Philosophy audiobooks
Immanuel Kant zum Reinhören
By: Immanuel Kant
Narrated by: Stefan Schäfer
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Die Werke von Immanuel Kant sind bekannt für ihre Tiefe und Komplexität, was sie zu einer Herausforderung für viele Leser macht. In diesem Hörbuch werden Sie Zeuge davon, wie Kant die philosophische Landschaft für immer verändert hat. Seine Ideen sind nicht nur relevant für seine Zeit, sondern auch für unsere moderne Welt, in der Fragen nach... Read more
View audiobookThe World As Will and Idea
By: Arthur Schopenhauer
Narrated by: Liam Johnson
Length: 11 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: No
"The World as Will and Idea" by Arthur Schopenhauer presents his philosophy that reality is driven by a metaphysical will, influencing all aspects of life and existence. Schopenhauer, a German philosopher, is known for his pessimistic philosophy, emphasizing that desire causes suffering. This work has profoundly influenced both philosophical... Read more
View audiobookThe Will to Believe
By: William James
Narrated by: Liam Johnson
Length: 8 hours 48 minutes
Abridged: No
"The Will to Believe" by William James is an essay defending the right to adopt a belief in religious faith without prior evidence of its truth, arguing that faith can be rational. James, a pioneering American philosopher and psychologist, examines the interplay between faith, will, and evidence. Read more
View audiobookSatan's Opponent
By: Pandarosh
Narrated by: Pandarosh
Length: 46 minutes
Abridged: No
A great lawyer with a reputation for pleading on behalf of a contracting party with Satan before a court of the dead, and his opponent is Satan
So what will his plea be like, and will he succeed in saving the person who sinned and contracted with Satan? Let us see Read more
Let Me Run Away
By: Pandarosh
Narrated by: Pandarosh
Length: 34 minutes
Abridged: No
The novel's hero, Waheed Saif, suffers from poverty and comes up with a crazy idea to get rich. He starts with 5-star hotels, impersonating a wealthy person so that he can form strong relationships, and carries out small frauds that enable him to spend enjoyable days. Will he succeed in this? Read more
View audiobookDas Büro für Vorahnungen
By: Sam Knight
Narrated by: Josef Vossenkuhl
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
Der Überraschungsbestseller über die Wissenschaft des Paranormalen
Im März des Jahres 1967 sagt der Telefonist Alan Hencher einen Flugzeugabsturz im Mittelmeerraum mit 123 oder 124 Toten voraus. Genau 30 Tage später wird eine Bristol Britannia am Flughafen Nikosia, Zypern, in den Boden geflogen. 124 Menschen sterben sofort. Diese wahrgewordene... Read more
Do Contrato Social
By: Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Narrated by: Gabriel Maciel
Length: 4 hours 41 minutes
Abridged: No
Publicado em 1762, durante o período do Iluminismo, “Do Contrato Social” é uma obra de profunda reflexão e questionamento sobre a natureza humana e a organização política. Rousseau parte do pressuposto de que os seres humanos são naturalmente livres e iguais, mas que a sociedade corrompe essa liberdade e impõe desigualdades. Ao propor a ideia... Read more
View audiobookEl Contrato Social
By: Jean-Jacques Rosseau
Narrated by: Artur Mas
Length: 5 hours 22 minutes
Abridged: No
"El Contrato Social", escrito por Rousseau en 1762, es un tratado político fundamental que defiende la idea de un contrato social basado en la voluntad general de la población. Rousseau argumenta que la soberanía debe residir en el pueblo y que los individuos deben someterse a la voluntad colectiva para preservar la libertad y la igualdad. La... Read more
View audiobookEmpty Cages
By: Tom Regan
Narrated by: Jennifer Pickens
Length: 8 hours 58 minutes
Abridged: No
Described by Jeffrey Masson as "the single best introduction to animal rights ever written, Tom Regan's EMPTY CAGES stands as an essential guide to the ongoing animal rights debate. In a style at once simple and elegant, Regan dispels the negative image of animal rights advocates as portrayed by the mass media, unmasks the fraudulent rhetoric of... Read more
View audiobookSorry, aber ... - Eine Verzichtserklärung an das ständige Entschuldigen (Ungekürzte Autorinnenlesung)
By: Tara-Louise Wittwer
Narrated by: Tara-Louise Wittwer
Length: 4 hours 17 minutes
Abridged: No
Eine scharfsinnige und humorvolle Analyse unserer Entschuldigungskultur von Bestseller-Autorin Tara-Louise Wittwer alias @wastarasagt Wir entschuldigen uns ständig: "Sorry, dass ich störe ", "sorry, ich muss mal durch", aber ist das wirklich notwendig? "sorry, aber ..." Bestseller-Autorin Tara-Louise Wittwer (Drama Queen) nervt es, dass ihr... Read more
View audiobookOn Collective Memory
By: Maurice Halbwachs
Narrated by: narrator
Length: 10 hours 1 minute
Abridged: No
This is an auto-narrated audiobook version of this book.
