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Politics & Economy audiobooks

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Bob Hawke by Troy Bramston
Bob Hawke
Troy Bramston
Bob Hawke by Troy Bramston

Bob Hawke

By: Troy Bramston

Narrated by: Troy Bramston

Length: 22 hours 5 minutes

Abridged: No

This unprecedented biography of Hawke includes an exclusive series of interviews with him - the last that he gave - as well as unfiltered access to his extensive trove of personal papers. It features new interviews with more than 100 people who knew and worked with Hawke, including his family and friends; political and union colleagues, and... Read more

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Black Ops by Ric Prado
Black Ops
Ric Prado
Black Ops by Ric Prado

Black Ops

By: Ric Prado

Narrated by: Scott Brick

Length: 12 hours 39 minutes

Abridged: No

A memoir by the highest-ranking covert warrior to lift the veil of secrecy and offer a glimpse into the shadow wars that America has fought since the Vietnam Era.

Enrique Prado found himself in his first firefight at age seven. The son of a middle-class Cuban family caught in the midst of the Castro Revolution, his family fled their war-torn home... Read more

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A Blue New Deal by Chris Armstrong
A Blue New Deal
Chris Armstrong
A Blue New Deal by Chris Armstrong

A Blue New Deal

By: Chris Armstrong

Narrated by: Eric G. Dove

Length: 8 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

The world’s ocean is in an urgent state of decline—here’s what we do to protect it.The ocean sustains life on our planet, from absorbing carbon to regulating temperatures. But as we exhaust the resources on land, its reserves are increasingly dredged and extracted to fuel new industry. Today we are facing two urgent challenges at sea: massive... Read more

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The Black Butterfly by Lawrence T. Brown
The Black Butterfly
Lawrence T. Brown
The Black Butterfly by Lawrence T. Brown

The Black Butterfly

By: Lawrence T. Brown

Narrated by: Lady Brion

Length: 11 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

The world gasped in April 2015 as Baltimore erupted and Black Lives Matter activists, incensed by Freddie Gray's brutal death in police custody, shut down highways and marched on city streets. In The Black Butterfly—a reference to the fact that Baltimore's majority-Black population spreads out on both sides of the coveted strip of real estate... Read more

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Bevor es zu spät ist - Was uns droht, wenn die Politik nicht mit der Wissenschaft Schritt hält (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Karl Lauterbach
Bevor es zu spät ist - Was uns droht, wenn die Politik nicht mit der Wissenschaft Schritt hält (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Karl Lauterbach
Bevor es zu spät ist - Was uns droht, wenn die Politik nicht mit der Wissenschaft Schritt hält (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Karl Lauterbach

Bevor es zu spät ist - Was uns droht, wenn die Politik nicht mit der Wissenschaft Schritt hält (Ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Karl Lauterbach

Narrated by: Joachim Schönfeld

Length: 8 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Ein hochdringlicher Weckruf und ein starkes Plädoyer für eine Politik, die sich der Realität stellt. Wir leben in einer Zeit nie da gewesener Herausforderungen. Zum ersten Mal seit Beginn der Zivilisation ist sogar das Überleben der Menschen auf dem Planeten Erde gefährdet. Der sich beschleunigende Klimawandel macht das Erreichen des... Read more

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Science Be Dammed by John Fleck & Eric Kuhn
Science Be Dammed
John Fleck & Eric Kuhn
Science Be Dammed by John Fleck & Eric Kuhn

Science Be Dammed

By: John Fleck & Eric Kuhn

Narrated by: Joel Richards

Length: 9 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Science Be Dammed is an alarming reminder of the high stakes in the management—and perils in the mismanagement—of water in the western United States. It seems deceptively simple: even when clear evidence was available that the Colorado River could not sustain ambitious dreaming and planning by decision-makers throughout the twentieth century,... Read more

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Chinese Biographies by Kelly Mass
Chinese Biographies
Kelly Mass
Chinese Biographies by Kelly Mass

Chinese Biographies

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Doug Greene

Length: 1 hour 34 minutes

Abridged: No

This is a book combo with the following subjects:
Mao Zedong has had a tremendous impact on the Chinese nation. During his Great Leap Forward, he was responsible for more deaths than both Hitler and Stalin, making him the biggest mass murderer in history. Mao Zedong, typically called Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who... Read more

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Portuguese Macau by Kelly Mass
Portuguese Macau
Kelly Mass
Portuguese Macau by Kelly Mass

Portuguese Macau

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Doug Greene

Length: 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Macau is known as the Las Vegas of China. It attracts many tourists every year, and it has a unique set of laws and history behind it. How did it become this way? Well, one of the reasons is that it used to be part of the Portuguese Empire. We have probably all heard about the British in China, the Opium Wars, and the tea export, but you might... Read more

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History of China by Kelly Mass
History of China
Kelly Mass
History of China by Kelly Mass

History of China

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Doug Greene

Length: 3 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

This is a combo of 5 titles with different topics related to Chinese history. The topics are the following:Ancient China: It’s hard to cover all of China’s vast history in a short book, but for the sake of leaving out details, we will still give it a try. In this guide, you will be able to learn more about the most important turning events,... Read more

