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Only The Positive by Elle Thorpe
Only The Positive
Elle Thorpe
Only The Positive by Elle Thorpe

Only The Positive

By: Elle Thorpe

Narrated by: Sofia Lette & Antony Davis

Length: 9 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Reese...I made a mistake that might have ruined someone's life. I've moved to Sydney to avoid the glares and the questions from the people back home, but there's one thing I can't run from--the guilt and pain that follows me relentlessly. All I can do is dull it with alcohol and casual sex. But then my new boss, Mr Dark and Delicious, deserted... Read more

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Team Nathan: RISK OF THE PAST by Miamo Zesi
Miamo Zesi
Team Nathan: RISK OF THE PAST by Miamo Zesi


By: Miamo Zesi

Narrated by: Shawn Fajer

Length: 7 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

 Ist die Liebe in der Lage, jeden Hass zu besiegen?  Eine Frage, die sich Frieda Sutter stellen muss, als ihr Leben urplötzlich in den Händen ihres Ex – Freundes Nathan liegt. Nur er kann sie retten – doch wie weit wird er für sie gehen? Nach allem, was sie ihm angetan hat ... Eine Frage auf die Nathan ebenfalls keine Antwort findet. Der... Read more

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Steadfast by Shirleen Davies
Shirleen Davies
Steadfast by Shirleen Davies


By: Shirleen Davies

Narrated by: Markham Anderson

Length: 5 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

This Navy SEAL is dedicated and deadly, with a secret life. She's starting over. Lies and deceit aren't welcome.
Caid “Wrath” McCord never anticipated being tapped to lead a deep cover Navy SEAL team. Not one to shirk his duty, the transition from sea-loving warrior to president of an undercover motorcycle club is as smooth as a ride on his... Read more

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Exactly How It's `Posed to Be by Trent D. Walters
Exactly How It's `Posed to Be
Trent D. Walters
Exactly How It's `Posed to Be by Trent D. Walters

Exactly How It's `Posed to Be

By: Trent D. Walters

Narrated by: Garan Patrick

Length: 13 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

From the moment Glen Russell stepped onto the campus of Winton College, one of the nation’s most prestigious Historically Black Colleges, not a single thing has gone right. From rain on move-in day, to the should’ve-predicted-it-but-somehow-didn’t tardiness of his best friend and ride to Winton, Reshard, to multiple uses of “Gilbert,” his real... Read more

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Someone Else's Valentine by Brooke St. James
Someone Else's Valentine
Brooke St. James
Someone Else's Valentine by Brooke St. James

Someone Else's Valentine

By: Brooke St. James

Narrated by: Christina Traister

Length: 4 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

I was heartbroken and oblivious the first time I met Warren Manning. I wasn’t a fan of country music, so I had no idea who he was.
We had a brief but heartfelt conversation, and Warren left my life as quickly as he entered it. A few months later I discovered just how famous he was. It was cool that I had met him once, but I figured I would never... Read more

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Bitter by Ann Galland
Ann Galland
Bitter by Ann Galland


By: Ann Galland

Narrated by: Audrey Bolder

Length: 11 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Niets is wat het lijkt in de Eeuwige Stad. Rome, 2019. Wanneer Giuseppe Russo, een rijke antiquair, door een zware financiële tegenslag plotseling alles verliest, sleurt hij zijn gezin mee de afgrond in. Moeder Ginevra gooit na een tijdje de handdoek in de ring. Dochter Elena probeert het gezin overeind te houden in een afgedankte caravan aan... Read more

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Baby Doctor by Lexie Miers
Baby Doctor
Lexie Miers
Baby Doctor by Lexie Miers

Baby Doctor

By: Lexie Miers

Narrated by: Mia Tucker

Length: 3 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

When my younger sister asks for a ride to her obstetrician appointment, I’m only too happy to oblige despite my hectic schedule as an ED nurse. Plus, I might just have a little professional curiosity. Doctors willing to assist in a natural twin delivery are as rare as hen’s teeth—and Dr. Noah O’Grady is one of them.After a messy divorce and... Read more

