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Caught by the Kingpin by Evie Rose
Caught by the Kingpin
Evie Rose
Caught by the Kingpin by Evie Rose

Caught by the Kingpin

By: Evie Rose

Narrated by: John York & Jill Smith

Length: 2 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

My guardian angel is a devil mafia boss.Helping the most dangerous mafia boss in London was a risk, but I didn’t expect to see his gorgeous face everywhere afterwards. I fall asleep to dreams of my escape tomorrow, cupcakes, and the ice blue eyes of my kingpin stalker who leaves me presents.I awake to gunshots. A hand over my mouth. In a blur of... Read more

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Lágrimas de hielo by Bárbara Bouzas
Lágrimas de hielo
Bárbara Bouzas
Lágrimas de hielo by Bárbara Bouzas

Lágrimas de hielo

By: Bárbara Bouzas

Narrated by: Entre Libros Editorial

Length: 9 hours 7 minutes

Abridged: No

La vida de la joven agente del CNI dará un giro de ciento ochenta grados cuando le comuniquen su próxima misión. Dabria deberá viajar a San Petersburgo, convirtiéndose en Babette, una joven universitaria, con el único propósito de enamorar al heredero de las Tres K. Lo que debería ser la misión más importante hasta el momento, se convierte en el... Read more

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Hot Pursuit by Kay Marie
Hot Pursuit
Kay Marie
Hot Pursuit by Kay Marie

Hot Pursuit

By: Kay Marie

Narrated by: Eden Gabay & Marina Fess

Length: 7 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

"A marvelous opposites attract romance!" - The Genre Minx Book Reviews"A fun, hot and dare I say 'delicious' love story." - Kanyon MK"An action packed adventure from page one." - Moohnshine's CornerDon't miss this laugh-out-loud, enemies-to-lovers romance between a sunshine art thief and the grumpy federal agent tasked with bringing her to... Read more

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Kiss me in March: Dangerous Love - Kleinstadtliebe in Pinewood Bay, Band 3 (ungekürzt) by Hannah Kaiser
Kiss me in March: Dangerous Love - Kleinstadtliebe in Pinewood Bay, Band 3 (ungekürzt)
Hannah Kaiser
Kiss me in March: Dangerous Love - Kleinstadtliebe in Pinewood Bay, Band 3 (ungekürzt) by Hannah Kaiser

Kiss me in March: Dangerous Love - Kleinstadtliebe in Pinewood Bay, Band 3 (ungekürzt)

By: Hannah Kaiser

Narrated by: Annika Rotvogel & Christopher Mayer

Length: 4 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Es hätte ein Job wie jeder andere werden können - wäre er nicht ausgerechnet in Pinewood Bay! Lennox Lindbourg ist ein erfahrener Personenschützer und es ist kein Wunder, dass er Ellie Melbourne zur Seite gestellt wird, nachdem diese Zeugin eines Mordes geworden ist. Lennox hat Jobs wie diesen schon Hunderte Male in seinem Leben gemacht. Doch... Read more

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神偷新娘 by 阿若
神偷新娘 by 阿若


By: 阿若

Narrated by: 牛丸、镜梦、故事、郑卿月、白灯

Length: 30 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:一个是国际神偷,逍遥法外从无失手,却被爱人遗弃同伴背叛。一个是秀色可餐的正义警察,却身价千万有着不为人知的秘密。她原本以为是自己占了便宜,轻薄了这么一个良家少年郎,却不想男人摇身一变,竟是一只披着羊皮的狼,送她入狱不说,还要她配合他抓人?喂,她可是个神偷,跟一个警察合作太丢脸了,不仅如此,为了看护她,两个人还要住在同一个屋檐下?有他没有,有我没她作者简介:阿若,网络作家,代表作《早安,亲爱的沈太太》《神偷新娘等。主播简介:郗卿月:从业7年演播经验丰富,擅长少女少御萝莉正太等声线。代表作:《格林童话》《一千零一夜》《狼抬头》等;故事:入行4年,擅长对角色性格从底层进行深挖,音色灵动悦耳,演绎走心戳人。代表作:《从今日起,恢复战神身份,离婚》《圣医王婿,七个姐姐绝世无双》《我本狂... Read more

