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The Knopf National Poetry Month(TM) Collection by Various
The Knopf National Poetry Month(TM) Collection
The Knopf National Poetry Month(TM) Collection by Various

The Knopf National Poetry Month(TM) Collection

By: Various

Narrated by: Various

Length: 54 minutes

Abridged: No

Since 1998, the Alfred A. Knopf Publishing Group has celebrated National Poetry Month™ by emailing a poem-a-day throughout the month of April to over 25,000 devoted poetry fans. In April 2006, Knopf introduced the Poem-a-Day podcast, which featured poets including Kevin Young and James Merrill reading their own poems, as well as Knopf ... Read more

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Cadastre by Aimé Césaire
Aimé Césaire
Cadastre by Aimé Césaire


By: Aimé Césaire

Narrated by: Jacques Martial

Length: 1 hour 24 minutes

Abridged: No

« Sur un arc de cercle dans les mouvements publics des rivages la flamme est seule et splendide dans son jugement intègre » Ce volume est constitué de la version définitive de Soleil cou coupé et de Corps perdu, réunis sous le titre général de Cadastre. Read more

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Tres Grandes Poetas De America by Pablo Neruda, Leon De Greiff & Jose Asuncion Silva
Tres Grandes Poetas De America
Pablo Neruda, Leon De Greiff & Jose Asuncion Silva
Tres Grandes Poetas De America by Pablo Neruda, Leon De Greiff & Jose Asuncion Silva

Tres Grandes Poetas De America

By: Pablo Neruda, Leon De Greiff & Jose Asuncion Silva

Narrated by: Pablo Neruda, Leon De Greiff & Fabio Camero

Length: 3 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

Tres grandes poetas de América, Neruda, León de Greiff, y Silva (leídos por ellos mismos) se reúnen en esta antología única, que permite apreciar matices incluso desconocidos de la obra de ellos. Este audiolibro se agrega a la serie de poemas leídos, con nombres atractivos e indispensables para los amantes de la poesía. Read more

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Waste Land, The & Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot
Waste Land, The & Four Quartets
T.S. Eliot
Waste Land, The & Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot

Waste Land, The & Four Quartets

By: T.S. Eliot

Narrated by: Paul Scofield

Length: 1 hour 35 minutes

Abridged: No

These are masterly readings, by renowned thespian Paul Schofield, of two substantial works of poetry by T.S. Eliot. Read more

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Believe Me by John R. Alden
Believe Me
John R. Alden
Believe Me by John R. Alden

Believe Me

By: John R. Alden

Narrated by: Christopher Hurt

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

"How did Arkman Noah / Provide for protozoa?" It's not often that an acclaimed historian takes a turn for light verse. But in these 1,707 couplets, quatrains, and other terse verse, John R. Alden takes on the tradition of Ogden Nash. His subject matter ranges from dinosaurs to computers, from Confucius to Darwin, from Jonah to George Bush. His... Read more

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Le Spleen de Paris by Charles Baudelaire
Le Spleen de Paris
Charles Baudelaire
Le Spleen de Paris by Charles Baudelaire

Le Spleen de Paris

By: Charles Baudelaire

Narrated by: Denis Podalydes

Length: 3 hours 31 minutes

Abridged: No

Le Spleen de Paris aussi nommé les Petits poèmes en proses, est publié en 1864. Ce recueil complète Les Fleurs du mal. Read more

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Ages of Man - Abridged by William Shakespeare
Ages of Man - Abridged
William Shakespeare
Ages of Man - Abridged by William Shakespeare

Ages of Man - Abridged

By: William Shakespeare

Narrated by: Sir John Gielgud

Length: 1 hour 18 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Here are some of Shakespeare's finest speeches performed by one of the greatest Shakespearean actors of this century. It ranges from the youth of Jaques' introduction to life, 'All the world's a stage!' in ""As You Like It"" to the aged Prospero's goodbye to Ariel and Shakespeare's own farewell to his muse in ""The Tempest"": 'Now my charms are... Read more

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The Odyssey by Homer
The Odyssey
The Odyssey by Homer

The Odyssey

By: Homer

Narrated by: John Lee

Length: 11 hours 50 minutes

Abridged: No

In this classic epic chronicle of the Greek Hero on his travels home from the Trojan War, Odysseus survives storm and shipwreck, the cave of the Cyclops, and the isle of Circe. He withstands the lure of the Sirens’ song and a trip to the Underworld, only to find his most difficult challenge at home, where treacherous suitors seek to steal his... Read more

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The Jack Prelutsky Holiday Audio Collection by Jack Prelutsky
The Jack Prelutsky Holiday Audio Collection
Jack Prelutsky
The Jack Prelutsky Holiday Audio Collection by Jack Prelutsky

The Jack Prelutsky Holiday Audio Collection

By: Jack Prelutsky

Narrated by: Jack Prelutsky

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

The poet laureate of the preposterous, Jack Prelutsky, takes on the wonder and absurdity of the holidays in this collection of his poetry. From the romance of Valentine's Day to the thrills of Halloween, from the stuffing (and over-stuffing) of Thanksgiving to the joy of Christmas, Jack captures these milestones of childhood with delightfully... Read more

