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Philosophy audiobooks

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Empiricism by Hector Davidson
Hector Davidson
Empiricism by Hector Davidson


By: Hector Davidson

Narrated by: Rosa Hallwar

Length: 53 minutes

Abridged: No

Empiricism, as a philosophical doctrine, asserts that knowledge is primarily derived from sensory experience. This perspective contrasts sharply with rationalism, which emphasizes reason and innate knowledge. Empiricism has shaped our understanding of the world and influenced numerous fields, from the natural sciences to ethics and epistemology.... Read more

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Empedocles by Hector Davidson
Hector Davidson
Empedocles by Hector Davidson


By: Hector Davidson

Narrated by: Rosa Hallwar

Length: 2 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Empedocles, a philosopher and poet from the ancient Greek city of Acragas (modern-day Agrigento, Sicily), lived during the 5th century BCE and is often regarded as one of the most original thinkers of his time. His life and works remain an intriguing fusion of science, mysticism, and poetry. Though much of what we know about Empedocles comes... Read more

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Diogenes by Hector Davidson
Hector Davidson
Diogenes by Hector Davidson


By: Hector Davidson

Narrated by: Rosa Hallwar

Length: 1 hour 23 minutes

Abridged: No

Diogenes of Sinope, one of the most famous figures in ancient philosophy, is a man whose life and ideas have left an indelible mark on the world. Known for his eccentric behavior and unwavering commitment to a life of simplicity, Diogenes was one of the founders of the philosophical school of Cynicism. His life was a statement, rejecting the... Read more

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Fifteen Out of the Box Ideas which will Change the World by Martin K. Ettington
Fifteen Out of the Box Ideas which will Change the World
Martin K. Ettington
Fifteen Out of the Box Ideas which will Change the World by Martin K. Ettington

Fifteen Out of the Box Ideas which will Change the World

By: Martin K. Ettington

Narrated by: Martin K. Ettington

Length: 2 hours 18 minutes

Abridged: No

The world is not as we think it is. We are taught standard accepted beliefs from birth and many of them are not correct or a misunderstanding of the truth.Who am I to say so? At this writing I’m nearly seventy years old and I’ve spent my life observing reality as an engineer and explorer of the unknown.I’ve had many weird and paranormal... Read more

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La vida en la sombra by Andy West
La vida en la sombra
Andy West
La vida en la sombra by Andy West

La vida en la sombra

By: Andy West

Narrated by: Santiago Gómez & Simon Gómez

Length: 11 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Cómo el conocimiento se abre paso incluso en las circunstancias más extremas y cómo el saber puede ayudarnos y sanarnos. Lee, el hermano de Andy West, entró y salió de prisión durante bastante tiempo, su padre tampoco fue trigo limpio y su tío también pasó al otro lado de la ley. Pero Andy decidió cruzar las rejas para enseñar filosofía.... Read more

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Fifteen Out of the Box Ideas which will Change the World by Martin K Ettington
Fifteen Out of the Box Ideas which will Change the World
Martin K Ettington
Fifteen Out of the Box Ideas which will Change the World by Martin K Ettington

Fifteen Out of the Box Ideas which will Change the World

By: Martin K Ettington

Narrated by: Martin K Ettington

Length: 2 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

The world is not as we think it is. We are taught standard accepted beliefs from birth and many of them are not correct or a misunderstanding of the truth.Who am I to say so? At this writing I’m nearly seventy years old and I’ve spent my life observing reality as an engineer and explorer of the unknown.I’ve had many weird and paranormal... Read more

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New release
El manifiesto romántico by Ayn Rand
El manifiesto romántico
Ayn Rand
El manifiesto romántico by Ayn Rand

El manifiesto romántico

By: Ayn Rand

Narrated by: Sonia Gómez & Santiago Gómez

Length: 7 hours 1 minute

Abridged: No

Las ideas artísticas de Ayn Rand que completan su sistema filosófico En su filosofía moral, Ayn Rand ensalza la virtud del egoísmo, y en su concepción del arte no es menos radical. Este libro contiene su original y audaz teoría estética, que estipula los principios indispensables para juzgar una obra de arte de manera objetiva.  Rand sostiene... Read more

