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Philosophy audiobooks

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La métaphysique orientale by René Guénon
La métaphysique orientale
René Guénon
La métaphysique orientale by René Guénon

La métaphysique orientale

By: René Guénon

Narrated by: Daniel Franck

Length: 52 minutes

Abridged: No

"J’ai pris comme sujet de cet exposé la métaphysique orientale ; peut-être aurait-il mieux valu dire simplement la métaphysique sans épithète, car, en vérité, la métaphysique pure étant par essence en dehors et au delà de toutes les formes et de toutes les contingences, n’est ni orientale ni occidentale, elle est universelle. Ce sont seulement... Read more

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Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung by Arthur Schopenhauer
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung
Arthur Schopenhauer
Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung by Arthur Schopenhauer

Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung

By: Arthur Schopenhauer

Narrated by: Volker Braumann

Length: 7 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

komplette Lesung des dritten Buches der Welt als Wille und Vorstellung Der Welt als Vorstellung zweite Betrachtung: Die Vorstellung, unabhängig vom Satze des Grundes: die Platonische Idee: das Objekt der Kunst. "Ich gehöre zu den Lesern Schopenhauers", schrieb Friedrich Nietzsche, "welche, nachdem sie die erste Seite von ihm gelesen... Read more

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Mic-dejun cu Seneca by David Fideler
Mic-dejun cu Seneca
David Fideler
Mic-dejun cu Seneca by David Fideler

Mic-dejun cu Seneca

By: David Fideler

Narrated by: Teo Avramescu

Length: 7 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

O excelentă introducere în scrierile lui Seneca, în ceea ce înseamnă filosofia stoică și stoicismul: lecții comprimate pe înțelesul cititorului contemporan și sfaturi practice despre cum să duci o viață bună, despre umilință, dragoste, bătrânețe ș.a., extrase din învățăturile atemporale ale lui Seneca
Stoicismul, cea mai influentă filosofie a... Read more

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Night Vision by Mariana Alessandri
Night Vision
Mariana Alessandri
Night Vision by Mariana Alessandri

Night Vision

By: Mariana Alessandri

Narrated by: Gisela Chípe

Length: 6 hours 49 minutes

Abridged: No

This audiobook narrated by Gisela Chípe shares a philosopher’s personal meditation on how painful emotions can reveal truths about what it means to be truly human

Under the light of ancient Western philosophies, our darker moods like grief, anguish, and depression can seem irrational. When viewed through the lens of modern psychology, they can... Read more

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Philosophy 101 by Paul Kleinman
Philosophy 101
Paul Kleinman
Philosophy 101 by Paul Kleinman

Philosophy 101

By: Paul Kleinman

Narrated by: Wesley Scott

Length: 8 hours 41 minutes

Abridged: No

Discover the world's greatest thinkers and their groundbreaking notions!

Too often, textbooks turn the noteworthy theories, principles, and figures of philosophy into tedious discourse that even Plato would reject. Philosophy 101 cuts out the boring details and exhausting philosophical methodology, and instead, gives you a lesson in philosophy... Read more

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Surfers Who Don't Surf by Nachum Shifren
Surfers Who Don't Surf
Nachum Shifren
Surfers Who Don't Surf by Nachum Shifren

Surfers Who Don't Surf

By: Nachum Shifren

Narrated by: Nachum Shifren

Length: 3 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

Where the Torah meets the surf, Surfers Who Don’t Surf is six decades of surf adventures and memories from the Surfing Rabbi—Nachum Shifren.This book travels from the 1960s to the twenty-first century, Malibu to Mexico, Hawaii to Puerto Rico and details an eclectic cast of characters famous and anonymous that includes: Tom Zahn, Miki “Da Cat”... Read more

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Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back by unknown
Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back
Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back by unknown

Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back

By: unknown

Narrated by: Al Kessel

Length: 11 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

"This is the Way." In Star Wars and Philosophy Strikes Back, the Way wends through entirely new adventures in the Star Wars galaxy far, far away: not only the films of the Skywalker saga, but also Rebels, The Bad Batch, Rogue One, Solo, and The Mandalorian. Like the creators of these films and television series, the authors in this book harness... Read more

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Lao-tse TAO TE KING by Zensho W. Kopp
Zensho W. Kopp
Lao-tse TAO TE KING by Zensho W. Kopp


By: Zensho W. Kopp

Narrated by: Christopher Kent

Length: 1 hour 48 minutes

Abridged: No

The 2500 year old Tao Te King by the Chinese sage Lao-Tse is a jewel of Eastern wisdom. It is counted among the most profound and most translated books of world literature. In deep, mystical language of incomparable imagery, the Tao Te King speaks of the Tao, the divine origin of all existence, and its spiritual force within us. Its intention is... Read more

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¿Por qué importa la filosofía? by Carlos Peña
¿Por qué importa la filosofía?
Carlos Peña
¿Por qué importa la filosofía? by Carlos Peña

¿Por qué importa la filosofía?