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Poetas Románticos De América - Abridged by Guillermo Valencia, Ruben Dario & Julio Flores
Poetas Románticos De América - Abridged
Guillermo Valencia, Ruben Dario & Julio Flores
Poetas Románticos De América - Abridged by Guillermo Valencia, Ruben Dario & Julio Flores

Poetas Románticos De América - Abridged

By: Guillermo Valencia, Ruben Dario & Julio Flores

Narrated by: Fabio Camero

Length: 3 hours

Abridged: Yes

Guillermo Valencia: "Anarkos Palemó", "El Estilista", "Leyendo a Silva", "Los Camellos", "A Erasmo de Rotterdam", "Moisés", "Cigüeñas Blancas", "San Antonio Y El Centauro", "Las Dos Cabezas"

Rubén Darío: "Responso a Verlaine", "Yo Soy Aquel", "Metempsicosis", "Sonatina", "A Colón", "Salutación del Optimista", "Los Motivos del Lobo", "A Goya",... Read more

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Sag doch mal was zur Nacht by Nora Gomringer
Sag doch mal was zur Nacht
Nora Gomringer
Sag doch mal was zur Nacht by Nora Gomringer

Sag doch mal was zur Nacht

By: Nora Gomringer

Narrated by: Nora Gomringer

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Nora Gomringers "Sprechtexte" sind lebendige Literatur, ein Erlebnis. Ihre bildmächtigen Kleinodevoller Witz und Lakonie sprechen Leser und Hörer direkt an und überraschen mit großer sprachlicher Vielfalt. Nora Gomringer erzählt vom Fragenstellen und Gedankenmachen, vom Lieben und Zerzaust-Sein, vom Loslassen und Aufbrausen... Read more

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dresden dilemma by Stefan Seyfarth
dresden dilemma
Stefan Seyfarth
dresden dilemma by Stefan Seyfarth

dresden dilemma

By: Stefan Seyfarth

Narrated by: Stefan Seyfarth

Length: 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Der Gedichtband "dresden dilemma" ist StefanSeyfarths erste Solo-Veröffentlichung. Ob es Rechtsradikalismus, glückliche und gescheiterte Beziehungen oder das Nachtleben in der Dresdner Neustadt sind - immer gelingt es ihm, das Lebensgefühl eines seine Umwelt wachen Geistes betrachtenden aber auch lebensfrohen jungen Mannes einzufangen und... Read more

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All das. All diese Dinge - Abridged by Timo Brunke
All das. All diese Dinge - Abridged
Timo Brunke
All das. All diese Dinge - Abridged by Timo Brunke

All das. All diese Dinge - Abridged

By: Timo Brunke

Narrated by: Timo Brunke

Length: 1 hour 2 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Timo Brunke beobachtet präzise und seziert "all diese Dinge" um sich herum bis in die kleinsten Einzelteile. Aus einem Einkauf im Supermarkt wird eine furiose "Tetra-Ode". In atemraubenden Versen zoomt Brunke auf Schönheitslotionen, Atompartikel und Tag-pfauen-augen beim Bestäubungsakt. Mit der Losung "Und bist du nicht sichtbar, so bist du... Read more

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Born To Be Here - Abridged by Tom Combo
Born To Be Here - Abridged
Tom Combo
Born To Be Here - Abridged by Tom Combo

Born To Be Here - Abridged

By: Tom Combo

Narrated by: Tom Combo

Length: 1 hour 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Ein ganzes Jahr und ein German International Poetry Slam ist seit der letzten CD im Hause Menschenversand vergangen. Jetzt haben wir endlich wieder freudige Kunde: Das Hörbuch Tom Combo! "Born To Be Here" enthält 40 Tracks oder 70 Minuten ... Combo - Verschnaufpausen sind selten, unerwartete Wendungen und damit verbundene Stil- und... Read more

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Slämmology - it's pure, it's raw, it's poetry - Abridged by Wehwalt Koslovsky
Slämmology - it's pure, it's raw, it's poetry - Abridged
Wehwalt Koslovsky
Slämmology - it's pure, it's raw, it's poetry - Abridged by Wehwalt Koslovsky

Slämmology - it's pure, it's raw, it's poetry - Abridged

By: Wehwalt Koslovsky

Narrated by: Wehwalt Koslovsky

Length: 1 hour

Abridged: Yes

Von modernen Balladen bis atemberaubenden Wortperformances: Mit Wehwalt Koslovsky veröffentlicht ein profilierter Slammer seine erstes Hörbuch im Verlag Der gesunde Menschenversand. "Slämmology" zeigt Koslovskys Slamschaffen in allen möglichen Variationen: Dominieren in der ersten Hälfte der CD die Balladen, so dreht er alsdann auf, steigert... Read more

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Notaufnahme - Abridged by Etrit Hasler
Notaufnahme - Abridged
Etrit Hasler
Notaufnahme - Abridged by Etrit Hasler

