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Self-Improvement audiobooks

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End of the Hour by Meghan Riordan Jarvis
End of the Hour
Meghan Riordan Jarvis
End of the Hour by Meghan Riordan Jarvis

End of the Hour

By: Meghan Riordan Jarvis

Narrated by: Meghan Riordan Jarvis

Length: 7 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

“A frank chronicle of healing.”—Kirkus Reviews
What happens when a trauma therapist is traumatized by loss?
Esteemed trauma therapist Meghan Riordan Jarvis knew how to help her patients process grief. For nearly twenty years, Meghan expected that this clinical training would inoculate her against the effects of personal trauma. But when her father... Read more

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Building Your Family by Lisa Schuman, LCSW & Mark Leondires, MD
Building Your Family
Lisa Schuman, LCSW & Mark Leondires, MD
Building Your Family by Lisa Schuman, LCSW & Mark Leondires, MD

Building Your Family

By: Lisa Schuman, LCSW & Mark Leondires, MD

Narrated by: Lisa Schuman, LCSW & Mark Leondires, MD

Length: 7 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Building Your Family is the first all-inclusive guide by experts to cover both the medical and emotional aspects of becoming a parent through donor conception.

Once shrouded in secrecy, the modern family, built with the assistance of gamete (egg or sperm) donation, is coming out of the shadows. As more people see friends, family members and... Read more

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Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt
Your Best Year Ever
Michael Hyatt
Your Best Year Ever by Michael Hyatt

Your Best Year Ever

By: Michael Hyatt

Narrated by: Michael Hyatt

Length: 5 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

This is the year you finally close the gap between reality and your dreams.We all want to live a life that matters. We all want to reach our full potential. But too often we find ourselves overwhelmed by the day-to-day. Our biggest goals get pushed to the back burner—and then, more often than not, they get abandoned and forgotten. It doesn’t... Read more

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The Mindfulness for Warriors Handbook by Kim Colegrove
The Mindfulness for Warriors Handbook
Kim Colegrove
The Mindfulness for Warriors Handbook by Kim Colegrove

The Mindfulness for Warriors Handbook

By: Kim Colegrove

Narrated by: Eva Wilhelm

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

A traumatic way of life. First responders have the incredibly difficult job of running toward danger while the rest of us run away. After thirty years in law enforcement, her husband took his own life. This agonizing experience opened Kim's eyes to the desperate need for an effective form of stress-relief and support for first responders.

The... Read more

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Psychologie noire et manipulation: Découvrez comment analyser les gens et maîtriser le comportement humain en utilisant les techniques d'influence émotionnelle, les secrets du langage corporel, la PNL secrète, la lecture rapide et l'hypnose. by Vincent McDaniel
Psychologie noire et manipulation: Découvrez comment analyser les gens et maîtriser le comportement humain en utilisant les techniques d'influence émotionnelle, les secrets du langage corporel, la PNL secrète, la lecture rapide et l'hypnose.
Vincent McDaniel
Psychologie noire et manipulation: Découvrez comment analyser les gens et maîtriser le comportement humain en utilisant les techniques d'influence émotionnelle, les secrets du langage corporel, la PNL secrète, la lecture rapide et l'hypnose. by Vincent McDaniel

Psychologie noire et manipulation: Découvrez comment analyser les gens et maîtriser le comportement humain en utilisant les techniques d'influence émotionnelle, les secrets du langage corporel, la PNL secrète, la lecture rapide et l'hypnose.