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Positividad sana con Marco Aurelio by Jana Capri & Charan Díaz Arquillo
Positividad sana con Marco Aurelio
Jana Capri & Charan Díaz Arquillo
Positividad sana con Marco Aurelio by Jana Capri & Charan Díaz Arquillo

Positividad sana con Marco Aurelio

By: Jana Capri & Charan Díaz Arquillo

Narrated by: Sonia Gómez & Simon Gómez

Length: 1 hour 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Un pequeño libro que nos ayuda a cultivar una actitud positiva de la mano de un coach muy especial: el filósofo Marco Aurelio. ¿Qué actitud debería cultivar para ser más feliz? ¿Cómo debo relacionarme con los demás para tener relaciones más sanas? ¿Qué puedo hacer para preocuparme menos por las cosas? Todos nos hacemos estas preguntas en algún... Read more

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Wie erlangt man Erkenntnisse der höheren Welten by Rudolf Steiner
Wie erlangt man Erkenntnisse der höheren Welten
Rudolf Steiner
Wie erlangt man Erkenntnisse der höheren Welten by Rudolf Steiner

Wie erlangt man Erkenntnisse der höheren Welten

By: Rudolf Steiner

Narrated by: Christian Clement

Length: 8 hours 15 minutes

Abridged: No

Die Schrift enthält Rudolf Steiners umfassendste Darstellung der Anthroposophischen Meditation. Sie enthält zahlreiche praktische Übungen des Vorstellens, Fühlens und Wollens, welche nach Steiner in der meditativen Arbeit zur Ausbildung jener höheren bzw. »übersinnlichen« Formen des Wahrnehmens und Erkennens führen können, auf welcher die... Read more

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New release
10 viajes by Andy Mitchell
10 viajes
Andy Mitchell
10 viajes by Andy Mitchell

10 viajes

By: Andy Mitchell

Narrated by: Santiago Gómez & Simon Gómez

Length: 13 hours 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Un viaje revelador, entre la ciencia y la crónica personal, hacia el misterio de las drogas psicodélicas Hace ochenta años, el químico Albert Hofmann descubrió por casualidad el LSD y, tras probarlo, emprendió un corto y legendario regreso a casa en bicicleta bajo los efectos de la droga. Su viaje dio pie a la explosión de la psicodelia en los... Read more

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Coming soon
Política y ficción by Pablo Bustinduy & Jorge Lago
Política y ficción
Pablo Bustinduy & Jorge Lago
Política y ficción by Pablo Bustinduy & Jorge Lago

Política y ficción

By: Pablo Bustinduy & Jorge Lago

Narrated by: Santiago Gómez & Simon Gómez

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Un análisis sagaz de la crisis de los relatos y las narrativas políticas contemporáneas ¿Qué relación guarda la política con la ficción? ¿Por qué decidimos creer en ciertas ideas políticas en lugar de en otras? ¿Cómo influye la ideología en nuestra forma de imaginar el futuro individual y colectivo?   Jorge Lago y Pablo Bustinduy abordan estas... Read more

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New release
Über den Kolonialismus - Abridged by Aimé Césaire
Über den Kolonialismus - Abridged
Aimé Césaire
Über den Kolonialismus - Abridged by Aimé Césaire

Über den Kolonialismus - Abridged

By: Aimé Césaire

Narrated by: Sascha Rotermund

Length: 2 hours 21 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der Klassiker des Antikolonialismus in einer kommentierten Neuausgabe. »Im Discours sur le colonialisme, erstmals 1950 veröffentlicht, prangert Césaire leidenschaftlich die Verbrechen und Gräuel an, die jahrhundertelang von Weißen an Schwarzen verübt worden waren und selbst nach dem Zweiten Weltkrieg in Indochina, auf Madagaskar und... Read more