Notaufnahme - Abridged

By: Etrit Hasler

Narrated by: Etrit Hasler

Length: 48 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Etrit Hasler & The Hollow Man - Ein Soundtrack der Düsternis! Der Musiker The Hollow Man und der Autor Etrit Hasler schaffen aus der Kraft und Dringlichkeit der Slam-Poesie ein neues Genre. Die gnadenlos und so schnell wie möglich vorgetragenen Texte Haslers treffen auf The Hollow Mans packende und abwechslungsreiche elektronische... Read more

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Celebrations by Maya Angelou
Maya Angelou
Celebrations by Maya Angelou


By: Maya Angelou

Narrated by: Maya Angelou

Length: 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Grace, dignity, and eloquence have long been hallmarks of Maya Angelou’s poetry. Her measured verses have stirred our souls, energized our minds, and healed our hearts. Whether offering hope in the darkest of nights or expressing sincere joy at the extraordinariness of the everyday, Maya Angelou has served as our common voice.

Celebrations is a... Read more

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What a Day It Was at School! by Jack Prelutsky
What a Day It Was at School!
Jack Prelutsky
What a Day It Was at School! by Jack Prelutsky

What a Day It Was at School!

By: Jack Prelutsky

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

(oh, dear!),
a field trip
a noisy mistake
a food fight,
the infirmary,
a visit,
show-and-tell . . . What a funny, outrageous,
exciting, incredible, silly,
extraordinary day it was at school!
Are you ready to read all about it? Read more

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The Iliad - Abridged by Homer
The Iliad - Abridged
The Iliad - Abridged by Homer

The Iliad - Abridged

By: Homer

Narrated by: Derek Jacobi & Maria Tucci

Length: 8 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Dating to the ninth century BC, Homer’s timeless poem still vividly conveys the horror and heroism of men and gods wrestling with towering emotions and battling amidst devastation and destruction, as it moves inexorably to  the wrenching, tragic conclusion of the Trojan War. Renowned classicist Bernard Knox observes in his superb Introduction... Read more

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John Betjeman A First Class Collection by John Betjeman
John Betjeman A First Class Collection
John Betjeman
John Betjeman A First Class Collection by John Betjeman

John Betjeman A First Class Collection

By: John Betjeman

Narrated by: Andrew Motion, Derek Jacobi, John Betjeman, Mir...

Length: 2 hours 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Sir John Betjeman’s unique relationship with the BBC left a lasting legacy of poetry, readings and performances. A First Class Collection features a selection of some of his most memorable and best-loved poetry. Betjeman was one of the best-known and loved Poet Laureates and over a hundred years after his birth he continues to attract acclaim... Read more

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Maybe You Never Cry Again - Abridged by Bernie Mac
Maybe You Never Cry Again - Abridged
Bernie Mac
Maybe You Never Cry Again - Abridged by Bernie Mac

Maybe You Never Cry Again - Abridged

By: Bernie Mac

Narrated by: Bernie Mac

Length: 4 hours 25 minutes

Abridged: Yes

The film, television, and comedy legend tells the hilarious and moving story of how tough love, and a sense of humor made him the man he is todayBy the tender age of five, Bernie Mac had found his calling: making others laugh. He has since become the star and cocreator of Fox’s hit sitcom The Bernie Mac Show; a stand-up legend; and a hit movie... Read more

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Oh, Say Can You Say? by Dr. Seuss
Oh, Say Can You Say?
Dr. Seuss
Oh, Say Can You Say? by Dr. Seuss

Oh, Say Can You Say?

By: Dr. Seuss

Narrated by: Michael McKean

Length: 8 minutes

Abridged: No

Tongue twisters abound in this classic Dr. Seuss Beginner Book!

"Bed Spreaders spread spreads on beds.

Bread Spreaders spread butter on breads.

And that Bed Spreader better watch out how he's spreading . . .

or that Bread Spreader's sure going to butter his bedding."

This riotous collection weaves together a wonderment of words designed to... Read more

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A Night Without Armor - Abridged by Jewel
A Night Without Armor - Abridged
A Night Without Armor - Abridged by Jewel

A Night Without Armor - Abridged

By: Jewel

Narrated by: Jewel

Length: TBA

Abridged: Yes

New York Times best sellerAs seen on The Oprah Winfrey ShowWriting poems and keeping journals since childhood, Jewel has been searching for truth and meaning, turning to her words to record, to discover and to reflect.In A Night Without Armor, her first collection of poetry, Jewel explores the fire of first love, the fading of passion, the... Read more

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Chasing Down the Dawn - Abridged by Jewel
Chasing Down the Dawn - Abridged
Chasing Down the Dawn - Abridged by Jewel

Chasing Down the Dawn - Abridged

By: Jewel

Narrated by: Jewel

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: Yes

Welcome to a world set to the ever-changing rhythms of an artist's lifeIn Chasing Down the Dawn, recording artist, actress, and bestselling author jewel opens her intimate journals to create a vivid montage of the people, places, and relationships that colored the life she came from and have marked this past magical, turbulent, and ultimately... Read more

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