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Philosophy audiobooks

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De geschiedenis van research en onderzoek by L. Ron Hubbard
De geschiedenis van research en onderzoek
L. Ron Hubbard
De geschiedenis van research en onderzoek by L. Ron Hubbard

De geschiedenis van research en onderzoek

By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

L. Ron Hubbard onderzocht de geschiedenis van de research door de Mens op het gebied van de menselijke geest. Toen er mechanische technologieën opkwamen, kwam er niets dergelijks naar voren om religie in de sfeer van dagelijkse toepassing te brengen. Voor zowel het individu als voor de Mensheid betekent de komst van Scientology daarom alles,... Read more

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De Hoop van de Mens by L. Ron Hubbard
De Hoop van de Mens
L. Ron Hubbard
De Hoop van de Mens by L. Ron Hubbard

De Hoop van de Mens

By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 44 minutes

Abridged: No

Met aantoonbare bewijzen in plaats van louter geloven, stelde L. Ron Hubbard vast dat er inderdaad een onsterfelijke ziel met oneindige voortbestaanskracht is – een bewustzijn van bewustzijnseenheid die de persoon zelf is. Met de wetenschap die de technologie verschafte waarmee de ziel voor de Mens gevonden werd, die hem lang ontzegd was, werden... Read more

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Η Ιστορία της Έρευνας και της Διερεύνησης by L. Ron Hubbard
Η Ιστορία της Έρευνας και της Διερεύνησης
L. Ron Hubbard
Η Ιστορία της Έρευνας και της Διερεύνησης by L. Ron Hubbard

Η Ιστορία της Έρευνας και της Διερεύνησης

By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 1 hour 6 minutes

Abridged: No

Ο Λ. Ρον Χάμπαρντ εξερευνά την ιστορία της έρευνας και ανακάλυψης του Ανθρώπου στο πεδίο του ανθρώπινου πνεύµατος. Όσο οι τεχνολογίες της µηχανικής είχαν ανοδική πορεία, τίποτα δεν εµφανίστηκε παράλληλα για να φέρει τη θρησκεία στο πεδίο της καθηµερινής εφαρµογής. Έτσι, η άφιξη της Σαηεντολογίας έχει τεράστια σηµασία τόσο για το άτοµο όσο και... Read more

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Η Ιστορία της Διανοητικής και της Σαηεντολογίας by L. Ron Hubbard
Η Ιστορία της Διανοητικής και της Σαηεντολογίας
L. Ron Hubbard
Η Ιστορία της Διανοητικής και της Σαηεντολογίας by L. Ron Hubbard

Η Ιστορία της Διανοητικής και της Σαηεντολογίας

By: L. Ron Hubbard

Narrated by: Golden Era Productions

Length: 50 minutes

Abridged: No

Ξεκίνησε από τα περιπετειώδη νεανικά χρόνια του στη σκληρή αµερικανική Δύση κι έφτασε µέχρι τη µακρινή του περιπλάνηση στη µυστηριώδη Ασία κι από την εικοσαετή του έρευνα για την ουσία της ζωής έφτασε µέχρι το θρίαµβο της Διανοητικής και της Σαηεντολογίας. Αυτή είναι η ιστορία που αφηγείται ο Λ. Ρον Χάμπαρντ σε µια διάλεξη τόσο θρυλική, που... Read more

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What Matters Most by James Hollis, Ph.D.
What Matters Most
James Hollis, Ph.D.
What Matters Most by James Hollis, Ph.D.

What Matters Most

By: James Hollis, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Jim Bond

Length: 7 hours 40 minutes

Abridged: No

Why are we here? What is the meaning of existence? What truly matters the most in life? We have all felt the looming presence of these questions, but it’s never easy to examine our life’s path and its meaning. To begin finding answers, we must start by exploring our own internal ideals, values, and beliefs. Taking a fresh look at the concept... Read more

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Emotional Awareness by Dalai Lama & Paul Ekman, Ph.D.
Emotional Awareness
Dalai Lama & Paul Ekman, Ph.D.
Emotional Awareness by Dalai Lama & Paul Ekman, Ph.D.