How do we use our mental images of the present to reconstruct our past? Maurice Halbwachs (1877-1945) addressed this question for the first time in his work on collective memory, which established him as a major figure in the history of sociology. This volume, the first comprehensive... Read more
Fábulas, cuentas y valores
By: René J. Trossero
Narrated by: Natalia Ivana Escobar
Length: 51 minutes
Abridged: No
En medio de esta realidad dolorosa, yo no me rindo y no me resigno, y me propongo ayudarte a ti para que tú ayudes a otros, a vivir el amor. Lo harás como padre, como madre, como hermano, como amigo, o como educador… Lo importante es que vivas el amor y ayudes a otros a vivirlo.
Este audiolibro contiene el desarrollo de los siguientes... Read more
Not Just Climate - Bringing Philosophy to Life #26
By: Albert A. Anderson
Narrated by: Albert A. Anderson
Length: 16 minutes
Abridged: No
Ever pondered the philosophical implications of a total solar eclipse or the urgency of addressing climate change? In this episode of 'Bringing Philosophy to Life,' Albert A. Anderson delves into the existential connections between humanity, nature, and ethics. Through the lens of philosopher Vandana Shiva's insights and historical perspectives,... Read more
View audiobookThe Performer
By: Richard Sennett
Narrated by: Paul Boehmer
Length: 9 hours 59 minutes
Abridged: No
An acclaimed sociologist's exploration of the connections among performances in life, art, and politics
In The Performer, Richard Sennett explores the relations between performing in art (particularly music), politics, and everyday experience. It focuses on the bodily and physical dimensions of performing, rather than on words. Sennett is... Read more
Eine Untersuchung in Betreff des menschlichen Verstandes
By: David Hume
Narrated by: La Tropical Studio
Length: TBA
Abridged: No
In "Eine Untersuchung in Betreff des menschlichen Verstandes" erkundet David Hume, einer der einflussreichsten Philosophen der Aufklärung, die Grenzen und die Beschaffenheit menschlicher Erkenntnis. Mit scharfsinniger Analyse und präziser Argumentation entfaltet Hume eine kritische Betrachtung über Wahrnehmung, Kausalität und menschliche... Read more
View audiobookWalden
By: Henry David Thoreau
Narrated by: Kevin Theis
Length: 10 hours 38 minutes
Abridged: No
Immerse yourself in the tranquil beauty of nature and the profound insights of Henry David Thoreau's timeless classic, "Walden," now available as an audiobook.In this captivating work, Thoreau reflects on his two-year experiment of living simply and self-sufficiently in a small cabin near Walden Pond. As you listen, you'll be transported to the... Read more
View audiobookThe Story of Philosophy
By: Will Durant
Narrated by: Graham Dunlop
Length: 21 hours 18 minutes
Abridged: No
The Story of Philosophy is a captivating intellectual journey that explores the evolution of human thought and the enduring legacy of great thinkers throughout history. Written by the renowned author Will Durant, this monumental work provides readers with a comprehensive overview of the world's philosophical traditions, from ancient Greece to... Read more
View audiobookSobrevalorado
By: Juan David Arbeláez
Narrated by: Juan David Arbeláez
Length: 2 hours 9 minutes
Abridged: No