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Myrskypilvet by Elisabeth Hammer
Elisabeth Hammer
Myrskypilvet by Elisabeth Hammer


By: Elisabeth Hammer

Narrated by: Tanja Talvensalo

Length: 5 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Rakelin ja Syverin häät muuttuvat kaaokseksi, kun Bergan pelastaa Rakelin pakkoavioliitolta. Samalla paljastuu karuja totuuksia, jotka myrkyttävät tilallisten välejä. Rakel kamppailee ymmärtääkseen paremmin kykyjään. Samaan aikaan hänen ystävänsä elämä on vaakalaudalla, ja Bergan kannustaa Rakelia käyttämään voimiaan tämän pelastamiseksi. Ainoa... Read more

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重生七零之丑女翻身 by 米洛
重生七零之丑女翻身 by 米洛


By: 米洛

Narrated by: 津津,百里里,娘娘,止殇

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

内容简介:一夜睡醒即重生?还是七十年代?还附带成家立业有崽子?陈娇一脸懵逼。极品上凑,逼得原主跳了河,来一个打一个!看她新时代女性如何玩转七十年代。作者简介:米洛,网络作者,代表作《重生七零之丑女翻身》。主播简介:津津:讲述感自然有特色,擅长旁白演绎。百里里:少女音戏感足,风格百变,代表作《天庭红包群》《重生七零之丑女翻身》等。娘娘:御姐音少女音随意切换,角色演绎经验丰富。止殇:声线年轻活力,有张力。代表作《寒门贵子》《少帅盛宠:神医小娇妻》等。 Read more

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Engaging the Office Enemy by Kristin Canary
Engaging the Office Enemy
Kristin Canary
Engaging the Office Enemy by Kristin Canary

Engaging the Office Enemy

By: Kristin Canary

Narrated by: Benicia Thompson

Length: 6 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

I hate fakers—and Dax Nyhart is as fake as they come.I also hate to lose. My nemesis has been stealing all the best clients for the last year at the marketing firm where we both work—and not because he’s better than me. Because 1) his uncle is the boss and 2) he kisses up to people.And I’m sick of it.So when he asks me to fake an engagement so... Read more

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Arion. Ścieżka Wybrańca by Jakub Strzakłowiec
Arion. Ścieżka Wybrańca
Jakub Strzakłowiec
Arion. Ścieżka Wybrańca by Jakub Strzakłowiec

Arion. Ścieżka Wybrańca

By: Jakub Strzakłowiec

Narrated by: Aleksander Bauman

Length: 9 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

Opowieść o przyjaźni, miłości, poświęceniu i wielkim wyzwaniu Nesko w dniu swoich urodzin traci całą rodzinę. Znajdując pośród zgliszczy spalonej wioski martwą matkę i ojca, czuje, że jego świat się zawalił. W tej dramatycznej dla niego sytuacji z pomocą przychodzą mu wysokie elfy, przygarniając chłopca. Nesko, żyjąc wśród elfów poznaje ich... Read more

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This Baby is MINE by Anna May
This Baby is MINE
Anna May
This Baby is MINE by Anna May

This Baby is MINE

By: Anna May

Narrated by: Maya Raven

Length: 8 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Ein Zimmermädchen, das kein Interesse daran hat, eine Familie zu gründen, ist kurz davor, ihren Traum vom College aufzugeben, um die steigenden Gesundheitskosten ihrer Mutter zu finanzieren. Sie ergreift die Chance, ihre finanziellen Probleme zu lösen, indem sie sich bereit erklärt, ihrem milliardenschweren Chef eine Leihmutter zu sein. Als... Read more

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Juliette y las canciones perdidas by Andrea Longarela
Juliette y las canciones perdidas
Andrea Longarela
Juliette y las canciones perdidas by Andrea Longarela

Juliette y las canciones perdidas

By: Andrea Longarela

Narrated by: Jesús Pérez Benito & Helena Ovalle

Length: 11 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Más de 200.000 lectores ya se han emocionado con Andrea Longarela.  El amor suena bien en todas sus versiones. Juliette vive en un agujero. Se sienta en él y ve la vida pasar. No le gusta su trabajo. No tiene inquietudes. No recuerda lo que significa soñar. Y hace tiempo que renunció al amor. Pero, entonces, un hombre muere. Y todo cambia. De... Read more