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New release
Accelerate or Die by J.P Thor, Omar Ibrahim & B. Bones
Accelerate or Die
J.P Thor, Omar Ibrahim & B. Bones
Accelerate or Die by J.P Thor, Omar Ibrahim & B. Bones

Accelerate or Die

By: J.P Thor, Omar Ibrahim & B. Bones

Narrated by: Echo

Length: 9 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

Accelerate or Die—The Choice Is Yours As the lines between technology and humanity blur, an undeniable question emerges: will we control our evolution, or be swept away by it? ACEL takes you on a thought-provoking journey through the accelerating tide of human potential, where artificial intelligence, biotechnology, and the quest for mastery... Read more

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New release
The Daily Tao by William Martin
The Daily Tao
William Martin
The Daily Tao by William Martin

The Daily Tao

By: William Martin

Narrated by: Mike Fraser

Length: 6 hours 10 minutes

Abridged: No

Choose peace over distraction and flexibility over fear with this accessible daily guide to the timeless wisdom of the Tao Te Ching.

Whether you begin your morning with the Tao or snatch a spare moment of calm in the hurry of the day, The Daily Tao–with a reading from the Tae Te Ching for every day of the year–will create a practice of... Read more

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Coming soon
Essere amore significa sfarsi by Vitaliano Bilotta
Essere amore significa sfarsi
Vitaliano Bilotta
Essere amore significa sfarsi by Vitaliano Bilotta

Essere amore significa sfarsi

By: Vitaliano Bilotta

Narrated by: Cristina Galardini

Length: TBA

Abridged: No

Gli amici di Evolvenza si sono riuniti per molti anni in "agapi" in cui leggevano vari insegnamenti dei maestri immateriali e, insieme, cercavano di applicare questi insegnamenti alle loro vite. Era una ginnastica spirituale che a molti di noi ha fatto bene, perché ci ha permesso d'intuire la perfezione della Legge che, oltre a governare le... Read more

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New release
Plegaria - El Arte de Creer - Colección Deluxe by Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media
Plegaria - El Arte de Creer - Colección Deluxe
Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media
Plegaria - El Arte de Creer - Colección Deluxe by Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media

Plegaria - El Arte de Creer - Colección Deluxe

By: Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media

Narrated by: Alex Montero & Brenda Reyes

Length: 1 hour 5 minutes

Abridged: No

Plegaria: El Arte de Creer es una guía para comprender y dominar el poder de la oración a través de la imaginación, la fe y las creencias subconscientes. Goddard enseña que la oración eficaz implica asumir el sentimiento de un deseo cumplido, donde la creencia y la resonancia emocional crean la realidad que buscamos. El libro esboza siete... Read more

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New release
Libertad para Todos - Colección Deluxe by Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media
Libertad para Todos - Colección Deluxe
Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media
Libertad para Todos - Colección Deluxe by Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media

Libertad para Todos - Colección Deluxe

By: Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media

Narrated by: Alex Montero & Brenda Reyes

Length: 1 hour 36 minutes

Abridged: No

Libertad para Todos una poderosa exploración de la idea de que la imaginación es la clave para manifestar la realidad deseada. El libro se centra en el concepto místico de que la conciencia es la única realidad y que, controlando tus creencias internas, puedes dar forma al mundo que te rodea. Ofrece ideas espirituales a través de alegorías... Read more

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Tiempo de Siembra y Cosecha - Colección Deluxe by Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media
Tiempo de Siembra y Cosecha - Colección Deluxe
Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media
Tiempo de Siembra y Cosecha - Colección Deluxe by Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media

Tiempo de Siembra y Cosecha - Colección Deluxe

By: Neville Goddard & Imaginatio Divina Media

Narrated by: Alex Montero & Brenda Reyes

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: No

Tiempo De Siembra Y Cosecha explora el poder transformador de la imaginación y la conciencia en la configuración de la realidad personal. A través de reflexiones espirituales y psicológicas, el texto interpreta las historias bíblicas como representaciones simbólicas del potencial humano. Destaca el poder de la fe, la imaginación y la creencia... Read more