Emotional Awareness

By: Dalai Lama & Paul Ekman, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Richard Gere & Paul Ekman, Ph.D.

Length: 8 hours 26 minutes

Abridged: No

Two leading thinkers engage in a landmark conversation about human emotions and the pursuit of psychological fulfillment

At their first meeting, a remarkable bond was sparked between His Holiness the Dalai Lama, one of the world's most revered spiritual leaders, and the psychologist Paul Ekman, whose groundbreaking work helped to define the... Read more

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Wie der Verstand überlistet und der Glaube missbraucht wird - Abridged by Martin Urban
Wie der Verstand überlistet und der Glaube missbraucht wird - Abridged
Martin Urban
Wie der Verstand überlistet und der Glaube missbraucht wird - Abridged by Martin Urban

Wie der Verstand überlistet und der Glaube missbraucht wird - Abridged

By: Martin Urban

Narrated by: Martin Urban

Length: 1 hour 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Der Mensch denkt nicht nur mit dem Kopf, er glaubt auch mit dem Kopf. Wenn wir verstehen, warum wir glauben, können wir mit diesem Wissen überprüfen, was wir glauben. Dazu müssen wir auch den Zweifel zulassen. Zwei Jahrtausende lang war christlicher Glaube Kirchenglaube. Auch heute sind Menschen auf der Suche nach dem Sinn ihres Lebens. Aber... Read more

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Le psy-livre - Abridged by Yves Saint-Arnaud
Le psy-livre - Abridged
Yves Saint-Arnaud
Le psy-livre - Abridged by Yves Saint-Arnaud

Le psy-livre - Abridged

By: Yves Saint-Arnaud

Narrated by: Yves Saint-Arnaud

Length: 1 hour 46 minutes

Abridged: Yes

En psychologie, favoriser le mieux-être individuel équivaut à faire œuvre de salut public, puisque les bienfaits d'une vie heureuse débordent la personne pour rejaillir sur la collectivité. Un éclairage psychologique simple peut contribuer à donner un sens à ce qu'on vit. Préconisant comme toujours une approche humaniste, l'auteur met en pleine... Read more

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Why Businessmen Need Philosophy and Other Essays by Ayn Rand, various authors, Leonard Peikoff, Harry Binswanger, Edwin A. Locke, John Ridpath, Richard M. Salsman & Jaana Woiceshyn
Why Businessmen Need Philosophy and Other Essays
Ayn Rand, various authors, Leonard Peikoff, Har...
Why Businessmen Need Philosophy and Other Essays by Ayn Rand, various authors, Leonard Peikoff, Harry Binswanger, Edwin A. Locke, John Ridpath, Richard M. Salsman & Jaana Woiceshyn

Why Businessmen Need Philosophy and Other Essays

By: Ayn Rand, various authors, Leonard Peikoff, Har...

Narrated by: Susan O’Malley

Length: 4 hours 58 minutes

Abridged: No

"Ideas are the greatest and most crucially practical power on earth," wrote Ayn Rand.In the title essay of this collection, Leonard Peikoff applies this principle to the world of business. He shows that certain philosophic ideas, such as reason, egoism, and individualism, are needed to defend and protect the freedom of businessmen, while the... Read more

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Visions of Utopia by Fred Baumann
Visions of Utopia
Fred Baumann
Visions of Utopia by Fred Baumann

Visions of Utopia

By: Fred Baumann

Narrated by: Fred Baumann

Length: 8 hours 20 minutes

Abridged: No

Since ancient times, philosophers have struggled with the concept of the ideal society, or utopia. Many have contributed to the widely varying possibilities for just what such a system might entail. Religious, economic, and political structures all help to shape the composition of these utopias, and as these visions are shared, they impact the... Read more

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The Republic by Plato
The Republic
The Republic by Plato

The Republic

By: Plato

Narrated by: Pat Bottino

Length: 12 hours 37 minutes

Abridged: No

In this monumental work of moral and political philosophy, Plato sought to answer some of the world’s most formidable questions: What does it mean to be good? What enables us to distinguish between right and wrong? How should human virtues be translated into a just society? Perhaps the greatest single treatise written on political philosophy,... Read more

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The Voice of Reason by Ayn Rand
The Voice of Reason
Ayn Rand
The Voice of Reason by Ayn Rand

