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Politics & Economy audiobooks

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Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann
Public Opinion
Walter Lippmann
Public Opinion by Walter Lippmann

Public Opinion

By: Walter Lippmann

Narrated by: John Clickman

Length: 10 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Walter Lippmann's Public Opinion (1922) argues humans can't fully grasp complex issues. We rely on simplified ideas (stereotypes) and media portrayals ("pseudo-environments") to form opinions. He suggests experts, not the public, should guide society due to these limitations. Though controversial, it remains a crucial text in understanding... Read more

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Putinland by Leonid Wolkow
Leonid Wolkow
Putinland by Leonid Wolkow


By: Leonid Wolkow

Narrated by: Oliver Dupont

Length: 9 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Was der Westen nicht wissen wollte: die brisante Analyse des "Außenministers der russischen Opposition". Unter Putin hat sich Russland zu einer imperialistischen Diktatur verwandelt, die die Werte und das Lebensmodell des Westens bedroht. Wie das passiert ist und warum Europa es bis zuletzt ignoriert hat - das analysiert Leonid Wolkow, ein... Read more

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The Theory of Evolution is a Joke by Danny Erhardt
The Theory of Evolution is a Joke
Danny Erhardt
The Theory of Evolution is a Joke by Danny Erhardt

The Theory of Evolution is a Joke

By: Danny Erhardt

Narrated by: David Michael Von Neupert

Length: 7 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Danny Erhardt, a mild mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper, has sought the truth, and fortuitously found it. You can too. If you seek it with all your heart. If you love the truth more than the opinions and conclusions that are already in your head. The lies of Satan ("the great deceiver who goes forth to deceive the whole... Read more

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Angezählt by Markus Preiß
Markus Preiß
Angezählt by Markus Preiß


By: Markus Preiß

Narrated by: Patrick Twinem

Length: 9 hours 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Deutschland - fremd unter Freunden »Ganz Europa rätselt, was Deutschland eigentlich will. Weiß es Deutschland selbst?« Markus Preiß Stabil, selbstsicher, wohlhabend. Langweilig, aber meist Klassenbester. Lange blickten unsere europäischen Nachbarn neidisch, aber voll Respekt auf Deutschland. Doch die Dominanz in der EU ist erschüttert.... Read more

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Los últimos españoles de Mauthausen by Carlos Hernández de Miguel
Los últimos españoles de Mauthausen
Carlos Hernández de Miguel
Los últimos españoles de Mauthausen by Carlos Hernández de Miguel

Los últimos españoles de Mauthausen

By: Carlos Hernández de Miguel

Narrated by: Eugenio Barona

Length: 17 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Los últimos españoles de Mauthausen, un libro sin ficción. Una recopilación de relatos vividos por los españoles y españolas supervivientes de los campos de concentración nazis. La historia de nuestros deportados, sus verdugos y sus cómplices. Un libro único cuando se cumple el setenta aniversario de la liberación de los campos nazis. «Tenía que... Read more

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El arte del gobierno by Ugo Pipitone
El arte del gobierno
Ugo Pipitone
El arte del gobierno by Ugo Pipitone

El arte del gobierno

By: Ugo Pipitone

Narrated by: Rafa Blásquez

Length: 7 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Una mirada a tres pensadores políticos del pasado en busca de claves para renovar el presente y recuperar el futuro. Vivimos un momento en la historia peligrosamente inédito. El crecimiento económico desigual y desproporcionado ha ocasionado una catastrófica corrosión del medio ambiente y una aguda polarización social. Ampliossectores de la... Read more

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The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli
The Prince
Niccolo Machiavelli
The Prince by Niccolo Machiavelli

The Prince

By: Niccolo Machiavelli

Narrated by: Roberto Scarlato

Length: 3 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

🎧 Dive into the timeless wisdom of political strategy with "The Prince" by Niccolò Machiavelli, now available as an engaging audiobook! Explore Machiavelli's profound insights on leadership, power, and governance, delivered straight to your ears in a captivating narration. Whether you're a student of history, a business professional, or simply... Read more

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Error of Judgement by Chris Mullin
Error of Judgement
Chris Mullin
Error of Judgement by Chris Mullin

Error of Judgement

By: Chris Mullin

Narrated by: Leighton Pugh

Length: 14 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

'Very occasionally a journalist starts an avalanche with a single gunshot... Chris Mullin and his TV colleagues belong in the glorious company."
-The Observer

'One of the greatest feats ever achieved by an investigative reporter'
-Sebastian Faulks, the Independent on Sunday

'Whoever planted the bombs in Birmingham...also planted a bomb under the... Read more

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Deals mit Diktaturen by Frank Bösch
Deals mit Diktaturen
Frank Bösch
Deals mit Diktaturen by Frank Bösch