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New release
Clozapine by Abdullah Al-Libi
Abdullah Al-Libi
Clozapine by Abdullah Al-Libi


By: Abdullah Al-Libi

Narrated by: Pandarosh

Length: 1 hour 34 minutes

Abridged: No

"Zakaria... a man living a double life between a mysterious reality and a torn mind. Horrific crimes and strange events haunt him, but the question that puzzlingly arises is: Is he the perpetrator hiding behind the mask of innocence, or the victim who was pushed by fate into the abyss of madness? Dangerous secrets and tangled threads reveal... Read more

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The Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton
The Everlasting Man
G.K. Chesterton
The Everlasting Man by G.K. Chesterton

The Everlasting Man

By: G.K. Chesterton

Narrated by: Oliver Thompson

Length: 10 hours 52 minutes

Abridged: No

Embark on an extraordinary journey through history and faith with G.K. Chesterton’s The Everlasting Man. In this profound exploration, Chesterton offers a compelling defense of Christianity, tracing humanity’s spiritual evolution from prehistoric times to the rise of Christ. By contrasting pagan mythology with Christian theology, he presents a... Read more

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The New Gospel of Wealth by Andrew Carnegie & Frank Marcopolos
The New Gospel of Wealth
Andrew Carnegie & Frank Marcopolos
The New Gospel of Wealth by Andrew Carnegie & Frank Marcopolos

The New Gospel of Wealth

By: Andrew Carnegie & Frank Marcopolos

Narrated by: Frank Marcopolos

Length: 1 hour 51 minutes

Abridged: No

Andrew Carnegie's "The Gospel of Wealth," published in 1889, presents his philosophy on philanthropy and how wealth should be managed by the rich. It became a seminal text on philanthropy, influencing many wealthy individuals to consider how their money could benefit society rather than just accumulating for its own sake. However, Carnegie's... Read more

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The Story of Philosophy Deluxe Edition with The Age of Faith, The Lives and Opinions of the Greater Philosophers  by Will Durant, Ph.D.
The Story of Philosophy Deluxe Edition with The Age of Faith, The Lives and Opinions of the Greater Philosophers
Will Durant, Ph.D.
The Story of Philosophy Deluxe Edition with The Age of Faith, The Lives and Opinions of the Greater Philosophers  by Will Durant, Ph.D.

The Story of Philosophy Deluxe Edition with The Age of Faith, The Lives and Opinions of the Greater Philosophers

By: Will Durant, Ph.D.

Narrated by: David Markus & Brian Conover

Length: 49 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Philosophy has often seemed like the castor oil of the disciplines: healthy, but never pleasurable, and best when swallowed quickly and forgotten.

Although this view is understandable, it is regrettable. It isolates intelligent readers from some of the most important thought of Western civilization, much of which underlies our understanding of... Read more

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Aristotle for Novelists by Douglas Vigliotti
Aristotle for Novelists
Douglas Vigliotti
Aristotle for Novelists by Douglas Vigliotti

Aristotle for Novelists

By: Douglas Vigliotti

Narrated by: Douglas Vigliotti

Length: 2 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

In many ways, we've been telling the same stories, over and over, for the last 2300 years. This book will show you why, and how you can do it too.For centuries, dramatic writers have relied on Aristotelian principles to write their stories for the screen and stage—the same stories you stream and watch today. But for the first time ever, the... Read more

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The Age of Faith by Will Durant, PhD
The Age of Faith
Will Durant, PhD
The Age of Faith by Will Durant, PhD

The Age of Faith

By: Will Durant, PhD

Narrated by: Brian Conover

Length: 29 hours 36 minutes

Abridged: No

“I cannot imagine anyone so erudite that they cannot learn a great deal from this monumental work.” —from the foreword by Richard Smoley

The great series The Story of Civilization by Will and Ariel Durant is one of the most monumental achievements in historical writing. In its eleven massive volumes, it tells the story of Western civilization... Read more

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