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Philosophy audiobooks

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Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche
Beyond Good and Evil
Friedrich Nietzsche
Beyond Good and Evil by Friedrich Nietzsche

Beyond Good and Evil

By: Friedrich Nietzsche

Narrated by: Steven Crossley

Length: 7 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Friedrich Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil, first published in 1886, presents a scathing critique of traditional morality and attacks previous philosophers for their blind acceptance of Christian ideals of virtue. As an alternative to what he viewed as the illogical and irrelevant philosophy of the nineteenth century, Nietzsche argues for the... Read more

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Selections from the Writings of Cicero by Marcus Tullius Cicero
Selections from the Writings of Cicero
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Selections from the Writings of Cicero by Marcus Tullius Cicero

Selections from the Writings of Cicero

By: Marcus Tullius Cicero

Narrated by: Robertson Dean

Length: 8 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Roman statesman and philosopher Marcus Tullius Cicero wrote on a wide range of subjects, from Greek philosophy to moral duty to friendship. Though he considered philosophy secondary to politics and often used his writings for explicit political ends, his work has nevertheless been widely read for over two thousand years and has influenced... Read more

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Was ich Glaube - Abridged by Hans Küng
Was ich Glaube - Abridged
Hans Küng
Was ich Glaube - Abridged by Hans Küng

Was ich Glaube - Abridged

By: Hans Küng

Narrated by: Hans Küng

Length: 11 hours 33 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Die Gedanken und Erkenntnisse eines langen Lebensweges. Die neunteilige Vorlesungs-Reihe ist eine umfassende Einführung in eine zeitgemäße Spiritualität im Spannungsbogen von Theologie, Philosophie und Naturwissenschaften. - LEBENSVERTRAUEN (ca. 76 Min.) - LEBENSFREUDE (ca. 73 Min.) - LEBENSWEG (ca. 78 Min.) - LEBENSSINN (ca. 75... Read more

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L'art d'avoir toujours raison by Arthur Schopenhauer
L'art d'avoir toujours raison
Arthur Schopenhauer
L'art d'avoir toujours raison by Arthur Schopenhauer

L'art d'avoir toujours raison

By: Arthur Schopenhauer

Narrated by: Pierre-François Garel

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: No

L'art d'avoir toujours raison est un précis à usage des disputeurs, des contradicteurs et de toute personne ayant pour but de faire éclater la grande vérité (réelle ou fantasmée) de ses propres thèses. Ces techniques applicables en tout lieu et en toute époque peuvent être utilisées pour faire tomber les arguments falacieux d'adversaires. Très... Read more

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Munindra: A Teacher's Teacher by Mirka Knaster, Ph.D.
Munindra: A Teacher's Teacher
Mirka Knaster, Ph.D.
Munindra: A Teacher's Teacher by Mirka Knaster, Ph.D.

Munindra: A Teacher's Teacher

By: Mirka Knaster, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Mirka Knaster wrote Living This Life Fully: Stories and Teachings of Munindra, in collaboration with Robert Pryor. She interviewed some 200 people around the world, including such prominent teachers and writers as Joseph Goldstein, Sharon Salzberg, Ram Dass, Jack Kornfield, Daniel Goleman, and a host of others. In sharing this venerable teacher... Read more

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The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James
The Varieties of Religious Experience
William James
The Varieties of Religious Experience by William James

The Varieties of Religious Experience

By: William James

Narrated by: John Pruden

Length: 19 hours 2 minutes

Abridged: No

First published in 1905, The Varieties of Religious Experience is a collection of lectures given at the University of Edinburgh in 1901 and 1902. William James was a psychologist and, as such, his interest in religion was not that of a theologian but of a scientist. In these twenty lectures, he discusses the nature and origin of religious belief.... Read more

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Utopia by Sir Thomas More
Sir Thomas More
Utopia by Sir Thomas More


By: Sir Thomas More

Narrated by: Simon Prebble

Length: 4 hours 11 minutes

Abridged: No

Sir Thomas More's Utopia has spurred debate, reflection, and critical thinking since its original publication in the sixteenth century. More's fictional island of Utopia provides an exploration of issues that shook him and his contemporaries and that continue to be problematic in the modern day. The details of More's utopian society, such as the... Read more

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The Most Human Human by Brian Christian
The Most Human Human
Brian Christian
The Most Human Human by Brian Christian

The Most Human Human

By: Brian Christian

Narrated by: Brian Christian

Length: 9 hours 35 minutes

Abridged: No

The Most Human Human is a provocative, exuberant, and profound exploration of the ways in which computers are reshaping our ideas of what it means to be human. Its starting point is the annual Turing Test, which pits artificial intelligence programs against people to determine if computers can “think.”

Named for computer pioneer Alan Turing,... Read more

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What Can I Do? by David Livermore
What Can I Do?
David Livermore
What Can I Do? by David Livermore

What Can I Do?

