Self-Improvement audiobooks
La Dianétique: La Puissance de la Pensée sur le Corps
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 19 hours 29 minutes
Abridged: No
L’éclair jailli du néant qui a lancé un mouvement planétaire. Car voici le livre décisif de L. Ron Hubbard présentant sa découverte du mental réactif, source de ce qui asservit l’Homme. C’est la source des cauchemars, des peurs irrationnelles, des contrariétés et de l’insécurité. Et voici la façon de s’en débarrasser et d’atteindre le but... Read more
View audiobookDianética: La Ciencia Moderna de la Salud Mental
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Javier Vidales
Length: 18 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: No
El best-seller #1 Internacional
Con más de 22.000.000 de ejemplares vendidos en 50 idiomas, y utilizada en más de 176 países, Dianética trae una mejora espectacular y permanente a las personas por todo el mundo.
"Si bien es cierto que Dianética se ha convertido en un clásico de superación personal, no cabe duda de lo que tiene para ofrecer es... Read more
Dianetics: La Forza del Pensiero Sul Corpo
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 20 hours 15 minutes
Abridged: No
La straordinaria novità che diede inizio a un movimento internazionale. Questo libro è infatti la pietra miliare in cui L. Ron Hubbard, presenta la sua scoperta della mente reattiva che risiede al di sotto della consapevolezza dell’Uomo e lo rende schiavo. È la fonte degli incubi, delle paure irragionevoli, dei turbamenti e dell'insicurezza. Qui... Read more
View audiobookScientology: The Fundamentals of Thought
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Harry Chase
Length: 2 hours 52 minutes
Abridged: No
From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Dianetics, with over 22 million copies sold
What is the "meaning of life?" So many of us spend most of our lives searching for the answer to this age-old question. Well, what if you have had the answers all along and all you ever needed were the tools to access them?
In this groundbreaking book,... Read more
The Deterioration of Liberty (Russian Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 1 hour 5 minutes
Abridged: No
The Deterioration of Liberty - Russian Edition
I admit that some man occasionally will become afraid and will become totally gripped by the belief that there is menace in every fellow man. I admit that a human being can become so aberrated as to constitute a menace to the bulk of the society and that in such a case it is necessary to reacquaint... Read more
The Dynamics (Russian Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 1 hour 7 minutes
Abridged: No
There’s a thing called the dynamics. A dynamic is an urge toward survival. And there are eight of these dynamics. —L. Ron Hubbard
What motivates life? What motivates Man? Those were the questions L. Ron Hubbard posed when seeking workable answers to the problems of both the individual and society.
After examining the whole of life in its variety... Read more
Estudo e Educação
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 1 hour 18 minutes
Abridged: No
A educação iria no sentido de realizar certas ações profissionalmente. Essa agora é uma palavra introduzida por mim, profissionalmente. Mas se alguém está educado num assunto, espera-se que ele seja capaz de realizar certas coisas com esse assunto.– L. Ron Hubbard
Nenhuma cultura civilizada deixou de reconhecer a importância da educação. E é... Read more
Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health (Japanese Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 23 hours 51 minutes
Abridged: No
「(ダイアネティックスは)人間の... Read more
How to Balance Your Life
By: James O'Loghlin
Narrated by: James O'Loghlin
Length: 5 hours 43 minutes
Abridged: No
No one has enough time. Almost everyone agrees that achieving a better work/life balance is worth striving for. Yet hardly anyone actually does anything about it. Why? Because it all seems too hard. How do you find more time for getting the things that really matter when you have to pay the mortgage, battle peak hour and earn enough money to... Read more
View audiobookA Coisa Errada a Fazer, É Não Fazer Nada
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 53 minutes
Abridged: No
Aqui estamos rodeados, nesta sociedade, por imensa gente que diz: “Oh, não há nada que eu possa fazer.” Mas é claro para mim, que isto é e parece ser uma situação em que uma pessoa não pode dizer uma coisa dessas. Pela primeira vez estamos perante o facto, o facto absoluto, de que exatamente a coisa errada a fazer é não fazer nada. – L. Ron... Read more
View audiobookConquest of the Physical Universe (Russian Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 1 hour 6 minutes
Abridged: No
Conquest of the Physical Universe - Russian Edition
Life is engaged upon the acquisition, destruction, creation, so on and
so on, of matter, energy, space and time. Life is engaged on a forward
conquest, in other words. — L. Ron Hubbard
In his lifelong quest to uncover the answers to life and Man, Ron
discovered that all life forms, from the lowest... Read more
A História de Dianética e Scientology
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 48 minutes
Abridged: No
Para conhecer a vida, tens de fazer parte da vida. Tens de descer e observar, tens de entrar nos cantos e recantos da existência, conviver com todo o tipo de pessoas, antes de poderes finalmente estabelecer aquilo que o Homem realmente é.– L. Ron Hubbard
Durante a sua extraordinária viagem até à fundação de Dianética e Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard... Read more
Aberration and the Handling Of (Russian Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Aberration and the Handling Of - Russian Edition
I’m going to talk to you now about what aberration is. Aberration.