Bienvenido a SOBREVALORADO, una obra magistral de Juan David Arbeláez que fusiona el estoicismo, el cinismo, el sarcasmo y el humor negro en un cóctel explosivo de ingenio y reflexión. Inspirándose en la sabiduría atemporal de Marco Aurelio, el emperador filósofo, Arbeláez se embarca en un audaz viaje para despojar a las pretensiones modernas de... Read more
View audiobookEstoicismo
By: Leon Simonds
Narrated by: Chema Vilchez Lagos
Length: 2 hours 24 minutes
Abridged: No
¿Alguna vez has deseado adquirir la sabiduría para enfrentar y superar con serenidad los desafíos diarios? ¿Has soñado con transformar tu vida, manejando el estrés y cultivando una mentalidad más positiva? Si es así, entonces sigue leyendo... Adéntrate en un camino que convierte la teoría estoica en práctica, brindándote las herramientas para... Read more
View audiobookSTOÏCISME
By: Émile T. Dumont
Narrated by: Émile T. Dumont
Length: 2 hours 28 minutes
Abridged: No
Découvrez la sagesse du stoïcisme pour changer votre vie !Plongez dans le monde fascinant du stoïcisme grâce à ce livre clair, direct et simple. Un livre qui vous permettra de comprendre la philosophie stoïcienne, ses enseignements les plus importants et comment les mettre en pratique. A travers ses 150 phrases, vous pourrez, de manière simple... Read more
View audiobookThe Secret Book of Dzyan
By: Zinovya Dushkova
Narrated by: John Sackville
Length: 1 hour 30 minutes
Abridged: No
Generations of Truth–seekers have been searching for this mysterious manuscript of untold antiquity that conceals the entire wisdom of the world, yet only a chosen few have ever gained access to it. But now, for the first time ever, Zinovya Dushkova, Ph.D., who is named as one of the 100 Most Spiritually Influential Living People by Watkins Mind... Read more
View audiobookВесь Марк Аврелій:Розмисли. Наодинці з собою. Промови Марка Аврелія
By: Марк Аврелій
Narrated by: Роман Молодій
Length: 5 hours 34 minutes
Abridged: No
«Розмисли наодинці з собою» — це особисті записи римського імператора Марка Аврелія Антоніна, зроблені ним в 70-і рр. нової ери. Імператор вів щоденник, де розмірковував щодо понять громадянськості, обов'язку, честі, совісті, вірності і справедливості. На сторінках цього надзвичайного документа ми спостерігаємо напружену роботу особистості з... Read more
View audiobookThe Book of the Five Rings
By: Miyamoto Musashi
Narrated by: Ron Welch
Length: 2 hours 14 minutes
Abridged: No
Discover the timeless wisdom of Miyamoto Musashi's "The Book of the Five Rings" in this captivating audiobook. Written by the legendary Japanese swordsman and philosopher, this classic text offers profound insights into strategy, tactics, and the art of mastering one's craft.Musashi's teachings are as relevant today as they were centuries ago,... Read more
View audiobookSecond Treatise of Government
By: John Locke
Narrated by: Liam Johnson
Length: 5 hours 15 minutes
Abridged: No
"Second Treatise of Government" is a seminal work in political philosophy written by John Locke, originally published in 1689. In this treatise, Locke discusses the nature of political authority, the origins of government, and the rights of individuals within society. He argues that legitimate political authority arises from the consent of the... Read more
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