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Team Riley: RISK OF THE PAST by Miamo Zesi
Miamo Zesi
Team Riley: RISK OF THE PAST by Miamo Zesi


By: Miamo Zesi

Narrated by: Shawn Fajer

Length: 10 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Captain Riley McKee ist das Abbild eines Navy SEALs. Stark, durchtrainiert und scheinbar unverwundbar. Bis zu dem Tag, als ihn eine Kugel trifft und ihm die eigene Sterblichkeit vor Augen führt. Während seines Genesungsprozesses lernt er Stella kennen. Eine Frau, die ihm Halt gibt und ihn darin bestärkt, nach Hause zu fahren. Ausgerechnet... Read more

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Mi diario secreto de amor y lujuria by Hannah Paxton
Mi diario secreto de amor y lujuria
Hannah Paxton
Mi diario secreto de amor y lujuria by Hannah Paxton

Mi diario secreto de amor y lujuria

By: Hannah Paxton

Narrated by: Chazza Hypno

Length: 6 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Mi diario secreto de amor y lujuria: una novela romántica eróticaSumérgete en el mundo sensual y provocativo de "Mi diario secreto de amor y lujuria" de Hannah Paxton, una narrativa convincente que desdibuja las líneas entre el romance erótico y el autodescubrimiento. El diario de Anaïs narra su viaje a través del amor, la lujuria y las... Read more

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Breaking the Habit - Breaking Serie, Band 4 (Ungekürzt) by Ember Leigh
Breaking the Habit - Breaking Serie, Band 4 (Ungekürzt)
Ember Leigh
Breaking the Habit - Breaking Serie, Band 4 (Ungekürzt) by Ember Leigh

Breaking the Habit - Breaking Serie, Band 4 (Ungekürzt)

By: Ember Leigh

Narrated by: Laura Wolf & Max Rauch

Length: 10 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Seine einzige Schwäche: der Wille zum Sieg. Levi Swain ist es egal, was andere von ihm denken. Jede Publicity ist gute Publicity und Levi will nur eines: ein berühmter MMA-Fighter werden. Als ein reicher Sponsor ihm einen dubiosen Vertrag anbietet, zögert Levi keine Sekunde, schließlich will er ganz nach oben. Er hat allerdings nicht damit... Read more

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Eine Liebe unter Sternen - Stonebridge Island, Band 3 (ungekürzt) by Ella Thompson
Eine Liebe unter Sternen - Stonebridge Island, Band 3 (ungekürzt)
Ella Thompson
Eine Liebe unter Sternen - Stonebridge Island, Band 3 (ungekürzt) by Ella Thompson

Eine Liebe unter Sternen - Stonebridge Island, Band 3 (ungekürzt)

By: Ella Thompson

Narrated by: Cornelia Prescher

Length: 13 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Das Gestüt der drei Cooper-Schwestern ist in Gefahr. Nach zahlreichen Sabotageversuchen kann keiner mehr abstreiten, dass ihnen jemand Schaden zufügen will. Abigail, Summer und Megan stehen kurz davor, die Silver Brook Stables, die sie von ihrer Mutter Olivia übernommen haben, zu verlieren. Dahinter können nur die Morgans stecken, die seit... Read more

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The Cowboy's Second Chance Family by Shirleen Davies
The Cowboy's Second Chance Family
Shirleen Davies
The Cowboy's Second Chance Family by Shirleen Davies

The Cowboy's Second Chance Family

By: Shirleen Davies

Narrated by: Becky Brabham

Length: 5 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

This cowboy will do everything possible to get his family back.
He never expected to uncover the treachery which tore his marriage apart.
Trace Griffin loved his life as a rodeo competitor. Leaving it behind to recover his family hadn’t been a difficult choice. Blindsided years earlier when his wife wrongly accused him of cheating, he found a new... Read more

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Herbstfrühling by Angelika Godau
Angelika Godau
Herbstfrühling by Angelika Godau