Deals mit Diktaturen

By: Frank Bösch

Narrated by: Thomas Höricht

Length: 19 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No


Der Umgang mit Diktatoren – von rechten Generälen über kommunistische Generalsekretäre bis hin zu den Autokraten der „Dritten Welt“ – hat die bundesdeutsche Demokratie von Anfang an herausgefordert. Frank Bösch zeigt auf der Grundlage umfassender Archivrecherchen, welche Interessen... Read more

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Rosario de México by Rosario Robles
Rosario de México
Rosario Robles
Rosario de México by Rosario Robles

Rosario de México

By: Rosario Robles

Narrated by: Rosario Robles

Length: 5 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

Narrado por la autora Prólogo de Ciro Gómez Leyva «A Rosario la clavaron en la cárcel para convertirla en un objeto de deshonra, en un símbolo de inagotable humillación. No lo consiguieron. Ya en libertad, sin el rencor como combustible, ha sabido resurgir fortalecida para rehacerse e incluso tratar de regresar a la vida pública.» -Ciro Gómez... Read more

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Генэральская зорка by Мечыслаў Грыб
Генэральская зорка
Мечыслаў Грыб
Генэральская зорка by Мечыслаў Грыб

Генэральская зорка

By: Мечыслаў Грыб

Narrated by: Мечыслаў Грыб

Length: 3 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: No

Cучасныя мэмуары. Чытае аўтар. Упершыню прагучалі на хвалях Радыё Свабода з 25.10.2004 па 26.11.2004.
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Principles of economics by Carl Menger
Principles of economics
Carl Menger
Principles of economics by Carl Menger

Principles of economics

By: Carl Menger

Narrated by: Jason Smith (Male Synthesized Voice)

Length: 7 hours 48 minutes

Abridged: No

"Principles of Economics" by Carl Menger is a seminal work in the field of economics, laying the foundation for the Austrian School of Economics. First published in 1871, Menger's book revolutionized economic thought by emphasizing the subjective nature of economic value and the role of individual preferences in determining prices. Menger's... Read more

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Помещичья Россия by Николай Врангель
Помещичья Россия
Николай Врангель
Помещичья Россия by Николай Врангель

Помещичья Россия

By: Николай Врангель

Narrated by: Наталья Домерецкая

Length: 3 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Этот текст был опубликован под названием «Старые усадьбы. Очерки русского искусства и быта» больше ста лет назад - в 1910 году. Последующие десятилетия катком прошлись по помещичьей России. Из остатков былого великолепия, которое ещё застал автор, сохранилось немногое — что-то разрушено, что-то перестроено, но что-то в последнее время и... Read more

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Epistemological Problems of Economics by Ludwig von Mises
Epistemological Problems of Economics
Ludwig von Mises
Epistemological Problems of Economics by Ludwig von Mises

Epistemological Problems of Economics

By: Ludwig von Mises

Narrated by: Jason Smith (Male Synthesized Voice)

Length: 8 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

"Epistemological Problems of Economics" is a seminal work by the Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises, originally published in 1933. In this book, Mises delves into the fundamental epistemological questions underlying economic theory and methodology. He explores the nature of economic laws, the role of assumptions and predictions in economic... Read more

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Sich fügen heißt lügen. Henning Venske liest Erich Mühsam - Abridged by Henning Venske
Sich fügen heißt lügen. Henning Venske liest Erich Mühsam - Abridged
Henning Venske
Sich fügen heißt lügen. Henning Venske liest Erich Mühsam - Abridged by Henning Venske

Sich fügen heißt lügen. Henning Venske liest Erich Mühsam - Abridged

By: Henning Venske

Narrated by: Henning Venske

Length: 1 hour 38 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Erich Mühsam war ein anarchistischer Dichter, den deutsche Nazis ermordeten und dessen Bücher sie verbrannten. Erich Mühsam war den Nazis, aber auch allen anderen Anhängern eines deutschen Obrigkeitsstaates als Jude, als Antifaschist, als Dichter des Klassenkampfes und als geistiger Anführer der Münchener Räterepublik verhasst. Vor allem war er... Read more

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How to Slay a Dragon by Mikhail Khodorkovsky
How to Slay a Dragon
Mikhail Khodorkovsky
How to Slay a Dragon by Mikhail Khodorkovsky

How to Slay a Dragon

By: Mikhail Khodorkovsky

Narrated by: Derek Perkins

Length: 7 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Mikhail Khodorkovsky is one of the most astute observers of today's Russia. Imprisoned for a decade in Russia's prisons on politically motivated charges, he knows all too well the best and the worst of his country. He now lives in exile and, like many Russians who live abroad, he longs for the day when he can return to a free and democratic... Read more

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Cyber Wargaming by Frank L. Smith III, Nina A. Kollars & Benjamin H. Schechter
Cyber Wargaming
Frank L. Smith III, Nina A. Kollars & Benjamin ...
Cyber Wargaming by Frank L. Smith III, Nina A. Kollars & Benjamin H. Schechter

Cyber Wargaming

By: Frank L. Smith III, Nina A. Kollars & Benjamin ...