The Voice of Reason

By: Ayn Rand

Narrated by: Bernadette Dunne

Length: 15 hours 56 minutes

Abridged: No

In the years between her first public lecture in 1961 and her last in 1981, Ayn Rand spoke and wrote about topics as different as education, medicine, Vietnam, and the death of Marilyn Monroe. In The Voice of Reason, these pieces are gathered together in book form for the first time. Written in the last decades of Rand’s life, they reflect a... Read more

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Crazy Wisdom For A Crazy World by Wes “Scoop” Nisker
Crazy Wisdom For A Crazy World
Wes “Scoop” Nisker
Crazy Wisdom For A Crazy World by Wes “Scoop” Nisker

Crazy Wisdom For A Crazy World

By: Wes “Scoop” Nisker

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Nisker takes us on a funny, smart, and enlightening foray into physics, spirituality, and the oddities of life as we know it. You’ll hear a new spin on atomic theory, meditation, politics, evolution, and more. Beneath the humor, though, is the wisdom of a man who sees life for what it is, and celebrates it for all it can be. Read more

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Reawakening the Spirituality of Men by Matthew Fox, Ph.D.
Reawakening the Spirituality of Men
Matthew Fox, Ph.D.
Reawakening the Spirituality of Men by Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

Reawakening the Spirituality of Men

By: Matthew Fox, Ph.D.

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Matthew Fox, Ph.D. has had his finger on the pulse of Western Spirituality for decades. When he casts his keen eye on the state of spirituality among men in the twenty-first century, you can be sure he’ll discern the unspoken woundedness, yearning, and passion of the modern warrior. Read more

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Ideas That Shaped Mankind by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
Ideas That Shaped Mankind
Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
Ideas That Shaped Mankind by Felipe Fernandez-Armesto

Ideas That Shaped Mankind

By: Felipe Fernandez-Armesto

Narrated by: Felipe Arnesto

Length: 8 hours 13 minutes

Abridged: No

Ideas That Shaped Mankind flows from internationally respected historian Felipe FernAndez-Armesto's views on the notion that man's capacity to produce ideas in itself brings about sweeping changes in the world. This ability, seen most profoundly in individual, startling moments of genius-or equally startling moments of chance-is what separates... Read more

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Ethics: A History of Moral Thought by Peter Kreeft
Ethics: A History of Moral Thought
Peter Kreeft
Ethics: A History of Moral Thought by Peter Kreeft

Ethics: A History of Moral Thought

By: Peter Kreeft

Narrated by: Peter Kreeft

Length: 8 hours 30 minutes

Abridged: No

This course addresses some of the eternal questions that man has grappled with since the beginning of time. What is good? What is bad? Why is justice important? Why is it better to be good and just than it is to be bad and unjust? Most human beings have the faculty to discern between right and wrong, good and bad behavior, and to make judgments... Read more

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Discovering the Philosopher in You by Colin McGinn
Discovering the Philosopher in You
Colin McGinn
Discovering the Philosopher in You by Colin McGinn

Discovering the Philosopher in You

By: Colin McGinn

Narrated by: Colin McGinn

Length: 7 hours 57 minutes

Abridged: No

Everyone has their own inner philosopher-a voice within that asks, oh so insistently, philosophical questions. Everyone wants to know what the ultimate nature of the world is, what the self is, whether we have free will, how our minds relate to our bodies, whether we can really know anything, where ethical truth comes from, what the meaning of... Read more

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Buddha's Teachings by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai
Buddha's Teachings
Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai
Buddha's Teachings by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai

Buddha's Teachings

By: Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai

Narrated by: Jonathan Reese

Length: 3 hours 9 minutes

Abridged: No

Like all great religions, Buddhism teaches the importance of spiritual, or holy, values. This religion teaches that if a person has a pure mind, everything he does will be pure and decent, and that if he has a pure heart, all happiness will come to him.