By: Vincent McDaniel

Narrated by: Vincent McDaniel

Length: 3 hours 14 minutes

Abridged: No

Vous avez enfin trouvé le livre audio qui vous enseignera les secrets de la maîtrise du comportement humain.Prenez de l'avance dans la vie en apprenant à utiliser les techniques d'influence émotionnelle, les secrets du langage corporel, la PNL secrète, la lecture rapide et l'hypnose grâce à ce livre audio qui vous guidera à travers tout cela... Read more

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Avance !!! [Nouvelle édition augmentée] by Laurent Debaker
Avance !!! [Nouvelle édition augmentée]
Laurent Debaker
Avance !!! [Nouvelle édition augmentée] by Laurent Debaker

Avance !!! [Nouvelle édition augmentée]

By: Laurent Debaker

Narrated by: Laurent Debaker & Caroline Boyer

Length: 14 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Avance!!! est un programme complet et révolutionnaire qui va enfin vous permettre de parvenir à vos objectifs et changer radicalement votre vie, pour le meilleur. Cette nouvelle version augmentée est le fruit de plus de vingt ans d’un travail qui a permis à des milliers de personnes de se révéler et de construire la vie dont elles avaient rêvé... Read more

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Personalidades abusivas (Abusive Personalities) by Joseluis Canales
Personalidades abusivas (Abusive Personalities)
Joseluis Canales
Personalidades abusivas (Abusive Personalities) by Joseluis Canales

Personalidades abusivas (Abusive Personalities)

By: Joseluis Canales

Narrated by: Joseluis Canales

Length: 12 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Este libro busca ofrecer información concreta y clara para que puedas cuidar de ti y de los tuyos de aquellos que se relacionan a través del abuso y la depredación. Este libro busca dar una visión amplia de las personalidades peligrosas, a través de información teórica y de los testimonios de otros que han pasado por experiencias dolorosas y... Read more

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HABLE BIEN Y CONVENZA by Iván Pallares Rincón
Iván Pallares Rincón
HABLE BIEN Y CONVENZA by Iván Pallares Rincón


By: Iván Pallares Rincón

Narrated by: Iván Pallares Rincón

Length: 2 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Esta obra fue diseñada con técnicas de Programación Neurolingüística (PNL).Se han aplicado principios fundamentales de la Ciencia de Programación Neurolingüística (PNL), creada por John Grinder y Richard Bandler, en los años 70s y con fundamentos del Super-Aprendizaje, método diseñado por el magnífico Psicólogo Búlgaro Georgi Lozanov.La... Read more

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Enredos Emocionales by Oslos Molina
Enredos Emocionales
Oslos Molina
Enredos Emocionales by Oslos Molina

Enredos Emocionales

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Se trata de un enredo que produce un punto de bloqueo ya sea en el ámbito profesional o en el plano personal. Los conflictos emocionales pueden ser más difíciles de identificar ya que son inmateriales, es decir, no se observan de una forma visible, sin embargo, sí se sienten. Read more

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Eliminar la Autoconmiseración by Oslos Molina
Eliminar la Autoconmiseración
Oslos Molina
Eliminar la Autoconmiseración by Oslos Molina

Eliminar la Autoconmiseración

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

La autoconmiseración se caracteriza por una actitud de víctima frente a los demás, es creer que todos son culpables de las desdichas que la persona siente, y por lo tanto vive con resentimientos y de forma pasiva, esta actitud se presenta tanto en las personas con adicción como en la codependencia. La recuperación ayuda a que cada uno sea... Read more

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El dolor emocional by Oslos Molina
El dolor emocional
Oslos Molina
El dolor emocional by Oslos Molina

El dolor emocional

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 37 minutes

Abridged: No

El dolor emocional está muy unido con nuestro cuerpo, y cuando sufrimos emocionalmente nuestra salud se puede alterar provocando lo que se denominan trastornos somáticos. Las emociones de afectos negativos producen una activación en el cuerpo que no sólo pueden producir una sensación de malestar Read more

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EMPATH and NARCISSIST Book by Michelle Julie Foster
Michelle Julie Foster
EMPATH and NARCISSIST Book by Michelle Julie Foster


By: Michelle Julie Foster

Narrated by: DM Studios

Length: 4 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you struggling by being trapped in toxic connections? Do you often feel drained, belittled, and torn between love and manipulation?I've walked a mile in your shoes, feeling ensnared by those who take advantage of my empathy, especially narcissists. That profound sensitivity that defines us can sometimes become our Achilles' heel, chaining us... Read more