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妖奴 by 阿雨
妖奴 by 阿雨


By: 阿雨

Narrated by: 墨溪

Length: 40 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:为你而绾发,为你而狂歌。爱上你,却是一个错。一步步走向层层帷幄深处的那张喜床。 给你:你以为不会再有的处子之血。 给你:你以为不再纯洁却滑腻如脂的我的身体。 从此,我是一个妖,是一个奴,我要诱惑你的心,颠狂一世……作者简介:阿雨,本名杨华,网络人气作家,代表作《霸爱成欢:邪少的贴身小宠物》《兽撩娇妻:狼性老公难伺候》《女秘书闯夜店:暗夜天使》等主播简介:墨溪,从事电台主持人培训,爱跟声音有关的一切,用我的声音温暖你的世界。代表作品《枕木林间》《至尊魔妃:草包大小姐》《重生影后小军嫂》 Read more

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La bottega dei sogni by Mariangela Camocardi
La bottega dei sogni
Mariangela Camocardi
La bottega dei sogni by Mariangela Camocardi

La bottega dei sogni

By: Mariangela Camocardi

Narrated by: Giuliana Paciolla

Length: 7 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

Nora, Ross e Penny si rincontrano dopo anni davanti alla polverosa vetrina di una piccola libreria sul Lago Maggiore, grazie alla quale le loro vite - e i loro amori - tornano a intrecciarsi irrimediabilmente. E così, tra libri e sogni, i loro cuori ricominciano a battere all'unisono, grazie alla forza invincibile dell'amicizia. "Ombre Rosa" è... Read more

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Claimed by the Mobster by Evie Rose
Claimed by the Mobster
Evie Rose
Claimed by the Mobster by Evie Rose

Claimed by the Mobster

By: Evie Rose

Narrated by: Jill Smith & John York

Length: 2 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

I’m in love with my ex-boyfriend’s dad: a dangerous and powerful mafia boss twice my age.
He saved me.I was desperate for a place to spend the night, and when I turned up on his doorstep in the pouring rain, Mr Crosse took me in.For six months we repeated this pattern, the attraction shimmering between us, hot and wrong.
He kidnapped me.On a... Read more

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Her Wild Coast Rescue by Dakota Davies
Her Wild Coast Rescue
Dakota Davies
Her Wild Coast Rescue by Dakota Davies

Her Wild Coast Rescue

By: Dakota Davies

Narrated by: Kelli Lindsay & Gregory Salinas

Length: 6 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

A friends to lovers medical suspense romance from a USA Today bestselling author.
As a rescue EMT for central Alaska’s big mountain playground, I know a thing or two about risk. But when my brothers demand help resolving the tragedy that tore our family apart, I respectfully decline. I’ve made my peace with the past, or as close to peace as I’ll... Read more

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One Last Chance by BL Maxwell
One Last Chance
BL Maxwell
One Last Chance by BL Maxwell

One Last Chance

By: BL Maxwell

Narrated by: Jack Watson

Length: 3 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Stu Lawson had always lived in the small town of Occident. He’d been born a farmer, and he was more than happy to stay a farmer even when his dad decided it wasn’t the life for him. He’s been raising his daughter since the day she was born, and he’s never regretted being a single dad, but Stu has a few secrets.
Morgan Grant was born into a life... Read more

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Zwei Handvoll Freiheit by Annette Oppenlander
Zwei Handvoll Freiheit
Annette Oppenlander
Zwei Handvoll Freiheit by Annette Oppenlander

Zwei Handvoll Freiheit

By: Annette Oppenlander

Narrated by: Carolin Rohrbach

Length: 10 hours 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Mitreißend, fesselnd und schonungslos authentisch ... ein von Zeitzeugenberichten inspirierter Roman über eine unmögliche Liebe und den Mut zu Menschlichkeit in unmenschlichen Zeiten. Bis heute verkörpert die Berliner Luftbrücke eines der dramatischsten und gewagtesten historischen Ereignisse der Nachkriegszeit, positionierte Ost gegen West,... Read more