First published in 1925, Buddha's Teachings was originally edited by Japanese scholars of... Read more

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Fresh Air: Faith, Reason and Doubt by Terry Gross
Fresh Air: Faith, Reason and Doubt
Terry Gross
Fresh Air: Faith, Reason and Doubt by Terry Gross

Fresh Air: Faith, Reason and Doubt

By: Terry Gross

Length: 3 hours 42 minutes

Abridged: No

Insightful and thought-provoking conversations exploring religion—and atheism—from diverse spiritual, cultural and political perspectives, as heard on the Peabody Award-winning radio show Fresh Air with Terry Gross.

One of the most popular programs on public radio, Fresh Air is carried by over 500 stations and in Europe on the World Radio... Read more

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Zen and Now by Mark Richardson
Zen and Now
Mark Richardson
Zen and Now by Mark Richardson

Zen and Now

By: Mark Richardson

Narrated by: Buck Schirner

Length: 9 hours 55 minutes

Abridged: No

In 1968, Robert Pirsig and his eleven-year-old son, Chris, made the cross-country motorcycle trip that would become the inspiration for Pirsig’s book Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, a powerful blend of personal narrative and philosophical investigation that has inspired generations. Among the millions of readers to fall under the... Read more

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The Presence of a Timeless Light Within by Guy Finley
The Presence of a Timeless Light Within
Guy Finley
The Presence of a Timeless Light Within by Guy Finley

The Presence of a Timeless Light Within

By: Guy Finley

Narrated by: Michael Toms

Length: 58 minutes

Abridged: No

Finley shows us how to dissect those moments when we meet that inner wall of resistance that tells us we’re not good enough, will never be happy enough, and don't deserve a life free from struggle. Learn how to say no to that tyrant inside your mind so that you're no longer driven by your will, but guided by the deepest wisdom of your... Read more

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Gandhis Evangelium der Gewaltlosigkeit (Ahimsa) - Abridged by Ram A. Mall
Gandhis Evangelium der Gewaltlosigkeit (Ahimsa) - Abridged
Ram A. Mall
Gandhis Evangelium der Gewaltlosigkeit (Ahimsa) - Abridged by Ram A. Mall

Gandhis Evangelium der Gewaltlosigkeit (Ahimsa) - Abridged

By: Ram A. Mall

Narrated by: Ram A. Mall

Length: 1 hour 14 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Gandhis Evangelium der Gewaltlosigkeit als Hörbuch einer Philiosophie-Vorlesung mit Prof. Dr. Ram A. Mall: WAS IST GEWALTLOSIGKEIT (AHIMSA)? Gewaltlosigkeit ist weder ein Dogma noch eine bloße Ideologie, auch nicht eine reine Utopie, sondern ein allumfassendes Ideal der Minimierung der Gewalt auf allen Ebenen des menschlichen Verhaltens.... Read more

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Philosophie: Zur Theorie und Praxis der Toleranz - Abridged by Ram A. Mall
Philosophie: Zur Theorie und Praxis der Toleranz - Abridged
Ram A. Mall
Philosophie: Zur Theorie und Praxis der Toleranz - Abridged by Ram A. Mall

Philosophie: Zur Theorie und Praxis der Toleranz - Abridged

By: Ram A. Mall

Narrated by: Ram A. Mall

Length: 1 hour 9 minutes

Abridged: Yes

Zur Theorie und Praxis der Toleranz - Philosophie mit Prof. Dr. Ram A. Mall: WAS IST TOLERANZ HEUTE IM WELTKULTURELLEN, WELTPHILOSOPHISCHEN, WELTPOLITISCHEN UND WELTRELIGIÖSEN KONTEXT? Toleranz ist eine Tugend, die das eine Wahre, Gute und Schöne in vielen Gestalten zulässt. IST TOLERANZ GRENZENLOS ODER GIBT ES GRENZEN DER TOLERANZ?... Read more

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The Way of the World by Ron Suskind
The Way of the World
Ron Suskind
The Way of the World by Ron Suskind

The Way of the World

By: Ron Suskind

Narrated by: Alan Sklar

Length: 16 hours 12 minutes

Abridged: No

From Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist and bestselling author Ron Suskind comes a startling look at how America lost its way and at the nation's struggle, day by day, to reclaim the moral authority upon which its survival depends. From the White House to Downing Street, from the fault-line countries of South Asia to the sands of Guantánamo,... Read more

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