Means exactly what it says. Aberration. It means something isn’t
going straight. It’s basically an optical term, aberration, which
drifted over into the field of the mind. — L. Ron Hubbard
It betrays the brightest hopes of individuals,... Read more
The Control of Hysteria (Russian Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 52 minutes
Abridged: No
The Control of Hysteria - Russian Edition
Man can be and can be made to be, by our technologies, more civilized than he is, happier than he is, more capable of advancing than he has been. —L. Ron Hubbard
Since the deployment of the first atomic weapons, people everywhere have lived with the possibility that everything they hold dear—their lives,... Read more
Scientology: Los Fundamentos del Pensamiento
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Javier Vidales
Length: 3 hours 6 minutes
Abridged: No
Del autor del Best-seller #1 Internacional, Dianética, con más de 22 millones de copias vendidas.
¿Cuál es el "significado de la vida"? Muchos de nosotros hemos pasado la mayoría de nuestras vidas buscando la respuesta a esta antiquísima pregunta. Bueno, ¿qué pasaría si hubieras tenido las respuestas siempre y todo lo que necesitaras fueran las... Read more
Scientologie: Les Fondements de la Vie
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 3 hours 10 minutes
Abridged: No
L. Ron Hubbard a surnommé cet ouvrage le Livre Un de la Scientologie. Après l’unification et la codification complètes des sujets de la Dianétique et de la Scientologie, a sonné l’heure de perfectionner leurs fondements. À l’origine, ce livre avait été publié comme un résumé de la Scientologie destiné à être traduit dans d’autres langues que... Read more
View audiobookScientology: The Fundamentals of Thought (Japanese Edition)
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 3 hours 46 minutes
Abridged: No
人生の主要な仕組みを明らかにする基本的なプロセスや原理を学び、すぐに使ってください。心、精神、生命についての完全な理解を得てください... Read more
Unterschiede Zwischen Scientology Und Anderen Studien
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 45 minutes
Abridged: No
In dieser klassischen Erklärung über die Suche nach Wahrheit beschreibt L. Ron Hubbard die zentralen Prinzipien, die Scientology anders machen – die Prinzipien, mittels derer sich jede Person mit ihrer eigenen Suche beschäftigt, um Wahrheit zu entdecken. Während Individuen mit dieser einzigartigen Erkundungs- und Abenteuerreise fortfahren,... Read more
View audiobookScientology: A New Slant on Life
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Harry Chase
Length: 3 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: No
From the author of the #1 New York Times bestseller Dianetics, with over 22 million copies sold
"The truth of the matter is that all the happiness you will ever find lies in you."—L. Ron Hubbard
In this book you'll find the answers to put you in charge of your life. Based on L. Ron Hubbard's discoveries culled from decades of research, it's filled... Read more
Scientology: I Fondamenti del Pensiero
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 3 hours 14 minutes
Abridged: No
Descritto da L. Ron Hubbard come il Libro Uno di Scientology. Dopo aver interamente unificato e organizzato sistematicamente Dianetics e Scientology, venne il perfezionamento dei loro principi fondamentali. Originariamente pubblicato come riassunto di Scientology perché fosse tradotto in lingue non anglosassoni, questo libro ha un valore... Read more
View audiobookScientology: De Grondbeginselen Van Het Denken
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 3 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: No
Das Buch wurde von L. Ron Hubbard als Buch Eins der Scientology bezeichnet. Nachdem die Dianetik und die Scientology vollständig in Einklang gebracht und systematisiert worden waren, folgte nun die Verfeinerung ihrer Grundlagen. Dieses Buch wurde ursprünglich als Resümee der Scientology zur Verwendung bei Übersetzungen veröffentlicht. Es ist von... Read more
View audiobookScientology: Un Nuevo Punto de Vista Sobre la Vida
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Javier Vidales
Length: 4 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: No
Del autor del Best-seller #1 Internacional, Dianética, con más de 22 millones de copias vendidas.
"La verdad del asunto es que toda la felicidad que jamás encontrarás se halla en ti".—L. Ronald Hubbard
En este libro encontrarás las respuestas para ponerte a cargo de tu vida. Basado en los descubrimientos sacados de décadas de investigación, está... Read more
Scientology: Eine Neue Sicht Des Lebens
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 4 hours 49 minutes
Abridged: No
Scientology Grundlagen für jeden Aspekt des Lebens. Grundwahrheiten, die Ihnen die Verantwortung für Ihr Leben geben, Wahrheiten, auf die man immer wieder zurückgreifen kann: Ist es möglich, glücklich zu sein?, Zwei Regeln für ein glückliches Leben, Persönliche Integrität, Die antisoziale Persönlichkeit und vieles mehr. In jedem Teil des Buches... Read more
View audiobookScientologie: Une Nouvelle Optique sur la Vie
By: L. Ron Hubbard
Narrated by: Multiple Narrators
Length: 4 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: No
Des éléments essentiels de Scientologie pour chaque aspect de la vie. Des réponses fondamentales qui vous permettent de maîtriser votre existence, des vérités que l’on peut consulter maintes et maintes fois : Est-il possible d’être heureux ?, Deux règles pour vivre heureux, L’intégrité personnelle, La personnalité antisociale et bien plus. Dans... Read more
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