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Mao Zedong by Kelly Mass
Mao Zedong
Kelly Mass
Mao Zedong by Kelly Mass

Mao Zedong

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Doug Greene

Length: 56 minutes

Abridged: No

Mao Zedong has had a tremendous impact on the Chinese nation. During his Great Leap Forward, he was responsible for more deaths than both Hitler and Stalin, making him the biggest mass murderer in history.Mao Zedong, typically called Chairman Mao, was a Chinese communist revolutionary who functioned as the starting dad of peoples's Republic of... Read more

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Chinese History by Kelly Mass
Chinese History
Kelly Mass
Chinese History by Kelly Mass

Chinese History

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Doug Greene

Length: 1 hour 29 minutes

Abridged: No

This is a book combo with the following topics:
Ancient China: It’s hard to cover all of China’s vast history in a short book, but for the sake of leaving out details, we will still give it a try. In this guide, you will be able to learn more about the most important turning events, eras, dynasties, leaders, wars, and cultural aspects of ancient... Read more

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Der entstörte Mensch by Petra Bock
Der entstörte Mensch
Petra Bock
Der entstörte Mensch by Petra Bock

Der entstörte Mensch

By: Petra Bock

Narrated by: Karim Khawatmi

Length: 9 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

"Das alte Denken hat uns weit gebracht, aber es bringt uns nicht mehr weiter." Petra Bock In tausenden Beratungsgesprächen hat die Transformationsforscherin und Managementberaterin Petra Bock ein Muster in unserem Denken entdeckt, das die Ursache unserer heutigen Probleme und der Code der menschlichen Zivilisation sein könnte. Es lässt uns... Read more

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La revancha de los poderosos by Moisés Naím
La revancha de los poderosos
Moisés Naím
La revancha de los poderosos by Moisés Naím

La revancha de los poderosos

By: Moisés Naím

Narrated by: Carlos Vicente

Length: 15 hours 38 minutes

Abridged: No

Un libro para entender cómo se obtiene, se usa, se abusa y se pierde el poder en el siglo XXI. En todo el mundo, las democracias se enfrentan a un enemigo nuevo e implacable que no tiene ejército ni armada; no procede de ningún país que podamos señalar en un mapa, porque no viene de ahí fuera, sino de aquí dentro. En lugar de desafiar a las... Read more

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Welcome Home, Macho Man by Ernest Spencer
Welcome Home, Macho Man
Ernest Spencer
Welcome Home, Macho Man by Ernest Spencer

Welcome Home, Macho Man

By: Ernest Spencer

Narrated by: Ernest Spencer

Length: 5 hours 24 minutes

Abridged: No

How does a Macho Man become a Macho Man? And what does he do with himself after getting to play "god" as a Vietnam War Commanding Officer of a Rifle Company in combat? This sequel to "Welcome to Vietnam, Macho Man" digs deep into the mind of a Khe Sanh vet. The author, Ernest Spencer, opens up and shares with the world his life experiences from... Read more

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A More Perfect Union (Briefs) by Alexander Moss
A More Perfect Union (Briefs)
Alexander Moss
A More Perfect Union (Briefs) by Alexander Moss

A More Perfect Union (Briefs)

By: Alexander Moss

Narrated by: Alexander Moss

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

In 2021, YouGov/Bright Line Watch found that 47% of Democrats on the West coast and 66% of Republicans in Texas and the South supported breaking up the United States into new, regional unions.

In this book, the author ties these trends to the current challenges facing the United States. Increased battles over life and death issues on hot topics... Read more

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Sanctify Them in Truth by Fr. Jeffrey Kirby S.T.D.
Sanctify Them in Truth
Fr. Jeffrey Kirby S.T.D.
Sanctify Them in Truth by Fr. Jeffrey Kirby S.T.D.

Sanctify Them in Truth

By: Fr. Jeffrey Kirby S.T.D.

Narrated by: Mike Romano

Length: 4 hours 59 minutes

Abridged: No

We live in a world that has become secularized, marked by ideology and partisanship. In such a world, how are we supposed to know what is right and wrong? As Christians, how are we supposed to approach the social issues of our day? With conflicting voices surrounding us, how can we hear and know the voice of Jesus Christ and receive His... Read more

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TITANIC - Das endgültige Hörmagazin, Staffel 2, Folge 5: Gäste in der Redaktion by Moritz Hürtgen & Torsten Gaitzsch
TITANIC - Das endgültige Hörmagazin, Staffel 2, Folge 5: Gäste in der Redaktion
Moritz Hürtgen & Torsten Gaitzsch
TITANIC - Das endgültige Hörmagazin, Staffel 2, Folge 5: Gäste in der Redaktion by Moritz Hürtgen & Torsten Gaitzsch

TITANIC - Das endgültige Hörmagazin, Staffel 2, Folge 5: Gäste in der Redaktion

By: Moritz Hürtgen & Torsten Gaitzsch

Narrated by: Moritz Hürtgen & Torsten Gaitzsch

Length: 45 minutes

Abridged: No

Staffel 2 Folge 5: Gäste in der Redaktion Improvisation deluxe: Weil sich Dank Omikron kein Studiogast fand, sprechen Torsten Gaitzsch und Moritz Hürtgen über alle Gäste, die die TITANIC-Redaktion in den letzten zehn Jahren betreten haben. Wer kann sich benehmen, wer nicht? Heiße Hintergrundinformationen! Read more