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Overcome Overload and Overwhelm: A Simple Start by Jonathan Blackwell
Overcome Overload and Overwhelm: A Simple Start
Jonathan Blackwell
Overcome Overload and Overwhelm: A Simple Start by Jonathan Blackwell

Overcome Overload and Overwhelm: A Simple Start

By: Jonathan Blackwell

Narrated by: Millian Quinteros

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: No

In the age of constant connectivity, our society is bombarded with an overwhelming influx of information from computers, the Internet, and social media. This 24/7 access has left us drowning in a sea of data, hindering our ability to pause and digest the knowledge we acquire. The rapid evolution of technology, marked by computers and... Read more

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Del alcohol a la sobriedad: ejercicios de transformación by Juanjo Ramos
Del alcohol a la sobriedad: ejercicios de transformación
Juanjo Ramos
Del alcohol a la sobriedad: ejercicios de transformación by Juanjo Ramos

Del alcohol a la sobriedad: ejercicios de transformación

By: Juanjo Ramos

Narrated by: Juanjo Ramos

Length: 39 minutes

Abridged: No

Sobriedad. La sobriedad es una palabra poderosa porque resuena con la promesa de un nuevo comienzo, una palabra que se erige como una columna de fuerza y determinación a la que agarrarse en medio de la tempestad que supone la dependencia del alcohol. No se trata únicamente de renunciar a una sustancia tóxica; es un acto de reafirmación de la... Read more

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From The Heart by Trent Cotchin
From The Heart
Trent Cotchin
From The Heart by Trent Cotchin

From The Heart

By: Trent Cotchin

Narrated by: Paul F. Verhoeven

Length: 8 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

When Trent Cotchin was handed the reins of Richmond Football Club's team in 2013, he was a 22-year-old star, skilful and fearlessly hard at the ball. Coming off a Brownlow Medal-winning season, he embraced the captaincy and continued his quest to get the most out of himself for the benefit of the club. Yet by the end of 2016, Trent was suffering... Read more

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Agile Coaching para Scrum Masters by Antonio Montes Orozco
Agile Coaching para Scrum Masters
Antonio Montes Orozco
Agile Coaching para Scrum Masters by Antonio Montes Orozco

Agile Coaching para Scrum Masters

By: Antonio Montes Orozco

Narrated by: Antonio Montes Orozco

Length: 2 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Cuando un Scrum Master decide certificarse, ha de aprenderse de memoria que este rol es a su vez Mentor («profesor») y Coach («motivador»). En esta obra, Antonio Montes Orozco, autor de «Scrum para No Informáticos» y «El Ciclo del Estrés Laboral», vuelve a mostrar su asombrosa capacidad de síntesis, para explicar, en 100 páginas, lo que necesita... Read more

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Las cuatro tendencias (The four trends) by Gretchen Rubin
Las cuatro tendencias (The four trends)
Gretchen Rubin
Las cuatro tendencias (The four trends) by Gretchen Rubin

Las cuatro tendencias (The four trends)

By: Gretchen Rubin

Narrated by: Ana Laura Santana

Length: 7 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

En este innovador análisis del tipo de personalidad, la exitosa autora Gretchen Rubin revela una pregunta simple que transformará lo que haces en casa, en el trabajo y en la vida. Existen personas que respetan las reglas, los horarios y los compromisos; otras están dispuestas a resolver problemas y ayudar siempre a los demás; algunas cuestionan... Read more

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Affen im Kopf by Aljoscha Long & Ronald Schweppe
Affen im Kopf
Aljoscha Long & Ronald Schweppe
Affen im Kopf by Aljoscha Long & Ronald Schweppe

Affen im Kopf

By: Aljoscha Long & Ronald Schweppe

Narrated by: Benedikt Paulun

Length: 5 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

In unseren Köpfen geht es rund, wenn Gedanken, Erinnerungen, Selbstzweifel und Gefühle wild herumspringen. »Monkey Mind«, Affengeist, so nannten Buddhisten die wilde Bande im Kopf schon vor Jahrtausenden. Besonders laut sind diese Affen für gewöhnlich dann, wenn wir Entspannung am dringendsten nötig haben. Die beiden Achtsamkeitsexperten... Read more