By: Carlos Peña

Narrated by: Claudio Munda

Length: 4 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

"¿Cómo justificar la reflexión filosófica a la luz de esos objetivos de política pública que la filosofía no es capaz por sí misma de satisfacer?"
En este necesario y perspicaz ensayo, Carlos Peña se hace cargo críticamente del menos precio del que, de un tiempo a esta parte, es objeto la filosofía. En base a acusaciones de despilfarro e... Read more

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Es zünde sich ein Licht am anderen an! by Eva Neuner & Holger Niemeyer
Es zünde sich ein Licht am anderen an!
Eva Neuner & Holger Niemeyer
Es zünde sich ein Licht am anderen an! by Eva Neuner & Holger Niemeyer

Es zünde sich ein Licht am anderen an!

By: Eva Neuner & Holger Niemeyer

Narrated by: Eva Neuner & Holger Niemeyer

Length: 3 hours 4 minutes

Abridged: No

Wir möchten gerne eine Einladung sein, in die jeweils eigene Tiefe der Seele zu vertrauen, so wie auch wir beide füreinander eine Einladung dazu waren. Wir sind alle mit einer klaren Seele geboren, doch haben wir erst zu lernen, uns als eigener Mensch auf der Erde zu verkörpern. In aller Regel entsteht zunächst eine psychische Struktur, die ein... Read more

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La Loi by Frédéric Bastiat
La Loi
Frédéric Bastiat
La Loi by Frédéric Bastiat

La Loi

By: Frédéric Bastiat

Narrated by: Daniel Franck

Length: 1 hour 59 minutes

Abridged: No

"La loi c'est la Justice Organisée."  Publié en 1850, ce pamphlet resté célèbre définit la loi comme une forme organisée visant à faire obstacle à l'injustice. Il y dénonce notamment les différentes formes de spoliations opérées sous couvert de la loi lorsque celle-ci est pervertie et détournée de sa vraie mission au profit d'une minorité,... Read more

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Descartes,  John Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Voltaire, and Adam Smith by Days of History
Descartes, John Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Voltaire, and Adam Smith
Days of History
Descartes,  John Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Voltaire, and Adam Smith by Days of History

Descartes, John Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Voltaire, and Adam Smith

By: Days of History

Narrated by: James Smith

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you curious about the Enlightenment thinkers and their groundbreaking ideas?Do you want a comprehensive understanding of the philosophical, economic, and social transformations that took place in the 17th and 18th centuries?Then, you need to get your hands on this book!Inside, you'll find: A thorough exploration of the lives and ideas of six... Read more

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Rousseau, Kant, and Voltaire by Secrets of History
Rousseau, Kant, and Voltaire
Secrets of History
Rousseau, Kant, and Voltaire by Secrets of History

Rousseau, Kant, and Voltaire

By: Secrets of History

Narrated by: Will Forrest

Length: 3 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

Are you curious about the intellectual roots of modern Western thought? Do you want to learn about the thinkers who transformed the way we view ourselves, society, and the world around us?If so, look no further than this comprehensive history of The Enlightenment Thinkers.In this book, you will delve deep into the philosophical ideas of six of... Read more

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The Age of Reason by History Retold
The Age of Reason
History Retold
The Age of Reason by History Retold

The Age of Reason

By: History Retold

Narrated by: Dean Ericson

Length: 3 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Welcome to a comprehensive history of Enlightenment thinkers!Covering some of the most influential figures in modern Western philosophy, including Descartes, John Locke, Rousseau, Kant, Voltaire, and Adam Smith.This book offers a detailed analysis of the key ideas and theories of each philosopher, providing readers with a deeper understanding of... Read more

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Outlines of Pyrrhonism by Sextus Empiricus
Outlines of Pyrrhonism
Sextus Empiricus
Outlines of Pyrrhonism by Sextus Empiricus

Outlines of Pyrrhonism

By: Sextus Empiricus

Narrated by: Michael Lunts

Length: 9 hours 16 minutes

Abridged: No

Throughout history philosophers have sought to define, understand, and delineate concepts important to human well-being. One such concept is "knowledge." Many philosophers believed that absolute, certain knowledge, is possible—that the physical world and ideas formulated about it could be given solid foundation unaffected by the varieties of... Read more

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La conquista de la felicidad by Bertrand Russell
La conquista de la felicidad
Bertrand Russell
La conquista de la felicidad by Bertrand Russell

