. Jest to bogactwo obfitosci informacji, z której kazdy moze czerpac garsciami. Czym zatem jest odczyt z Kroniki Akaszy?
Odczyt z Kroniki Akaszy jest procesem wchodzenia w swiadomy kontakt z... Read more

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Sex Stories For Naughty Adults by Eva Harmon
Sex Stories For Naughty Adults
Eva Harmon
Sex Stories For Naughty Adults by Eva Harmon

Sex Stories For Naughty Adults

By: Eva Harmon

Narrated by: Eva Harmon

Length: 10 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

Indulge your deepest desires with "Sensual Escapades," a scintillating collection of erotic tales that will ignite your imagination and set your passions ablaze. This sizzling anthology is tailored for the daring and the curious, offering a tantalizing journey into the world of sensuality and seduction.
Within these pages, you'll encounter a... Read more

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Co-Creation by Veit Lindau
Veit Lindau
Co-Creation by Veit Lindau


By: Veit Lindau

Narrated by: Veit Lindau

Length: 10 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Zukunft der Menschheit! Bestsellerautor Veit Lindau schreibt mit diesem Buch die Fortsetzung seines Erfolgstitel "Genesis": Beziehungen werden nun auf eine neue, eine höhere Ebene gehoben. Und das nicht nur im Privaten, sondern auch im Job. Wir kennen Ausbeutung, Konkurrenz und Kooperation in allen Bereichen unseres Lebens. Sie haben... Read more

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A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from The School of Life by Alain de Botton
A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from The School of Life
Alain de Botton
A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from The School of Life by Alain de Botton

A Therapeutic Journey: Lessons from The School of Life

By: Alain de Botton

Narrated by: Charlie Anson

Length: 9 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Alain de Botton's redemptive volume charts a course from collapse to recovery with kindness, compassion and wisdom.“Alain de Botton, one of our era’s most uncommonly perceptive, lyrical, and lucid existential contemplatives.” — The MarginalianA Therapeutic Journey follows the arc from mental crisis and collapse, to convalescence and recovery.... Read more

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Prachār by Jan Wolter
Jan Wolter
Prachār by Jan Wolter


By: Jan Wolter

Narrated by: Yashomatinandana Dāsa

Length: 2 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Für diese Exkursion ist es wichtig zu verstehen, wo ich herkomme und wem ich diene. Natürlich ist die "Reise, Lerne, Wachse"-Buchserie über die letzte Dekade gut gewachsen, und dieser Teil bildet die 18. Sequenz.So fordere ich Sie auf, wieder einmal auf eine Reise zu kommen und die Menschen und Orte kennenzulernen. Unser Ticket sind die... Read more

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