By: David Livermore

Narrated by: Tom Parks

Length: 5 hours 22 minutes

Abridged: No

While “missions” used to be the territory of experts and missionary professionals, globalization has made the issues and needs of our world accessible to average Americans. Many American Christians feel overwhelmed by the scope of the brokenness in the world and conclude all they can do is go on with their lives. Others respond by giving and... Read more

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Rhetoric, Poetics, and Logic by Aristotle
Rhetoric, Poetics, and Logic
Rhetoric, Poetics, and Logic by Aristotle

Rhetoric, Poetics, and Logic

By: Aristotle

Narrated by: Frederick Davidson

Length: 13 hours 27 minutes

Abridged: No

Aristotle’s influence on modern culture has become more and more important in recent years. His contribution to the sum of all wisdom dominates all our philosophy and even provides direction for much of our science. And all effective debaters, whether they know it or not, employ Aristotle’s three basic principles of effective argument, which... Read more

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Plato's Laches by Plato
Plato's Laches
Plato's Laches by Plato

Plato's Laches

By: Plato

Narrated by: Albert A. Anderson

Length: 59 minutes

Abridged: No

Laches, a general in the Athenian army, saw Socrates fight bravely in the battle of Delium. When he and Nicias, another general, are asked to explain the idea of courage, they are at a loss and words fail them. How does courage differ from thoughtless and reckless audacity? Can a lion be said to be courageous? What about small children who have... Read more

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Les sermons de Bouddha - Abridged by Bouddha
Les sermons de Bouddha - Abridged
Les sermons de Bouddha - Abridged by Bouddha

Les sermons de Bouddha - Abridged

By: Bouddha

Narrated by: Fabienne Prost

Length: 3 hours 8 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Le bouddhisme est à la fois une philosophie, une spiritualité et une religion, apparue en Inde au Ve siècle av. J.-C. Il compterait aujourd'hui environ 400 millions d'adeptes, dont quelques centaines de milliers en France. Le bouddhisme présente un ensemble de pratiques méditatives et philosophiques abordées dans la perspective de la libération... Read more

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El Goce De Vivir - Abridged by Lin Yu Tang
El Goce De Vivir - Abridged
Lin Yu Tang
El Goce De Vivir - Abridged by Lin Yu Tang

El Goce De Vivir - Abridged

By: Lin Yu Tang

Narrated by: Santiago Munevar

Length: 3 hours 45 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Lin Yu Tang (1895-1976) fue un filósofo chino de la vida diaria, cuyas obras mostraron un sentido optimista y contribuyeron a la paz mental de muchos. Entre sus numerosas obras estos consejos para una vida equilibrada han tenido una merecida popularidad . Read more

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De la vie heureuse de Sénèque - Abridged by Sénèque
De la vie heureuse de Sénèque - Abridged
De la vie heureuse de Sénèque - Abridged by Sénèque

De la vie heureuse de Sénèque - Abridged

By: Sénèque

Narrated by: Karine Adrover

Length: 1 hour 12 minutes

Abridged: Yes

" De la vie heureuse " est un traité de sagesse, intemporel et universel. Il a été écrit par Sénèque comme un dialogue avec un interlocuteur imaginaire, vers 58 après Jésus Christ. Son principal objet est de montrer que le bonheur n'est pas matériel, mais naît d'une vie en accord avec la vertu et la raison (selon les préceptes du stoïcisme).... Read more

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Le Tao Te King (La Voie et la Vertu) - Abridged by Lao Tseu
Le Tao Te King (La Voie et la Vertu) - Abridged
Lao Tseu
Le Tao Te King (La Voie et la Vertu) - Abridged by Lao Tseu

Le Tao Te King (La Voie et la Vertu) - Abridged

By: Lao Tseu

Narrated by: Fabienne Prost

Length: 1 hour 13 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Les idées de Confucius ont influencé toutes les civilisations d'Asie de l'Est. La croyance en la capacité de l'homme ordinaire à modifier son propre destin caractérise cet héritage. Ses 'Entretiens' et ses théories, largement popularisés par ses disciples, constituent une doctrine de perfectionnement moral, toujours d'actualité de nos jours.... Read more

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De la patience de St Augustin - Abridged by Saint Augustin
De la patience de St Augustin - Abridged
Saint Augustin
De la patience de St Augustin - Abridged by Saint Augustin

De la patience de St Augustin - Abridged

By: Saint Augustin

Narrated by: Fabienne Prost

Length: 1 hour 1 minute

Abridged: Yes

Saint Augustin dans 'Les confessions' décrit sa conversion au christianisme avec une sincérité qui vaut plus que beaucoup de biographies. Le jeune Augustin est attiré par la philosophie, et se rapproche des mouvements manichéens, avant de se tourner vers le néo-platonisme, mais c'est sous l'influence de la pensée de saint Ambroise qu'il décide... Read more

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Les entretiens de Confucius - Abridged by Confucius
Les entretiens de Confucius - Abridged
Les entretiens de Confucius - Abridged by Confucius

