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Das kommunistische Manifest by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
Das kommunistische Manifest
Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
Das kommunistische Manifest by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels

Das kommunistische Manifest

By: Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels

Narrated by: Volker Braumann

Length: 4 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Das «Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei» ist die wohl bekannteste Schrift von Karl Marx und Friedrich Engels. Wie wohl kaum ein anderes Dokument seiner Zeit lässt das «Manifest» die politisch aufgeladene Stimmung nachempfinden, die damals um 1848 herum während des zu Ende gehenden Vormärz in Europa kurz vor Ausbruch der Februarrevolution in... Read more

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What Is to Be Done? by Vladimir Lenin
What Is to Be Done?
Vladimir Lenin
What Is to Be Done? by Vladimir Lenin

What Is to Be Done?

By: Vladimir Lenin

Narrated by: Peter Coates

Length: 6 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

"What Is to Be Done?" by Vladimir Lenin is a seminal work that outlines the revolutionary strategy and organizational principles for the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party. Written in 1902, this influential text serves as a cornerstone in the development of Leninist thought.  Lenin addresses the challenges facing the working class movement,... Read more

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Born This Way by Joanna Wuest
Born This Way
Joanna Wuest
Born This Way by Joanna Wuest

Born This Way

By: Joanna Wuest

Narrated by: narrator

Length: 9 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

This is an auto-narrated audiobook version of this book.

The story of how a biologically driven understanding of gender and sexuality became central to US LGBTQ+ political and legal advocacy.
Across protests and courtrooms, LGBTQ+ advocates argue that sexual and gender identities are innate. Oppositely, conservatives incite panic over... Read more

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Imperialism: The Final Stage of Capitalism by Vladimir Lenin
Imperialism: The Final Stage of Capitalism
Vladimir Lenin
Imperialism: The Final Stage of Capitalism by Vladimir Lenin

Imperialism: The Final Stage of Capitalism

By: Vladimir Lenin

Narrated by: Mark Bowen

Length: 4 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

"Imperialism: The Final Stage of Capitalism" by Vladimir Lenin is a foundational Marxist text that explores the economic and political dynamics of imperialism in the early 20th century. Originally published in 1917, this work was a response to the global geopolitical landscape of the time and sought to analyze the nature of imperialism as the... Read more

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Warum die Welt keinen Frieden findet - Auf dem Punkt (Ungekürzt) by Carlo Masala
Warum die Welt keinen Frieden findet - Auf dem Punkt (Ungekürzt)
Carlo Masala
Warum die Welt keinen Frieden findet - Auf dem Punkt (Ungekürzt) by Carlo Masala

Warum die Welt keinen Frieden findet - Auf dem Punkt (Ungekürzt)

By: Carlo Masala

Narrated by: Patrick Imhof

Length: 1 hour 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Der Wunsch nach weltweitem Frieden ist ebenso redlich wie verständlich. Doch er führt auch dazu, dass uns aufflammende Konflikte und Kriege in Schrecken versetzen - ganz besonders, wenn sie in geografischer Nähe auftreten, wie es seit dem russischen Angriffskrieg in der Ukraine der Fall ist. Sehen wir also der Realität ins Auge, fordert der... Read more

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普京传 by 菲欧娜•希尔 & 克利福德•加迪
菲欧娜•希尔 & 克利福德•加迪
普京传 by 菲欧娜•希尔 & 克利福德•加迪


By: 菲欧娜•希尔 & 克利福德•加迪

Narrated by: 湖南兵哥

Length: 9 hours

Abridged: No

内容简介:数度当选俄罗斯年度人物,两度登顶《福布斯》杂志全球最具影响力人物排行榜,逾期二十年来一直强力领导着世界国土面积最大、也是核武器大国——俄罗斯。弗拉基米尔•普京是俄罗斯人心目中的“彼得大帝”、万民倾倒的政治偶像、冷酷强悍的铁血总统,也是无所不能的全能天才。他行事雷厉风行,令出如山,在政坛的影响力超群,超凡的自信与独特的个人魅力更是掀起了个人崇拜主义热潮。普京究竟是谁?为何这个冷峻的政治强人总是收到西方不绝如缕的批评声?他究竟是一个专制主义者、自由主义者。在东方与西方之间,他如何平衡取舍?本书以全新的视角,从政治理想到治国方略,从行事方式到个人魅力,揭开普京多重身份下的真实面貌。全面记录普京的权力之路,深度披露普京掌控俄罗斯的政治谋略和铁腕手段。全书也从多方面向我们展示一个政治强... Read more