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Figuras de Maldad by Oslos Molina
Figuras de Maldad
Oslos Molina
Figuras de Maldad by Oslos Molina

Figuras de Maldad

By: Oslos Molina

Narrated by: Oslos Molina

Length: 32 minutes

Abridged: No

A.A. es un programa espiritual y un modo de vida espiritual. Aún la primera mitad del Paso Uno, "Admitimos que éramos impotentes ante el alcohol", es una experiencia espiritual. Un miembro de A.A. necesita más que capacidad física; necesita usar todas las facultades que tienen como ser humano para oír el mensaje, para meditarlo, para revisar la... Read more

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Navigating Happiness: A  Simple Start by Jonathan Blackwell
Navigating Happiness: A Simple Start
Jonathan Blackwell
Navigating Happiness: A  Simple Start by Jonathan Blackwell

Navigating Happiness: A Simple Start

By: Jonathan Blackwell

Narrated by: Millian Quinteros

Length: 49 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the Blueprint for Lasting Happiness:Are you tired of fleeting moments of joy and yearning for a life where happiness is a constant companion? "Navigating Happiness: A Simple Start" introduces a simple, step-by-step blueprint designed to guide you toward finally living the fulfilled and happy life you've always envisioned.Master Your... Read more

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Mindfulness for the ADHD Woman by Jeanne Houston
Mindfulness for the ADHD Woman
Jeanne Houston
Mindfulness for the ADHD Woman by Jeanne Houston

Mindfulness for the ADHD Woman

By: Jeanne Houston

Narrated by: Deepak Bhosle

Length: 1 hour 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Mindfulness for the ADHD Woman: A Guide to Living Presently" is a transformative manual designed to empower women navigating the unique challenges and strengths of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). This book aims to be your go-to guide, focusing on practical mindfulness techniques tailored specifically for women with ADHD.Are you... Read more

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Hypnose für tiefen Schlaf by Raphael Kempermann
Hypnose für tiefen Schlaf
Raphael Kempermann
Hypnose für tiefen Schlaf by Raphael Kempermann

Hypnose für tiefen Schlaf

By: Raphael Kempermann

Narrated by: Raphael Kempermann

Length: 2 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Kennst du das Gefühl, dich nachts ständig hin und her zu wälzen, ohne wirklich in den Schlaf zu finden? Die Lösung könnte näher sein, als du denkst. Tauche ein in die "Hypnose Oase" und entdecke den Schlüssel zu erholsamen Nächten. Mit "Schlafenszeit" wirst du durch sanfte Suggestionen und beruhigende Musik in einen Zustand tiefer Entspannung... Read more

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The Comprehensive Beginners Guide To Chakras by Janice AmberLee
The Comprehensive Beginners Guide To Chakras
Janice AmberLee
The Comprehensive Beginners Guide To Chakras by Janice AmberLee

The Comprehensive Beginners Guide To Chakras

By: Janice AmberLee

Narrated by: Natalie Gooding

Length: 4 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

A STEP-BY-STEP APPROACH TO BALANCING YOUR CHAKRAS, NURTURING YOUR EMOTIONAL WELL-BEING, AND UNLOCKING A WORLD OF LOVE, HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, AND ABUNDANCEEmbark on a journey of self-discovery and holistic healing with the Comprehensive Beginner's Guide to Chakras. Unveil the ancient secrets of chakras and learn how to harness their power to... Read more

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Reading People Like a Book by Travis V. Brock
Reading People Like a Book
Travis V. Brock
Reading People Like a Book by Travis V. Brock

Reading People Like a Book

By: Travis V. Brock

Narrated by: Alex Korda

Length: 4 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Unlock the Power to Decode the Unspoken Language – Delve Deep into the Intriguing World of Dark Psychology and Master the Art of Reading People's Thoughts, Emotions, and Intentions with Precision.In a world where words often conceal the truth, Author Travis V. Brock invites you on a journey into the fascinating realm of the human psyche.Within... Read more

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