Self-Improvement audiobooks
La Cosa da Non Fare è Non Fare Niente
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 52 minutes
Abridged: No
In un mondo in corsa verso un futuro incerto, come può un individuo controllare il suo destino? Deve attendere silenziosamente la prossima disgrazia inaspettata? Oppure dovrebbe, con qualsiasi mezzo, seguendo qualsiasi piano, darsi da fare per mettere in salvo il futuro di quelli che ama e della società in cui vive? L’indimenticabile risposta di... Read more
View audiobookThe Dynamics (Japanese Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 1 hour 12 minutes
Abridged: No
There’s a thing called the dynamics. A dynamic is an urge toward survival. And there are eight of these dynamics. —L. Ron Hubbard
What motivates life? What motivates Man? Those were the questions L. Ron Hubbard posed when seeking workable answers to the problems of both the individual and society.
After examining the whole of life in its variety... Read more
History of Clearing (Japanese Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 1 hour 9 minutes
Abridged: No
History of Clearing - Japanese Edition
Our route was the accomplishment of an observation platform from
which a man could observe and from these observations make up
his own mind. And that observation platform is what we call Clear.
— L. Ron Hubbard
Here is a story that begins with Ron’s immersion in a deeply
spiritual, deeply traditional Asia,... Read more
Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Lloyd Sherr
Length: 2 hours 8 minutes
Abridged: No
From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, with over 22 million copies sold
The hidden source of your worries, upsets and insecurity… REVEALED.
Written to coincide with the release of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, this book was originally published as a book-length... Read more
Dianética: La Evolución de una Ciencia
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Javier Vidales
Length: 2 hours 31 minutes
Abridged: No
Del autor del Best-seller #1 Internacional, Dianética: La Ciencia Moderna de La Salud Mental, con más de 22 millones de copias vendidas.
La fuente oculta de tus inquietudes, malestares e inseguridades … REVELADA.
Escrito originalmente para coincidir con la publicación de Dianética: La Ciencia Moderna de la Salud Mental, este libro fue... Read more
The Way To Happiness (Japanese Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 4 hours 7 minutes
Abridged: No
「『しあわせへの道』の本は、あらゆる人に気付きをもたらすはずです。 この本に含まれている助言に従えば、すべての人が個人的な恩恵を得て、人生でうまくやっていけるようになることは間違いありません。」 ―市長(アメリカ、カリフォルニア州)
本当のしあわせはどのように見つけるのでしょう?... Read more
La Via della Felicità
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 1 hour 30 minutes
Abridged: No
La scelta di azioni e decisioni richiede capacità e saggezza, non solo l’interesse personale o l’interesse del gruppo. Con 21 precetti, La Via della Felicità aiuta una persona nelle scelte da prendere nel corso della vita. Potrebbe trattarsi del primo codice morale non religioso basato interamente sul buon senso.DESCRIZIONE COMPLETALa vera gioia... Read more
View audiobookEl Camino a la Felicidad
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Javier Vidales
Length: 1 hour 28 minutes
Abridged: No
Hasta la fecha, unas 100 millones de copias de El Camino a la Felicidad se han distribuido en más de 114 idiomas y en más de 170 países.
"Es en verdad una guía de sentido común para vivir una vida productiva y feliz. Los retos diarios a los que nos enfrentamos a menudo parecen insuperables. Sin embargo, la honestidad y amabilidad son contagiosas.... Read more
The Way to Happiness
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Art LaFleur
Length: 1 hour 18 minutes
Abridged: No
To date, some 100 million copies of The Way to Happiness are in circulation in more than 114 languages and in over 170 countries.
“It is truly a guide to living a happy and productive life. The day-to-day challenges we face often seem insurmountable. However, honesty and kindness are contagious. The sharing of these traits will make our world a... Read more
Der Weg Zum Glücklichsein
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 1 hour 25 minutes
Abridged: No
Die Wahl der Aktionen und Entscheidungen erfordert Fertigkeit und Weisheit, nicht lediglich Eigeninteresse oder Gruppeninteresse. Der Weg zum Glücklichsein hilft einem mit seinen 21 Regeln, im Leben die richtigen Entscheidungen zu treffen. Dies ist vielleicht der erste überkonfessionelle Moralkodex, der ganz auf gesundem Menschenverstand beruht.... Read more
View audiobookHow to Balance Your Life
By: James O'Loghlin
Narrated by: James O'Loghlin
Length: 5 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: No
No one has enough time. Almost everyone agrees that achieving a better work/life balance is worth striving for. Yet hardly anyone actually does anything about it. Why? Because it all seems too hard. How do you find more time for getting the things that really matter when you have to pay the mortgage, battle peak hour and earn enough money to... Read more
View audiobookLe Chemin du Bonheur
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 1 hour 28 minutes
Abridged: No
Il est nécessaire de faire preuve de compétence et de sagesse pour prendre de bonnes décisions et agir correctement. On ne peut se contenter de ses intérêts personnels ou de ceux du groupe. Grâce à ses 21 préceptes, Le chemin du bonheur aide la personne à prendre de bonnes décisions dans la vie. Ce livret est peut-être le premier code moral non... Read more
View audiobookThe Problems of Work (Japanese Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 3 hours 56 minutes
Abridged: No
あなたの望む人生を手に入れるための自信を獲得する職場そして家庭でより安定するコミュニケーションのスキルを向上させるーこれは、成功の鍵となるものですあなたの根本的な動機... Read more
Los Problemas del Trabajo
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Javier Vidales
Length: 3 hours 10 minutes
Abridged: No
Del autor del Best-seller #1 Internacional, Dianética, con más de 22 millones de copias vendidas.
