Philosophy audiobooks
Hungry Beautiful Animals
By: Matthew C. Halteman
Narrated by: Matthew C. Halteman
Length: 7 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: No
A heartfelt, humane, and even hilarious account of why rule-obsessed veganism fails and how a focus on flourishing can bring about an abundant future for all
In Hungry Beautiful Animals, philosopher Matthew C. Halteman shows us how—despite all the forces arrayed against going vegan—we can create an abundant life for everyone without using... Read more
The Book of Ram
By: Devdutt Pattanaik
Narrated by: Dev J Haldar
Length: 4 hours 22 minutes
Abridged: No
‘Ram’s story as a metaphor for human strengths and weaknesses and as a window to inner divinity’—Tehelka / Ram is maryada purushottam, the supreme upholder of social values, scion of the Raghu clan, jewel of the solar dynasty, seventh avatar of Vishnu. Reviled by feminists, appropriated by politicians, he remains serene in his majesty, the only... Read more
View audiobookBecoming a Philosopher
By: Jonathan Rée
Narrated by: Jonathan Rée
Length: 5 hours 25 minutes
Abridged: No
In 'Becoming a Philosopher' Jonathan Rée describes the extraordinary lives of some of most influential thinkers of the past four hundred years and the radical and sometimes bizarre ideas that emerged from them. In so doing he challenges the notion of philosophy as a set of fixed ideas to be arranged and catalogued like botanical specimens.... Read more
View audiobookThe Age of Reason Begins
By: Will Durant, Ph.D.
Narrated by: Cory Herndon
Length: 18 hours 2 minutes
Abridged: No
We are the creations of history. We are also the creations of the history in this book. We cannot understand ourselves without understanding this history.
The early modern era in Europe set the mold for the Western world today. It was a complex, tragic, yet pivotal time. It marked the transition between the dominance of the Catholic church... Read more
Summary of Counter Gaslighting
By: Dan Crown
Narrated by: Sasha Gorbasew
Length: 54 minutes
Abridged: No
In a world where psychological well-being is paramount, understanding the nuances of manipulative behaviors is crucial. One of the most insidious forms of manipulation is gaslighting. This chapter delves deep into the definition of gaslighting, aiming to equip you with the knowledge to identify and protect yourself from this covert form of... Read more
View audiobookLady Of The House
By: Dr. Marwa Magdy
Narrated by: Pandarosh
Length: 12 minutes
Abridged: No
What will the maid discover when she confronts the lady of the house in an unexpected moment of weakness? Read more
View audiobookLife Manual Enquiridion
By: Epictetus
Narrated by: Guy
Length: 47 minutes
Abridged: No
“MANUAL OF LIFE: EPICTETHETUS' ENQUIRIDION IN CONTEMPORARY LANGUAGE” is more than a book, it is a tool to free your mind and reach the inner peace you are looking for. The timeless teachings of Epictetus, one of the greatest Stoic philosophers, are now at your disposal in an updated language, close to your reality. This manual is not only to... Read more
View audiobookAmiga Despierta
By: Yeismar González
Narrated by: Yeismar González
Length: 2 hours 26 minutes
Abridged: No
Te invito a sumergirte en un espacio donde la reflexión, la sabiduría y la autenticidad se entrelazan para ofrecerte un nuevo enfoque sobre tu vida y las decisiones que tomas a diario. ¿Estás lista para escuchar un mensaje que podría transformar tu perspectiva? El audiolibro titulado " Amiga Despierta, ¡es hora de abrir los ojos!" es una obra... Read more
View audiobookManual de Vida Enquiridion
By: Epicteto
Narrated by: Sebastian
Length: 50 minutes
Abridged: No
"MANUAL DE VIDA: ENQUIRIDIÓN DE EPICTETO EN LENGUAJE CONTEMPORÁNEO" es más que un libro, es una herramienta para liberar tu mente y alcanzar la paz interior que tanto buscas. Las enseñanzas atemporales de Epicteto, uno de los más grandes filósofos estoicos, ahora están a tu disposición en un lenguaje actualizado, cercano a tu realidad. Este... Read more
View audiobookGoethes naturwissenschaftliche Schriften
By: Rudolf Steiner
Narrated by: Christian Clement
Length: 11 hours 18 minutes
Abridged: No
In diesen frühesten Veröffentlichungen des Begründers der Anthroposophie wird der Versuch unternommen, aus den naturwissenschaftlichen Schriften Goethes diejenigen epistemologischen und wissenschaftstheoretischen Prinzipien herauszuarbeiten, die den Goethe'schen Arbeiten auf diesem Feld unausgesprochen zugrunde liegen. Im Lichte der... Read more
View audiobookDie Geheimwissenschaft im Umriss
By: Rudolf Steiner
Narrated by: Christian Clement
Length: 14 hours 4 minutes
Abridged: No
Die ›Geheimwissenschaft‹ von 1910 stellt einen zusammenfassenden Abschluss der theosophischen Phase im Denken Rudolf Steiners dar. Steiners bereits in der ›Theosophie‹ von 1904 formuliertes esoterisches Menschenbild erfährt hier eine erneute und vertiefte Darstellung, indem es eingebettet wird in eine spirituelle Kosmogonie und Anthropogenie,... Read more
View audiobookKaizen Revolution Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle:
By: Milo Miles & Chris Easton
Narrated by: Thomas Morrison
Length: 1 hour 19 minutes
Abridged: No
Kaizen Revolution Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle: True Kaizen and Creating a Kaizen CultureTransform your organization and personal success with the Kaizen Revolution Bundle, 2 in 1 Bundle, featuring True Kaizen and Creating a Kaizen Culture. This audiobook set explores the powerful philosophy of Kaizen, the Japanese approach to continuous improvement... Read more
View audiobookNan Yar? - Who am I?
