Self-Improvement audiobooks
Healing With Love and Light
By: Noah McKay
Narrated by: Michael Toms
Length: 58 minutes
Abridged: No
As a practicing physician facing his own terminal illness at the age of thirty-three, Noah McKay went to Mexico to find sunshine. There, he learned that making the decision to live was the first step toward complete recovery. Read more
View audiobookLo Mejor De Ti (Become a Better You) - Abridged
By: Joel Osteen
Narrated by: Edgar Sotelo
Length: 6 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Joel Osteen is America's pastor-and that includes the Spanish-speaking population in this country. With his weekly televised services and his travels throughout the country, no one has more influence in spiritual matters than Pastor Osteen. His first title, Your Best Life Now, was a huge bestseller (the Spanish edition sold over 40,000). His... Read more
View audiobookWorking with Difficult People - Abridged
By: William Lundin, Ph.D., Kathleen Lundin & Michae...
Narrated by: narrator
Length: 3 hours 1 minute
Abridged: Yes
Working with difficult people can reduce your morale, threaten your productivity, deplete your energy, and waste your time. But you don’t have to be helpless in the face of other people’s craziness! Knowing how to handle coworkers’ disruptive behavior is one of the most important career skills you can have, allowing you to become a more valuable... Read more
View audiobookPreparing for Pregnancy
By: Glenn Harrold & Janey Lee Grace
Narrated by: Glenn Harrold & Janey Lee Grace
Length: 1 hour 6 minutes
Abridged: No
Here's a superb high-quality download by the UK's best-selling audio hypnotherapist, Glenn Harrold, and Janey Lee Grace (co-presenter of the BBC Steve Wright Radio 2 show).
Part One: Creative Conception is an inspirational recording by Janey Lee Grace, which will help anyone endeavoring to become pregnant to look at the various ways they can... Read more
Mystical Traveler
By: Sylvia Browne
Narrated by: Sylvia Browne
Length: 2 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: No
Sylvia Browne takes us on another incredible journey . . . this time presenting information about the Mystical Traveler. She explains the difference between Mystical Travelers and Mission Life Entities (those who have a mission in life); and goes into great depth about who they are, what they do, and even how to become one!Combining factual... Read more
View audiobookLife Is a Test
By: Esther Jungreis
Narrated by: Mare Winningham
Length: 8 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: No
For over forty years, Rebbetzin Esther Jungreis has been a globetrotting spokeswoman for Judaism. Whether counseling a searching soul or addressing a packed house in Madison Square Garden, her message is elegantly universal, while simultaneously addressing the specific needs of contemporary Jews. In Life is a Test, the Rebbetzin's uncompromising... Read more
View audiobookThe Emergence of Evolutionary Consciousness
By: Andrew Cohen
Narrated by: Michael Toms
Length: 56 minutes
Abridged: No
Most of us have had at least one profound spiritual experience. But have these experiences changed our lives so that our behavior is more moral, more kind, less neurotic, and less narcissistic? Teacher Andrew Cohen says, "Over the years I've realized the experiences we have are a lot less important than our behavior . . . what really matters... Read more
View audiobookMeditations To Explore Your Past Lives
By: David Wells
Narrated by: David Wells
Length: 1 hour 1 minute
Abridged: No
David Wells is the star of TV's Most Haunted programme (now in its seventh series) and writes regular astrology columns for Now magazine and the Scottish Daily Record. He lives in Portsmouth.Have you ever been to a new place that seems incredibly familiar or met a stranger that you're sure you've met somewhere before?These deja vu moments happen... Read more
View audiobookFast Food für die Seele - Abridged
By: Barbara Berger
Narrated by: Stephanie Müller