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邓小平讲话实录:演讲卷 by 《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著
《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著
邓小平讲话实录:演讲卷 by 《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著


By: 《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著

Narrated by: 先读

Length: 10 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《邓小平讲话实录》记述了邓小平从革命战争年代到社会主义建设中发挥的重要作用,他的历次讲话,尤其是他讲话中改革开放这一主张,对我国的政治、经济、文化都有巨大的推动作用。其中,《演讲卷》记录了从1943年到1988年邓小平的历次重要演讲。内容涉及国家建设、干部选拔、军队国防、财政、教育、党内思想等诸多方面。时至今日,在党的十九大上立未来五年“工作坐标”时,仍然坚定着改革开放的决心。全面深化改革,将“一张蓝图绘到底”,成为新时代改革新部署。除了精彩而充满智慧的讲话实录,本书在编写过程中还补充了大量的背景资料,让读者可以更清楚地了解当时的国际背景以及政策出台的前因后果,从国家建设、军队国防、民生要务、政治经济、文化教育、干部选拔、党建思想等诸多方面领略领袖人物的睿智与风采。改革开放4... Read more

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邓小平讲话实录:会谈卷 by 《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著
《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著
邓小平讲话实录:会谈卷 by 《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著


By: 《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著

Narrated by: 先读

Length: 11 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《邓小平讲话实录.会议卷》本书记录了从1938年到1987年,邓小平参加的有关会议,并对邓小平在会议中所作的重要讲话、对一些政策问题的阐述、处理民生要务的方法和态度等进行了详细的叙述和评析。作者简介:本书编委会主要成员有:逄先知、于友先、冯蕙、聂震宁、谢春涛、冯俊科、王媛等人,其中多人长期从事毛泽东生平、邓小平思想的研究和编辑工作,参与编写《毛泽东选集》、《邓小平文选》、邓小平《建设有中国特色社会主义》等图书。 Read more

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秦始皇:大秦帝国启示录 by [日]陈舜臣
秦始皇:大秦帝国启示录 by [日]陈舜臣


By: [日]陈舜臣

Narrated by: 大卫

Length: 4 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:他是大一统思想的确立者、“皇帝”称号的发明者、中央集权制的开创者、万里长城的修筑者、“世界第八大奇迹”的创造者……秦始皇,这个谜一样的男人,究竟留下多少争论与迷思?大秦帝国,这个辉煌却短命的王朝,在历史长河中究竟扮演了什么样的角色?本书以秦始皇之谜为切入口,全景展现了大时代的政治、经济、军事、农业、文化、社会等各方面。可以说,一部秦始皇,就是半部中华文明史。作者简介:陈舜臣,华裔日本作家,“日本小说界无出其右者”。日本文学史上首位“三冠王”,在历史小说创作领域与司马辽太郎并称双璧。他通晓日语、印度语、波斯语、汉语、英语五种语言,作品常呈现无国界的宏观视野。他的历史作品因加入了推理的成分而自成一派,多次在日本掀起阅读中国史的热潮,主要著作有《中国的历史》《甲午战争》《太平天国兴... Read more

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读懂中国共产党 by 谢春涛
读懂中国共产党 by 谢春涛


By: 谢春涛

Narrated by: 杨辰

Length: 15 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

内容介绍:读懂中国,必须先要读懂中国共产党。《读懂中国共产党》正是中央党校(国家行政学院)副校(院)长谢春涛教授继《历史的轨迹:中国共产党为什么能?》之后又一党史通俗读本力作。《读懂中国共产党》以中国共产党成立一百年来的历史为主线,全面系统地解读了中国共产党的历史、执政理念、治国方略和伟大成就,深刻阐释了中国共产党团结带领全国各族人民创造的新民主主义革命、社会主义革命和建设、改革开放和社会主义现代化建设,以及中国特色社会主义新时代四个伟大成就。全书以中国共产党领导人民取得革命胜利以及建设、改革成就为主轴,内容广泛涉及政治、经济、文化、教育、科技、外交、国防军队现代化建设、祖国统一、生态文明等诸多领域。通过丰富生动的史实,深入阐释了中国共产党为什么“能”、马克思主义为什么“行”、中国特色... Read more

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邓小平讲话实录:会议卷 by 《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著
《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著
邓小平讲话实录:会议卷 by 《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著