Les entretiens de Confucius - Abridged

By: Confucius

Narrated by: Fabienne Prost

Length: 2 hours

Abridged: Yes

Les idées de Confucius ont influencé toutes les civilisations d'Asie de l'Est. La croyance en la capacité de l'homme ordinaire à modifier son propre destin caractérise cet héritage. Ses 'Entretiens' et ses théories, largement popularisés par ses disciples, constituent une doctrine de perfectionnement moral, toujours d'actualité de nos jours.... Read more

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The Way Of The Heart With Rumi by Coleman Barks
The Way Of The Heart With Rumi
Coleman Barks
The Way Of The Heart With Rumi by Coleman Barks

The Way Of The Heart With Rumi

By: Coleman Barks

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

When asked about living a life of the heart, Barks says, "Rumi has many ways of talking about that. Somehow breaking the container of the ego and moving out into some mystery." He says, 'Jars of spring water are not enough anymore. Being contained is not enough. Take us down to the river and then eventually to the ocean, the shoreless ocean.'" Read more

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The Concept by Bo Bennett, PhD
The Concept
Bo Bennett, PhD
The Concept by Bo Bennett, PhD

The Concept

By: Bo Bennett, PhD

Narrated by: Bo Bennett, PhD

Length: 6 hours 17 minutes

Abridged: No

Maybe you were born to Christian parents and raised as a Christian.

Or maybe you are just a part of a Christian nation.  You might have attended church regularly, or maybe just on special occasions.  If asked, you say that you believe in God, but you really never thought about what that means exactly.  You are a well-educated person who... Read more

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How Proust Can Change Your Life by Alain de Botton
How Proust Can Change Your Life
Alain de Botton
How Proust Can Change Your Life by Alain de Botton

How Proust Can Change Your Life

By: Alain de Botton

Narrated by: Nicholas Bell

Length: 5 hours 6 minutes

Abridged: No

For anyone who ever wondered what Marcel Proust had in mind when he wrote the one-and-a-quarter-million words of In Search of Lost Time (while bedridden no less), Alain de Botton has the answer. For, in this stylish, erudite and frequently hilarious book, de Botton dips deeply into Proust’s life and work - his fiction, letter, and conversations... Read more

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Im Gespräch mit Arthur Schopenhauer - Abridged by Andreas Belwe & Arthur Schopenhauer
Im Gespräch mit Arthur Schopenhauer - Abridged
Andreas Belwe & Arthur Schopenhauer
Im Gespräch mit Arthur Schopenhauer - Abridged by Andreas Belwe & Arthur Schopenhauer

Im Gespräch mit Arthur Schopenhauer - Abridged

By: Andreas Belwe & Arthur Schopenhauer

Narrated by: Andreas Belwe & Peter Hetzmannsreder

Length: 55 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Durch die Form des Dialogs wird Schopenhauer zum Leben erweckt. Es werden Fragen zu unserem Zeitgeschehen an Schopenhauer gerichtet, die er mit Original-Zitaten beantwortet. Dadurch erscheint der Philosoph aktuell in seinen Ansichten zu Gesellschaft, Kultur und Lebensführung anschaulich und lebensnah. Die Zitate sind entnommen aus Werken und... Read more

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Walking Wisdom by Gotham Chopra & Deepak Chopra
Walking Wisdom
Gotham Chopra & Deepak Chopra
Walking Wisdom by Gotham Chopra & Deepak Chopra

Walking Wisdom

By: Gotham Chopra & Deepak Chopra

Narrated by: Gotham Chopra

Length: 6 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

As far back as he can remember, every day of his life someone has asked Gotham Chopra what it was like to have Deepak Chopra as a father. They wanted to know if Gotham is a master practitioner of the Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, whether he is in Perfect Health, if he meditates all day—in short, if he lives the perfect spiritual life. The... Read more

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Adulthood II: A Whole New Stage In The Life Cycle by Mary Catherine Bateson, Ph.D.
Adulthood II: A Whole New Stage In The Life Cycle
Mary Catherine Bateson, Ph.D.
Adulthood II: A Whole New Stage In The Life Cycle by Mary Catherine Bateson, Ph.D.

Adulthood II: A Whole New Stage In The Life Cycle

By: Mary Catherine Bateson, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Justine Willis Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

People are living longer but this new longevity is not equivalent to an extension of old age or years added on at the end of life. Bateson describes a whole new stage of aging: Adulthood II. It is a time endowed with wisdom, health, and energy. It is a time to become the needed visionaries society is calling for. She’s the author of Composing a... Read more

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Bushido. Die Seele Japans by Inazo Nitobe
Bushido. Die Seele Japans
Inazo Nitobe
Bushido. Die Seele Japans by Inazo Nitobe

Bushido. Die Seele Japans

By: Inazo Nitobe

Narrated by: Uwe Neumann

Length: 1 hour 37 minutes

Abridged: No

Inazo Nitobes "Bushido. Die Seele Japans" bietet aufschlussreiche Einblicke in die historischen und kulturellen Hintergründe der legendären Samurai und ihren Ehrenkodex. Der Essay zeichnet die Einflüsse nach, die in der japanischen Gesellschaft bis heute wirksam sind. Read more

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