Length: 1 hour 8 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Wir können unser Leben ändern, wenn wir unsere Gedanken ändern. In ihrem Lebensratgeber zeigt Barbara Berger einfach und überzeugend, wie wir uns mit der Kraft des Geistes das Leben kreieren, das wir uns wünschen. Ein praxisnaher Hörbuchratgeber über das innere Potenzial, loszulassen, Nein zu sagen, dankbar zu werden und die Lebensträume zu... Read more
View audiobookCoaching Kids - Abridged
By: Phillipp A. Schoeller & Jerzy May
Narrated by: Jerzy May & Katja Schild
Length: 1 hour 15 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Spielerische Erziehungsideen, die das Leben mit Kindern phantasievoll und fröhlich gestalten. "Coaching Kids" bietet den Eltern einen neuen Weg, mit schwierigen Situationen konstruktiv und kindgerecht umzugehen. Ein kompaktes Erziehungshörbuch mit zahlreichen Fallbeispielen und vielen Anregungen für ein fröhliches, selbstbewusstes... Read more
View audiobookEpilogue
By: Anne Roiphe
Narrated by: Lorna Raver
Length: 7 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: No
Bestselling author Anne Roiphe offers a poignant memoir of a journey that no one is prepared for: widowhood. Weaving between heartbreaking memories of her marriage and the pressing needs of her new day-to-day routine, Roiphe constructs an elegant literary pastiche, not of grief but of renewal. She begins her memoir just as the shock of her... Read more
View audiobookSolo el miedo muere
By: Barry Long
Narrated by: Walter Krochmal
Length: 7 hours 5 minutes
Abridged: No
Solo el miedo muere es una de las obras mas importantes de este autor excepcional. A traves de sus ocho ensayos nos transmite ensenanzas basicas en relacion al modo en que dentro de nosotros se crea la infelicidad y que hacer para apartarnos de ella. Describiendo el proceso espiritual que denomina "morir por la vida", nos muestra: - Como escapar... Read more
View audiobookTruena, mente perfecta
By: Mario Satz
Narrated by: Francisco Rivela
Length: 4 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: No
Truena, mente perfecta de Mario Satz, es una recopilacion de proverbios de diversos paises y culturas que nos presenta a lo largo de la narracion. Estos proverbios describen muy bien al ser humano desde diversos puntos de vista en diversas circunstancias y a lo largo de la historia. Son faciles de recordar, muy hermosos. Satz con este libro hace... Read more
View audiobookThe Presence of a Timeless Light Within
By: Guy Finley
Narrated by: Michael Toms
Length: 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Finley shows us how to dissect those moments when we meet that inner wall of resistance that tells us we’re not good enough, will never be happy enough, and don't deserve a life free from struggle. Learn how to say no to that tyrant inside your mind so that you're no longer driven by your will, but guided by the deepest wisdom of your... Read more
View audiobookEnvisioning and Manifesting the Life You Want to Live
By: Dave Ellis
Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms
Length: 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Ellis suggests that if our dreams are big enough, even if we fall short, we'll still be extraordinarily happy. He says, "If you imagine paradise times four and you only get a fourth of it - well, then you end up with paradise." He advises us to keep our eye on what really matters and here he shares his system with us so we can use it too. Read more
View audiobookSaving the World, One Mushroom At a Time
By: Paul Stamets
Narrated by: Michael Toms
Length: 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Paul Stamets tells stories of the healing power of mushrooms, and how they may play a key role in reversing the destructive impact our modern technology and industry have had on our planet. His passion for his work is clear, and he’s likely to inoculate you with a fascination for these organisms, which have so very much to teach us. Read more
View audiobookFocus
By: Stephen R. Covey