By: Ramana Maharshi
Narrated by: OM C. Parkin
Length: 48 minutes
Abridged: No
What is liberation? How does the mind become still? What is happiness? Who am I? is the title of a series of 28 questions and answers that Sri M. Shivaprakasham Pillai asked the Indian master Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi around 1902. He visited the master in a cave on Mount Arunachala in southern India and asked for spiritual... Read more
View audiobookLibro rojo de Mao
By: Mao Zedong
Narrated by: José Peña Coto
Length: 5 hours 11 minutes
Abridged: No
COMPILACIÓN DE LAS CITAS Y PENSAMIENTOS DEL LÍDER REVOLUCIONARIO CHINO MAO ZEDONGEl Libro Rojo de Mao, también conocido como el Pequeño Libro Rojo o Citas del Presidente Mao Zedong, ofrece una visión profunda de la ideología y estrategias que moldearon la China moderna.Publicado por primera vez en 1964 por el Ejército Popular de Liberación de... Read more
View audiobookEssays of Michel de Montaigne #1
By: Michel de Montaigne
Narrated by: Bryan Matthews
Length: 18 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Michel de Montaigne's Essays represent a groundbreaking contribution to literature and philosophy, establishing the essay as a distinct literary form. First published in 1580, with subsequent editions expanding the content, Montaigne published over 100 essays, exploring a diverse range of topics from the mundane to the profound.At its... Read more
View audiobookThe Dao De Jing
By: J H. Huang
Narrated by: Joshua Chang
Length: 4 hours 57 minutes
Abridged: No
A groundbreaking and superlatively accurate new translation of Laozi’s The Dao De Jing, from the bestselling translator of The Art of War, promising to be the first English edition based on direct translation from the oldest known copies of the ancient Chinese text. One of the most significant and popular books in the history of human thought,... Read more
View audiobookA Política
By: Aristóteles
Narrated by: Gabriel Maciel
Length: 9 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: No
"A Política" é uma área de estudo e prática que engloba o processo de tomada de decisões coletivas em uma sociedade, bem como a distribuição de poder e recursos. Envolve a organização e o funcionamento dos governos, a formulação de políticas públicas, a participação cidadã e as relações de poder entre diferentes atores políticos. Read more
View audiobookDiálogos Místicos
By: Jakob Böhme
Narrated by: Artur Mas
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Escrita en 1624, "Diálogos Místicos" es una obra fundamental en el corpus literario de Jakob Böhme, donde el autor utiliza el formato del diálogo entre diversos personajes, para explorar y transmitir sus ideas filosóficas, teológicas y místicas de una manera accesible y dinámica y desde una perspectiva mística. A través de conversaciones entre... Read more
View audiobookA República
By: Platão
Narrated by: Gabriel Maciel
Length: 11 hours 23 minutes
Abridged: No
"A República" é uma obra filosófica escrita por Platão, um dos grandes pensadores da Grécia Antiga. Publicada no século IV a.C., o livro apresenta um diálogo entre Sócrates e outros personagens, discutindo questões sobre a justiça, o governo ideal e a natureza da sociedade. Read more
By: Miguel Bevaurd
Narrated by: Thomas Célestet
Length: 2 hours 24 minutes
Abridged: Yes
Le stoïcisme est une philosophie antique qui a traversé les siècles et continue d’éclairer notre monde moderne. Issue de la Grèce et de Rome, elle a façonné la pensée de figures légendaires comme Sénèque, Épictète et Marc Aurèle, offrant des leçons précieuses sur la résilience, la maîtrise de soi et l’art de vivre en harmonie avec les événements... Read more
View audiobookBreviario para ciudadanos libres
By: Henry David Thoreau
Narrated by: Martín Osborne
Length: 1 hour 41 minutes
Abridged: No
Immanuel Kant (1724-1804) - Leben, Werke, Bedeutung - Basiswissen (ungekürzt)
By: Bert Alexander Petzold
Narrated by: Otto Schumann & narrator
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Immanuel Kant - Wichtigster Philosoph der Aufklärung und Neuzeit Der Autor und Herausgeber Bert Alexander Petzold erläutert verständlich und strukturiert Basiswissen zum bedeutenden Philosophen. Kant analysierte die Grundlagen der menschlichen Erkenntnisfähigkeit und definierte moralische Grundkonstanten, die bis heute die westlichen... Read more
View audiobookLos derechos en broma
By: Pablo de Lora
Narrated by: Santiago Gómez & Simon Gómez
Length: 5 hours 42 minutes
Abridged: No
Crítica a la ostentación moral del legislador que concibe la sociedad como un parvulario Este libro parte de la constatación de que la ley se ha pervertido de manera flagrante y demasiado frecuente. Basta con echar un vistazo a las exposiciones de motivos de muchos de nuestros textos legislativos para comprobar que se han convertido en... Read more
View audiobookLa trampa identitaria
By: Yascha Mounk
Narrated by: Santiago Gómez
Length: 12 hours 12 minutes
Abridged: No
El destacado politólogo Yascha Mounk investiga el origen de las ideas sobre la identidad y la justicia social que están transformando rápidamente la sociedad norteamericana y la de los países occidentales, y nos explica por qué no lograrán alcanzar sus nobles objetivos. Durante gran parte de la historia, las sociedades han oprimido violentamente... Read more
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