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偷心总裁 by 阿雨
偷心总裁 by 阿雨


By: 阿雨

Narrated by: 声声平仄

Length: 30 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《偷心总裁》他的字典里,爱情从来都是禁忌。他的伊甸园里只有偷食苹果后的欲望。一场游戏,她不幸沦为了他的夏娃。游戏结束时,她高傲地踢踏着高跟鞋走到他的面前:先生,是我甩了你。三年,她躲在高原雪域,不问世事。一份泛黄的报纸将她从宁静的世界里拉回。再回A市,他的身边依旧是香车美人……她的身边多了大大小小的男生……美酒红唇,衣香鬓影,故事,重新拉开了帷幕,开始上演一场接一场的精彩好戏……作者简介:阿雨,本名杨华,网络人气作家,代表作《霸爱成欢:邪少的贴身小宠物》《兽撩娇妻:狼性老公难伺候》《女秘书闯夜店:暗夜天使》等主播简介:声声平仄: Read more

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Brutal Fortress by L. Penelope
Brutal Fortress
L. Penelope
Brutal Fortress by L. Penelope

Brutal Fortress

By: L. Penelope

Narrated by: Caroline Sorunke & James Shippy

Length: 6 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No

To become the queen my people need, I’ll have to risk everythingAs the Nimali princess, I’m expected to become a dragon shifter.I’ve already failed once, another failure threatens my life and the fate of everyone I care about.But the world outside my pampered existence is deadly. All my careful plans fall apart when I’m attacked by vicious... Read more

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The Dawn of the Cursed Queen by Amber V. Nicole
The Dawn of the Cursed Queen
Amber V. Nicole
The Dawn of the Cursed Queen by Amber V. Nicole

The Dawn of the Cursed Queen

By: Amber V. Nicole

Narrated by: Ruthie Bowles

Length: 25 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No


'A wicked ride from beginning to heart shattering end. Leaving me literally screaming for more. I couldn't turn the pages fast enough to get more our morally corrupt heroine who you can't help but root for, along with the giggle inducing banter between her and the heroic god Samkiel' HANNAH NICOLE... Read more

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Summer at Hideaway Key by Barbara Davis
Summer at Hideaway Key
Barbara Davis
Summer at Hideaway Key by Barbara Davis

Summer at Hideaway Key

By: Barbara Davis

Narrated by: Tiffany Morgan

Length: 13 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: No

From the author of The Wishing Tide comes a stunning new novel about two summers, one journal, and the secrets that can break and open our hearts . . .

Pragmatic, independent Lily St. Claire has never been a beachgoer. But when her late father leaves her a small house on Hideaway Key—one neither her mother nor she knew he owned—she's determined... Read more

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Eternally Damned by January Rayne
Eternally Damned
January Rayne
Eternally Damned by January Rayne

Eternally Damned

By: January Rayne

Narrated by: Holly Chandler & Liam Price

Length: 9 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

121 years without hope has a soul become silent.

Salem, Massachusetts. The home of magic. The hell of the damned. The place where I rest until the end of time.

There is only one way for me to wake from my coma. My beloved must find me and feed me her blood before I turn to ash. It's a rarity for a vampire to meet his blood mate. I knew when the... Read more

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Lips Like Sugar by Jess K. Hardy
Lips Like Sugar
Jess K. Hardy
Lips Like Sugar by Jess K. Hardy

Lips Like Sugar

By: Jess K. Hardy

Narrated by: Andi Arndt & Stephen Borne

Length: 11 hours 29 minutes

Abridged: No

It’s official, Mira Harlow has finally lost it. Between running her small-town bakery, parenting her fourteen-year-old son, and taking care of her mom, she’s a stretched-thin mess. But kissing a total—and very sexy—stranger before begging him to be her date to Ashley and Madigan’s wedding just so her ex won’t see how lonely she really is? That’s... Read more

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Guarding the Goalie by Jacob Chance
Guarding the Goalie
Jacob Chance
Guarding the Goalie by Jacob Chance

Guarding the Goalie

By: Jacob Chance

Narrated by: Ellie Gossage & Ash Beverly

Length: 5 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

The first time I met Murphy, the goalie of the Coyotes hockey team, I thought he was the most attractive man I'd ever seen.

The second time, we shared a wild night and I never planned to see him again.

Imagine my surprise when I showed up for a work meeting only to find out Murphy was my new client. He needed a bodyguard to pose as his live-in... Read more

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