Narrated by: Kyle Tait

Length: 9 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Government, industry, and academia need better tools to explore threats, opportunities, and human interactions in cyberspace. The interactive exercises called cyber wargames are a powerful way to solve complex problems in a digital environment that involves both cooperation and conflict. Cyber Wargaming is the first book to provide both the... Read more

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On sale
A Plate of Hope by Erin Frankel & Paola Escobar
A Plate of Hope
Erin Frankel & Paola Escobar
A Plate of Hope by Erin Frankel & Paola Escobar

A Plate of Hope

By: Erin Frankel & Paola Escobar

Narrated by: Luis Carlos De La Lombana

Length: 14 minutes

Abridged: No

José Andrés’s love of cooking began as a young boy in Spain as he gathered the wood to make the fire that would cook the paella just right. José loved everything about it: the sizzling olive oil, the mounds of chopped vegetables, and the smell of saffron. When he left home, he realized he wanted to tell stories with food. And tell them he did,... Read more

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American Patriots by Ralph Young
American Patriots
Ralph Young
American Patriots by Ralph Young

American Patriots

By: Ralph Young

Narrated by: Tom Perkins

Length: 9 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

The history of America is a history of dissent. Protests against the British Parliament's taxation policies led to the American Revolution and the creation of the United States. In the twenty-first century, hundreds of thousands protested the war in Iraq, joined the 2011 Occupy movement, the 2017 Women's March, and the 2020 Black Lives Matter... Read more

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An American Dreamer by David Finkel
An American Dreamer
David Finkel
An American Dreamer by David Finkel

An American Dreamer

By: David Finkel

Narrated by: Rob Shapiro

Length: 6 hours 34 minutes

Abridged: No

A man navigates the deep divisions in America today and discovers that sometimes change can start by finding common ground with your neighbors in this immersive account by the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of Thank You for Your Service and The Good Soldiers.

“A timely and compelling argument for tolerance and moral character in times of extreme... Read more

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Un plato de esperanza (A Plate of Hope Spanish Edition) by Erin Frankel
Un plato de esperanza (A Plate of Hope Spanish Edition)
Erin Frankel
Un plato de esperanza (A Plate of Hope Spanish Edition) by Erin Frankel

Un plato de esperanza (A Plate of Hope Spanish Edition)

By: Erin Frankel

Narrated by: Luis Carlos De La Lombana

Length: 15 minutes

Abridged: No

El amor de José Andrés por la cocina comenzó cuando era un niño en España, mientras recogía la leña para hacer el fuego que cocinaría la paella perfecta. A José le encantaba cada aspecto: el chisporroteo del aceite de oliva, los montones de vegetales frescos picados, y el olor del azafrán. Cuando se fue de casa, se dio cuenta de que quería... Read more

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Get Married by Brad Wilcox
Get Married
Brad Wilcox
Get Married by Brad Wilcox

Get Married

By: Brad Wilcox

Narrated by: Mark Deakins

Length: 9 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

A Next Big Idea Club Must-ReadUniversity of Virginia sociologist Brad Wilcox explains how our ruling class publicly disparages marriage – the institution most likely to deliver prosperity and happiness to ordinary Americans – while privately embracing it.America is in crisis. Happiness is falling, loneliness and despair are rising, too many... Read more

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Sailing Upwind by Admiral Sandy Winnefeld
Sailing Upwind
Admiral Sandy Winnefeld
Sailing Upwind by Admiral Sandy Winnefeld

Sailing Upwind

By: Admiral Sandy Winnefeld

Narrated by: Sandy Winnefeld

Length: 10 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Sailing Upwind is more than just another memoir of a distinguished former naval officer's highly diverse career. This book by Admiral James "Sandy" Winnefeld is also intended to offer useful reflections regarding how he accepted and managed risk along the way, as well as a concise description of the qualities one must develop to become a... Read more

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Bloodbath Nation by Paul Auster
Bloodbath Nation
Paul Auster
Bloodbath Nation by Paul Auster

Bloodbath Nation

By: Paul Auster

Narrated by: Oliver Dupont

Length: 2 hours 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Dies ist Paul Austers sehr persönliche Abrechnung mit der Vergottung des Waffentragens in der amerikanischen Kultur und Gesellschaft. Er erzählt davon zunächst in biografischen Vignetten, beginnend bei den Spielzeugcolts der Kindheit und den Western im Fernsehen. Es folgen die ersten Einschläge im näheren Umfeld, der von der Großmutter... Read more

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