By: Angelika Godau

Narrated by: Dagmar Ohlhoff

Length: 7 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Sie lieben bunte, abwechslungsreiche Familiengeschichten, die Ihre Lachmuskeln trainieren? Dann sind Sie hier genau richtig: Sarah reicht's! Erst wird sie von ihrem Ehemann wegen einer Jüngeren verlassen, dann macht Pubertier Lara ihr täglich das Leben zur Hölle und nun auch noch das! Hat sich doch ihre Mutter mit 77 Jahren in einen Kerl... Read more

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Tore und Wächter - Die Pforten von Lopahr, Band 1 (ungekürzt) by Erin K. Wilde
Tore und Wächter - Die Pforten von Lopahr, Band 1 (ungekürzt)
Erin K. Wilde
Tore und Wächter - Die Pforten von Lopahr, Band 1 (ungekürzt) by Erin K. Wilde

Tore und Wächter - Die Pforten von Lopahr, Band 1 (ungekürzt)

By: Erin K. Wilde

Narrated by: Fanny Bechert

Length: 11 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

"Du kennst diese Welt nicht, Rachel. Bilde dir nicht ein, etwas über ihre Monster zu wissen." Einen Vulkan bei Nacht erklimmen, davon träumt die siebzehnjährige Rachel schon lange. Doch kaum auf Bali angekommen, wird sie von ihrem Begleiter getrennt und gerät durch eine Pforte in eine magische Welt voller Monster und Flüche. Um zurückzukehren,... Read more

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Невольница. Книга 2 by Сара Ривенс
Невольница. Книга 2
Сара Ривенс
Невольница. Книга 2 by Сара Ривенс

Невольница. Книга 2

By: Сара Ривенс

Narrated by: Яна Медведева

Length: 19 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

«Им не нужно было умирать, чтобы познать ад...» Прошел год с тех пор, как Эшер Скотт, глава могущественной криминальной сети, удалил от себя невольницу Эллу, вырвав ее из жизни, к которой она, бывшая жертва многолетнего насилия, только-только начала привыкать. И пока она в который раз зализывает раны и каждую ночь просыпается от панических атак,... Read more

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Starry Skies, Stolen Kisses, and My Best Friend's Brother by Kimmy Loth
Starry Skies, Stolen Kisses, and My Best Friend's Brother
Kimmy Loth
Starry Skies, Stolen Kisses, and My Best Friend's Brother by Kimmy Loth

Starry Skies, Stolen Kisses, and My Best Friend's Brother

By: Kimmy Loth

Narrated by: Liz Krane

Length: 7 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

My best friend’s brother was totally off limits.But he lived right next door.And so when a date ended badly, I found myself at his house after midnight ranting about it.“Is it too much to ask for a guy to kiss me when I clearly want him too?”Out of nowhere, he had me pressed against the wall. “You shouldn’t have come here tonight. My... Read more

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The Cowboy's False Start by Shirleen Davies
The Cowboy's False Start
Shirleen Davies
The Cowboy's False Start by Shirleen Davies

The Cowboy's False Start

By: Shirleen Davies

Narrated by: Becky Brabham

Length: 5 hours

Abridged: No

Two shattered hearts. A family with secrets.
A second chance for this cowboy to fix the mistakes from his past
and seize the future of his dreams.
Virgil Redstar has spent most of his life on Whistle Rock Ranch. Breeding and training some of the most spectacular Paint horses in the country tests his talent while soothing the hole in his soul. His... Read more

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Der Milliardär und die Kellnerin by Abby Green
Der Milliardär und die Kellnerin
Abby Green
Der Milliardär und die Kellnerin by Abby Green

Der Milliardär und die Kellnerin

By: Abby Green

Narrated by: Lena Wolff

Length: 4 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Maks Marchetti sieht nicht nur umwerfend sexy aus, der Modemogul hat auch eine faszinierende Ausstrahlung. Als Zoe ihm auf der Pariser Fashion Week begegnet, gerät sie ohne es zu wollen sofort in seinen verführerischen Bann. Mit jedem Tag lodert die Leidenschaft stärker. Und ehe Zoe sich versieht, steckt sie mitten in einer heißen Affäre mit... Read more