By: 《邓小平讲话实录》编写组 编著

Narrated by: 先读

Length: 9 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

内容简介:《邓小平讲话实录.会议卷》本书记录了从1938年到1987年,邓小平参加的有关会议,并对邓小平在会议中所作的重要讲话、对一些政策问题的阐述、处理民生要务的方法和态度等进行了详细的叙述和评析。作者简介:本书编委会主要成员有:逄先知、于友先、冯蕙、聂震宁、谢春涛、冯俊科、王媛等人,其中多人长期从事毛泽东生平、邓小平思想的研究和编辑工作,参与编写《毛泽东选集》、《邓小平文选》、邓小平《建设有中国特色社会主义》等图书。 Read more

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El príncipe by Nicolás Maquiavelo
El príncipe
Nicolás Maquiavelo
El príncipe by Nicolás Maquiavelo

El príncipe

By: Nicolás Maquiavelo

Narrated by: Max Garzón

Length: 3 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Gratis por lanzamiento!-En español neutro, narración humana-Es un tratado político del siglo XVI del diplomático y teórico político italiano Nicolás Maquiavelo. Según la correspondencia de Maquiavelo, una versión parece haber sido distribuida en 1513, usando el título en latín De Principatibus (El liderazgo). Sin embargo, la versión impresa no... Read more

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Joining the Dots by Jonathan Ancer & Chris Whitfield
Joining the Dots
Jonathan Ancer & Chris Whitfield
Joining the Dots by Jonathan Ancer & Chris Whitfield

Joining the Dots

By: Jonathan Ancer & Chris Whitfield

Narrated by: Mehboob Bawa

Length: 6 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

PRAVIN GORDHAN has been at the centre of many of the political storms that have torn through South Africa’s political landscape. He has been investigated by the Hawks, fired as finance minister, accused of running a ‘rogue unit’ at SARS and come up against the public protector, to name a few. Seasoned journalists Jonathan Ancer and Chris... Read more

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Hedwig Dohm: Der Frauen Natur und Recht by Hedwig Dohm
Hedwig Dohm: Der Frauen Natur und Recht
Hedwig Dohm
Hedwig Dohm: Der Frauen Natur und Recht by Hedwig Dohm

Hedwig Dohm: Der Frauen Natur und Recht

By: Hedwig Dohm

Narrated by: Lea Pfeiffer

Length: 5 hours 19 minutes

Abridged: No

Hedwig Dohm (1831-1919) war eine deutsche Schriftstellerin, Frauenrechtlerin und eine der ersten feministischen Theoretikerinnen. Die Großmutter von Katia Mann, der Gattin Thomas Manns, war sie obendrein.  Im Jahr 1874 veröffentlichte sie ihr Essay "Der Frauen Natur und Recht", das unter anderem die den Frauen zugeschriebenen "weiblichen"... Read more

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The Last Best Hope by John Hulsman
The Last Best Hope
John Hulsman
The Last Best Hope by John Hulsman

The Last Best Hope

By: John Hulsman

Narrated by: John Hulsman

Length: 7 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

In this brilliant exploration of American history and contemporary conservative politics, foreign policy expert John Hulsman draws on his years at the heart of Washington to present a compelling new vision of conservative realism.In our current Age of Insecurity, Hulsman suggests, there has never been a bigger need for the re-ascendance of... Read more

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Enemy of the People by Adriaan Basson & Pieter du Toit
Enemy of the People
Adriaan Basson & Pieter du Toit
Enemy of the People by Adriaan Basson & Pieter du Toit

Enemy of the People

By: Adriaan Basson & Pieter du Toit

Narrated by: Charl van Heyningen

Length: 10 hours 43 minutes

Abridged: No

He swore to serve the people, but Jacob Zuma robbed us blind.
This is the first definitive account of Zuma’s catastrophic misrule, offering eyewitness descriptions and cogent analysis of how South Africa was brought to its knees – and how the people fought back. When Jacob Zuma took power of the ANC in December 2007, he inherited a country whose... Read more

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Black Consciousness by Hlumelo Biko
Black Consciousness
Hlumelo Biko
Black Consciousness by Hlumelo Biko

Black Consciousness

By: Hlumelo Biko

Narrated by: Mark Mwaba

Length: 6 hours 47 minutes

Abridged: No

‘If Steve Biko were alive today, we would have a country that gladly embraces African culture as the dominant driving force for how society is organised ...’
In 1968, two young medical students, Steve Biko and Mamphela Ramphele, fell in love while dreaming of a life free from oppression and racial discrimination. Their love story is also the... Read more