Narrated by: Stephen R. Covey
Length: 3 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: No
Das Motto dieses Audio-Workshops: Effektivität kommt vor Effizienz. Die Teilnehmer lernen, wie sie in einer gegebenen Zeit das wirklich Wichtige tun, statt sich immer mehr Aufgaben aufzuladen, von denen dann aus Zeitmangel ein Großteil unerledigt bleibt. Das Ergebnis: verbesserte Produktivität durch richtige Planung. Als Führungskraft erfahren... Read more
View audiobookDenken, Fühlen, Leben - Abridged
By: Daniela Blickhan & Claus Blickhan
Narrated by: Daniela Blickhan & Claus Blickhan
Length: 2 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Bewusstes Wahrnehmen trainieren. Wollen Sie Ihre persönlichen Ziele erkennen und erreichen? Wollen Sie andere besser verstehen? Wollen Sie selbstsicher und überzeugend auftreten? Denken, Fühlen und Handeln sind die wesentlichen Säulen für ein erfolgreiches Leben. Die Autoren führen in leicht verständlicher Sprache in die Kunst des... Read more
View audiobookMoney, and the Law of Attraction
By: Esther Hicks
Narrated by: Esther Hicks
Length: 7 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: No
This Leading Edge work by Esther and Jerry Hicks, who present the teachings of the Non-Physical consciousness Abraham, explains that the two subjects most chronically affected by the powerful Law of Attraction are financial and physical well-being. This audio download will shine a spotlight on each of the most significant aspects of your life... Read more
View audiobookThe One-Life Solution - Abridged
By: Henry Cloud
Narrated by: Henry Cloud
Length: 5 hours 33 minutes
Abridged: Yes
“Dr. Cloud will show you how to produce the results you are looking for in your work and personal life.”
—Dr. Phil McGraw, #1 New York Times bestselling author From Dr. Henry Cloud, the million-copy selling author of Boundaries and Integrity, comes The One-Life Solution, an essential handbook that demonstrates how establishing a successful,... Read more
Vérité ou conséquence
By: Marc Pistorio
Narrated by: Marc Pistorio
Length: 2 hours 22 minutes
Abridged: No
Marc Pistorio explique de quelle manière les mensonges et les non-dits sont dommageables chez l'enfant et plus tard chez l'adulte, et ce, pour soi comme pour le couple. Ces travers risquent de faire de l'individu un adulte qui se mentira d'abord à lui-même, mais aussi à son conjoint ou à ses enfants. Cet individu, et seulement lui, pourra juger... Read more
View audiobookDas Busenwunder
By: Madame Solair
Narrated by: J.S. Lange
Length: 53 minutes
Abridged: No
Eine Erotik-Hypnose für Genießer: Deine Traumreise führt dich zu einer Frau mit einer gigantischen Oberweite. Du erlebst, wie viel Spaß es ihr macht, dich mit ihren riesigen Brüsten zu verführen und zu liebkosen. Der totale Genuss. Mit dieser Hypnose-Sitzung werden keine bleibenden Veränderungen suggeriert. Doch wirst du dich an alles Erlebte... Read more
View audiobookGünter, der innere Schweinehund, hat Erfolg
By: Stefan Frädrich
Narrated by: Stefan Frädrich
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Günter auf Erfolgskurs! "Erfolg ist sowieso nur Zufall!" Unverkennbar Günters Stimme. Wieder mal hat er keine Ahnung! Hier werden ihm die wichtigsten Erfolgsstrategien erklärt. 100 Tipps, wie aus Misserfolgen Erfolgserlebnisse werden - gesprochen von Stefan Frädrich. Hören Sie, wie man sich am besten selbst motiviert, Ziele setzt und aktiv... Read more
View audiobook115 Ideen für ein besseres Leben - Abridged
By: Vera F. Birkenbihl
Narrated by: Maddalena Kerrh & Fabian von Klitzing
Length: 4 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Mit diesem Buch beantwortet Vera F. Birkenbihl Leserfragen zu wichtigen Themen des Lebens wie etwa Partnerschaft, Beruf, Kommunikation oder Selbstbewusstsein. Sie widmet sich Problemen des alltäglichen und "wirklichen" Lebens, die uns alle hin und wieder betreffen. Birkenbihls Tipps und Denkanstöße sind praxiserprobt und haben bereits... Read more
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