Con el 70 por ciento de nuestro tiempo empleado en el trabajo, las dificultades en el trabajo pueden impactar en cada faceta de nuestras vidas.
Este libro no solo incluye la tecnología para llevar estabilidad al lugar de trabajo, sino los procesos... Read more
Les Problèmes du Travail
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 3 hours 4 minutes
Abridged: No
Comme L. Ron Hubbard le décrit dans ce livre, la vie se compose de sept dixièmes de travail, d’un dixième de famille, d’un dixième de politique et d’un dixième de loisirs. Voici la Scientologie appliquée à ces sept dixièmes de l’existence. Voici les réponses à l’épuisement et le secret de l’efficacité. Voici également l’analyse de la vie : un... Read more
View audiobookDie Probleme Der Arbeit
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 2 hours 48 minutes
Abridged: No
Wie L. Ron Hubbard in diesem Buch beschreibt, besteht das Leben zu sieben Zehnteln aus Arbeit, zu einem Zehntel aus Familie, zu einem Zehntel aus Politik und zu einem Zehntel aus Entspannung. Hier wird die Anwendung der Scientology auf diese sieben Zehntel des Daseins beschrieben. Das Buch enthält die Lösungen für Erschöpfung und das Geheimnis... Read more
View audiobookI Problemi del Lavoro
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 2 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: No
Come L. Ron Hubbard spiega in questo libro, la vita è costituita per sette decimi di lavoro, per un decimo di famiglia, per un decimo di attività politica e per un decimo di relax. Ecco quindi l’applicazione di Scientology ai sette decimi dell’esistenza. Ecco le soluzioni all’Esaurimento e il Segreto dell’Efficienza. Ecco anche un’analisi della... Read more
View audiobookThe Problems of Work
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Harry Chase
Length: 2 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: No
From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Dianetics, with over 22 million copies sold
With 70 percent of our time spent at work, difficulties on the job can impact every facet of our lives.
Contained in this book is not only technology to bring stability to the workplace, but the groundbreaking processes to return joy itself to all of... Read more
Scientology: A New Slant on Life (Japanese Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 5 hours 36 minutes
Abridged: No
「本当のところ、あなたの見出す幸せの全ては『あなた』の中にあるのです。」ーL. ロン ハバード
この本の中に、あなたが自分の人生を願った通りに生きるための答えを見つけ出すでしょう。L. ロン... Read more
Scientology: Una Nuova Ottica Sulla Vita
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 4 hours 20 minutes
Abridged: No
Gli elementi essenziali di Scientology per ogni aspetto della vita. Ecco risposte fondamentali che vi mettono al timone della vostra esistenza, ecco verità a cui fare riferimento in continuazione: È Possibile Essere Felici?, Due Regole per Vivere Felici, Integrità Personale, La Personalità Antisociale e molte, molte altre. In ogni parte di... Read more
View audiobookScientologie: Une Nouvelle Optique sur la Vie
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 4 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: No
Des éléments essentiels de Scientologie pour chaque aspect de la vie. Des réponses fondamentales qui vous permettent de maîtriser votre existence, des vérités que l’on peut consulter maintes et maintes fois : Est-il possible d’être heureux ?, Deux règles pour vivre heureux, L’intégrité personnelle, La personnalité antisociale et bien plus. Dans... Read more
View audiobookLa Storia del Clearing
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 50 minutes
Abridged: No
Continua osservazione, incessanti domande, assiduo rovistare nella conoscenza umana alla ricerca di risposte alla mente, allo spirito e alla vita e, non trovandone, diretto assalto a un territorio del tutto ignoto… ecco i dettagli di una storia che non è narrata altrove. Infatti qui abbiamo il cammino percorso da L. Ron Hubbard per risolvere il... Read more
View audiobookScientology: Eine Neue Sicht Des Lebens
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 4 hours 49 minutes
Abridged: No
Scientology Grundlagen für jeden Aspekt des Lebens. Grundwahrheiten, die Ihnen die Verantwortung für Ihr Leben geben, Wahrheiten, auf die man immer wieder zurückgreifen kann: Ist es möglich, glücklich zu sein?, Zwei Regeln für ein glückliches Leben, Persönliche Integrität, Die antisoziale Persönlichkeit und vieles mehr. In jedem Teil des Buches... Read more
View audiobookScientology: Un Nuevo Punto de Vista Sobre la Vida
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Javier Vidales
Length: 4 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: No
Del autor del Best-seller #1 Internacional, Dianética, con más de 22 millones de copias vendidas.
"La verdad del asunto es que toda la felicidad que jamás encontrarás se halla en ti".—L. Ronald Hubbard
En este libro encontrarás las respuestas para ponerte a cargo de tu vida. Basado en los descubrimientos sacados de décadas de investigación, está... Read more