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Finnegan First Responders Books 4-6 by Laura Scott
Finnegan First Responders Books 4-6
Laura Scott
Finnegan First Responders Books 4-6 by Laura Scott

Finnegan First Responders Books 4-6

By: Laura Scott

Narrated by: Alex Knox

Length: 19 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Three books in one volume!Midnight Abduction - Kidnapped in the dead of night!Grace Ramsey is horrified when she realizes her six-year-old son Caleb has been snatched from his bed at midnight. The only man who can help her now is FBI Agent Brady Finnegan, Caleb's biological father.Brady is furious to learn he's been betrayed by the woman he once... Read more

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When the World Fell Silent by Donna Jones Alward
When the World Fell Silent
Donna Jones Alward
When the World Fell Silent by Donna Jones Alward

When the World Fell Silent

By: Donna Jones Alward

Narrated by: Laurence Bouvard & Ivana Rakić

Length: 12 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

'A beautiful, meticulously researched story that will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.' USA Today bestseller, Genevieve Graham A story of loss, hope and redemption against impossible odds… 1917. Halifax, Nova Scotia. Nora Crowell... Read more

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The Time I Stayed With You by Maya Hughes
The Time I Stayed With You
Maya Hughes
The Time I Stayed With You by Maya Hughes

The Time I Stayed With You

By: Maya Hughes

Narrated by: Wiebke Bierwag & Vincent Fallow

Length: 13 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

"Mit ihr zusammen zu sein war so, als würde jemand meinen Namen singen, nachdem ich ein Leben in absoluter Stille verbracht hatte." Nachdem Bay in einer Nacht vor sechs Jahren aus dem Bett und dem Leben ihrer ersten Liebe Dare verschwunden ist, kann dieser sie immer noch nicht vergessen. Er versteht, weshalb Bay nicht bei ihm bleiben konnte:... Read more

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Please Teacher by L. M. Wasylciw
Please Teacher
L. M. Wasylciw
Please Teacher by L. M. Wasylciw

Please Teacher

By: L. M. Wasylciw

Narrated by: Jack Wynters

Length: 11 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Victoria was a young, naïve, single school teacher. Her only desire was to be respected at her job. The boys in her class teased and jostled for her approval. At first it appeared little more than classroom banter. All teachers were warned that it was every young boy’s dream to entice a young, pretty teacher into a sexual tryst. Very soon male... Read more

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The Cowboy's Surprise Reunion by Shirleen Davies
The Cowboy's Surprise Reunion
Shirleen Davies
The Cowboy's Surprise Reunion by Shirleen Davies

The Cowboy's Surprise Reunion

By: Shirleen Davies

Narrated by: Becky Brabham

Length: 4 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

His total focus on a personal goal destroyed a once in a lifetime relationship.
Could there still be hope for a second chance?
Quinn Sawyer thought he’d achieved his dream of breeding specialized beef at an Idaho ranch. Realizing it wasn’t what he’d envisioned, Quinn now works for a ranch in Wyoming. The owner appreciates his skill working with... Read more

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Kształt dźwięku by Paula Er
Kształt dźwięku
Paula Er
Kształt dźwięku by Paula Er

Kształt dźwięku

By: Paula Er

Narrated by: Olga Żmuda

Length: 7 hours 3 minutes

Abridged: No

Nie wahaj się żyć tak, jak gra melodia twojej duszy. Maria to zbliżająca się do czterdziestki kobieta sukcesu, która wraz z mężem prowadzi modny antykwariat. Ich wspólne życie, na pozór szczęśliwe i spokojne, mąci jednak nieustannie powracająca myśl o braku dziecka. Oboje czują się coraz bardziej sfrustrowani i zniechęceni, a kłótnie i wzajemne... Read more

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