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Schweizer Geheimnisse - Wie Banker das Geld von Steuerhinterziehern, Foltergenerälen, Diktatoren und der katholischen Kirche versteckt haben - mit Hilfe der Politik (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Hannes Munzinger, Frederik Obermaier & Bastian Obermayer
Schweizer Geheimnisse - Wie Banker das Geld von Steuerhinterziehern, Foltergenerälen, Diktatoren und der katholischen Kirche versteckt haben - mit Hilfe der Politik (Ungekürzte Lesung)
Hannes Munzinger, Frederik Obermaier & Bastian ...
Schweizer Geheimnisse - Wie Banker das Geld von Steuerhinterziehern, Foltergenerälen, Diktatoren und der katholischen Kirche versteckt haben - mit Hilfe der Politik (Ungekürzte Lesung) by Hannes Munzinger, Frederik Obermaier & Bastian Obermayer

Schweizer Geheimnisse - Wie Banker das Geld von Steuerhinterziehern, Foltergenerälen, Diktatoren und der katholischen Kirche versteckt haben - mit Hilfe der Politik (Ungekürzte Lesung)

By: Hannes Munzinger, Frederik Obermaier & Bastian ...

Narrated by: Tim Gössler

Length: 8 hours 32 minutes

Abridged: No

"Ich habe das Risiko auf mich genommen, diese Daten zu dokumentieren, weil ich glaube, dass das Schweizer Bankgeheimnis unmoralisch ist. Der Vorwand, die finanzielle Privatsphäre zu schützen, ist lediglich ein Feigenblatt, das die schändliche Rolle Schweizer Banken als Kollaborateure von Steuerhinterziehern verdeckt. (...) Diese Situation... Read more

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Rebels Against the Raj by Ramachandra Guha
Rebels Against the Raj
Ramachandra Guha
Rebels Against the Raj by Ramachandra Guha

Rebels Against the Raj

By: Ramachandra Guha

Narrated by: Vidish Athavale

Length: 18 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

An extraordinary history of resistance and the fight for Indian independence—the little-known story of seven foreigners to India who joined the movement fighting for freedom from British colonial rule.

Rebels Against the Raj tells the story of seven people who chose to struggle for a country other than their own: foreigners to India who across... Read more

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On sale
The Year That Broke America by Andrew Rice
The Year That Broke America
Andrew Rice
The Year That Broke America by Andrew Rice

The Year That Broke America

By: Andrew Rice

Narrated by: Keith Sellon-Wright

Length: 15 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Combining the compelling insight of Nixonland and the narrative verve of Ladies and Gentleman: The Bronx is Burning, a journalist’s definitive cultural and political history of the fatefully important moment when American politics and culture turned: the year 2000.Before there was Coronavirus, before there was the contentious 2020 election or... Read more

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They Called Us River Rats by Macon Fry
They Called Us River Rats
Macon Fry
They Called Us River Rats by Macon Fry

They Called Us River Rats

By: Macon Fry

Narrated by: Adam Barr

Length: 7 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

They Called Us River Rats: The Last Batture Settlement of New Orleans is the previously untold story of perhaps the oldest outsider settlement in America, an invisible community on the annually flooded shores of the Mississippi River. This community exists in the place between the normal high and low water line of the Mississippi River, a zone... Read more

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Salmon P. Chase by Walter Stahr
Salmon P. Chase
Walter Stahr
Salmon P. Chase by Walter Stahr

Salmon P. Chase

By: Walter Stahr

Narrated by: Timothy Andrés Pabon

Length: 27 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

An NPR Best Book of 2022

From an acclaimed New York Times bestselling biographer, an “eloquently written, impeccably researched, and intensely moving” (The Wall Street Journal) reassessment of Abraham Lincoln’s indispensable Secretary of the Treasury: a leading proponent for black rights during his years in cabinet and later as Chief Justice of...
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Evil People by Kelly Mass
Evil People
Kelly Mass
Evil People by Kelly Mass

Evil People

By: Kelly Mass

Narrated by: Chris Newman

Length: 12 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

This is a combo that consists of several titles, all in one document to give you a better value.The following cruel dictators, mass murderers, torturers, and sadists from an extensive world history will be described and discussed in further detail:
Adolf EichmannBenito MussoliniEnver PashaFrancisco PizarroJosef MengeleOliver CromwellPaul Joseph... Read more

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A Godly Hero by Michael Kazin
A Godly Hero
Michael Kazin
A Godly Hero by Michael Kazin

A Godly Hero

By: Michael Kazin

Narrated by: Malcolm Hillgartner

Length: 15 hours 51 minutes

Abridged: No


Politician, evangelist, and reformer William Jennings Bryan was the most popular public speaker of his time. In this acclaimed biography—the first major reconsideration of Bryan's life in forty years–award-winning historian... Read more

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