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Estrategias de poder by Fidel Sendagorta
Estrategias de poder
Fidel Sendagorta
Estrategias de poder by Fidel Sendagorta

Estrategias de poder

By: Fidel Sendagorta

Narrated by: Santiago Gómez

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Cuarenta años después de que Deng Xiaoping abriera China al comercio global e iniciara su conversión en una potencia económica, los gobernantes chinos están convencidos de que ha llegado el momento de que su país recupere la cumbre de la jerarquía mundial que ocupó en el pasado. El presidente Xi Jinping se siente investido de ese mandato... Read more

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Pillars for Freedom by Richard B. Levine
Pillars for Freedom
Richard B. Levine
Pillars for Freedom by Richard B. Levine

Pillars for Freedom

By: Richard B. Levine

Narrated by: John McLain

Length: 16 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

The maintenance of liberty rests upon our faith, our Founding, our families, and our commitments to uncorrupted education and science. Pillars for Freedom describes in consummate detail the powers that America must reconstitute and wield in order that we reclaim our destiny. Our Judeo-Christian heritage must form the center of America's rebirth.... Read more

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Un planeta diferente, un mundo nuevo by Isidoro Tapia Ramirez
Un planeta diferente, un mundo nuevo
Isidoro Tapia Ramirez
Un planeta diferente, un mundo nuevo by Isidoro Tapia Ramirez

Un planeta diferente, un mundo nuevo

By: Isidoro Tapia Ramirez

Narrated by: Santiago Gómez

Length: 7 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

Ante nosotros está surgiendo un planeta diferente. El clima cambia: los veranos son más largos y calurosos y se suceden con más frecuencia episodios extremos, tales como olas de calor o lluvias torrenciales. Catástrofes que antes ocurrían una vez cada varios siglos, ahora se repiten apenas pasados unos años. El cambio climático es un desafío... Read more

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We by Yevgeny Zamyatin
Yevgeny Zamyatin
We by Yevgeny Zamyatin


By: Yevgeny Zamyatin

Narrated by: Trevor O'Hare

Length: 6 hours

Abridged: No

We (Russian: Мы, romanized: My) is a dystopian novel by Russian writer Yevgeny Zamyatin, written 1920–1921.  The novel was first published as an English translation by Gregory Zilboorg in 1924 by E. P. Dutton in New York. The novel describes a world of harmony and conformity within a united totalitarian state. It is believed that the novel had a... Read more

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Born in Chains by Clinton Chauke
Born in Chains
Clinton Chauke
Born in Chains by Clinton Chauke

Born in Chains

By: Clinton Chauke

Narrated by: Tshamano Sebe

Length: 8 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Just like in the squatter camp in Atteridgeville, there was no electricity in our new home. But here it was very different: it was safe. Only years later I figured out why the crime rate was so low in our village: there was nothing to steal. Born in Chains is a first-hand account of living in abject poverty in South Africa. Clinton Chauke was... Read more

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Ultimative Flachwitzsammlung by Marcel Schmidtpeter
Ultimative Flachwitzsammlung
Marcel Schmidtpeter
Ultimative Flachwitzsammlung by Marcel Schmidtpeter

Ultimative Flachwitzsammlung

By: Marcel Schmidtpeter

Narrated by: Marcel Schmidtpeter

Length: 1 hour 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Bereiten Sie sich auf endloses Gelächter vor mit der 'Ultimativen Flachwitzsammlung'! Dieses Hörbuch ist Ihr perfekter Begleiter für humorvolle Unterhaltung, gefüllt mit einer einzigartigen Auswahl an kurzen Flachwitzen, Scherzfragen und Witzkrachern. Ideal für jede Gelegenheit, bietet es unvergessliche Lacher und Spaß für alle.Vielseitiger... Read more

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I am Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Brad Meltzer
I am Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Brad Meltzer
I am Ruth Bader Ginsburg by Brad Meltzer

I am Ruth Bader Ginsburg

By: Brad Meltzer

Narrated by: Suzanne Toren, Steven Jay Cohen, Kathleen Gati,...

Length: 21 minutes

Abridged: No

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is the 32nd hero in the New York Times bestselling biography series for ages 5 to 9.

Before Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg was the judge, she was a young Jewish girl growing up in Brooklyn, inspired by books, past female trailblazers, and her mother to make the world a better, more just place... Read more

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