La conquista de la felicidad

By: Bertrand Russell

Narrated by: Ángel Morón

Length: 5 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

La felicidad ¿es un estado o una búsqueda? Esta obra afirma que lo segundo: el ser humano se debe mostrar activo en la eliminación de las trabas al despliegue de la felicidad, comenzando por eliminar esas pasiones egocéntricas que son la envidia, el miedo o la conciencia de pecado y reforzando las que impulsan hacia fuera de sí mismo, que... Read more

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Incompletos by José Carlos Ruiz
José Carlos Ruiz
Incompletos by José Carlos Ruiz


By: José Carlos Ruiz

Narrated by: Pablo Martínez Gugel

Length: 7 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

La elegancia, en su etimología, está emparentada con la elección (eligĕre), de tal manera que una persona elegante, entre otras cosas, es aquella que sabe elegir. El pensamiento elegante moldea a un sujeto que no lucha por mostrarse distinto entre la multitud sino que se eleva hacia una vida distinguida. Frente a él se posiciona un sujeto... Read more

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To All That Speak by Brandon Wolfe
To All That Speak
Brandon Wolfe
To All That Speak by Brandon Wolfe

To All That Speak

By: Brandon Wolfe

Narrated by: Brandon Wolfe

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

All words are made up. All words spoken between us are nothing more than made-up sounds from manipulated air. They're just lung puffs.All of the letters that we text, email, and write are made-up symbols to coincide with our made-up noise. It's really just hand scribbles.This would mean that everything from existence theories to religious... Read more

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Mahabharat by Sadhguru
Mahabharat by Sadhguru


By: Sadhguru

Narrated by: Sadhguru

Length: 20 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Experience the greatest epic ever told, through the eyes of a mystic. Mahabharat is a representation of the multiple expressions of human consciousness, from the lowest to the highest, also encompassing every shade of humanity that exists in between. Mahabharat is a possibility to explore your own consciousness, as Sadhguru personally takes us... Read more

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La Ley by Frédéric Bastiat
La Ley
Frédéric Bastiat
La Ley by Frédéric Bastiat

La Ley

By: Frédéric Bastiat

Narrated by: Jorge Ramirez

Length: 1 hour 58 minutes

Abridged: No

"La Ley" es un ensayo escrito por Frédéric Bastiat en 1850, que trata sobre la naturaleza de la ley, el papel del gobierno en la sociedad y la relación entre la libertad y la justicia. En este ensayo, Bastiat argumenta que la ley debería ser un instrumento que proteja los derechos naturales de los individuos, como la vida, la libertad y la... Read more

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Rebirth by Roger R. Jackson
Roger R. Jackson
Rebirth by Roger R. Jackson


By: Roger R. Jackson

Narrated by: Malcolm Hillgartner

Length: 10 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Reincarnation has been a popular belief in cultures throughout the world for many millennia. The possibility that we lived before and may be born again, whether as a human or in some other form of existence, continues to fascinate us and features heavily in popular novels and movies, and also as a subject of recent scholarly studies. Although... Read more

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Discurso sobre la servidumbre voluntaria by Étienne de La Boétie
Discurso sobre la servidumbre voluntaria
Étienne de La Boétie
Discurso sobre la servidumbre voluntaria by Étienne de La Boétie

Discurso sobre la servidumbre voluntaria

By: Étienne de La Boétie

Narrated by: Jorge Ramírez

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: No

"Discurso sobre la servidumbre voluntaria" es un ensayo escrito por Étienne de La Boétie en 1548. El ensayo es una reflexión filosófica sobre la naturaleza de la tiranía y la relación entre el gobernante y el gobernado. La Boétie argumenta que la servidumbre no es impuesta por el tirano, sino que es el pueblo quien se somete voluntariamente a la... Read more

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Evangelical Teaching by George Eliot
Evangelical Teaching
George Eliot
Evangelical Teaching by George Eliot

Evangelical Teaching

By: George Eliot

Narrated by: Sarah Bacaller

Length: 1 hour 32 minutes

Abridged: No

“Evangelical Teaching” is an insightful 1855 essay written by George Eliot (Marian Evans) and published in The Westminster Review. Here, Eliot explores ethical problems inherent in certain strands and styles of Christian evangelical teaching—particularly as displayed in the writings of one Dr. Cumming. While Eliot’s critique is focused on the... Read more

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Le Manuel by Épictète
Le Manuel
Le Manuel by Épictète

Le Manuel

By: Épictète

Narrated by: Jerome Pilette

Length: 46 minutes

Abridged: No

Le Manuel d’Épictète est une très bonne introduction au stoïcisme. L’idée principale, le moteur da doctrine, est de ne s’attacher qu’aux biens qui ne dépendent que de nous. Plutôt qu’un livre écrit par Épictète lui–même, c’est une compilation de ses leçons notées par son disciple Arrien.Le but du Manuel, est de libérer les hommes de la... Read more

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